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Early experience, cultivated connections and a wave of federal housing subsidies helped Fred Trump lay the foundation of his son’s wealth.


Before he turned 20, Fred Trump had already built and sold his first home. At age 35, he was building hundreds of houses a year in Brooklyn and Queens. By 45, he was building some of the biggest apartment complexes in the country.


Aside from an astonishing work ethic — “Sleeping is a waste of time,” he liked to say — the growth reflected his shrewd application of mass-production techniques. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle called him “the Henry Ford of the home-building industry.” He would erect scaffolding a city block long so his masons, sometimes working a second shift under floodlights, could throw up a dozen rowhouses in a week. They sold for about $115,000 in today’s dollars.

除了驚人的工作態(tài)度——他喜歡說,“睡覺是浪費(fèi)時(shí)間”——這種增長也反映了他對大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)技術(shù)的敏銳使用?!恫剪斂肆助棃?bào)》(Brooklyn Daily Eagle)稱他為“住宅建筑業(yè)的亨利·福特”。他會搭起一個街區(qū)那么長的腳手架,好讓他的泥瓦工一周內(nèi)就能蓋起12棟聯(lián)排住宅——有的工人是在泛光燈下上夜班。以今天的美元計(jì)算,這些住宅的售價(jià)約為11.5萬美元。

By 1940, American Builder magazine was taking notice, devoting a spread to Fred Trump under the headline “Biggest One-Man Building Show.” The article described a swaggering lone-wolf character who paid for everything — wages, supplies, land — from a thick wad of cash he carried at all times, and whose only help was a secretary answering the phone in an office barely bigger than a parking space. “He is his own purchasing agent, cashier, paymaster, building superintendent, construction engineer and sales director,” the article said.

到1940年,《美國建造者》(American Builder)雜志開始注意到他,雜志用橫貫兩版的篇幅、以《最大的建筑獨(dú)角戲》(Biggest One-Man Building Show)為標(biāo)題對弗雷德·特朗普進(jìn)行了報(bào)道。文章描述了一個神氣十足的獨(dú)狼角色,他用隨身攜帶的大疊厚厚的現(xiàn)金支付一切——工資、補(bǔ)給和土地——唯一的幫手是一名接聽電話的秘書,秘書的辦公室比一個停車位大不了多少。“他是自己的采購代理、司庫、出納員、大樓管理員、建造工程師和銷售總監(jiān),”文章寫道。

It wasn’t that simple. Fred Trump had also spent years ingratiating himself with Brooklyn’s Democratic machine, giving money, doing favors and making the sort of friends (like Abraham D. Beame, a future mayor) who could make life easier for a developer. He had also assembled a phalanx of plugged-in real estate lawyers, property appraisers and tax accountants who protected his interests.

事情并不那么簡單。弗雷德·特朗普也花了好多年的時(shí)間靠捐款、送人情討好布魯克林的民主黨機(jī)構(gòu),他還交了一些能讓開發(fā)商的日子好過一點(diǎn)的朋友(比如后來當(dāng)過紐約市長的亞伯拉罕·D·比姆[Abraham D. Beame])。他還集結(jié)了一群擁有最新信息的房地產(chǎn)律師、房地產(chǎn)估價(jià)師和稅務(wù)會計(jì)師,他們的作用是保護(hù)他的利益。

All these traits — deep experience, nimbleness, connections, a relentless focus on the efficient construction of homes for the middle class — positioned him perfectly to ride a growing wave of federal spending on housing. The wave took shape with the New Deal, grew during the World War II rush to build military housing and crested with the postwar imperative to provide homes for returning G.I.s. Fred Trump would become a millionaire many times over by making himself one of the nation’s largest recipients of cheap government-backed building loans, according to Gwenda Blair’s book “The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and a President.”

所有這些特點(diǎn)——深厚的經(jīng)驗(yàn)、靈活的頭腦、人脈,以及把精力持續(xù)不懈地集中在高效地為中產(chǎn)階級建造住房上——讓他占據(jù)了有利位置,可以充分利用聯(lián)邦政府日益高漲的住房支出。住房支出的增加始于新政(New Deal)時(shí)期,第二次世界大戰(zhàn)期間為軍隊(duì)修建住房時(shí)有所增長,在戰(zhàn)后為返回家園的老兵提供住房時(shí)達(dá)到高潮。據(jù)格溫達(dá)·布萊爾的書《特朗普一家:三代建造者和一位總統(tǒng)》(The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and a President),通過讓自己成為全國政府支持的廉價(jià)建筑貸款的最大受益者之一,弗雷德·特朗普攬聚了成百上千萬的財(cái)富。

Those same loans became the wellspring of Donald Trump’s wealth. In the late 1940s, Fred Trump obtained roughly $26 million in federal loans to build two of his largest developments, Beach Haven Apartments, near Coney Island, Brooklyn, and Shore Haven Apartments, a few miles away. Then he set about making his children his landlords.

那些貸款也成了唐納德·特朗普財(cái)富的來源。20世紀(jì)40年代末,弗雷德·特朗普得到了約2600萬美元的聯(lián)邦貸款,修建了他最大的兩個開發(fā)項(xiàng)目——布魯克林康尼島附近的海灘港灣公寓(Beach Haven Apartments)、以及幾英里外的海岸港灣公寓(Shore Haven Apartments)。然后他開始著手讓他的孩子成為他的房東。

As ground lease payments fattened his children’s trusts, Fred Trump embarked on a far bigger transfer of wealth. Records obtained by The Times reveal how he began to build or buy apartment buildings in Brooklyn and Queens and then gradually, without public trace, transfer ownership to his children through a web of partnerships and corporations. In all, Fred Trump put up nearly $13 million in cash and mortgage debt to create a mini-empire within his empire — eight buildings with 1,032 apartments — that he would transfer to his children.


The handover began just before Donald Trump’s 16th birthday. On June 1, 1962, Fred Trump transferred a plot of land in Queens to a newly created corporation. While he would be its president, his children would be its owners, records show. Then he constructed a 52-unit building called Clyde Hall.

轉(zhuǎn)移是在唐納德·特朗普16歲生日之前開始的。1962年6月1日,弗雷德·特朗普將皇后區(qū)的一塊土地轉(zhuǎn)讓給了一家新成立的公司。記錄顯示,雖然他是公司的總裁,但他的孩子們是公司的所有者。然后,他建了一棟有52個單位的名為“克萊德廳”(Clyde Hall)的建筑。

It was easy money for the Trump children. Their father took care of everything. He bought the land, built the apartments and obtained the mortgages. His employees managed the building. The profits, meanwhile, went to his children. By the early 1970s, Fred Trump would execute similar transfers of the other seven buildings.


For Donald Trump, this meant a rapidly growing new source of income. When he was in high school, his cut of the profits was about $17,000 a year in today’s dollars. His share exceeded $300,000 a year soon after he graduated from college.


How Fred Trump transferred 1,032 apartments to his children without incurring hundreds of thousands of dollars in gift taxes is unclear. A review of property records for the eight buildings turned up no evidence that his children bought them outright. Financial records obtained by The Times reveal only that all of the shares in the partnerships and corporations set up to create the mini-empire shifted at some point from Fred Trump to his children. Yet his tax returns show he paid no gift taxes on seven of the buildings, and only a few thousand dollars on the eighth.


That building, Sunnyside Towers, a 158-unit property in Queens, illustrates Fred Trump’s catch-me-if-you-can approach with the I.R.S., which had repeatedly cited him for underpaying taxes in the 1950s and 1960s.

位于皇后區(qū)、共有158個單位的桑尼賽德大廈(Sunnyside Towers)鑒證了弗雷德·特朗普對國稅局的“有本事就來抓我”的態(tài)度,國稅局曾在20世紀(jì)50年代和60年代多次以逃稅為由傳喚過他。

Sunnyside was bought for $2.5 million in 1968 by Midland Associates, a partnership Fred Trump formed with his children for the transaction. In his 1969 tax return, he reported giving each child 15 percent of Midland Associates. Based on the amount of cash put up to buy Sunnyside, the value of this gift should have been $93,750. Instead, he declared a gift of only $6,516.

1968年,米德蘭合伙人(Midland Associates)以250萬美元的價(jià)格收購了桑尼賽德大廈,該公司是弗雷德·特朗普和他的孩子們?yōu)榱诉M(jìn)行這筆交易而結(jié)成的合伙關(guān)系。在他1969年的納稅申報(bào)表中,他填寫的內(nèi)容包括給了每個孩子15%的米德蘭合伙人股份。根據(jù)購買桑尼賽德大廈的現(xiàn)金數(shù)量,相應(yīng)的贈與價(jià)值應(yīng)該是93750美元。而他只報(bào)了贈與每個子女6516美元。

Donald Trump went to work for his father after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968. His father made him vice president of dozens of companies. This was also the moment Fred Trump telegraphed what had become painfully obvious to his family and employees: He did not consider his eldest son, Fred Trump Jr., a viable heir apparent.

1968年從賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)(University of Pennsylvania)畢業(yè)后,唐納德·特朗普開始為父親工作。父親讓他當(dāng)了數(shù)十家公司的副總裁。就在這段時(shí)間,弗雷德·特朗普向家人和員工傳達(dá)了一個相當(dāng)明確的信息:他不認(rèn)為長子小弗雷德·特朗普(Fred Trump Jr.)是一個可行的繼承人。

Fred Jr., seven and a half years older than Donald, had also worked for his father after college. It did not go well, relatives and former employees said in interviews. Fred Trump openly ridiculed him for being too nice, too soft, too lazy, too fond of drink. He frowned on his interests in flying and music, could not fathom why he cared so little for the family business. Donald, witness to his father’s deepening disappointment, fashioned himself Fred Jr.’s opposite — the brash tough guy with a killer instinct. His reward was to inherit his father’s dynastic dreams.


Fred Trump began taking steps that enriched Donald alone, introducing him to the charms of building with cheap government loans. In 1972, father and son formed a partnership to build a high-rise for the elderly in East Orange, N.J. Thanks to government subsidies, the partnership got a nearly interest-free $7.8 million loan that covered 90 percent of construction costs. Fred Trump paid the rest.


But his son received most of the financial benefits, records show. On top of profit distributions and consulting fees, Donald Trump was paid to manage the building, though Fred Trump’s employees handled day-to-day management. He also pocketed what tenants paid to rent air-conditioners. By 1975, Donald Trump’s take from the building was today’s equivalent of nearly $305,000 a year.


Fred Trump also gave his son an extra boost through his investment, in the early 1970s, in the sprawling Starrett City development in Brooklyn, the largest federally subsidized housing project in the nation. The investment, which promised to generate huge tax write-offs, was tailor-made for Fred Trump; he would use Starrett City’s losses to avoid taxes on profits from his empire.

弗雷德·特朗普還通過自己的投資給了兒子額外的幫助。20世紀(jì)70年代初,他投資了位于布魯克林的龐大的斯塔雷特城(Starrett City)開發(fā)項(xiàng)目,這是美國最大的聯(lián)邦補(bǔ)貼住房項(xiàng)目。這筆投資有望產(chǎn)生巨額的稅務(wù)減免,這對弗雷德·特朗普來說簡直就是量身定做的;他后來利用在斯塔雷特城的損失來避免政府對其房地產(chǎn)帝國的利潤征稅。

Fred Trump invested $5 million. A separate partnership established for his children invested $1 million more, showering tax breaks on the Trump children for decades to come. They helped Donald Trump avoid paying any federal income taxes at all in 1978 and 1979. But Fred Trump also deputized him to sell a sliver of his Starrett City shares, a sweetheart deal that generated today’s equivalent of more than $1 million in “consulting fees.”


The money from consulting and management fees, ground leases, the mini-empire and his salary all combined to make Donald Trump indisputably wealthy years before he sold his first Manhattan apartment. By 1975, when he was 29, he had collected nearly $9 million in today’s dollars from his father, The Times found.


Wealthy, yes. But a far cry from the image father and son craved for Donald Trump.




Fred Trump would play a crucial role in building and carefully maintaining the myth of Donald J. Trump, Self-Made Billionaire.


“He is tall, lean and blond, with dazzling white teeth, and he looks ever so much like Robert Redford. He rides around town in a chauffeured silver Cadillac with his initials, DJT, on the plates. He dates slinky fashion models, belongs to the most elegant clubs and, at only 30 years of age, estimates that he is worth ‘more than $200 million.’”

“他高瘦,金發(fā),牙齒白得耀眼,看上去非常像羅伯特·雷德福(Robert Redford)。他去哪都坐一輛配司機(jī)的銀色凱迪拉克,車牌上有他的姓名首字母DJT。他約會身材婀娜的時(shí)裝模特,出入最高雅的會所,外界估計(jì)年方30的他身家已‘逾兩億美元’。”

So began a Nov. 1, 1976, article in The Times, one of the first major profiles of Donald Trump and a cornerstone of decades of mythmaking about his wealth. How could he claim to be worth more than $200 million when, as he divulged years later to casino regulators, his 1976 taxable income was $24,594? Donald Trump simply appropriated his father’s entire empire as his own.


In the chauffeured Cadillac, Donald Trump took The Times’s reporter on a tour of what he called his “jobs.” He told her about the Manhattan hotel he planned to convert into a Grand Hyatt (his father guaranteed the construction loan), and the Hudson River railroad yards he planned to develop (the rights were purchased by his father’s company). He showed her “our philanthropic endeavor,” the high-rise for the elderly in East Orange (bankrolled by his father), and an apartment complex on Staten Island (owned by his father), and their “flagship,” Trump Village, in Brooklyn (owned by his father), and finally Beach Haven Apartments (owned by his father). Even the Cadillac was leased by his father.


“So far,” he boasted, “I’ve never made a bad deal.”


It was a spectacular con, right down to the priceless moment when Mr. Trump confessed that he was “publicity shy.” By claiming his father’s wealth as his own, Donald Trump transformed his place in the world. A brash 30-year-old playboy worth more than $200 million proved irresistible to New York City’s bankers, politicians and journalists.


Yet for all the spin about cutting his own path in Manhattan, Donald Trump was increasingly dependent on his father. Weeks after The Times’s profile ran, Fred Trump set up still more trusts for his children, seeding each with today’s equivalent of $4.3 million. Even into the early 1980s, when he was already proclaiming himself one of America’s richest men, Donald Trump remained on his father’s payroll, drawing an annual salary of $260,000 in today’s dollars.


Meanwhile, Fred Trump and his companies also began extending large loans and lines of credit to Donald Trump. Those loans dwarfed what the other Trumps got, the flow so constant at times that it was as if Donald Trump had his own Money Store. Consider 1979, when he borrowed $1.5 million in January, $65,000 in February, $122,000 in March, $150,000 in April, $192,000 in May, $226,000 in June, $2.4 million in July and $40,000 in August, according to records filed with New Jersey casino regulators.


In theory, the money had to be repaid. In practice, records show, many of the loans were more like gifts. Some were interest-free and had no repayment schedule. Even when loans charged interest, Donald Trump frequently skipped payments.


This previously unreported flood of loans highlights a clear pattern to Fred Trump’s largess. When Donald Trump began expensive new projects, his father increased his help. In the late 1970s, when Donald Trump was converting the old Commodore Hotel into a Grand Hyatt, his father stepped up with a spigot of loans. Fred Trump did the same with Trump Tower in the early 1980s.

這些此前從未披露的大量貸款突顯出弗雷德·特朗普慷慨解囊的清晰模式。當(dāng)唐納德·特朗普啟動昂貴的新項(xiàng)目時(shí),他的父親便加大援手。1970年代后期,唐納德·特朗普把過去的海軍準(zhǔn)將酒店(Commodore Hotel)改造成君悅酒店時(shí),他父親給他打開了借款的水龍頭。1980年代初建設(shè)特朗普大廈時(shí)也是這樣。

In the mid-1980s, as Donald Trump made his first forays into Atlantic City, Fred Trump devised a plan that sharply increased the flow of money to his son.


The plan involved the mini-empire — the eight buildings Fred Trump had transferred to his children. He converted seven of them into cooperatives, and helped his children convert the eighth. That meant inviting tenants to buy their apartments, generating a three-way windfall for Donald Trump and his siblings: from selling units, from renting unsold units and from collecting mortgage payments.


In 1982, Donald Trump made today’s equivalent of about $380,000 from the eight buildings. As the conversions continued and Fred Trump’s employees sold off more units, his son’s share of profits jumped, records show. By 1987, with the conversions completed, his son was making today’s equivalent of $4.5 million a year off the eight buildings.


Fred Trump made one other structural change to his empire that produced a big new source of revenue for Donald Trump and his siblings. He made them his bankers.


The Times could find no evidence that the Trump children had to come up with money of their own to buy their father’s mortgages. Most were purchased from Fred Trump’s banks by trusts and partnerships that he set up and seeded with money.


Co-op sales, mortgage payments, ground leases — Fred Trump was a master at finding ways to enrich his children in general and Donald Trump in particular. Some ways were like slow-moving creeks. Others were rushing streams. A few were geysers. But as the decades passed they all joined into one mighty river of money. By 1990, The Times found, Fred Trump, the ultimate silent partner, had quietly transferred today’s equivalent of at least $46.2 million to his son.


Donald Trump took on a mien of invincibility. The stock market crashed in 1987 and the economy cratered. But he doubled down thanks in part to Fred Trump’s banks, which eagerly extended credit to the young Trump princeling. He bought the Plaza Hotel in 1988 for $407.5 million. He bought the Eastern Airlines shuttle fleet in 1989 for $365 million and called it Trump Shuttle. His newest casino, the Trump Taj Mahal, would need at least $1 million a day just to cover its debt.

唐納德·特朗普顯現(xiàn)出一種所向披靡的風(fēng)采。1987年美國股市崩盤,經(jīng)濟(jì)重創(chuàng),但他卻加倍下注,部分得益于弗雷德·特朗普的銀行急切地向年輕的少東家提供信貸。1988年他以407.5萬美元買下了紐約廣場酒店(Plaza Hotel)。1989年他以3.65億美元買下“東方航空”(Eastern Airlines)快線機(jī)隊(duì),改稱“特朗普快線”(Trump Shuttle)。他最新的賭場特朗普泰姬陵賭場(Trump Taj Mahal),每天僅償還債務(wù)就需要至少100萬美元。

The skeptics who questioned the wisdom of this debt-fueled spending spree were drowned out by one magazine cover after another marveling at someone so young taking such breathtaking risks. But whatever Donald Trump was gambling, not for one second was he at risk of losing out on a lifetime of frictionless, effortless wealth. Fred Trump had that bet covered.



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