According to its creators, consumers might be ableto get their hands on the bendy smartphone withinthe next five years.
If you hold a book open and bend it in the middle, the pages will begin to turn. A deeper bendwill flip the pages more quickly. ReFlex works on a similar principle, explains Roel Vertegaal,director of the Human Media Lab at Queen's University, where the phone was created.
The design combines multitouch with bend input, allowing a user to control actions on thephone by bending it. This means that a person can flip through pages on a virtual book just bybending the phone, and it will produce feedback that mimics the real sensation.
'This represents a completely new way of physical interaction with flexible smartphones,' saidVertegaal. 'When this smartphone is bent down on the right, pages flip through the fingersfrom right to left, just like they would in a book. More extreme bends speed up the page flips.Users can feel the sensation of the page moving through their fingertips via a detailedvibration of the phone. This allows eyes-free navigation, making it easier for users to keeptrack of where they are in a document.'
The phone has a high definition 720p LG Display Flexible OLED touchscreen, and uses anAndroid 4.4 KitKat board mounted on the side. In the back, bend sensors detect the forcesapplied to the screen, and a voice coil produces tactile feedback through vibrations.
When a user plays the 'Angry Birds,' game with ReFlex, they bend the screen to stretch thesling shot.