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China tech groups Alibaba and Tencent 中國科技集團阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和騰訊(Tencent)被卷入北京打擊資本外流的戰(zhàn)爭,它們的金融服務部門因違反跨境外匯交易法規(guī)而被處以罰款。

have been caught up in Beijing’s war on capital flight, with both being handed fines for breaches of cross-border foreign exchange payments at their financial services units. 在這兩家互聯(lián)網(wǎng)巨頭旗下機構的海外支付業(yè)務受到打擊之前,國有銀行卡網(wǎng)絡中國銀聯(lián)(China UnionPay)也進行了類似的收緊控制。自2016年起,中國銀聯(lián)試圖限制使用銀聯(lián)卡為境外房地產(chǎn)投資和保險買單。中國銀聯(lián)在海外與Visa和萬事達(MasterCard)的競爭日益激烈。

The clampdown on overseas payments by affiliates of the two internet heavyweights follows similar tightening of controls at China UnionPay, the state-owned bank-card network that increasingly competes with Visa and MasterCard overseas. Since 2016, UnionPay has sought to limit the use of its cards to pay for investments in foreign property and insurance. 上海八六證券研究(86 Research)的金融科技分析師Wang Hanyang表示:“從長遠看,政府支持這些支付集團向海外擴張,但在運營層面,它們需要加強合規(guī)與監(jiān)督。”

“In the long term, the government supports these payment groups to expand overseas, but at the operational level, they need to strengthen compliance and monitoring,” said Wang Hanyang, fintech analyst at 86Research in Shanghai. 阿里巴巴旗下金融公司螞蟻金服(Ant Financial)和騰訊旗下的微信支付(WeChat Pay)在中國16萬億美元的第三方移動支付市場占據(jù)主導地位,并且日益向海外擴張,讓中國游客刷一下手機就能支付從購物到乘船游覽塞納河等各種費用。

Ant Financial, the financial affiliate of Alibaba, and Tencent’s WeChat Pay dominate China’s $16tn third-party mobile payments market, and are increasingly moving overseas — enabling Chinese tourists to pay for everything from shopping to boat trips down the Seine with a swipe of their phones. 但這種擴張也引起了負責管理外匯儲備的中國國家外匯管理局(SAFE)的關注,該局在過去兩年頻頻出手打擊資本外流和非法資金轉移活動。近幾個月來,外管局發(fā)布了一系列關于打擊非法貨幣兌換商、銀行不正當外匯交易和虛假貿(mào)易發(fā)票的通知。

But that expansion has also piqued the attention of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, which manages foreign currency reserves and has been cracking down on capital flight and illicit transfers in the past two years. Safe has issued a steady stream of notices in recent months about its crackdown on illegal money changers, improper forex transactions by banks and fake trade invoices. 據(jù)悉,螞蟻金服運營的支付寶(Alipay)違規(guī)涉及對優(yōu)步(Uber)出行的支付。盡管交易發(fā)生在中國——在滴滴出行(Didi Chuxing)于2016年收購優(yōu)步在華業(yè)務之前——但監(jiān)管機構擔憂資金外流到這家叫車服務APP的美國總部。

The breach by Alipay, run by Ant Financial, is understood to involve payments for Uber rides. While the transactions took place in China — before Didi Chuxing acquired Uber’s operations in the country in 2016 — regulators fretted about money going overseas to the ride-hailing app’s US headquarters. 據(jù)外管局官方雜志《中國外匯》(China Forex)表示,支付寶因“跨境外匯支付服務經(jīng)營范圍問題、跨境外匯支付服務國際收支統(tǒng)計申報問題”被罰款60萬元人民幣(合9.5萬美元)。

According to China Forex, the official magazine of Safe, Alipay was fined Rmb600,000 ($95,000) for “foreign exchange payment business-scope problems [and] cross-border foreign exchange payment balance of payments statistical reporting problems”. 騰訊旗下支付部門因“未按照規(guī)定向有關部門報送異常風險報告等資料”和“為非居民辦理跨境外匯支付業(yè)務未做備案”也被罰款60萬元人民幣。

Tencent’s payments arm was fined the same amount for “failing to transmit unusual risk report materials to the related departments according to regulation” and “processing cross-border foreign exchange payments for non-residents without making a filing”. 螞蟻金服表示,罰款與2014年外匯付款相關,那些支付違反了當時的支付服務規(guī)定。該公司表示,支付寶在識別這些違規(guī)行為后就做出了糾正。騰訊沒有回應記者提出的置評請求。

Ant Financial said the fine related to forex payments made in 2014 that were in breach of its payment services at the time. “Alipay corrected the irregularities as soon as they were identified,” the company said. Tencent did not respond to a request for comment. Yizhen Jia補充報道

Additional reporting by Yizhen Jia 譯者/裴伴


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