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WASHINGTON — President Trump’s confrontation with China is beginning to ripple through American academic and research institutions, as a crackdown on visas for certain Chinese citizens has left the higher education community wondering how it will adapt to the administration’s effort to stop intellectual property theft and slow China’s push for technological supremacy.


Educators and academic groups fear that the additional scrutiny could hinder scientific innovation, alienate talented applicants or intensify aggressions toward Chinese scientists already in the country.


Academics are already wrestling with the increased attention. At an aerospace conference in Georgia last month, Ella Atkins, a University of Michigan professor, recalled a colleague approaching her with a dilemma.

更多的關(guān)注已經(jīng)讓學(xué)者們疲于應(yīng)對。上個月,在佐治亞州的一次航空航天會議上,密歇根大學(xué)(University of Michigan)教授埃拉·阿特金斯(Ella Atkins)回憶起一位同事就一個兩難問題向她征求意見的事情。

The colleague, an assistant professor at another university, had recently led and submitted a research proposal for a federal grant. But he worried that because he was Chinese, the judges would be biased against his team.


“He said, ‘I need to figure out how to take myself off as the P.I., the principal investigator, if that’s going to compromise our project’s chances of being accepted,’” Ms. Atkins said, declining to name the academic for fear of jeopardizing his proposal. The professor, she added, was even considering withdrawing from the project completely to avoid holding back his co-researchers.


It is a sentiment that some, such as Representative Judy Chu, Democrat of California, believe underscores a tone of racism behind the policy change. The restrictions, she said, equate to targeting “an entire ethnic group of people for suspicion that they’re spies for China.”

一些人認(rèn)為,這個政策變化顯露的情緒突顯了其背后的種族主義色彩。比如,加州民主黨眾議員趙美心(Judy Chu)說,這些限制等同于把目標(biāo)指向“一整個族群的人,懷疑他們都是中國間諜”。

“I think we should take specific security threats seriously, but each of those threats should be identified by the threat, not by racial groups,” said Ms. Chu, the chairwoman of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.

“我認(rèn)為,我們應(yīng)該認(rèn)真對待具體的安全威脅,但每個威脅的判定應(yīng)該以威脅本身為依據(jù),而不是以種族群體為依據(jù),”趙美心說。她是國會亞太裔美國人黨團(tuán)(Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus)主席。

Since June 11, the State Department has been restricting visas for Chinese graduate students studying in sensitive research fields to one year, with the chance to reapply every year. The move rolls back an Obama-era policy that allowed Chinese citizens to secure five-year student visas.


Le Fang, a Ph.D. student from China studying computer science at the University at Buffalo, locked up a five-year F-1 visa in 2015. But the new policy could hurt his friends whose visas recently expired, he said. They may have to fly back to China to get new visas, and they risk denials partway through their academic career.

在布法羅大學(xué)(University at Buffalo)攻讀計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)的中國博士生方樂(音)已在2015年拿到了為期五年的F1簽證。但他說,新政策可能會讓他的朋友們遭殃,他們的簽證最近到期了。他們可能不得不飛回中國去申請新簽證,在自己的學(xué)業(yè)未完成時面臨被拒簽的危險(xiǎn)。

“I quite understand the security concern of the possible restriction,” Mr. Fang said, but “most of us never talk about politics and never work with mainland people.”


The American intelligence community, however, has increasingly seen the country’s academic institutions as vulnerable to espionage, in part because they provide a collaborative environment where cutting-edge research and technology are openly handled and developed.


At a Senate hearing in February, Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, warned lawmakers of China’s efforts to undermine the United States’ economy and security through “the use of nontraditional collectors, especially in the academic setting.”

在參議院今年2月的一個聽證會上,美國聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局局長克里斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)警告美國國會議員說,中國破壞美國經(jīng)濟(jì)和安全的努力包括通過“使用非傳統(tǒng)的采集者,特別是學(xué)術(shù)領(lǐng)域的”。

“One of the things we’re trying to do,” Mr. Wray added, “is view the China threat as not just a whole-of-government threat, but a whole-of-society threat on their end. And I think it’s going to take a whole-of-society response by us.”


And a White House report last month detailing China’s “economic aggression” criticized recruiting efforts that aim to lure experts, academics and entrepreneurs from abroad to prestigious Chinese research institutions and universities. The National Intelligence Council has accused one such program, the Thousand Talents plan, of facilitating “the legal and illicit transfer of U.S. technology, intellectual property and know-how” to China.

白宮上個月發(fā)布的一份詳細(xì)報(bào)告描述了中國的“經(jīng)濟(jì)侵略”,批評了中國旨在將海外的專家、學(xué)者和企業(yè)家吸引到中國知名研究機(jī)構(gòu)和大學(xué)的招聘項(xiàng)目。美國國家情報(bào)委員會(National Intelligence Council)曾指責(zé)這些項(xiàng)目之一的“千人計(jì)劃”,方便了“美國技術(shù)、知識產(chǎn)權(quán)和專有技術(shù)(向中國)的合法和非法轉(zhuǎn)讓”。

But Chinese graduate students are largely seeking better opportunities for themselves, said Jenny Lee, a University of Arizona professor who studies international student mobility.

但亞利桑那大學(xué)(University of Arizona)研究國際學(xué)生流動性的教授珍妮·李(Jenny Lee)說,中國研究生在很大程度上是在為自己尋找更好的機(jī)會。

A National Science Foundation study published last year found that from 2005 to 2015, nearly nine of 10 Chinese students who had earned Ph.D.s intended to remain in the United States.

美國國家科學(xué)基金會(National Science Foundation)去年發(fā)表的一項(xiàng)研究發(fā)現(xiàn),從2005年到2015年間,在美國獲得博士學(xué)位的中國學(xué)生有近90%打算留在美國。

Ms. Lee said the new restrictions could deter foreign students from enrolling in American universities. “Why would a student be willing to commit to a U.S. degree without a guarantee that they would have a steady visa?” she said.


The policy takes into account only the risks of foreign students studying in the United States, without acknowledging the “incredible positive side,” according to Stephen A. Orlins, the president of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.

美中關(guān)系全國委員會(National Committee on U.S.-China Relations)會長歐倫斯(Stephen A. Orlins)說,這種政策只考慮了外國學(xué)生留學(xué)美國的風(fēng)險(xiǎn),不承認(rèn)其“極大的正面作用”。

One of those benefits, said Yolanda Gil, director of knowledge technologies at the University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute, is the supply of talent and innovation that international students provide. 其中的一個好處是國際學(xué)生提供了人才和創(chuàng)新,南加州大學(xué)(University of Southern California)信息科學(xué)研究所的知識技術(shù)主任約蘭達(dá)·吉爾(Yolanda Gil)說。

It would be “a great loss,” she said, not to be able to interact with and learn from Chinese graduate students and visiting scholars at research conferences, where they regularly present projects and contribute to larger innovations in artificial intelligence.


Another advantage is financial. In 2016, the more than one million international students studying at colleges and universities in the United States contributed $39 billion to the American economy, according to the Institute of International Education. Almost a third of those students were from China.

財(cái)務(wù)方面也有好處。據(jù)國際教育學(xué)院(Institute of International Education)的數(shù)據(jù),2016年,在美國的大學(xué)和學(xué)院就讀的100多萬名國際學(xué)生為美國經(jīng)濟(jì)貢獻(xiàn)了390億美元。國際學(xué)生中有近三分之一來自中國。

The visa restrictions are the latest example of how Mr. Trump’s hard-line approach to immigration has touched higher education. His ban on travel from certain mostly Muslim nations has raised concerns about scientific research being stifled, and his administration announced in May that it would crack down on international students who overstay their visas. And some experts have cited the country’s uncertain political climate as a reason enrollment of first-time international students declined last fall.


The shift is also another setback in the United States’ relationship with China, coming amid a trade fight between Washington and Beijing that shows no signs of abating. The Trump administration has said the tariffs it has imposed on $34 billion worth of Chinese goods are necessary to curb the unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft that threaten the United States’ economy and national security.


Details about the visa restrictions remain murky. At a June 6 Senate hearing, Edward J. Ramotowski, the deputy assistant secretary for visa services at the State Department, confirmed that new screening instructions were given to American embassies and consulates “to deal with certain individuals from China.”

簽證限制的細(xì)節(jié)仍然模糊。在6月6日的參議院聽證會上,美國國務(wù)院負(fù)責(zé)簽證事務(wù)的副助理國務(wù)卿愛德華·J·拉莫托夫斯基(Edward J. Ramotowski)證實(shí),美國大使館和領(lǐng)事館已收到“針對中國某些個人”的新的審查操作指南。

He did not disclose which areas of study would be subject to additional scrutiny, but The Associated Press has reported that the restrictions focus on robotics, aviation and high-tech manufacturing — areas where China has pushed to bolster its presence in the global market. The Bureau of Consular Affairs declined to comment on the specifics of the changes.

雖然他沒有透露哪些研究領(lǐng)域?qū)⑹艿竭M(jìn)一步的審查,但美聯(lián)社報(bào)道稱,新的限制主要針對機(jī)器人、航空和高技術(shù)制造業(yè),中國一直在全球市場上努力擴(kuò)大自己在這些領(lǐng)域的影響力。領(lǐng)事事務(wù)局(Bureau of Consular Affairs)拒絕就這些變化的細(xì)節(jié)發(fā)表評論。

The American Council on Education has questioned how the policy will be carried out, said Terry Hartle, a senior vice president at the organization. Would someone taking a course in aviation, for example, be vetted the same way as someone majoring in the subject?

美國教育委員會(American Council on Education)對如何實(shí)施這項(xiàng)政策一直有疑問,委員會高級副會長特里·哈特爾(Terry Hartle)說。比如,選修一門航空學(xué)課程的學(xué)生,會受到與主修該專業(yè)的學(xué)生一樣的審查嗎?

“We called the Department of Homeland Security the day it was announced and said, ‘Can we talk about this?’ And they said, ‘Sure, we can, but we’re reading about it the same way you are, so we got to figure it out ourselves,’” he said.


With the contours of the policy still unclear, educators and researchers are trying to assess how it will affect the way they work.


Trevor Darrell, a director of the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research laboratory, said that the restrictions would be “a significant and unfortunate inconvenience for many group members,” but that they would not “fundamentally change” the lab’s ability to do research.

伯克利人工智能研究實(shí)驗(yàn)室(Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research laboratory)主任特雷弗·達(dá)雷爾(Trevor Darrell)說,這些限制措施會“給許多團(tuán)隊(duì)成員帶來巨大的、令人遺憾的不便”,但不會“從根本上改變”其實(shí)驗(yàn)室開展研究的能力。

Others fear the policy could have a bigger impact.


The American science, technology, engineering and math community, particularly at top-tier universities, heavily relies on foreign applicants to bolster its research, said Richard M. Voyles, director of the Purdue Robotics Accelerator.

普渡機(jī)器人加速器(Purdue Robotics Accelerator)項(xiàng)目主管理查德·M·沃義爾斯(Richard M. Voyles)說,美國的科學(xué)、技術(shù)、工程和數(shù)學(xué)等領(lǐng)域的研究嚴(yán)重依賴外國的申請者,尤其是在一流大學(xué)里。

Finding qualified students to replace the Chinese researchers in his lab would prove particularly challenging, Mr. Voyles said. “I have an extremely hard time getting even one American to apply to my lab,” he said.


But Yangyang Cheng, a Chinese particle physicist and postdoctoral research associate at Cornell University, suspects that more common than researchers being deterred from attending American universities will be researchers returning home soon after earning a degree — a “self-inflicted wound” that only furthers China’s technological and military ambitions.

但是,康奈爾大學(xué)(Cornell University)的中國博士后、從事粒子物理研究的程洋洋(音)懷疑,受新政策影響更多的將是在美國獲得學(xué)位后不久就回國的研究人員,而不是要來美國念書的人,這種“自傷”只會助長中國在技術(shù)和軍事方面的野心。

“Home as in still China, because they would see that the U.S. would never see them as one of their own,” Ms. Cheng said, “that they’re spies, guilty until proven innocent.”



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