The poll — "I have a question for the premier" —involved more than 24 million netizens as ofWednesday, and it called on each respondent tochoose three out of 10 questions connected with public livelihood.
"At the top of the list was 'how to achieve national portability of medical insurance plans',which received 10 million votes from netizens," China Daily reporter Wu Jiao told Li at the newsconference.
Other topics on the poll list included narrowing the disparity in pensions, strengthening foodquality and security, and speeding up construction of affordable public housing.
"Mr Premier, is there a timetable for us to achieve national portability of medical insurance?"Wu asked.
Li began his reply by saying: "I want to first thank you for conducting the survey, asking thepeople what the top concerns are in their daily lives. That will certainly help the government doits job better."
He went on to say that the government "is resolved" to achieve national portability of healthinsurance plans "at a faster pace" and that provincial-level portability will be achieved withinthe year.