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The US is a rogue superpower. Its decision last week to renounce participation in the climate agreement reached in Paris in December 2015 underlined this reality. The question is how to respond.


Denial of man-made global warming is an article of faith for many Republicans: Donald Trump’s hostility to action is no idiosyncrasy. But clever lobbying reinforces disbelief. The debate parallels those on the dangers of lead and tobacco. In those cases, too, lobbies exploited every uncertainty. The arguments for action on climate are quite as strong as on lead and tobacco. But obfuscation has again been effective.

否認(rèn)人為原因造成全球變暖是許多共和黨人的信條:唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)不愿采取行動并非特立獨(dú)行。但聰明的游說強(qiáng)化了不信任感。這場辯論堪比關(guān)于鉛和煙草危險的辯論。在后兩場辯論中,游說者也曾利用一切不確定性。對氣候變化采取行動的理由之充分,不輸于對鉛和煙草采取行動的理由。但混淆視線的做法又一次起作用了。

American views on the US role in the world also matter. HR McMaster and Gary Cohn, Mr Trump’s advisers on security and economics, have recently written that: “The president embarked on his first foreign trip with a clear-eyed outlook that the world is not a ‘global community’ but an arena where nations, non-governmental actors and businesses engage and compete for advantage. We bring to this forum unmatched military, political, economic, cultural and moral strength. Rather than deny this elemental nature of international affairs, we embrace it.” These, we must remember, are the “adults” in the White House.

美國人對美國在世界扮演何種角色的看法也非常關(guān)鍵。特朗普的安全顧問赫伯特•雷蒙德•麥克馬斯特(HR McMaster)和經(jīng)濟(jì)顧問加里•科恩(Gary Cohn)最近寫道:“特朗普帶著如下清醒認(rèn)識踏上了他上任以來的首次出訪之旅:世界并非一個‘全球社區(qū)’,而是國家、非政府行為人以及企業(yè)爭奪利益的競技場。我們帶到場上的是無可匹敵的軍事、政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)、文化和道德實(shí)力。我們接受而非否認(rèn)國際事務(wù)的這種基本特質(zhì)。”我們必須記住的是,這些是白宮里的“成年人”。

The US abandoned such a 19th-century view of international relations after it ended so catastrophically in the 20th. In its place came the ideas, embedded in the institutions it created and the alliances it formed, that values matter as well as interests and responsibilities, as well as benefits. Above all, the earth is not just an arena. It is our shared home. It does not belong to one nation, even such a powerful one. Looking after the planet is the moral responsibility of all.


Hostility to science and a narrow view of interests laid the ground for Mr Trump’s repudiation of the Paris accord. But his speech was also a characteristic blend of falsehood and resentment.


Thus, Mr Trump stated that “as of today, the United States will cease all implementation of the non-binding Paris accord and the draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country”. Yet a “non-binding” agreement can hardly impose draconian financial and economic burdens. Indeed, the point of the agreement was that each country should come up with its “intended nationally determined contribution”. The underlying mechanism of the Paris accord was peer pressure, aimed at achieving a shared goal. No coercion was involved.

因此,特朗普宣稱,“從今天開始,美國將會完全停止對非約束性的巴黎協(xié)定的執(zhí)行,并完全解除該協(xié)定加于我們國家的嚴(yán)酷金融和經(jīng)濟(jì)負(fù)擔(dān)”。然而,一個“非約束性”協(xié)議不可能帶來嚴(yán)酷的金融和經(jīng)濟(jì)負(fù)擔(dān)。實(shí)際上,該協(xié)議的要點(diǎn)是,每個國家都應(yīng)該提交自己的“國家自主貢獻(xiàn)”(intended nationally determined contribution)文件。巴黎協(xié)定的根本機(jī)制是旨在實(shí)現(xiàn)共享目標(biāo)的“同儕壓力”。沒有任何脅迫成分。

Mr Trump also argued that the agreement would have little effect on the climate. As it is, that is true. The main reason for this is that significant players — including the US — would not agree to anything more. Arguing against adhering to an agreement because it is ineffective, when one’s country’s recalcitrance helped make it so, is ludicrous.


Mr Trump asserted that: “We don’t want other leaders and other countries laughing at us any more. And they won’t be. They won’t be.” That is a paranoid fantasy. The US is the second-largest global emitter of carbon dioxide. Its emissions are 50 per cent larger than the EU’s and its emissions per head are twice those of that bloc or Japan. Far from being exploited by others, as Mr Trump suggests, the US emits exorbitantly. American co-operation is not a sufficient condition for management of climate risks. But it is a necessary one. This repudiation is no laughing matter.


Since the agreement is built on national commitments, the sensible path for the US would have been to stay in the process and push for far more ambitious plans all around. It could have linked its efforts to what others, notably China, were willing to do. Yet now, outside the framework, it will achieve nothing of the kind. Nor is there any real chance of negotiating another framework. The commitments should evolve. The framework will not.


In the 1920s, the US repudiated the League of Nations. That led to the collapse of Europe’s post-first world war settlement. Now, it is withdrawing from a shared commitment to protect our planet. The echoes are disturbing.

在上世紀(jì)20年代,美國拒絕加入國際聯(lián)盟(League of Nations)。這導(dǎo)致了一戰(zhàn)后歐洲安排的崩潰。如今,美國退出了為保護(hù)我們的星球而作出的共同承諾。這種歷史的相似令人不安。

True, 12 US states, which generate more than a third of gross domestic product, and 187 US cities have pledged to cut their emissions by 26-28 per cent below 2005 levels, by 2025, as the country promised under Barack Obama. Yet, however desirable, that cannot replace a commitment by the US, as former treasury secretary Hank Paulson argues.

沒錯,美國12個州(貢獻(xiàn)了美國逾三分之一的GDP)以及187個城市已承諾,到2025年將排放降至比2005年低26%-28%的水平,這是美國在巴拉克•奧巴馬(Barack Obama)在任時承諾的。然而,正如美國前財長漢克•保爾森(Hank Paulson)辯稱的那樣,這種做法無論多么理想,都不可能取代美國的承諾。

Optimists also argue that technological progress on renewables is so fast that policy decisions may not matter: economics alone will drive the needed de-carbonisation of economies. This still looks implausible. Incentives and other interventions continue to matter, particularly since investment decisions have such a long-lasting effect. The infrastructure we build today will shape energy use for decades.


The remaining participants in the accord must stick to their plans. They must also commission an analysis of how to deal with free riders. Everything must be considered, even sanctions.


Meanwhile, those Americans who understand what is at stake need to fight against the irrationality and defeatism that led to this. If any country has the resources to make a success of the energy transition it is theirs.


The US cannot be made “great” by rejecting global responsibility and embracing coal. That is atavistic. Mr Trump’s appeal to irrationality, xenophobia and resentment is frightening. The world must struggle on, trusting that Americans will once again be touched, in Abraham Lincoln’s glorious words, by “the better angels” of their nature.

美國不能通過拒絕全球責(zé)任和擁抱煤炭而變得“偉大”。這是開歷史倒車。特朗普對不理性、排外和怨恨情緒的呼喚令人恐懼。全世界必須一起努力,相信美國人會再次被亞伯拉罕•林肯(Abraham Lincoln)所說的他們本性中“善良的天使”觸摸。


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