Total energy consumption rises by almost 50 per cent over the next 30 years. This is driven by economic growth (of 3 per cent a year globally) and an expected 2bn rise in population over the period. Most of the growth in demand comes in countries, led by China and India, outside the OECD club of mostly rich nations.
Renewable energy supplies grow rapidly. Taken together, they will make up the largest share of total global energy supply by 2050, outstripping the other sources individually.
Demand for hydrocarbons also continues to grow, however. In 30 years’ time almost 70 per cent of total energy supplies will still be accounted for by oil, natural gas and coal collectively, against almost 30 per cent from renewables.
Oil demand rises to more than 105m barrels a day. Refined petroleum and other liquid fuels will continue to supply more than 80 per cent of the energy needed for transportation throughout the period. Although the number of electric vehicles rises from some 6m today to more than 430m by 2050, total light vehicles increase from around 1.1bn today to 2.4bn, with most running on petrol. With the growth in freight transportation and air flights, that will outweigh the impact of both electrification and gains in vehicle efficiency.
Oil prices grow to $100 a barrel in real 2018 money by 2050. But even at $185, oil would still see strong demand growth.
Most of the demand growth comes from industry. It is seen especially in the energy-intensive manufacturing of such products as chemicals, food and iron and steel. Again, this is led by activity in China and India.
Coal remains the largest single source of energy for industry globally. Even in 2050 it accounts for a quarter of all energy consumption. India’s use of coal is set to soar from 1.1bn short tons (equivalent to 2,000lb) a year to 2.9bn.
Coal-related carbon dioxide emissions grow by around 0.4 per cent a year. This is better than from 1990 to 2018 when they grew by 2.1 per cent a year, but still sufficient to bring the world to the point at which global warming of some 2C is unavoidable, according to the scientific evidence.