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Two decades ago, Rider College was hailed as a savior in the music world when it acquired neighboring Westminster Choir College, a beloved but struggling institution in downtown Princeton. It was vital, Rider officials said, to sustain a storied history replete with students who had sung on the original “Fantasia” soundtrack, and worked with Bernstein and Toscanini.

二十年前萊德學(xué)院(Rider College)買下了鄰近的威斯敏斯特合唱學(xué)院(Westminster Choir College),那是普林斯頓市中心的一所深受喜愛但陷入困境的學(xué)院,當(dāng)時人們紛紛稱頌萊德是音樂界的救世主。管理層表示,延續(xù)學(xué)院的顯赫歷史是十分重要的,那里的學(xué)生曾參與首版《幻想曲》(Fantasia)原聲軌錄制,還曾與伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)和托斯卡尼尼(Toscanini)合作。

Rider’s latest plan for Westminster has struck a far more discordant note.


Facing what it says are daunting fiscal challenges, Rider, now a university, hopes to sell Westminster to a for-profit Chinese company for $40 million. Under the proposal, the buyer, Beijing Kaiwen Education Technology, would maintain the choir college’s programs and staff in Princeton, while seeking to franchise the Westminster name.


“It’s like passing on your child to the next parent and saying they can give them a better future than we can give them,” said Gregory G. Dell’Omo, Rider’s president. “Yes, it’s sort of a tough, sad decision, but it’s almost tough love.”

“這就像把你的孩子轉(zhuǎn)給另一位家長,認(rèn)為他們可以給孩子一個更好的未來,比我們所能給的更好,”萊德大學(xué)的校長格雷戈里·G·戴洛莫(Gregory G. Dell’Omo)說。“是的,這是一個艱難、悲傷的決定,但差不多是種出于愛的狠心吧。”

But some Westminster and Rider professors, armed with fresh financial data, question Kaiwen’s experience in higher education. Many have also lost confidence in Dr. Dell’Omo, a former human resources executive in the retail industry, who took office in August 2015.


“Rider is not in crisis: that is a pure scare tactic to justify what he wants to do, which is get a windfall of money,” said Jeffrey R. Halpern, a sociology professor and longtime official with the Rider chapter of the American Association of University Professors. “He really epitomizes what we’d call the corporatization of American higher education.”

“萊德并沒有陷入危機(jī):這純粹是一種恐嚇戰(zhàn)術(shù),為他想做的事找理由,他是想賺一筆意外之財,”社會學(xué)教授、在美國大學(xué)教授協(xié)會(American Association of University Professors)萊德分部任職多年的杰弗里·R·哈爾彭(Jeffrey R. Halpern)說。“他其實是我們所說的美國高等教育公司化的典型體現(xiàn)。”

The existential battle over Rider and Westminster, eight miles apart, comes as many colleges, especially those with only local or regional reputations, confront shrinking demographics and declining government support.


Outside Boston, Mount Ida College, a private college founded in 1899, closed in April. In Pennsylvania, the RAND Corporation just urged major changes or even consolidation at state colleges. In northern New Jersey, Drew University, reeling from credit rating downgrades, slashed tuition by 20 percent last fall, in hopes of boosting enrollment.

1899年在波士頓郊外成立的私立大學(xué)艾達(dá)學(xué)院(Mount Ida College)于今年4月關(guān)閉。在賓夕法尼亞州,蘭德公司(RAND Corporation)剛剛敦促幾個州立大學(xué)進(jìn)行重大改革,甚至是合并。在新澤西州北部,受信用評級下調(diào)影響的德魯大學(xué)(Drew University)去年秋天為了鼓勵學(xué)生申請,將學(xué)費降低了20%。

For Westminster and its 439 students, the next few months could be the most pivotal yet.


A group of Westminster alumni sued Rider in Federal District Court in Manhattan in June 2017, arguing that a sale would violate the Rider-Westminster merger. The Princeton Theological Seminary contended in state court in February that the sale would break a promise made by the original donor of the land, to which it could lay claim. Meanwhile, another group of alumni, faculty, parents and donors, concerned about the Kaiwen transaction, just established a new nonprofit, The Westminster Foundation, Princeton, N.J., “to ensure the continued existence” of Westminster.

2017年6月,威斯敏斯特的一群校友在曼哈頓聯(lián)邦地區(qū)法院起訴萊德,稱出售將違反萊德與威斯敏斯特的合并協(xié)議。今年2月,普林斯頓神學(xué)院(Princeton Theological Seminary)在州法院提出,這項交易將違背對最初的土地捐贈者所做的承諾,它可以對這片土地提出權(quán)利主張。與此同時,另一群對凱文的交易感到擔(dān)憂的校友、教師、家長和捐贈者剛剛成立了一個新的非營利組織——新澤西州普林斯頓威斯敏斯特基金會(Westminster Foundation),“以確保該校繼續(xù)存在”。

The uncertainty has already chilled interest in Westminster, where annual tuition is $37,650: the incoming class of freshmen and graduate students is expected to be half the normal size of roughly 110, faculty members estimate.


“It’s tough — I know what the college is going through, and there are not a lot of alternatives right now,” said former New Jersey Gov. Thomas H. Kean, who served as Drew’s president from 1990 to 2005, and has been active in efforts to preserve Westminster. “This is one of the best schools of its kind — not just in the state, but the country and the world. To lose it would be a tragedy.”

“這是個艱難的選擇,我知道這個學(xué)院正在經(jīng)歷什么,現(xiàn)在它沒有很多選擇,”前新澤西州州長托馬斯·H·基恩(Thomas H. Kean)表示。他曾于1990年至2005年擔(dān)任德魯大學(xué)的校長,一直在積極努力保護(hù)威斯敏斯特。“它是它所在的領(lǐng)域最好的學(xué)校之一,不僅是在新澤西州,而且是在美國和全世界。失去它會是一個悲劇。”

Founded in 1920 in a Presbyterian church in Dayton, Ohio, Westminster relocated to Ithaca, N.Y., before settling in Princeton in 1932. While it lacks the cachet of New York’s Juilliard School or Philadelphia’s Curtis Institute of Music, Westminster has trained many singers affiliated with the Metropolitan Opera, as well as scores of choral directors and music teachers.

威斯敏斯特最初是1920年在俄亥俄州代頓市的一所長老會教堂成立的,后來遷往紐約州伊薩卡,最后于1932年搬到了普林斯頓。雖然沒有紐約的茱莉亞學(xué)院(Juilliard School)或費城的柯蒂斯音樂學(xué)院(Curtis Institute of Music)的威望,但它培養(yǎng)了許多大都會歌劇院(Metropolitan Opera)的歌唱家,以及許多合唱指揮和音樂教師。

In the early 1990s, though, the college nearly closed in the face of mounting debt, declining enrollment and deteriorating facilities. Along came Rider, a private college which hoped to expand into the arts.


After the 2008 recession, however, Rider’s enrollment fell by 12 percent, before rebounding slightly in 2016. Now, with 88 percent of its revenue coming from students, the university relies more on tuition than its peers, according to Moody’s Investor Service, which revised its outlook for Rider to negative in November, citing the potential impact of the Westminster sale.

不過,在2008年的經(jīng)濟(jì)衰退之后,萊德的入學(xué)率下降了12%,2016年略有反彈。根據(jù)穆迪投資者服務(wù)公司Moody’s Investor Service)的數(shù)據(jù),萊德目前有88%的收入來自學(xué)生,所以,它比其他同行更依賴學(xué)費。去年11月,穆迪以出售威斯敏斯特的潛在影響為根據(jù),將萊德的前景調(diào)整為負(fù)面。

“As part of our financials, and our strategy going forward, we cannot make the kind of investments that Westminster needs,” said Dr. Dell’Omo, who previously served as president of Robert Morris University, outside Pittsburgh.

“作為我們財務(wù)以及未來戰(zhàn)略的一部分,我們無法做出威斯敏斯特所需的投資,”戴洛莫說,此前他在位于匹茲堡郊外的羅伯特·莫里斯大學(xué)(Robert Morris University)擔(dān)任校長。

Dr. Dell’Omo has pushed to incorporate more “higher-demand career” programs, such as computer science and sports management into Rider’s offerings. When he revived a proposal to move Westminster to Rider’s main Lawrenceville, N.J., campus, and sell the 23-acre Princeton parcel, irate faculty, students and alumni said the acoustics and intimate milieu could not be replicated.


Rider then approached other colleges — Princeton, Juilliard, Oberlin, and the like — about taking over Westminster, but no offers materialized because the choir school may have been “too much of a niche market,” Dr. Dell’Omo said. The only viable offers came from overseas, he said, and Kaiwen, a publicly traded company on the Shenzhen stock exchange, had the most impressive plan.


Kaiwen runs two international K-12 schools in Beijing, and has partnered with the Manchester City soccer club and Major League Baseball on sports education. So the company was particularly interested in the Westminster Conservatory of Music, which gives music lessons to children and adults, and Westminster Continuing Education, which primarily runs on-campus summer programs.

凱文在北京經(jīng)營著兩所K-12國際學(xué)校,并與曼城足球俱樂部和美國職業(yè)棒球大聯(lián)盟合作進(jìn)行體育教育。因此,該公司對威斯敏斯特這所為兒童和成人提供音樂課程的音樂學(xué)院特別感興趣,此外還有它的威斯敏斯特繼續(xù)教育(Westminster Continuing Education)計劃,以校園夏季課程為主。

“They understand the idea of branding,” Dr. Dell’Omo said. One thought is that Kaiwen would start new Westminster schools in other places.


Under the deal, Rider would still run Westminster for the next academic year, and Kaiwen, operating as a nonprofit locally, would honor Rider’s student aid packages. Two consultants based in the United States with experience in accreditation and music education are aiding the transition, and PwC, formerly known as PricewaterhouseCoopers, is vetting Kaiwen, Dr. Dell’Omo added.


One of Kaiwen’s top shareholders is Badachu Holdings, a state-controlled enterprise. One person listed as a director at both Kaiwen and Badachu is Xu Huadong, who held leadership positions within the Chinese People’s Liberation Army from 1978-2000.


Kaiwen declined an interview request, saying it was “inappropriate for Kaiwen Education to comment on any pending transactions.”


But in an interview with Chinese media in March, Xu Guangyu, Kaiwen’s chairman, a choral singer in college, talked about how Westminster would be “an important part” of a globalization strategy to offer a broad “quality education.” Mr. Xu also said that “whether it is our music education resources or our sports resources, everything is shared.”


Chinese companies are increasingly eying education-related mergers following the early, though not sustained, success of Qtone Education Group in 2015. But for Kaiwen, “the prospects of profit are not optimistic” because of the company’s weak revenues.


Rider faculty are even more dubious. In a new report, three current and retired professors, relying on public data, flag Kaiwen’s high debt and negative cash flow, and criticize Dr. Dell’Omo and Rider’s board of trustees for “a failure to perform due diligence and carry out fiduciary responsibilities.”


“To claim that Rider is likely to fail or collapse is an absurd characterization of the financial situation of Rider University,” wrote Howard J. Bunsis, a professor of accounting at Eastern Michigan University, in a 28-page analysis of Rider’s finances, commissioned by the faculty union.

受教員工會委托的東密歇根大學(xué)(Eastern Michigan University)會計學(xué)教授霍華德·J·班西斯(Howard J. Bunsis)在一份28頁的萊德財務(wù)分析報告中寫道:“宣稱萊德可能破產(chǎn)或倒閉,是對萊德大學(xué)財務(wù)狀況的荒謬表述。”

On campus, where Westminster’s motto is “spectemur agendo,” or “let us be judged by our deeds,” many students said that they were skittish, particularly if future enrollment plummets.

威斯敏斯特的校訓(xùn)是“spectemur agendo”,意思是“根據(jù)我們的行為來評判我們”,許多學(xué)生說他們擔(dān)驚受怕,特別是如果未來入學(xué)率暴跌的話。

But Ingrid Clarfield, a longtime professor of piano, said she was cautiously upbeat. After attending a recent Music Teachers National Association conference, she was heartened by educators with experience in China.

但長期擔(dān)任鋼琴教授的英格麗德·克拉菲爾德(Ingrid Clarfield)表示謹(jǐn)慎的樂觀。在前不久的音樂教師全國協(xié)會會議上,一些曾赴中國執(zhí)教的教育工作者令她感到鼓舞。

“I said, give it to me straight, and they felt this would be a very beneficial move for both Westminster and Kaiwen,” she said. “I really need to believe strongly in this.”



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