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全球經(jīng)濟需要直升機撒錢 Helicopter drops might not be far away




  The world economy is slowing, both structurally andcyclically. How might policy respond? Withdesperate improvisations, no doubt. Negative interest rates have already moved from theunthinkable to reality. The next step is likely to include fiscal expansion. Indeed, this is whatthe OECD, long an enthusiast for fiscal austerity, recommends in its Interim EconomicOutlook. But that is unlikely to be the end. With fiscal expansion might go direct monetarysupport, including the most radical policy of all: the “helicopter drops” of money recommendedby the late Milton Friedman.

  世界經(jīng)濟正在放緩——既是結構性的,也是周期性的。政策或?qū)绾螒獙?毫無疑問,只能依靠不顧一切臨時拼湊出的各種措施。負利率早已從天方夜譚變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實。下一步很可能要實施財政擴張。實際上,這正是經(jīng)合組織(OECD)——財政緊縮政策的長期擁護者——在其《年中經(jīng)濟展望》(Interim Economic Outlook)中給出的建議。但這可能還不算完,在推出擴張性財政政策的同時,可能還會出臺直接的資金支持,包括所有政策之中最激進的政策——已故經(jīng)濟學家米爾頓•弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)建議的“直升機撒錢”(helicopterdrops)。

  More recently, this is the policy foreseen by Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater, a hedge fund.The world economy is not just slowing, he argues, but “monetary policy 1” — lower interestrates — and “monetary policy 2” — quantitative easing — are largely exhausted. Thus, hesays, the world will need a “monetary policy 3” directly targeted at encouraging spending.That we might need such a policy is also the recommendation of Adair Turner, formerchairman of the Financial Services Authority, in his bookBetween Debt and the Devil.

  對沖基金橋水公司(Bridgewater)創(chuàng)始人雷•戴利奧(Ray Dalio)最近已預見到了這一政策。他辯稱,世界經(jīng)濟已經(jīng)不止是在放緩,但降息(一號貨幣政策)與量化寬松(二號貨幣政策)很大程度上都已彈盡糧絕。因此,他說,世界將需要以鼓勵消費為直接目標的“三號貨幣政策”。英國金融服務管理局(FSA)前主席阿代爾•特納(Adair Turner)在自己的著作《債務與魔鬼》(Between Debt and the Devil)中也給出了相同的政策建議。

  Why might the world be driven to such expedients? The short answer is that the globaleconomy is slowing durably. The OECD now forecasts growth of global output in 2016 “to beno higher than in 2015, itself the slowest pace in the past five years”. Behind this is a simplereality: the global savings glut — the tendency for desired savings to rise more than desiredinvestment — is growing and so the “chronic demand deficiency syndrome” is worsening.


  This stage of demand weakness must be seen in its historical context. The long-term realinterest rate on safe securities has been declining for at least two decades. It has been nearzero since the financial crisis of 2007-09. Before then, an unsustainable western credit boomoffset the weakness of demand. Afterwards, fiscal deficits, zero interest rates andexpansions of central bank balance sheets stabilised demand in the west, while a creditexpansion funded massive investment in China. Loose western monetary policies and looseChinese credit policies also drove the post-crisis commodity boom, though China’sexceptional growth was the most important single factor.


  The end of these credit booms is an important cause of today’s weak demand. But demand isalso weak relative to a slowing growth of supply. At the world level, growth of labour supplyand labour productivity have fallen sharply since the middle of the last decade. Lower growthof potential output itself weakens demand, because it lowers investment, always a crucialdriver of spending in a capitalist economy.


  It is this background — slowing growth of supply, rising imbalances between desired savingsand investment, the end of unsustainable credit booms and, not least, a legacy of huge debtoverhangs and weakened financial systems — that explains the current predicament. Itexplains, too, why economies that cannot generate adequate demand at home are compelledtowards beggar-my-neighbour, export-led growth via weakening exchange rates. Japan andthe eurozone are in that club. So, too, are the emerging economies with collapsed exchangerates. China is resisting, but for how long? A weaker renminbi seems almost inevitable,whatever the authorities say.


  No simple solutions for the global economic imbalances of today exist, only palliatives. Thecurrent favourite flavour in monetary policy is negative interest rates. Mr Dalio argues that: “While negative interest rates will make cash a bit less attractive (but not much), it won’tdrive . . . savers to buy the sort of assets that will finance spending.” I agree. I cannot imaginethat businesses will rush to invest as a result. The same is true of conventional quantitativeeasing. The biggest effect of these policies is likely to be via exchange rates. In effect, othercountries will be seeking export-led growth vis-à-vis over-borrowed US consumers. That isbound to blow up.


  One alternative then is fiscal policy. The OECD argues, persuasively, that co-ordinatedexpansion of public investment, combined with appropriate structural reforms, could expandoutput and even lower the ratio of public debt to gross domestic product. This is particularlyplausible nowadays, because the major governments are able to borrow at zero or evennegative real interest rates, long term. The austerity obsession, even when borrowing costsare so low, is lunatic.


  If the fiscal authorities are unwilling to behave so sensibly — and the signs, alas, are thatthey are not — central banks are the only players. They could be given the power to sendmoney, ideally in electronic form, to every adult citizen. Would this add to demand? Absolutely.Under existing monetary arrangements, it would also generate a permanent rise in thereserves of commercial banks at the central bank. The easy way to contain any long-termmonetary effects would be to raise reserve requirements. These could then become adesirable feature of our unstable banking systems.


  The main point is this. The economic forces that have brought the world economy to zero realinterest rates and, increasingly, negative central bank rates are, if anything, nowstrengthening. This is what the world economy is showing. This is what monetary policy isindicating. Increasingly, this is what asset prices are demonstrating.


  Policymakers must prepare for a new “new normal” in which policy becomes moreuncomfortable, more unconventional, or both. Can the world escape from the chronicdemand weakness? Absolutely, yes. Will it? That demands greater boldness. When one hasexhausted the just about possible, what remains, however improbable, must be the answer.



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