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老友記第三季The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A Break



如果我把整罐橄欖吃光你要給我多少錢?我一塊錢也不給但你欠我兩塊九毛五成交我需要地圖…干嘛?你要交報告?我昨天在聯(lián)合國外做免費(fèi)按摩認(rèn)識一個外交官我要跟他約會我不知道他是哪個國家的人先說你為什么要在聯(lián)合國做免費(fèi)按摩服務(wù)這是我的新目標(biāo),我認(rèn)為平和的身體可以締造和平你搞不好會得第一座諾貝爾按摩獎這家伙是哪個國家的人?里面有個“G”這個國家在哪里?在你的地圖上我沒有地圖不過等等我有地球儀,等一下他是什么樣的人?他很……有沖勁而且非常練達(dá)他不會講英文但他的翻譯說他對我意亂情迷好,來了這是什么?地球儀也是削鉛筆機(jī)有什么要影印的嗎?我要到影印店去不用了,謝謝隨便給我什么拿去影印就好如果你沒有東西要影印干嘛要去?你又要去看那個…釘了肚臍環(huán)的女孩?要一起去嗎?快,克蘿伊先把你的顧客解決掉快點(diǎn),克蘿伊…要影印嗎?我們改變主意了還需要時間考慮要影印什么克蘿伊,跟我換有人迷上你了好,真是傷人我從早上就沒看見你們了這個嘛……你知道……你們明天有事嗎?我們兩個?也許吧,害怕了嗎?別緊張,艾塞克在菲力酒吧當(dāng)DJ你們應(yīng)該來聽聽看我們會的太好了,到時候見好啊,搖搖搖他說和你散步,讓他覺得彷佛這個城就是他的家我也是,雖然這里本來就是我家我說的是蠢話別跟他說是我說的你自己亂蓋吧很好,謝謝我家到了你的眼睛好美非常謝謝你謝謝他想吻你你不必麻煩了不,我不是說他不,是你不必麻煩了時機(jī)已經(jīng)過了就在這里好小對,但賽爾吉說德軍花了六星期才橫跨國境你開心嗎?只可惜約會的時候…雖然非常愉快但他的翻譯礙手礙腳瑞秋在房間里嗎?她還沒下班但叫你打電話給她她又要放我鴿子了?她怎么可以這樣?我們的周年紀(jì)念日怎么辦?我對這件事只知道這么多 “打電話給瑞秋”底下是什么?是我的涂鴉戴高頂禮帽的瓢蟲很漂亮嘿,親愛的嘿怎么回事?運(yùn)貨出了大問題我得把這批貨弄到對不起,不過看樣子我要開通宵了什么?那我過來好不好?不要,親愛的,拜托我要處理的事情太多了反正我今晚要跟塞爾吉出去…你能不能當(dāng)翻譯的女伴這樣我們想獨(dú)處的時候你們兩個可以離開?他長得挺帥的你說挺帥的是真的很帥?還是跟你的朋友泥漿背賴瑞一樣帥?別這樣說他他叫做泥漿背哈利 “中央咖啡廳”我們該出發(fā)了克蘿伊說幾點(diǎn)到?十點(diǎn)半現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)四點(diǎn)半我們再等等好了記得她提過我們?nèi)齻€人那回事嗎?記得很清楚她是開玩笑的吧?我想是的我想也是老天,如果今晚出現(xiàn)這種場面那就太詭異了對,我是說…我們該怎么辦?我可不知道她是開玩笑的她是…我們應(yīng)該訂下基本規(guī)則以備不時之需對,那當(dāng)然最重要的原則就是“絕對不要張開眼睛”因為最好不要在你做什么的時候…抬頭一看,對不對?看到你不想看的東西說得好…等等…萬一我的眼睛閉上以后我的手在那里…好,眼睛從頭到晚都張開我們怎么決定……哪個人……要在……哪里?對,你知道我們可以丟銅板決定我想也是,不過頭和字分別代表什么?如果連這個都不知道我也不想跟你一起上了不…訂單就在我面前上面說我們訂的里耶維拉此基尼各種尺寸和顏色都有這跟我穿什么有何相干?可以請你的主管過來嗎?謝謝嗨我的天,你來干什么?你說你不能出去,所以…你帶了野餐籃真是個好男朋友夠了,星期一我要開始化妝親愛的,你很體貼但我現(xiàn)在大難臨頭但我現(xiàn)在小米當(dāng)前親愛的,對不起我知道今天是我們周年紀(jì)念但我在電話上跟你說過我沒有時間停下來你不必停下來我是隱形人,看不到…對,可是,我不…是誰批準(zhǔn)這批貨的?我們這里沒有馬克羅賓遜打電話給馬克我喜歡馬克,你認(rèn)識他嗎?讓我看看…038不是本店的號碼是亞特蘭大的號碼胡椒?我不用好,對不起對不起我剛才說商店號碼是錯的對不起,可是…我的天我待會兒再打給你我這里一團(tuán)亂你這是干嘛?對不起但你電話講完了喝杯酒吧圍著爐火對飲我可以再把火升起來你沒有聽我說話我沒有空你連十分鐘都沒有?我連十分鐘都沒有蘇菲,她有十分鐘時間嗎?我說過沒有別對我吼我一個禮拜沒見到你了聽好了,我現(xiàn)在沒空理你我的交貨時間到了回家去,我們回頭再說好,可是等一下…再見剛才那個是我們的三洞打孔機(jī)嗨剛才的事,我完全了解你的壓力很大我本來要給你機(jī)會向我道歉為你把我趕出辦公室而抱歉?你沒有權(quán)利到我辦公室來你不能帶著野餐籃到人家的辦公室除非這個人是公園管理員原諒我只想在周年紀(jì)念日跟女朋友在一起老天,我真是混蛋但我說過我沒有時間你一直都沒時間我覺得自己好像根本沒有女朋友你是不是要我辭職…好讓你覺得自己有女朋友?我只希望你了解這只是一份工作只是一份工作?這是我一生中第一次做我覺得有意義的事第一次發(fā)揮自己的專長如果你不了解我了解,也為你高興但我受夠跟答錄機(jī)談戀愛我不知道該怎么辦我也不知道這是因為馬克嗎?我的天好,不是我的老天爺我不能老是跟你為同一件事情吵架你讓我受不了我讓你受不了?你要我怎么做?我不知道…這樣吧也許我們應(yīng)該冷靜一下很好,你說得對我們冷靜一下我們?nèi)コ岳鋬鰞?yōu)格吧我們分手吧過去五年來在核對方面的進(jìn)步…我們進(jìn)了一臺X5000有了X5000,X50看起來就像X7研究恐龍的人來了嗨羅斯嘿克蘿伊介紹你認(rèn)識我的朋友他是我的偶像他要把東西放大四倍我說我們不印,他說非印不可結(jié)果呢?我們辦到了現(xiàn)在有人要放大四倍我們就說“羅斯影印來羅”而且只有一種顏色克蘿伊,你有銅板嗎?我要買保險套你怎么回事?今晚不是你的周年紀(jì)念日嗎?計劃略為改變我們打算分手我會說一點(diǎn)法文怎么了?我說錯了什么?你剛才問我今晚要不要跟你上床?我的天難怪我在莫立斯餐廳得到這么好的服務(wù)敲……嗨,麻煩你告訴塞爾吉我很欣賞…布特洛斯布特洛斯蓋里在紐約時報寫的文章你沒有說布特洛斯布特洛斯蓋里布特洛斯布特洛斯蓋里他說他也是有意思我在想…趁你們還沒開口說話麻煩你告訴塞爾吉我很喜歡他的西裝他說“謝謝你,你今晚很美”您的秀發(fā)如陽光閃閃發(fā)亮這么說你是個廚師?我打算自己開一間餐廳真的?跟你說幾句悄悄話好嗎?你這是干什么?我在聊天啊米夏對你非常有意思塞爾吉跟我根本說不上話你要我安安靜靜地坐著聽你們?nèi)齻€人說話?那太好了,謝謝你嗨,我是馬克怎么?我有口臭嗎?對不起,我以為是別人打來的我只是打來留話的今晚不是你的周年紀(jì)念日嗎?瑞秋?你沒事吧?我沒事你想聊聊嗎?我可以過來真的不必了,沒關(guān)系好,我?guī)е袊诉^來我不餓是我要吃的再見你打算怎么辦?我能怎么辦?對方想分手,就只能分手了才不是這么回事你是男人,打電話去和好我們剛剛才大吵一架不用先等一段時間嗎?又不是剛吃完飯不能游泳,去打電話你知道吃完飯不能游泳其實(shí)是個迷思去跟我藍(lán)尼叔叔說吧為什么?他怎么了?沒有怎么了只不過他非常相信這回事然后我們大吵一架,弄得很僵我說他把我當(dāng)公園管理員什么的然后……我告訴他我想冷靜一下我不想分開我真替你難過蛋卷?然后我打電話給他他不在家他大概只是出去了謝謝你,你說的話好有用你來了可真好嗨,是我你打來就好了真的?這太荒謬了,你不覺得我們可以溝通嗎?你想喝什么?那是誰?沒有人我可以把蘋果汁喝光嗎?那是馬克嗎?親愛的,他只是過來…好,我懂了嘿,恐龍先生看看你,好傷心來跳舞吧沒關(guān)系,謝謝你你不必笑只要跳舞就好了我不想跳舞我想喝酒,好嗎?兩杯啤酒獸醫(yī)跟我說時候到了我在地球的另一端我母親把電話拿到它耳朵旁邊我用七種語言…跟我的狗說再見給我一張面紙好嗎?沒問題希望你不會不小心…吸進(jìn)鼻子里嗆死塞爾吉為我今晚的言行道歉跟他說“我接受他的道歉”真沒想到,這么多年來第一次有人想跟我說話但你想他會讓我這么好過嗎?當(dāng)然不會你這個笨外交官為什么自己不學(xué)英文?對不起,你的晚餐不是他付帳的嗎?人家的狗才剛過世我辭職了你愿不愿意陪我到彩虹廳?我有外交官折價券這是我的榮幸我的男伴有折價券你的男伴連“折價券”都不會講盤子盤子,對,盤子看,我們不需要他們我喜歡這首歌你等于已經(jīng)在跳舞了不如到這里來跳吧?你是有婦之夫,是吧?因為這也無所謂在家……你不在家還是不笑?美國派小姐美國……這種語言很難學(xué)再來一次

The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A Break

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Joey is taking a jar of olives out of the fridge.]

Joey: (to Monica) Hey, how much will you give me to eat this whole jar of olives?

Monica: I won抰 give you anything, but you抣l owe me 2.95.

Joey: Done.

Phoebe: (entering) Hey. I need an atlas! I need an atlas!

Monica: Why? (in a motherlike tone) Do you have a report due?

Phoebe: I have a date with this diplomat I met while I was giving free massages outside the UN and, I don抰 know where his country is.

Monica: Okay, let抯 start with the free messages outside the UN.

Phoebe: Oh!! That抯 my new thing. I figure bodies at peace, make peace.

Monica: Wow! You might just get the first Nobel prize in rubbing. So what country is this guy from?

Phoebe: Ick-neck-tree-anis..... There抯 a 慻?in there.

Monica: Where抯 that?

Phoebe: In your atlas!

Monica: I don抰 have an atlas.

Phoebe: Oh.

Monica: Oh, but wait I do have a globe.

Phoebe: Oh.

Monica: Hold on.

Joey: So Pheebs what抯 this guy like?

Phoebe: Umm, well he抯 very dashing, y'know, and umm, very, very sophisticated, and he doesn抰 speak any English, but according to his translator, he totally gets me.

Monica: 慘ay, here you go. (Hands her this tiny little globe.)

Phoebe: What is this?

Monica: It抯 a globe and, a pencil sharpener.

(Phoebe puts the globe right up next to her eye to try and find the country.)

Chandler: (entering) Hey, does anybody need anything copied? I抦 going down to the Xerox place.

Monica: Oh, no thanks.

Chandler: Okay listen, just give me anything I can make two of.

Monica: Well, if you don抰 have anything to copy, why are you going down there?

Joey: Yeah, are you just going down there to gawk at that hot girl with the belly button ring again?

Chandler: Yeah! You wanna come?

Joey: Yeah!


[Scene: The Xerox place, Chandler and Joey are waiting in line.]

Chandler: Come on Chloe! Finish up with your customer first. Come on Chloe! Come on Chloe!!

Issac: (to Chandler and Joey) Can I help you?

Chandler: Uh-oh.

Joey: Uh, y'know what, we抮e having second thoughts about our copying needs. And we抣l need a little more time to think about it.

Issac: Chloe, switch with me, there抯 some guys here that got a crush on you.

Chandler: (to Joey) Okay, that hurt us.

Chloe: Hi guys. I haven抰 seen you since this morning.

Chandler: Well ah, ........y'know.

Chloe: Hey, what are you guys doing tomorrow night?

Joey: Both of us? (points to Chandler and himself)

Chloe: Maybe. Does that scare ya?

(They both start laughing. They look at each other, stop and step apart a little bit.)

Chloe: Relax. It抯 just Issac抯 D.J.-ing at the Philly. You should come.

Joey: We抣l be there.

Chloe: Great. I抣l ah, see ya then.

Chandler: All right, rock on. (Does the 慔ang 10?sign, then hides his face in shame.)

[Scene: A Street, Phoebe is walking along with the diplomat (Sergei) and his translator (Mischa).]

Sergei: (something in Russian or Polish)

Mischa: He抯 says, 慦alking with you makes this strange city, feel like home.?br>
Phoebe: Me too. Although this city is my home, so. So that抯 dumb what I said, don抰 tell him I said that. Umm, you make something up. (Mischa does so and Sergei kisses her hand.) Nice, (to Mischa) thank you. This is me. Here.

(Sergei goes up to her at her door and says something.)

Mischa: (leaning in) Your eyes are very pretty.

Phoebe: (to Mischa) Thank you, very much! Oh! (to Sergei) Thank you!

(Sergei says something and leans in to kiss her, but just as he抯 about to....)

Mischa: (leaning in) He would like to kiss you.

Phoebe: (to Mischa) Okay, y'know what, you don抰 have to do that now. (Mischa translates that to Sergei) No-no-no-no!! Not him, you don抰! (Mischa tells Sergei he can proceed and steps away) Well the moment抯 over.

(Sergei says something and kisses her.)

Phoebe: Oh.

Mischa: Oy!

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Phoebe is showing Monica where Sergei抯 country is.]

Phoebe: (pointing to the globe) See there it is right there.

Monica: Wow! It抯 small.

Phoebe: Yeah. But Sergei said it took the Germans six weeks to get all the way across it.

Monica: So you had fun, huh?

Phoebe: Yeah. Except for, y'know when you抮e on a date and you抮e getting along really great but the guy抯 translator keeps getting in the way.

Monica: No.

Ross: (entering) Hey.

Phoebe and Monica: Hey.

Ross: What is ah, Rach in her room?

Monica: Oh no, she抯 still at work, but she told me to tell you to call her.

Ross: Oh what?! Is she gonna cancel on me again?! How can she do this? Doesn抰 she know it抯 our anniversary?

Monica: All right ah, Ross, this is the extent of my knowledge on the subject. (holds up a notepad) Call Rachel.

Ross: What抯 that on the bottom?

Monica: Oh that抯 my doodle of a ladybug, with a top hat. (to Phoebe) She抯 fancy.

(Ross calls Rachel)

Rachel: (answering her phone at work) Hello.

Ross: Hey, honey.

Rachel: Oh, hi.

Ross: Hey, what抯 going on?

Rachel: Well, there was a disaster in shipping and I抳e got to get this order in. Honey, I抦 so sorry, but it looks like I抦 gonna be here all night.

Ross: What, do you, well umm, oh how about I come up there?

Rachel: No-no-no, no, honey please, I抳e got, I抳e just have so much to deal with.

[Cut to kitchen.]

Phoebe: (to Monica) Anyway, I抦 going out with Sergei again tonight, and um, could you come and be the translator抯 date? So that when we, it抯 time for our alone time, you two could split off. Y'know, he抯 really, he抯 kinda cute.

Monica: Yeah, well kinda cute, like really kinda cute, or kinda cute like your friend Spackel Back Larry?

Phoebe: Hey, don抰 call him that! His name is Spackel Back Harry!

[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Joey are sitting on the big couch.]

Chandler: Hey, y'know what, maybe we should get going. I mean what time did Chloe say we should be there?

Joey: Uh, 10:30.

Chandler: What time is it now?

Joey: 4:30.

Chandler: Yeah all right, so we抣l hang out.

Joey: Yeah. Hey, remember when she brought up that thing about the three of us?

Chandler: Yes. Vividly.

Joey: She was kidding about that right?

Chandler: Yeah, I-I-I think so. (Pauses and thinks about it for a second) Yeah, I-I think so...

Joey: God, that would be weird it that situation presented itself tonight, huh?

Chandler: Yeah. Yeah, I mean what, what would we do?

Joey: Dude, I don抰 know.

Chandler: She was kidding.

Joey: Yeah.

Chandler: She was.... But y'know what, just in case, maybe we should come up with a set of ground rules.

Joey: Yeah, for sure. Okay. Probably want the first thing to be, never open your eyes. Y'know, because you don抰 want to be doing something and then look up and see something you don抰 want to be seeing.

Chandler: Yeah. Good call, nice one. Hold it!! Hold it! What if me eyes are closed, and, and my hand is out there.... (holds his arm out and pretends to grab something with his hand.)

Joey: Ah!! Okay! Eyes open at all times! Oh, hey, how do we decide where we... (clears throat) y'know each would, (clears throat again) y'know (pause) be?

Chandler: Right. Right. Well ah, y'know we could flip for it.

Joey: Yeah, I guess, but what抯 like heads and what抯 tails?

Chandler: Well it you don抰 know that, then I don抰 want to do this with you.

[Scene: Rachel抯 office, Rachel and a co-worker (Sophie) are dealing with the crisis.]

Rachel: (on the phone) No, no, no, I抦 looking at a purchase order right here and it clearly states that we ordered the Rivera bikini in a variety of sizes and colours. And.... (listens) What does it matter, what I抦 wearing?! Can I please speak to your supervisor? (listens) Thank you. (to Sophie) We抮e holding.

Ross: (entering, carrying a basket) Hi!

Rachel: (startled) Oh!! My God, what are you doing here?

Ross: Well you said you couldn抰 go out so.... (pulls the cover off of the basket)

Sophie: You brought a picnic, oh, what a boyfriend. That抯 it, on Monday I start wearing make-up.

Rachel: Ross honey, this is very nice, but, but I-I got a crisis.

Ross: Yeah, but I got cous-cous!

Rachel: Honey, honey, I抦 sorry, I know it抯 our anniversary but I told you on the phone I don抰 have time to stop.

Ross: Okay, you don抰 have to stop, I抦 invisible, I抦 not here. (lights a candle)

Rachel: But I don抰, hmm... (on phone) Oh, who approved that order?! (listens) Well there is no Mark Robbinson in this office. (to Sophie) Get me Mark on the phone!

Sophie: I love Mark. (to Ross) Do you know Mark?

Ross: Yeah!!

Rachel: Well, let me just check that with what I got here, all right see 038 is not the number for (Ross starts making a lot of noise with a handheld pepper grinder) this store, 038 is Atlanta. And I...(stops and looks at Ross)

Ross: (stopping grinding) Pepper?

Rachel: (angrily) None for me.

Ross: Okay sorry, whew.

Rachel: I抦 sorry, as I was saying the store number is wrong, and I抦 sorry but that抯... (notices a fire that Ross抯 candle has started) Oh my God!!

Ross: (putting out the fire with a squeeze bottle of water) Okay, that抯 a fire. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Rachel: (on phone) Excuse me, I抦 sorry, I抦 gonna have to call you back, I抳e got a Schemp in my office. (hangs up) (to Ross) What are you doing?

Ross: I抦 sorry. But ah, hey, oh, somebody抯 off the phone, how 慴out a glass of wine by the fire, I could get it going again.

Rachel: Ross you抮e not listening to me, I don抰 have time to stop.

Ross: Come on Rach, you don抰 have what, ten minutes?

Rachel: I don抰 have ten minutes!!

Ross: What? (to Sophie) Sophie, does she have ten minutes?

Rachel: Hey, Ross!!! I told you I don抰!

Ross: Don抰 yell at me okay, this is the most I抳e seen you all week.

Rachel: Look, I cannot do this right now, okay, I抳e got a deadline, would you just go home, I抣l talk to you later. (storms out)

Ross: Yeah, but wait...

Rachel: Good bye!

(Ross starts to pack up the picnic in anger, and throws a three hole punch in the basket.)

Sophie: Actually, that抯 our three hole punch.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross is eating the picnic as Rachel comes home from work.]

Ross: Hey.

Rachel: Hi. Look um, about what happened earlier...

Ross: No, hey, well, I-I completely understand. You were, you were stressed.

Rachel: (throws her stuff down) I was gonna give you a chance to apologise to me.

Ross: For what? For letting you throw me out of your office?

Rachel: You had no right coming down to my office Ross. You do not bring a picnic basket to somebody抯 work! Unless maybe they were a park ranger!

Ross: Yeah, well excuse me for wanting to be with my girlfriend on our anniversary, boy what an ass am I.

Rachel: But I told you, I didn抰 have the time!

Ross: Yeah, well you never have the time. I mean, I don抰 feel like I even have a girlfriend anymore, Rachel.

Rachel: Wh, Ross what do you want from me? You want me, you want me to quit my job so you can feel like you have a girlfriend?

Ross: No, but it抎 be nice if you realised, it抯 just a job!

Rachel: Just a job!

Ross: Yes.

Rachel: Ross do you realise this is the first time in my life I抦 doing something I actually care about. This is the first time in my life I抦 doing something that I抦 actually good at. I mean. if you don抰 get that...

Ross: No, hey, I get that, okay, I get that big time. And I抦 happy for ya, but I抦 tired of having a relationship with your answering machine! Okay, I don抰 know what to do anymore.

Rachel: Well neither do I!

Ross: Is this about Mark?

Rachel: (shocked) Oh my God.

Ross: Okay, it抯 not, it抯 not.

Rachel: Oh my God. I cannot keep having this same fight over and over again, Ross, no, you抮e, you抮e, you抮e making this too hard.

Ross: Oh I抦, I抦 making this too hard. Okay, what do you want me to do.

Rachel: I don抰 know, I don抰 know. Urrrgh! Look, maybe we should take a break.

Ross: Okay, okay, fine, you抮e right. Let抯 ah, let抯 take a break, (goes to the door) let抯 cool off, okay, let抯 get some frozen yogart, or something.. (opens the door)

Rachel: No. (Ross is standing in the doorway.) A break from us.

(Ross looks at her, then leaves slamming the door behind him.)


[Scene: The Philly, Chandler and Joey are talking to Chloe.]

Chloe: And the advances in collating in the past five years, I mean we just got in an X-5000, y'know. The X-5000 makes the X-50 look like a T-71.

(Chandler agrees in an absolutely bored way.)

Chloe: (seeing Ross enter) Hey, it抯 the dinosaur guy. (runs over to Ross) Hi, Ross.

Ross: Oh, hi Chloe.

Chloe: I want you to met some friends of mine. (Introduces him to Chandler and Joey) This guy is my hero, he comes in with some stuff he wants it blown up 400%, we said we don抰 do that, and he says you gotta. And y'know what, we did it. And now anytime anybody wants 400, we just say 憀et抯 Ross it!?br>
Chandler: And that抯 the only colour that comes in.

Issac: Yo, Chloe, do you have a quarter for the condom machine?

Chloe: Oh! (storms off)

Chandler: So, what are you doing here? I thought tonight was your big anniversary dinner.

Ross: Yeah, little change in plans. Ahh, we抮e gonna break-up instead.

(Chandler and Joey stare at each other in shock.)

[Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Phoebe are on their dates with Sergei and Mischa.]

Monica: Oh, and I can also speak a little French. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir? (Mischa laughs) Why? What did I say?

Mischa: Well, you just asked if I wanted to go to bed with you tonight.

Monica: Oh my God! No wonder I get such great service at Cafe Maurice.

Phoebe: (laughing and banging her spoon on the table) Knock, knock, knock, knock, hi. Um, could you please tell Sergei that um, I was fascinated by what Boutros Boutros Gali said in the New York Times.

(Mischa does so.)

Phoebe: You didn抰 say Boutros Boutros Gali.

Mischa: (to Sergei) Boutros Boutros Gali.

(Sergei responds.)

Mischa: He says he was too.

Phoebe: Interesting.

Mischa: (to Monica) So I was wondering....

Phoebe: Okay, ah, before you get all talky again, umm, could you also please tell Sergei that I really like his suit.

(Mischa does so, and Sergei complements Phoebe, and says it slowly)

Mischa: (to Phoebe, very quickly) Eh, he said, thank you very much, he thinks you look very pretty tonight, your hair, golden like the sun. (to Monica) So your a chef?

Monica: I抦 also thinking about opening up my own restaurant.

Mischa: Oh, really.

Phoebe: Monica, can I talk to you behind my menu, please. (Behind the menu) What are you doing?

Monica: Well, I was having a conversation.

Phoebe: Yeah but, Mischa is so interested in you, that Sergei and I haven抰 been able to say two words to each other.

Monica: What do you want me to do? Just sit here silently while you three have a conversation?

Phoebe: That would be great. Thank you.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is lying in front of the bay window, and the phone rings.]

Rachel: (jumping up to answer the phone) Hello!

Mark: Oh, hi. It抯 Mark.

Rachel: (disappointed) Oh.

Mark: What? Is it my breath?

Rachel: No! Sorry, I just thought you were somebody else. Hi!

Mark: Hi. Well, look, I was just gonna leave a message, isn抰 tonight your, your big anniversary dinner?

Rachel: Yeah. Well, umm.....

Mark: Rach, are you okay?

Rachel: (on the verge of tears) Yeah, I抦 fine.

Mark: You wanna talk, I mean I can come over?

Rachel: No! Really, no, please, please, that抯, that抯 okay.

Mark: All right, all right, I抦 coming over, and I抦 bringing Chinese food.

Rachel: Oh, yeah, I抦 not, I抦 not hungry.

Mark: It抯 for me.

Rachel: Oh. Okay, bye.

[Scene: The Philly.]

Joey: So what are you gonna do?

Ross: What can I do? One person wants to break-up, you break-up.

Chandler: Hey, no way! Come on, this is you guys, call her and work it out.

Ross: Oh come on, we just had this huge fight, all right, don抰 I have to wait a while?

Chandler: Hey, this isn抰 like swimming after you eat, pick up the phone!!

(Ross goes to call her.)

Chandler: Y'know that whole swimming thing is a myth.

Joey: Yeah, tell that to my Uncle Lenny.

Chandler: Why? What happened to him?

Joey: Nothing, he抯 just really believes in that.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Mark is there, opening Chinese food boxes.]

Rachel: Oh, and then, we got into this big, stupid fight. I just, it was awful. I told him he treats me like a park ranger, or something, oh and then I told him I wanted to take a break, I don抰 want to take a break.

Mark: Wow. I抦 sorry. Eggroll?

Rachel: No. (grabs an eggroll) And then I called him, and he wasn抰 there.

Mark: Well, then he抯, he抯 probably just, out.

Rachel: Oh, thank you that抯 very helpful, I抦 glad you came over.

(The phone rings and Rachel answers it.)

Rachel: Hello.

Ross: Hi! It抯 me.

Rachel: Hi! Oh, I抦 so glad you called.

Ross: Really? I抳e been thinking, this is crazy, I mean don抰, don抰 you think we can work on this?

Mark: Hey, what do you want to drink?

Ross: Who抯 that?

Rachel: Nobody.

Mark: Is it okay if I finish the apple juice?

(Rachel mouths 慡hoot!?or something similar.)

Ross: Is that Mark?

Rachel: Umm, honey, look he just came over to....

[Cut to The Philly.]

Ross: Yeah! Got it! (slams the phone down, and walks back to the bar.)

Chloe: Hey, dinosaur guy, look at you, so sad. Come dance.

Ross: Ah, that抯 okay, thanks.

Chloe: Hey, you don抰 have to smile. You just have to dance.

Ross: Look, I don抰 feel like dancing, I feel like having a drink. Okay?

Chloe: Oh, okay. (to the bartender) Hey, two beers. (sits down next to him)

[Scene: The Restaurant, after dinner.]

Mischa: (to Monica) And the vet said it was time. And so from half a world away, while my Mother held the phone to his ear, I said good bye to my dog,. In seven languages.

Monica: Oh. (to Phoebe) Can I have a tissue?

Phoebe: Oh, yeah, sure. I just hope you, hope you don抰 accidentally suck it up through your nose and choke on it.

(Sergei says something to Mischa.)

Mischa: (to Phoebe) Sergei, would like to apologise for my behaviour tonight.

Phoebe: Well, tell him, apology accepted.

(Mischa does so.)

Mischa: (to Monica) Oh, he抯 unbelievable. I mean for the first time in three years somebody wants to actually want to talk to me, but do you think he would let me enjoy that, no!! (to Sergei) You silly diplomat, why don抰 you learn some English, Sergei?

Phoebe: Excuse me, but umm, isn抰 he paying for your dinner?

Monica: Hey, the man抯 dog just died.

(Sergei insults Mischa, and they get into a huge fight, in Russian.)

Mischa: (to Monica) I have just resigned my post. Would you care to accompany me to the Rainbow Room? I have diplomatic coupons.

Monica: It will be my pleasure. (to Phoebe) My guy has diplomatic coupons. Your guy can抰 even say coupons. (they leave)

Sergei: Uh, (picks up a plate) plate?

Phoebe: Plate! Yes, plate.

Sergei: Plate. Plate. Plate.

Phoebe: See, we don抰 need them.

Sergei: (picking up a cup) Plate?

Phoebe: Yeah.

[Scene: The Philly, With or Without You is playing. (Which is the same song Ross played for Rachel in TOW the List.)]

Ross: (to Chloe) I like this song.

Chloe: Well, you抮e practically dancing already. Why don抰 you just do it over here?

Ross: Oh, no, no.

Chloe: What? Are you married? 慍ause that抯 okay.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is next to the bay window again, Mark has left.]

Rachel: (picks up the phone and calls Ross) Oh, be home, be home, be home, be home, be home, be home. Be home. Be home, be home, be home. Oh, you抮e not home.

[Scene: The Philly, Ross is dancing with Chloe.]

Chloe: Still no smile?

(She kisses him. Ross leans back for a second, and then they both kiss, more passionately this time.)

To Be Continued......


[Scene: Central Perk, Sergei is teaching Phoebe how to sing American Pie, by Don Maclean.]

(Both Phoebe and him are singing along and they get to the chorus.)

Sergei: (singing) Touchet, touchet, Miss Americccan pie. (stops to correct Phoebe) Ameri-ccan.

Phoebe: Ameri-can.

Sergei: Ameri-ccan.

Phoebe: Ameri-can. Y'know it抯 a very hard language. Let抯 do it again.

(They start singing, and Phoebe covers her mouth at the American part.)

Sergei: (to the rest of Central Perk) Everybody!! (In his language, and continues.)



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