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Donald Trump accused Japan of engaging in unfair trade practices during a visit to Tokyo on the second day of a five-nation Asia tour on which he will focus on economic issues and the mounting threat from North Korea.

在亞洲五國行的第二天,唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)在訪問東京時譴責(zé)日本實施不公平貿(mào)易。在此次亞洲行中,特朗普將聚焦于經(jīng)濟問題和來自朝鮮的日益增大的威脅。

In a speech to business leaders on Monday, the US president reprised the economic themes that dominated his presidential campaign, saying trade with Japan was “not free or reciprocal” and that, for example, Japan imported “virtually no cars” from the US.


However, he praised the Japanese prime minister for buying lots of US military equipment, which he said was necessary because of the provocations “from some of your neighbours”.


During his 11-day tour of the region, Mr Trump will also visit South Korea and China before flying to Vietnam to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, and then to the Philippines for two more Asian regional summits.


Tokyo was disappointed by Mr Trump’s January withdrawal from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that was the economic pillar of the Obama administration’s Asia “pivot”.

東京方面對特朗普在1月退出12國組成的“跨太平洋伙伴關(guān)系”(Trans-Pacific Partnership,簡稱TPP)貿(mào)易協(xié)議感到失望。TPP是奧巴馬(Obama)政府“轉(zhuǎn)向”亞洲政策的經(jīng)濟支柱。

Mr Trump is keen to pursue bilateral trade agreements but Japan is not enthusiastic about entering bilateral talks with the US. Instead, it is pushing a scaled-down 11-country version of TPP, and hopes Washington will return to the agreement under a future president.


“We will have more trade than [we] ever would have under TPP,” Mr Trump told the US and Japanese executives. “我們之間的貿(mào)易,將會比在(我們)在TPP條件下所實現(xiàn)的貿(mào)易規(guī)模更大,”特朗普告訴美國和日本高管。

Mr Trump later headed to the Imperial Palace for an audience with Emperor Akihito. The US president’s predecessor, Barack Obama, was criticised by US conservatives in 2009 for bowing too deeply in front of the emperor.

特朗普接著前往皇宮與明仁天皇(Emperor Akihito)會面。2009年,這位總統(tǒng)的前任巴拉克•奧巴馬(Barack Obama)曾遭到美國保守人士的批評,原因是他在日本天皇面前鞠躬鞠得太深。

Earlier in his presidency Mr Trump also faced scrutiny for the way he greeted foreign leaders, including an almost tug-of-war style hand shake with French president Emmanuel Macron, and his failure to shake the hand of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Oval Office.

在登上總統(tǒng)職位的早些時候,特朗普也曾因問候外國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的方式——包括與法國總統(tǒng)埃馬紐埃爾•馬克龍(Emmanuel Macron)握手角力,以及在橢圓形辦公室(Oval Office)里拒絕與德國總理安格拉•默克爾(Angela Merkel)握手——而遭到審視。

After lunch and meetings with the Japanese leader, Mr Trump will meet the families of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea. Japan recognises 17 cases where citizens were abducted by North Korea, many of them taken from Japan’s western coast during the 1970s. Of those cases, none is more emotive than that of Megumi Yokota, who was 13 years old when she disappeared on her way home from school in 1977.

在與這位日本領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人共進午餐并會面之后,特朗普將會見被朝鮮綁架的日本公民的家屬。日本確認(rèn)了17起本國公民被朝鮮綁架的案件,許多人是在1970年代在日本西海岸遭到綁架的。在這些案件中,最令人情緒激動的是橫田惠(Megumi Yokota)一案。1977年,橫田惠在放學(xué)回家的路上失蹤,那年她才13歲。

Mr Trump will meet with Sakie Yokota, Megumi's mother. North Korea has admitted the abduction but claims Megumi died in 1994. The issue is particularly important to Mr Abe, who campaigned on the issue as a minister in the Koizumi government in the early 2000s, giving him a profile that helped his rise to the prime ministership.

特朗普將會見橫田惠的母親橫田早紀(jì)江(Sakie Yokota)。朝鮮已承認(rèn)了這起綁架,但聲稱橫田惠死于1994年。這個問題對安倍晉三而言尤為重要。在2000年代初競選小泉(Koizumi)政府的部長職位時,安倍晉三曾利用過這一問題,為自己塑造了一種形象,幫他后來升任首相職位。

“Abe has already won a domestic victory of sorts by getting Trump to meet with the abductee families, although it won’t make much difference in resolving the abductee issue with North Korea,” said Tobias Harris, a Japan expert at Teneo Intelligence.

“安倍通過安排特朗普會見被綁架者家屬,已在國內(nèi)獲得了某種勝利,不過,這對跟朝鮮之間解決被綁架者問題不會產(chǎn)生太大影響,”特尼歐情報公司(Teneo Intelligence)的日本分析師托拜厄斯•哈里斯(Tobias Harris)說。

While Mr Trump will discuss trade during his Asia tour, the focus will be on North Korea as he urges other nations to take even stronger action to convince Kim Jong Un to abandon his ballistic missile and nuclear programmes. Much attention will be paid to Mr Trump’s own comments given previous language about Mr Kim, whom he has described as “Rocket Man” on a “suicide mission”.

在特朗普亞洲之行將討論貿(mào)易問題的同時,他的關(guān)注焦點也將是朝鮮。他敦促其他國家對朝采取比以往更強力的行動,以勸服金正恩(Kim Jong Un)放棄他的彈道導(dǎo)彈和核武計劃。鑒于特朗普此前對金正恩的評論——稱之為正實施“自殺任務(wù)”的“火箭男”——他此次的表態(tài)將引起極大關(guān)注。

While the Japanese government is fully behind the US strategy to impose more economic pressure on North Korea, some officials worry that Mr Trump could spark a miscalculation with his rhetoric.


While many experts believe the US president is using bellicose language to convince Pyongyang he is serious about tackling the threat, there are concerns the US may be preparing for a military strike on North Korea.


Highlighting the growing anxiety, it emerged over the weekend that the Pentagon had recently sent a letter to Congress saying the only way to ensure the US could secure all the nuclear weapons in North Korea was via a ground invasion.



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