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[誤] We got to the top of the mountain in daybreak.

[正] We got to the top of the mountain at day break.

[析] at用于具體時刻之前,如:sunrise, midday, noon, sunset, midnight, night.

[誤] Don’t sleep at daytime

[正] Don’t sleep in daytime.

[析] in 要用于較長的一段時間之內(nèi),如:in the morning / afternoon, 或 in the week / month / year. 或 in spring / supper /autumn / winter等等。

[誤] We visited the old man in Sunday afternoon.

[正] We visited the old man on Sunday afternoon.

[析] in the morning, in the afternoon 如果在這兩個短語中加入任何修飾詞其前面的介詞都要改為on, 如:on a cold morning, on the morning of July 14th

[誤] He became a writter at his twenties

[正] He became a writter in his twenties


[誤] He went to New York to find a job in sixteen years old.

[正] He went to New York to find a job at sixteen.

[析] 在具體年歲前用at, 如:at the age of 12, at your age,等等。

[誤] We went to swim in the river in a very hot day.

[正] We went to swim in the river on a very hot day.

[析] 具體某一天要用介詞on, 又如:on New Year‘s Day

[誤] I’m looking forward to seeing you on Christmas.

[正] I’m looking for ward to seeing you at Christmas.


[誤] I haven’t see you during the summer holidays.

[正] I haven’t seen you since the beginning of the summer holidays.

[析] during表示在某一段時間之內(nèi),所以一般不與完成時搭配,如:I visited a lot of museums during the holiday. 而for表示一段時間,可以用于完成時,如:I haven‘t see you for a long time. 而through 用來表示時間時則為“整整,全部的時間”。如:It rained through the night.而since則是表達主句動作的起始時間,一般要與完成時連用。

[誤] At entering the classroom, I heard the good news.

[正] On entering the classroom, I heard the good news.

[析] On 加動名詞表示“一……就”。本句的譯文應是:我一進入教室就聽見這個好消息了。又如:on hearing… 一聽見, on arrival 一到達就……(on表示動作的名詞)

[誤] In the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories.

[正] At the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories.

[析] at the begining與at the end都是指某事物的開始與結(jié)束部分,均不指時間范圍,而in the beginning 則是指開始一段時間。in the end=at last是指“最終,終于”之意。

[誤] Till the end of next week. I will have finished this work.

[正] By the end of next week. I will have finished this work.

[析] by 引起的時間狀語表示了動作的截止點,其意思為“不遲于某一時刻將工作做完”,所以主句一般是完成時態(tài)。當然可以有將來時態(tài),如:I‘ll be there by five o’clock.而till則表達其一動作一直持續(xù)到某一時刻,但句中的動詞一定要用持續(xù)性動詞,而瞬間的截止性動詞應用其否定句式,如:I won‘t finish this work till(until) next weekend.

[誤] He came to London before last weekend.

[正] He had come to London before last weekend.

[正] He came to London two weeks ago.

[析] before 一般要與完成時連用,而ago則與一般過去時連用。

[誤] I have studied English for three years gince I had come here.

[正] I have studied English for three years since I came here.

[析] since用來表達主句動作的開始時間,所以其引出的從句中應為過去時,而不能用完成時態(tài)

[誤] I can help you repair this bike. You will get it after two hours.

[正] I can help you repair this bike. You will get it in two hours.

[析]中文經(jīng)常講兩小時之后來取,兩天內(nèi)會修好,而這個介詞在英文中要用in而不要用after.其原因有二,①after 多用于過去時,如:I arrived in New York. After three days, I found a job in the bank. ② after 加時間是表達一個不確定的時間范圍,如:after three days, 即三天之后的哪一天都可以。所以在許諾若干時間內(nèi)會完成某事時,一定要用介詞in.

[誤] Three days after he died.

[正] After three days he died.

[正] Three days later he died.

[析] after 與 later都可以用來表達一段時間之后,但它們所處的位置不同,after 在時間詞前,而later在時間詞后。

[誤] She hid herself after the tree.

[正] She hid herself behind the tree.

[析] after多用來表達某動作之后,所以有的語法書中稱它為動態(tài)介詞,如:I run after him. After finishing my homework, I went to see a film. 而behind則多用于靜態(tài)事物之后。

[誤] There is a beautiful bird on the tree.

[正] There is a beautiful bird in the tree.

[析] 樹上長出的果實,樹葉要用on, 而其他外來的人、物體均要用in the tree.

[誤] Shanghai is on the east of China.

[正] Shanghai is in the east of China.

[析] 在表達地理位置時有3個介詞:in, on, to. in表示在某范圍之內(nèi); on表示與某地區(qū)接壤;to則表示不相接。如:Japan is to the east of China.

[誤] I arrived at New York on July 2nd.

[正] I arrived in New York on July 2nd.

[析] at用來表達較小的地方,而in用來表達較大的地方。at常用于at the school gate, at home, at a bus stop, at the station, at the cinema, at a small village.

[誤] He lived in No. 3 Beijing Road.

[正] He lived at No. 3 Beijing Road.

[析] 在門牌號碼前要用at, 并要注意它的慣用法:at the end of the street, at the foot of the mountain, at the top of the page.

[誤] There is a colour TV set at the corner of the hall.

[正] There is a colour TV set in the corner of the hall.

[析] 在屋內(nèi)的角落應用in,而墻的外角用at,如:There is a tree at the corner of the street.

[誤] This weekend I’ll stay in Uncle Wang’s.

[正] This weekend I’ll stay at Uncle Wang’s.

[析] 要注意英文的特殊表達法,如:at a tailor’s shop (裁縫店)=at a tailor’s, at the doctor’s (去看病) at the bookseller’s (在書店) at uncle Wang’s (在王叔叔家)

[誤] Do you know there is some good news on today’s newspaper?

[正] Do you know there is some good news in today’s newspaper?

[析] 在報紙上的新聞要用in, 而在具體某一版上,或某一頁上則要用on.

[誤] The school will begin on September 1st.

[正] School will begin on September 1st.

[析]這里的school應看作不可數(shù)名詞泛指學校的課程,即開學之意。要注意,有些活動場所當表達正在從事該種活動時不要加冠詞,如:at table (吃飯), When I came to Tom’s home, they were at table. 還有: at desk (學習),at work (工作) at school (上學), in hospital (住醫(yī)院) at church 作禮拜如加上定冠詞則另有他意,如:at the school 即在學校工作或辦事,in the hospital 即在醫(yī)院工作或去看望病人。

[誤] In my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill time.

[正] On my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill time.

[析]譯文為:在去車站的路上我買了份報紙,為的是消磨時光“在……的路上”應用on one‘s way…。而 in the way 有擋道之意,如:Please move the chair it is in the way.

[誤] Look, the door is open, Maybe someone broke into.

[正] Look, the door is open, Maybe someone broke in.

[正] Look, the door is open, Maybe someone broke into the office.

[析] in是表達一個靜止狀態(tài),在與break連用時其后不加介詞賓語,而into則是動態(tài)介詞,與break連用時要加介詞賓語。

[誤] I’ll leave Beijing to Shanghai tomorrow.

[正] I’ll leave Beijing for Shanghai.

[正] I’ll leave for Shanghai.

[析] leave for 是離開某地去某處的固定搭配,不可將for改為別的介詞。這樣的搭配還有:start for 動身前往某處,set out for, sail for.

[誤] I’m sorry. I have to get out the bus at next stop.

[正] I’m sorry. I have to get out of the bus at next stop.

[析] get in, 與 get out是兩個相反的詞組。get in 為上車,而get out為下車,但語法家認為這里的in與out為副詞,所以其后不能接名詞,我們可以講We’d better get in. 或We’d better get out. 還有一組詞組有關(guān)上下車:get on/off(a train, a ship, a struck) get into/out of (a car, taxi…)

[誤] Be careful The temperature of the water is ninety degrees over zero.

[正] Be careful. The temperature of the water is ninety degrees above zero.

[析] over 與 above 在作為比某物高的意思時有時可以互換。但在垂直方向上的高矮時,即正上方時則要用above.而泛指上方時用over.

[誤] There is an old stone bridge above the river.

[正] There is an old stone bridge over the river.

[析] over還有一意為“跨越,橫跨”。

[誤] The Dead Sea is under the sea level.

[正] The Dead Sea is below the sea level.


[誤] There is a big tree in the front of the house.

[正] There is a big tree in front of the house.

[析] in front of 是在物體外部的前面,而in the front of 是在物體內(nèi)部的前面,如:The driver sits in the front of the bus.

[誤] It took them two days to walk across the forest.

[正] It took them two days to walk through the forest.

[析] across 作為介詞有兩個主要意思:① 橫過,如:I want to walk across the street.② 對面,如:There is a post office across the street,而through 多用于三維空間中的穿越。across則多用于平面上的橫過。如:The little girl ran across the room to meet her mother.

[誤] The sun sets toward the west.

[正] The sun sets in the west.

[析] towards也可用作toward,它主要表達朝向某方向運動,但不一定到達,如:He ran toward(s) the mountain.而在表示方位east, west, north, south 時,其前面要用in.要注意的是這4個詞可以用作副詞,如:I went south. 也可用作名詞,如:I went to the south.也可用作形容詞,如:I went to the south part of China.

[誤] Do you have no other clothes except those?

[正] Do you have no other clothes besides those?

[析] beside 是“在……旁邊”,如:The students stood beside their teachers.而besides是“除……之外,不僅……而且……,除了……以外還有……”,如:I studied English besides French, when I was in college. 而except 則是從同一類物體中去掉某一部分,如:I come here every day except Sunday. 而except for 是指去掉不同種類的事物,如:The room is clean except for two chairs. 而except that則要加從句。

[誤] Can I write the exam paper with ink?

[正] Can I write the exam paper with a pen?

[正] Can I write the exam paper in ink?

[析] with后要加拿得起來放得下的工具,而墨水、顏料等原料則要用in.

[誤] I’m earlier today. I came here by his car.

[正] I’m earlier today. I came here in his car.

[析]在交通工具前加介詞by,但不能再有任何指示代詞或冠詞,否則要改換相應的介詞。by taxi=in a taxi

by train=in a train

by bicycle=on a bicycle

by ship=on a ship

by boat=in a boat

by bus=on a bus

by plane=on a plane

by air 空運

by land 陸運

by sea 海運

on foot on horseback

by phone by letter by radio

by air mail by hand

[誤] A lot of French wines are made of grape.

[正] A lot of French wines are made from grape.

[析] made of 是指由原材料到成品過程中原材料未發(fā)生質(zhì)地的變化,而發(fā)生了某種變化則要用from,如:The desk was made of hard wood.

[誤] This is a good dictionary in English grammar.

[正] This is a good dictionary on English grammar.

[析]關(guān)于某方面的書籍、報告等有兩個介詞,其中on表示某專業(yè)用書,about則為某方面的普通讀物,如:This is a book about physics.即物理科普知識。

[誤] Do you have the key of the door.

[正] Do you have the key to the door.

[析] key to the door門的鑰匙。相同用法還有answer to the question, entrance to the highway, danger to health.千萬不要用of.

[誤] Today a lot of Chinese people have interest of collecting stamps.

[正] Today a lot of Chinese people have interest in collecting stamps.

[析] have interest in是在某方面有興趣。

[誤] I didn’t do my homework, so the teacher was angry to me.

[正] I didn’t do my homework, so the teacher was angry with me.

[析] be angry with其后接人,而be angry at其后接事。如:He was angry at what she said.

[誤] He was good for skating.

[正] He was good at skating.

[析] be good at 為“擅長某事”,而be good for somebody為對某人很好。

[誤] It was good to you to help my little boy.

[正] It was good of you to help my little boy.

[析] 這句話應譯為:你真太好了,幫助了我的小孩。而be good to somebody 是對某人態(tài)度好。如:Her mother is good to everyone.

[誤] My parents were very pleased at me.

[正] My parents were very pleased with me.

[正] My parents were very pleased at my studying.

[析] be pleased with后加somebody, 而be pleased at后加something.

[誤] He is agree with me.

[正] He agrees with me.

[誤] He againsts me.

[正] He is against me.


[誤] I haven’t heard letters from him.

[正] I haven’t heard from him.

[析] hear from 即為:從某人處得到信件。不要再加letter了。

[誤] Teacher. May I call at you this weekend?

[正] Teacher. May I call on you this weekend?

[析] 作為“拜訪”講call at其后接地點,如:May I call at your home this weekend?而call on其后接人。

[誤] Do you know the girl on white?

[正] Do you know the girl in white?

[析] in white為穿一身白。與in有關(guān)的詞組有:in bed(睡覺),in hospital(住院),in a hurry(匆匆忙忙),in danger(危險中),in joy (高興),in good health(身體好),in love(戀愛),in trouble(困境),與之相反的是out of ,如:out of trouble (擺脫困境),out of date(過時了), out of order(出故障)

[誤] He looked at me at surprise.

[正] He looked at me in surprise.

[析] surprise的用法一般有三種。①用于句首,To one’s surprise, 如:To my surprise he succeeded. ② be surprised at, 如:I was surprised at the news. ③用于句尾in surprise.

[誤] She didn’t come to school because of she was ill.

[正] She didn’t come to school because she was ill.

[析] because of 后接名詞,如:The game was put off because of the rain.



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