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Happy 10 Minutes, a Chinese government campaign that encouraged schoolchildren to exercise for 10 minutes a day, would seem a laudable step toward improving public health in a nation struggling with alarming rates of childhood obesity.


But the initiative and other official Chinese efforts that emphasized exercise as the best way to lose weight were notable for what they didn’t mention: the importance of cutting back on the calorie-laden junk foods and sugary beverages that have become ubiquitous in the world’s second largest economy.


China’s fitness-is-best message, as it happens, has largely been the handiwork of Coca-Cola and other Western food and beverage giants, according to a pair of new studies that document how those companies have helped shape decades of Chinese science and public policy on obesity and diet-related illnesses like type 2 diabetes and hypertension.


The findings, published Wednesday in ">The BMJ and The Journal of Public Health Policy, show how Coca-Cola and other multinational food companies, operating through a group called the International Life Sciences Institute, cultivated key Chinese officials in an effort to stave off the growing movement for food regulation and soda taxes that has been sweeping the west.

研究結(jié)果周三發(fā)表在英國醫(yī)學雜志(BMJ)和公共衛(wèi)生政策期刊(The Journal of Public Health Policy)上,表明可口可樂和其他跨國食品公司通過一個名為國際生命科學研究所(International Life Sciences Institute)的組織,與中國的關(guān)鍵官員建立聯(lián)系,以避免西方各國日漸興起的食品監(jiān)管和碳酸飲料征稅運動。

The group, known as ILSI, is a worldwide organization with a Washington headquarters, funded by many of the biggest names in snack foods, including Nestlé, McDonald’s, Pepsi Co. and Yum! Brands as well as Coca-Cola. It has 17 branches, most of in them emerging economies like Mexico, India, South Africa and Brazil, and promotes itself as a bridge between scientists, government officials and multinational food companies.

這個簡稱ILSI的組織遍布全世界,其總部設(shè)在華盛頓,由零食業(yè)的許多巨頭資助,包括雀巢、麥當勞、百事可樂、百勝(Yum Brands)和可口可樂。它有17個分部,大多位于墨西哥、印度、南非、巴西等新興經(jīng)濟體,對外宣傳自己是科學家、政府官員和跨國食品公司之間的橋梁。

But in China, ILSI is so well-placed that it runs its operations from inside the government’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in Beijing. In fact, when asked to comment on the studies, the ministry emailed a statement not from a government official but from ILSI’s China director.

但在中國,ILSI的地位高到在位于北京的中國疾病預(yù)防控制中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)內(nèi)部辦公。事實上,當被要求對上述研究置評時,該部門發(fā)出了一份電子郵件聲明——并非來自政府官員,而是來自ILSI中國辦事處主任。

The director, Chen Junshi, said the group had always emphasized the importance of both exercise and a well-balanced diet, and that its activities “are based on science and are not affected by any business.”


The close relationship with the highest government health policymakers goes significantly beyond what the companies have been able to achieve in the West.


Coca-Cola tried similar tactics in the United States by partnering with influential scientists and creating a nonprofit called the Global Energy Balance Network to promote a message that exercise, not dieting, was the solution to the nation’s obesity crisis. But in 2015, after an article in The New York Times on the efforts and subsequent outcry from public health advocates, the company disbanded the organization.

可口可樂曾在美國嘗試過類似策略:通過與有影響力的科學家結(jié)為伙伴,并建立非營利組織全球能量平衡網(wǎng)(Global Energy Balance Network),以宣傳鍛煉——而非飲食——是該國肥胖危機解決之道的信息。但在2015年,在《紐約時報》發(fā)表了一篇有關(guān)這些動作的文章,以及公共衛(wèi)生倡導(dǎo)者后續(xù)進行譴責之后,該公司解散了這一組織。

In China, beginning in the late 1990s, ILSI organized obesity conferences, paid the way of Chinese scientists who attended the events and helped create national health campaigns aimed at tackling the country’s obesity epidemic, according to Susan Greenhalgh, a social scientist and China expert at Harvard who is the author of both studies.

據(jù)兩項研究的作者、社會科學家、哈佛大學中國問題專家葛蘇珊(Susan Greenhalgh)表示,在中國,ILSI從90年代后期便開始組織肥胖主題會議,支付參會中國科學家的行程費用,幫助打造旨在解決該國肥胖流行的全國性健康活動。

China’s public health initiatives almost always promote exercise, and they seldom mention the value of cutting calories or reducing the consumption of processed food and sugar-sweetened beverages, which many experts say is essential for losing weight, keeping it off, and improving health.


“You can’t use physical activity alone to get rid of obesity, hypertension or diabetes,” said Barry Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

“你不能光靠身體活動擺脫肥胖、高血壓或糖尿病,”北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)營養(yǎng)學教授巴里·波普金(Barry Popkin)說。

Professor Popkin was not involved in the study, but he has spent decades working in China to help the country develop nutrition guidelines and food policy — efforts he said were often thwarted by well-placed officials aligned with ILSI.


Given his experience, he said Professor Greenhalgh’s findings were not surprising. “Over the course of several decades, Coke and ILSI have worked to prevent any kind of food policy that would benefit public health,” he said. “What they’ve been doing in China is insidious.”


In a statement, ILSI said it was committed to backing “evidence-based food and nutrition research” and that it did not conduct lobbying activities or make policy recommendations in the countries where it operates.


“ILSI does not profess to have been perfect in our 40-year history,” the statement said. “Not surprisingly, there have been bumps along the way. This is why ILSI has analyzed best practices and has committed to ensuring scientific integrity in nutrition and food sector research.”


Coca-Cola said in a statement that it had also been changing the way it funded scientific research through greater transparency and by ending its practice of providing the lion’s share of money for studies. In recent years, it added, Coca-Cola has sought to address mounting obesity in China by offering an array of new sugar-free beverages and through improved nutrition labeling on products. “We recognize that too much sugar isn’t good for anyone,” it said.


Professor Greenhalgh’s findings were based on interviews with Chinese officials and scientists, and a review of public documents produced by Coca-Cola and ILSI.


She said the industry efforts have been wildly successful, in part because China lacks a free media or watchdog organizations that might have been critical of the relationship.


In just a few decades, China has gone from a nation plagued by food shortages to one buffeted by soaring obesity and chronic diseases tied to poor diet. More than 42 percent of adults in China are overweight and obese, according to Chinese researchers, more than double the rate in 1991. In Chinese cities, nearly a fifth of all children are obese, according to government surveys.


The increases closely follow growing prosperity in China that began in the 1980s as Beijing embraced market economics after decades of isolation. In 1978, Coca-Cola was among the first companies allowed into the country, and ILSI arrived soon afterward. Seeking to identify influential scientists it could work with, the group found a partner in Chen Chunming, a leading nutritionist who was the founding president of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, the forerunner of China’s C.D.C.


In 1993, Ms. Chen became the head of ILSA-China and she remained a senior adviser to the organization until her death last year. Professors Greenhalgh and Popkin said that Ms. Chen was instrumental in stymying attempts to address soaring obesity by stressing the harmful impact of consuming highly processed food and sugary soft drinks.


In interviews, several Chinese nutrition experts said they were not bothered by the relationship between ILSI and multinational beverage companies like Coca-Cola, and they defended the integrity of ILSI-backed researchers, praising their professional bona fides. He Jiguo, a nutrition professor at the College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering at China Agricultural University, said that Coca-Cola had only amplified the notion that exercise is essential to human health, an idea long espoused by China’s ruling Communist Party.


“The key is that no matter what Cola-Cola or other beverage companies say, these drinks are just a product,” he said. “No one is being forced to buy them.”


With sweetened beverage consumption dropping in the United States and Europe, Coca-Cola increasingly views China and other developing countries as essential to maintaining profits. China is the company’s third largest market.


Martin McKee, professor of European public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said ILSI and other industry-funded groups that represent the interests of the tobacco, alcohol and fast-food companies have found fertile ground in poorer nations with weak public health bureaucracies.

倫敦衛(wèi)生和熱帶醫(yī)學院(London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)歐洲公共衛(wèi)生教授馬丁·麥基(Martin McKee)表示,ILSI和其它由行業(yè)資助的代表煙草、酒精和快餐公司利益的團體,在公共衛(wèi)生官僚機構(gòu)薄弱的貧窮國家找到了肥沃的土壤。

Professor McKee, who wrote an editorial in the BMJ that accompanies the study, said such groups often claim to be independent think tanks but refuse to disclose detailed information about their funding.


These groups, he said, support and publicize scientific studies whose results sometimes muddy the waters on contentious issues like smoking or alcohol and soda consumption.


“They often cherry pick data in ways that mislead while portraying these issues as so terribly complex that nothing can be done,” he said.



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