嘔吐Vomiting 想吐Nauseated 嗜睡Drowsy 頭暈Dizzy
疼痛Pain 癢Itching 咳嗽Cough 痰Phlegm 打噴嚏Sneezing
筋骨酸痛Aching muscles 沙啞Scratchy throat 嗓子疼Sore throat
鼻塞stuffy nose 流鼻水runny nose 缺乏食欲Loss of appetite
體重減輕Weight loss 非常疲倦Excessive fatigue 虛弱Lacking in energy
聽力變差Loss of hearing 關節(jié)痛Aching joints 肚脹Bloated
喘氣Short of breath 漏尿Leakage of urine 睡不好difficulty in sleeping
肚痛Abdominal pain 便秘Constipated 刺痛Sharp pain
出血Bleeding 拉肚子Diarrhea 血壓高High blood pressure