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The United Nations imposed new restrictions on North Korea’s ability to export coal on Wednesday, the latest attempt by the international community to tighten a sanctions regime that has not halted Pyongyang’s drive towards a nuclear programme.


The 15-member UN Security Council voted unanimously to approve the new sanctions which could reduce North Korea’s export revenue by as much as a quarter if fully implemented, diplomats said.

多名外交官表示,聯(lián)合國安理會(UN Security Council) 15個成員國一致批準了新制裁措施,這些措施一旦得到全面執(zhí)行,將令朝鮮出口收入最多減少四分之一。

The new round of sanctions follows North Korea’s fifth nuclear test in September and a series of missile launches that it has conducted in recent months which have all added to the momentum behind its nuclear programme.


Amid high uncertainty about how a Trump administration will approach North Korea, the new sanctions also come amid a growing debate in Washington about the need for a different approach towards Pyongyang.


The resolution builds on a package of sanctions from earlier in the year which tried to limit North Korea exports of commodities, including coal — its biggest source of hard currency — copper, nickel and silver.


US officials said that a clause in the previous sanctions designed to prevent undue suffering by the North Korean people had been used to accelerate coal sales. Under the new rules, a cap has been placed on annual coal exports at 7.5m metric tonnes or around $400m, which would reduce export earnings from coal by 60 per cent.


Samantha Power, US ambassador to the UN, said that the resolution imposed “unprecedented measures” on North Korea. “No resolution in New York will persuade Pyongyang to cease its relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons,” she said. “But this resolution imposes unprecedented costs on the DPRK [North Korean] regime for defying the UN’s demands.”

美國駐聯(lián)合國大使薩曼莎•鮑爾(Samantha Power)表示,該決議對朝鮮實施了“史無前例的舉措”。她表示:“聯(lián)合國總部沒有任何決議能說服平壤方面停止對核武器的堅定追求。但是這一決議會讓朝鮮政權為違抗聯(lián)合國的要求付出史無前例的代價。”

Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, said that it was incumbent on members of the Security Council to implement the new rules. “Sanctions are only as effective as their implementation,” he said.

聯(lián)合國秘書長潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)表示,安理會成員國有責任貫徹實施這些新規(guī)定。他表示:“制裁只有得到執(zhí)行才有效。”

The impact of the new sanctions will ultimately depend on China’s willingness to enforce the new export caps. Liu Jieyi, China’s ambassador to the UN, said: “The resolution adopted by the council today demonstrates the uniformed stand of the international community against the development by DPRK of its nuclear and ballistic missiles.”


The apparent advances in North Korea’s nuclear programme have led US officials to admit that the policies aimed at containing Pyongyang’s ambitions have largely failed. James Clapper, director of national intelligence, admitted in September: “I think the idea of getting North Korea to denuclearise is probably a lost cause.”

朝鮮核計劃的明顯進展使得美國官員承認,旨在遏制朝鮮核野心的政策基本上失敗了。今年9月,美國國家情報總監(jiān)(DNI)詹姆斯•克拉珀(James Clapper)曾承認:“我認為,讓朝鮮無核化的想法也許注定要失敗。”

David Pressman, until recently US ambassador at the UN for special political affairs who was involved in the sanctions negotiations, said that the new restrictions — if implemented — were an important element in increasing economic pressure on North Korea, but would not by themselves change Pyongyang’s calculations.

曾參與磋商對朝制裁事宜的戴維•普雷斯曼(David Pressman)表示,在對朝鮮增加經濟壓力方面,新制裁措施一旦實施將起到重要作用,但是它們本身不會改變朝鮮政府的盤算。

“The idea that we are going to deal with this problem through more sanctions alone is a folly,” said Mr Pressman, now at the law firm Boies, Schiller and Flexner. “We need more options on the table and we need more enforcement.”

他說:“那種認為我們只會通過加大制裁處理這個問題的想法很愚蠢。我們需要把更多選項擺到桌面上討論,我們需要加大實施力度。”目前,普雷斯曼供職于Boies, Schiller and Flexner律師事務所。


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