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日產(chǎn)擬加大在華投資 以躋身中國汽車制造三強之列




Nissan has announced a push into the world’s largest car market, with the Japanese carmaker and its Chinese joint venture partner planning to invest Rmb60bn ($9.5bn) into becoming a top-three China brand. 日產(chǎn)(Nissan)宣布了深入世界最大汽車市場的計劃,這家日本汽車制造商及其中國合資伙伴計劃投資600億元人民幣(合95億美元),力爭進入中國市場汽車品牌的前三名。

The ambitious strategy is likely to focus on electrification and on downmarket local brands, aiming to lift Dongfeng Motors — the JV between Dongfeng Group and Nissan — from sales of 1.5m units a year in 2017 to 2.6m by 2022, the company said on Monday. 日產(chǎn)周一表示,這項雄心勃勃的戰(zhàn)略很可能圍繞著汽車電動化和低端本土化品牌展開,力求把東風集團(Dongfeng Group)與日產(chǎn)成立的合資公司東風汽車(Dongfeng Motors)的銷量從2017年的150萬輛提高到2022年的260萬輛。

In 2017 Nissan ranked fifth in China in terms of sales, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. 根據(jù)中國汽車工業(yè)協(xié)會(CAAM)的數(shù)據(jù),2017年日產(chǎn)在中國市場上的銷量排名第五。

But China-based analysts said ramping up sales volumes by 1m would be difficult because there are no obvious unfilled spaces in the market. 但中國的分析師表示,把銷量提高100萬并不容易,因為市場上并沒有明顯的待填補空白。

“This will not be easy, especially if you consider that Nissan has filled its product line-up in almost every single segment already,” said Yale Zhang of Autoforesight, a Shanghai auto consultancy. “這并不容易,尤其是如果考慮到日產(chǎn)已經(jīng)在幾乎每一個細分市場都有自己的產(chǎn)品線,”上海的汽車咨詢公司Auto Foresight的張豫(Yale Zhang)說。

The pursuit of an aggressive sales target also could come with a cost. 追求雄心勃勃的銷售目標可能也是有代價的。

Analysts note that when Japan’s second-largest carmaker, which also has an alliance with 分析師們指出,日本第二大汽車制造商——與雷諾(Renault)和三菱汽車(Mitsubishi Motors)也結成聯(lián)盟——曾在以往的中期計劃中尋求拿下8%的全球汽車市場份額,最終未能實現(xiàn),反而導致其在美國等關鍵地區(qū)的盈利能力因旨在擴大銷售的激勵增加而受損。

Renault and Mitsubishi Motors, sought and eventually failed to reach an 8 per cent share in the global automotive market in its previous midterm plan, profitability in key regions including the US was compromised due to a rise in incentives to expand sales. 瑞信(Credit Suisse)駐東京分析師Masahiro Akita表示:“對日產(chǎn)來說,在增加市場份額和確保盈利能力之間取得平衡至關重要。我們希望他們不要太過重視銷售數(shù)字。”

“It’s critical for Nissan to strike a balance between increasing market share and ensuring profitability. We hope they will not become too fixed on the sales figure alone,” said Masahiro Akita, an analyst at Credit Suisse in Tokyo. 日產(chǎn)表示計劃在未來五年期間將銷量提高100萬輛,重點將放在使用日產(chǎn)舊有技術打造的本土品牌啟辰(Venucia),以及日產(chǎn)高端品牌英菲尼迪(Infiniti)上,該公司希望這兩個品牌在銷量上能提高三倍。

Nissan said its plans to boost sales by 1m vehicles over the next five years would focus on the local brand Venucia, which is built using old Nissan technology, and on Infiniti, Nissan’s luxury brand, both of which it would like to treble in volume. 該公司表示,東風汽車的目標是成為中國三大合資汽車制造商之一,以及可持續(xù)發(fā)展領先品牌。

Dongfeng Motors “aims to be among the top three joint venture automakers and the most sustainable brand in China”, the company said. 該投資計劃可以媲美日產(chǎn)那些地位更強的競爭對手的計劃。中國銷量最高的外國汽車制造商大眾(Volkswagen)去年表示,將支出100億歐元為中國市場打造電動汽車。

The investment plan rivals those of better placed Nissan competitors. Volkswagen, the largest foreign seller of automobiles in China, last year said it would be spending €10bn to build electric vehicles for the Chinese market. 作為全球最大的電動車賣家,日產(chǎn)表示到2022年其在華汽車銷量的30%將是電動汽車,這也是中國政府鼓勵汽車制造商生產(chǎn)更多電動車的努力的一部分。

Nissan, which is the world’s biggest seller of electric vehicles, said 30 per cent of its vehicle sales in China would be electrified cars by 2022, part of a push by Beijing to encourage carmakers to make more EVs. 譯者/何黎


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