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It was the journalistic coup of the moment, the first British newspaper interview with Donald Trump since his victory. But there was one thing The Times of London did not reveal: that its proprietor Rupert Murdoch was sitting in on the conversation.

那是當時的獨家重大新聞:唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)當選后首次接受英國報紙采訪。但是英國《泰晤士報》(The Times)沒有透露一個細節(jié):在采訪期間,該報老板魯珀特•默多克(Rupert Murdoch,見上圖)在場。

The chairman of News Corp was not in pho­tographs of the meeting last month at Trump Tower in Manhattan, but two people have confirmed he was at the interview, conducted by Michael Gove, a former British cabinet minister and proponent of the UK’s exit from the EU.

采訪于上月在曼哈頓特朗普大廈(Trump Tower)舉行,身為新聞集團(News Corp)董事長的默多克沒有出現(xiàn)相關照片中,但已有兩名人士證實采訪時他在場。那次采訪是由英國前內閣成員、英國退歐倡導者邁克爾•戈夫(Michael Gove)進行的。


Mr Murdoch’s presence is a sign of the mogul’s interest in Mr Trump and his close relationship with the new president and his family. The Financial Times revealed this week that the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, was until recently a trustee of Grace and Chloe, Mr Murdoch’s daughters by his ex-wife Wendi Deng.

默多克親自壓陣是一個跡象,表明這位媒體大亨對特朗普的興趣,以及他與新總統(tǒng)及其家人的密切關系。英國《金融時報》本周透露,總統(tǒng)之女伊萬卡•特朗普(Ivanka Trump)直到最近一直是默多克與前妻鄧文迪(Wendi Deng)所生的格瑞絲(Grace)和克洛伊(Chloe)的一個受托人。

She represented the girls’ interests in 21st Century Fox and News Corp, companies controlled by the Murdoch family. Ms Trump is married to Jared Kushner, a key White House adviser and confidant of Mr Murdoch. A spokesperson said that Ms Trump stepped down from the trustee board on December 28.

擔任受托人期間,伊萬卡代表著這兩個女孩在默多克家族控制的21世紀??怂?21st Century Fox)和新聞集團的權益。伊萬卡的丈夫賈里德•庫什納(Jared Kushner)是白宮的一名關鍵顧問,也是默多克的密友。一名發(fā)言人表示,伊萬卡已在去年12月28日退出由受托人組成的理事會。

Mr Trump and Mr Murdoch are in regular contact while the latter, who has been running the Fox News Channel since Roger Ailes was pushed out last summer, has positioned the network squarely behind the president. When Megyn Kelly, a star Fox News presenter, left the network for NBC last month, Mr Murdoch selected her replacement, the Trump-supporting Tucker Carlson. The appointment means that the three key prime hours on Fox News are hosted by pro-Trump commentators.

特朗普和默多克保持經常聯(lián)系,而后者自去年夏天??怂剐侣勵l道(Fox News Channel)首席執(zhí)行官羅杰•艾爾斯(Roger Ailes)被免職以來,一直在親自執(zhí)掌這個頻道,使其轉向支持新總統(tǒng)的立場。??怂剐侣劦拿餍侵鞑ッ犯?bull;凱利(Megyn Kelly)上月投奔全國廣播公司(NBC)后,默多克親自挑選了支持特朗普的塔克•卡爾森(Tucker Carlson)接替她。這一任命意味著,??怂剐侣勗诿刻禳S金時段的三個小時都由支持特朗普的評論員們擔任主播。

In the interview, Mr Trump upset America’s European allies by describing Nato as “obsolete” and the EU as a “vehicle for Germany”.


Mr Gove announced in February 2016 that he would campaign for the Leave side in Britain’s EU referendum, infuriating many of his pro-EU cabinet friends including David Cameron, the then prime minister. But Mr Murdoch praised Mr Gove at the time on Twitter, saying: “Congratulations Michael Gove. Friends always knew his principles would overcome his personal friendships.”

戈夫在2016年2月宣布,他將在英國關于是否退出歐盟的公投中為退歐陣營拉票,此舉激怒他在內閣中的多名親歐盟朋友,包括時任首相戴維•卡梅倫(David Cameron)。但默多克當時就在Twitter上贊揚戈夫,稱:“祝賀邁克爾•戈夫。好友們始終知道他的原則會戰(zhàn)勝他的私人友情。”

After Mr Cameron’s resignation Mr Gove helped run Boris Johnson’s leadership bid. But at the last minute Mr Gove announced that he, too, was standing, prompting accusations of treachery.

在卡梅倫辭職后,戈夫曾幫助鮑里斯•約翰遜(Boris Johnson)角逐保守黨領導人之位。但在最后一刻,戈夫宣布他自己也參與競選,此舉招致背叛指控。

Days earlier, Mr Murdoch had said he would be “happy for Michael Gove to get it”, describing him as the most principled and most able candidate. “He could run a fine government,” he said.


Tim Shipman’s book about the Brexit campaign, All Out War, says Mr Gove put himself forward after taking a phone call from an influential “media power broker”. Ultimately, his leadership bid consigned him to the backbenches.

蒂姆•希普曼(Tim Shipman)在關于英國退歐公投拉票活動的《全面戰(zhàn)爭》(All Out War)一書中寫道,戈夫是在接到一個有影響力的“媒體權力掮客”的電話后,才決定跳出來競選黨魁的。最終,此次競選使他淪為后座議員。

Mr Gove is paid £150,000 a year to write for The Times, which is owned by News Corp, on top of his MP’s salary. He did not respond to requests to comment.


He conducted the interview with Mr Trump alongside Kai Diekmann, a journalist with Bild, the German newspaper.

他與德國《圖片報》(Bild)記者凱•狄克曼(Kai Diekmann)一起對特朗普進行了采訪。

In the interview in The Times, Mr Trump extolled Brexit and said British people were fed up with taking in refugees. “People, countries, want their own identity and the UK wanted its own identity. But, I believe this, if they hadn’t been forced to take in all of the refugees, so many, with all the problems it . . . entails, you wouldn’t have a Brexit.”


Mr Trump also laid into Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, saying: “She made one very catastrophic mistake and that was taking all of these illegals.”

特朗普還猛烈抨擊德國總理安格拉•默克爾(Angela Merkel),稱:“她犯了一個非常災難性的錯誤,那就是接納所有這些非法的人。”

After the interview Mr Trump posed with Mr Gove. Mr Diekmann also posed for a picture with Mr Trump, but there was no photograph with Mr Murdoch.



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