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老友記第四季The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie



- 嘿! - 嘿! 很抱歉我遲到了,沒錯(cuò)過什么吧? Joey放了15塊奧立奧餅干到嘴里. 15塊?你的個(gè)人記錄呀! 你到哪去了? 噢,去赴個(gè)約會(huì). 那女孩是我在去城郊的博物館的火車上認(rèn)識(shí)的 - 噢是么! 你怎么認(rèn)識(shí)她的? - 噢, 哪個(gè)博物館? 不用理我,回答他的問題吧. 好吧, 火車后廂就我們兩個(gè)人我坐得靠近門一些 那么她如果要轉(zhuǎn)車的話,就得從我邊上過.她拿我沒辦法。 你就是因?yàn)楹退褓┎胚@么遲的? 不是,我趕緊回來了,因?yàn)樗≡赑oughkeepsie(紐約州東南部).她看上去真的很不錯(cuò), 但是...她只是似~乎~很不錯(cuò),但是她住在2個(gè)半小時(shí)的路程之外 她都住在Poughkeepsie了怎么還會(huì)很棒? 我是說,到Albany(紐約州首府)就沒笑話可講了. 好了!我吃下去了! 嘿, 現(xiàn)在誰才傻? 嘿,看這個(gè)! 他們今晚要點(diǎn)亮這棵大圣誕樹! 呣,那是兩周前的報(bào)紙 好啊,是誰忘記把舊報(bào)紙丟到垃圾箱啦?! 我本來想帶Kathy去看這個(gè)的,沒想到竟然錯(cuò)過了. 嘿,你至少還有人可以和你一起“錯(cuò)過”機(jī)會(huì) 但我已經(jīng)孤獨(dú)整整一年了!接著我又要一個(gè)人過情人節(jié)、我的生日,然后又是“嗙--” 在你反應(yīng)過來之前,又是圣誕節(jié)了 噢,我想有人陪! 我要個(gè)真正的“男人”!! 哪怕不是正式的交往,而只是“逢場(chǎng)作戲”一次也好。 真的?!我還以為女孩子從來不想搞“一夜情”的呢! 我告訴你,我很早以前就來過“一夜情”了! 噢,這下我知道圣誕節(jié)可以給你什么了. 你知道么? 我公司里有許多很棒的小伙子,你要我?guī)湍憬榻B么? 好??!等等,我已經(jīng)單身好久了.你從前為什么沒提過這事? 我有女朋友了,我很快樂. 所以,我不再需要把快樂建筑在他人的痛苦之上了 Ok!不要會(huì)計(jì)師.噢,也不要律師. 我不喜歡那些從事悶蛋工作的人. 噢,Ross的工作不悶蛋么?他是馴獸師么? 嘿! Monica,怎么了? 噢,那個(gè)餐館的所有人都恨我. 噢. 本來我想我的人緣好起來了, 今天一整天人們都對(duì)我笑 我開始工作,然后發(fā)現(xiàn)他們?cè)谖业膹N師帽上寫了這個(gè) 也許他們想寫:“安靜,婊子” 嘿,親愛的!怎么了? - 好了,我只是想禮貌的打個(gè)招呼! - 哇噢! 自從幼兒園后我就沒被這么捉弄過了。他們還找來人監(jiān)視我 噢! 他們想盡辦法來趕我走 如果我對(duì)其它什么工作感興趣的話,我會(huì)走.但是這是我一生都想從事的職業(yè) 哦等一下,你才是頭兒!為什么你不吼他們,或者解雇他們? 我是想這么來著,可是我做不到! 我總是在對(duì)峙中敗下陣來. 嘿,你知道你該怎么辦么?我記得我曾讀過一個(gè)導(dǎo)演的書-- 好像是Orson Wells(“公民凱恩”的導(dǎo)演)--他會(huì)在電影開拍的時(shí)候雇一個(gè)人,然后在大伙面前解雇他 那樣那些人就明白了,誰才是頭兒. 嘿,Monica!我正好沒事做,要不你開除我? 好主意!但,你知道怎么當(dāng)侍應(yīng)生么? 只要會(huì)被解雇不就行了?! 好的,我雇你了! 嘿!這就是我上個(gè)禮拜被炒的原因了! Orson Wells是不是也掌管 Burger King(著名漢堡包連鎖店)的生意? 是的. 我說..Drew!你現(xiàn)在有沒有人約會(huì)? 哦-呃,我不是想約你, 我...我...我不是同性戀,我不是想跟你約會(huì).我不是.不是同性戀! 我從未以為你是同性戀.但現(xiàn)在就拿不準(zhǔn)了. 你看,我的朋友-Rachel,她想我?guī)退榻B個(gè)男孩子. 啊,我剛和一個(gè)女孩子分手,我現(xiàn)在不想跟誰交往 你知道么,哪怕是“逢場(chǎng)作戲”都行,Rachel也說沒問題. 喔-啊-! 是不是那個(gè)“火辣Rachel”,你曾帶到圣誕晚會(huì)上的那個(gè)? 噢,順便說一下,那是她的“全名” 噢,喔!我有空! 哦,等一下!我又沒說我沒空! 嘿, Chandler,為什么我們不在明天“游騎兵”隊(duì)的比賽上談?wù)勥@個(gè)事呢? 打??!我剛得到一盒古巴雪茄,也許我可以到你那去,跟你一起來一根, 5點(diǎn)怎么樣? 這個(gè)么,我一般都不會(huì)留到那個(gè)點(diǎn),但是--沒問題! 也許比賽前,我們可以去享受兩瓶8年的Basel Hadens. 呃,雖然我不知道那是什么,但是--我們?nèi)グ?! 嘿! 你們幾個(gè),我為所有人寫了個(gè)節(jié)日歌.你們想聽么? 好的! Happy Chanukah, Monica! May your Christmas be snowy, Joey! (光明節(jié)快樂,Monica!圣誕節(jié)會(huì)下雪,Joey!) Happy New Year, Chandler and Ross. Spin the draddle, Rachel! (Chandler和Ross新年快樂! Rachel轉(zhuǎn)陀螺!) - Pheebs, 太棒了! - 噢,沒錯(cuò)! 但是..., “Rachel”跟“陀螺”不壓韻呀. 我知道,但是實(shí)在沒辦法!你的垃圾名字實(shí)在很難找壓韻的詞! 不會(huì)呀?“Rachel”可以跟好多詞壓韻啊. 象:“Bagel. Mail. Jail. Bail. Able. May-pole.” (百吉餅、郵件、監(jiān)獄、能夠、五月柱) 都不錯(cuò),謝謝. 你有沒有小名或者比較好壓韻的稱號(hào)什么的? - 你老爸以前不是叫你Pumpkin(南瓜)來著? - 噢,對(duì),沒錯(cuò)! Pumpkin? 好吧.他干嘛不叫你Budolph什么的? Hello, 孩子們! 嘿! 我給你找了50個(gè)候選男子! 真的么?! 是的,我只不過是亮了一下你的靚照,結(jié)果他們?nèi)挤鋼矶粒?他們又是請(qǐng)我喝酒,又是送我東西! - 今晚看球賽去? - 好!座位在哪兒? 隨你便! 我有大約20張票! 那么,他們中有沒有適合我的? - 你知道的,我讓你可以兩腳踏好多條船,所以都沒拒絕。 - Chandler! 他們甚至把401-k(養(yǎng)老基金)受益人都填成我啦! 你和一大堆機(jī)器人(不要養(yǎng)老金)工作?! 你說的對(duì). Ok,其中有個(gè)叫Patrick的小伙,我想你應(yīng)該會(huì)喜歡他,他很棒,很風(fēng)趣,而且還是個(gè)游泳健將! 噢,游泳健將的身材可是一級(jí)棒! 是的,而且他老爸就是發(fā)明信用卡背面的識(shí)別磁條的. 噢,我也很喜歡信用卡! 你看,這事我辦得不錯(cuò)吧? 那他是干什么工作的? 他在精煉食品部門工作. 你公司還做精煉食品? 這可是家大公司,可不是么?如果你?我... 等等!你公司又做精煉食品又做機(jī)器人? 不是!不是,機(jī)器人是幫忙工作的. 好了,我得上班去了.誰有意見么? 是的,女士,我有意見,我很有意見! 你有意見?那我就讓你頭疼不已! 噢,怎么?你要解雇我么? 你個(gè)蠢驢,我解雇你了! 謝謝. 噢,喔!我得走了,我今晚還有個(gè)約會(huì). 是么?跟誰? 還記得我上次跟你提過的那個(gè)住在Poughkeepsie的女孩么? - 記得. - 不是她. 是我另外碰到的,而我無法在這兩個(gè)女孩中取舍. 那個(gè)住在Poughkeepsie的女孩,雖然得坐兩個(gè)小時(shí)火車才能看到她,但她漂亮、聰明,而且佷風(fēng)趣 但是另外那個(gè),她就住在城里的住宅區(qū). 她也佷漂亮,可能聰明,但是一點(diǎn)也不風(fēng)趣 既然她一點(diǎn)也不風(fēng)趣,那你干嘛還跟她約會(huì)? 我想再給她一個(gè)機(jī)會(huì),對(duì)吧?她住的這么近. 而且上次約會(huì)的最后,另一次,她曾說了些... 如果她是在開玩笑的話,那她就佷風(fēng)趣. 但如果她不是開玩笑的話,她就不風(fēng)趣,而且愚蠢,還有點(diǎn)種族主義了 - 嘿! - 嘿! - 嘿,伙計(jì)! 嘿!噢,你到餐館工作的第一天怎么樣啊? 糟糕! - 嘿. - 嘿. Oh, 你最喜歡的主廚服怎么了? 他們烘烤過. 我無法再忍受了.我今晚要開個(gè)會(huì)然后把你解雇,殺雞給猴看。 對(duì)了,就這樣。噢~~ 你在干什么?! 那里還有點(diǎn)火. 謝謝!我想夠了! Chandler!! 你對(duì)男人非常有品味! 有其父必有其子 Patrick 和我昨晚玩的很開心!我想現(xiàn)在可以轉(zhuǎn)入正式交往了. 是么?! 你好像不是想要跟誰交往的呀?我記得你只是想“放蕩”一下而已。 噢,好像是這么回事. - 你沒有把這個(gè)告訴他吧? - 呣~~~,我已經(jīng)說了 你告訴他我只是想搞“一夜情”?!你怎能告訴他這個(gè)?。?! 為什么不能?! 如果我知道那個(gè)火辣的女孩想要“那個(gè)”,我會(huì)興奮得直發(fā)抖!噢,我明白了 噢,我該怎么辦?你告訴他我想“一夜情”,而我想跟他長期交往。他完全會(huì)錯(cuò)意了 嘿, Joey,能把芝士遞過來么? 好的.我想你還是別叫我Joey的好.因?yàn)檫@沒人認(rèn)識(shí)我,所以我想試試取個(gè)酷點(diǎn)的工作昵稱 嘿,“龍”!這是你周一和周二的小費(fèi). 這個(gè)信封里大概--有近300塊!! 是的,人們?cè)诠?jié)假日里總是佷慷慨的. 所以穿緊身褲也是值得的 OK.侍應(yīng)生集合一下,我交代一下今晚的特價(jià)菜 這樣, 首先是用芒果佐味的智利黑鱸 為什么沒人用筆記一下? 因?yàn)槲覀兡苡涀? 因?yàn)槟銈冞@樣就能象以前一樣,自己捏造假的特價(jià)菜,然后讓我來弄么? 哦,沒錯(cuò),也有因?yàn)檫@個(gè)原因. 好吧,先把特價(jià)菜放到一邊.這事好辦, 在過去的兩周里,我努力試圖營造一種友好的氣氛... 我們聽不到! 一種友好的氣氛! 但是我現(xiàn)在對(duì)此不抱希望了. 從現(xiàn)在開始,要么按我說得去做,要么就滾蛋!有沒有問題? 有沒有人有意見的?!! 嘿,新來的!我說,有沒有人對(duì)此有意見?! 沒有 嘿!他有名字,他叫“龍” 知道你的名字么?看看你的帽子吧我們寫在上面了,是吧? 這該死的到底怎么了?! 太對(duì)不起了.我本來打算按計(jì)劃進(jìn)行的!真的! 但當(dāng)我這個(gè)手拿著327塊,另一只手拿著238塊站在那的時(shí)候 我想, "喔!我好久沒拿過~~~(心算中...) 327 + 238塊了!" Joey,我們有協(xié)議的.所以你才會(huì)在這!我得解雇你的! 可我要付房租!你看,不如這樣? 你別解雇我,而是我留在這,取得他們的信任, 然后他們就會(huì)相信我講你的好話。 哦,你跟他們說了我什么好話? 目前為止--沒有。他們還很恨你,而我正要融入他們中去。 光明節(jié)快樂, Chandler 和 Monica. 非常開心... Pheebs你知道么? 什么? 我不是猶太人,所以... 那又怎么了! Ross也沒有用絨毛裝飾他的圣誕樹,他有沒有跟你抱怨過? 天! 噩夢(mèng)? 我根本沒睡著. 哦是么?那么Phoebe唱什么來著? 關(guān)于小貓什么的.我得走了,赴另外一個(gè)約會(huì). 那么,你選誰了? 沒有, 現(xiàn)在反而城里的那個(gè)女孩開始講笑話 但是我根本不懂她的笑話。一點(diǎn)也不好玩。我還是兩頭跑 你看,你根本不喜歡城里的那個(gè)女孩而且你也為跟住在Poughkeepsie的女孩約會(huì)而疲憊不堪 所以跟他們兩個(gè)都分手.怎么樣?你搭上去Poughkeepsie的火車跟那個(gè)女孩分手 然后回來的路上跟城里的那個(gè)姑娘也分手。然后你就可以回家了,搞定! 對(duì),你說的對(duì).謝謝. 呣,我住在Prague(捷克首都)時(shí)也碰到同樣的問題 Prague? 還有很多事你不知道呢! Chandler! Patrick剛跟我分手了. 你后來有沒有跟他說我想要的是一段正式的交往? 我說了!當(dāng)然說了! 你個(gè)白癡!! 我知道你說得對(duì),但是...為什么? 你不該告訴他我想要正式的交往的!你不該告訴他的!你看,把他給嚇跑了! 噢,伙計(jì),我非常遺憾,我非常非常遺憾. 你應(yīng)該為你的失言被下禁言令! 是的,沒錯(cuò)! 噢!我又回到了起點(diǎn)!啊,真爛!孤獨(dú)一個(gè)人,爛! 呃,你知道,你總會(huì)遇上其它人的! 你是個(gè)好對(duì)象!你知道么,我跟那些男的談起你的時(shí)候,我根本無需美化你。. -是么? -是呀!你是從Magma Ku Laude畢業(yè)的, 是吧? 不是. 噢,別管這個(gè)了. 嘿你看,我有兩張今晚“游騎兵”隊(duì)比賽的球票, 你想跟我一起去么? 穿短褲的小伙子? 好啊. 這是曲棍球比賽, 所以只有“憤怒無齒的加拿大人”(曲棍球隊(duì)名) - 這也很有趣.謝謝你. - Ok 你以前有沒有跟女人交往過? 什么?! Chandler,你到底怎么了?! 我就知道問這個(gè)問題的時(shí)機(jī)不對(duì) 下一站是Poughkeepsie. Poughkeepsie! Ross? Ross!醒醒! Ross! Ross! Ross!! Ross!!! Ross!!!! 我還要些旗魚.你能幫我拿些旗魚么? 我不說英語. 可你才說過! 我只是不知道跟你說什么而已! 好吧! 好了!夠了!誰來開下門?!快點(diǎn),我很冷! 現(xiàn)在又被潑了一身雜菜醬!快點(diǎn)讓我出去! 你終于找到了把手,是么? - 這一點(diǎn)也不好笑. - 誰說不好笑. 我是個(gè)好人.而且我也是個(gè)好廚師, 我本不該被雜菜醬潑了全身的!! 你知道么,如果你們想我辭職,你們只要... 嘿,Geller主廚!你還記得你那天的演講么?我不同意! 你不同意? 當(dāng)然!我只是根本沒在聽,就是這樣。 如果你想提出不同的意見,那我就讓你頭疼不已! 你想干什么? 解雇我么? 你這蠢蛋,我正要解雇你!滾出我的廚房 ,滾出去! 好了!誰還有意見? 你呢,"偷笑先生"? 你現(xiàn)在還覺得可笑么? 不. 那么我一身雜菜醬來跳舞?呣?現(xiàn)在可笑么? 不,那很好. 這還差不多!你, 把這些色拉拿給4號(hào)臺(tái), 你! 去拿旗魚! 還有你!去理個(gè)發(fā),先! 終點(diǎn)站Montreal(加拿大境內(nèi)). Montreal到站了. 什么? 我跟自己打賭你的眼睛肯定佷漂亮,現(xiàn)在我看到了,我贏了 什么? 我們到站了.想一起喝杯咖啡么? 我們真的到了Montreal?! 是的。那么,你要不要一起去? 好啊! 等等,你住在Montreal? 噢,不是. 但是離Nova Scotia有兩個(gè)鐘頭的船程. 噢,我想剛才我對(duì)主廚Geller說話之前,應(yīng)當(dāng)想想我的妻子和孩子的 多謝了. 沒事! 看來今年我們?nèi)抑荒苓^個(gè)艱苦的圣誕節(jié)了 夠了! 窮?。F?。F啊! "Went to the store, sat on Santa's lap. (來到儲(chǔ)藏室,坐在圣誕老人的腿上) Asked him to bring my friends all kind of crap. (告訴他給我的朋友們帶去一些廢話) Said all you need is to write them a song. (他說,你要把它們都寫成歌兒) They haven't heard it, so don't try and sing along. (他們都還沒聽過的歌兒,但請(qǐng)別太晚唱) No, don't sing along. (不會(huì)太晚來唱) Monica, Moncia, have a happy Chanukah. (Monica, Moncia,光明節(jié)快樂!) Saw Santa Clause, he said hello to Ross. (看見圣誕老人,他和Ross打招呼) And plese tell Joey, Christmas will be snowy! (請(qǐng)告訴Joey,圣誕節(jié)要下雪) And Rachel and Chandler, have err-umm-glander!! (還有Rachel和Chandler,有呃...鼻膈炎!!) 大家節(jié)日快樂!

The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey, Chandler, and Phoebe are there as Ross enters.]

Ross: Hey!

Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe: Hey!

Ross: I’m sorry I’m late, did I miss anything?

Phoebe: Joey stuffing 15 Oreos in his mouth. (Joey, with an obvious mouth full, nods yes.)

Ross: 15? (Joey nods again) Your personal best! (Ross takes an Oreo and Joey mumbles, no!)

Phoebe: Where were you?

Ross: Oh, on a date. Yeah, I met this girl on the train going to a museum upstate.


Chandler: Oh, yeah! How did you meet her?

Phoebe: Oh, which museum?

Phoebe: (just Phoebe) No, answer his.

Ross: Okay, it was just me and her at the back of the train, and I sat near the door, so she’d have to pass by me if she wanted to switch cars. She was totally at my mercy.

Chandler: Were you so late because you were burring this woman?

Ross: No, I’m getting back down ‘cause she lives in Poughkeepsie. She seems really great, but she’s like totally great, but she lives two and a half hours away.

Chandler: How can she be great if she’s from Poughkeepsie? (laughs, at they all look at him) That joke would’ve killed in Albany.

Joey: Done! I did it! Heh, who’s stupid now? (He smiles and has cookie remains all over his teeth.)


[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe are there.]

Chandler: Hey, look at this! (Holding a newspaper) They’re lighting the big Christmas tree tonight.

Phoebe: Umm, that paper’s two weeks old.

Chandler: All right, who keeps leaving old newspapers in the trash?! I really wanted to take Kathy to this, I can’t believe I missed it.

Rachel: Hey, y’know, at least you have somebody to miss that stuff with! I hate being alone this time of year! Next thing you know it’ll be Valentine’s Day, then my birthday, then bang!—before you know it, they’re lighting that damn tree again. Ohh, I want somebody! (hearing this, Gunther moves in) Y’know, I want a man!! (Gunther leaves depressed) I mean, it doesn’t even have to be a big relationship, y’know, just like a fling would be great.

Chandler: Really?! I didn’t think girls ever just wanted a fling.

Rachel: Well, believe me, it’s been a long time since I’ve been flung.

Joey: Well, I know what I’m giving you for Christmas.

Chandler: Y’know what? There’s some nice guys at my office, do you want me to set you up?

Rachel: Yeah! Wait a minute, it’s been a long time that I’ve been single. How come you never offered this before?

Chandler: Well, I have a girlfriend, I’m-I’m happy. So, I no longer feel the need to go out of my way to stop others from being happy.

Rachel: Okay! No accountants. Oh, and no one from like legal. I don’t like guys with boring jobs.

Chandler: Oh and Ross was like what? A lion tamer?

(Monica enters)

All: Hey!

Phoebe: What’s wrong Mon?

Monica: Ohh, everybody at the restaurant still hates me.

Phoebe: Oh.

Monica: I thought I was making headway, everyone was smiling at me all day, I get off work and I find out that they wrote this (puts on her chef hat) on my chef’s hat. (The hat says ‘Quit, bitch’)

Phoebe: Hey, maybe they meant to write, ‘Quiet, bitch.’

Rachel: Hey, honey! What’s the matter? (Monica shows her, her hat.) Fine, I was just trying to be nice! Whoa!

Monica: I mean I have not been picked on this much since kindergarten and they had to bring in someone from junior high to do the see-saw with me. (Joey laughs and Monica glares at him.)

Joey: Ohhh!

Monica: I mean they’re trying to do everything they can to make me quit, and if there were any other job, I would. But this is something I’ve been waiting for my whole life.

Rachel: Well, wait a minute, you’re the boss! Why don’t you just yell at them? Or, fire them?

Monica: I would love too, but I can’t! I mean I just can’t, you know that I’m not good at confrontation.

Chandler: Hey, you know what you can do? I remember reading about this director, I think it was Orson Wells, who at the beginning of the movie would hire somebody, just so he could fire them in front of everybody. Then they would all know, who’s boss.

Joey: Hey, Mon! I’m not doing anything, why don’t you fire me?

Monica: That’s a good idea! Wait, do you know how to waiter?

Joey: Good enough to get fired.

Monica: All right, you’re hired!

Joey: Hey! That must be why I got fired last week! Does this Orson Wells guy direct Burger King commercials?

Chandler: (he glares at him for a while) Yes.

[Scene: Chandler’s office, he is trying to find Rachel a date.]

Chandler: I say, Drew! Are you seeing anybody right now? (Drew looks at him) Og-ee-op, I’m not asking for me, I’m… I mean… No, I’m-I’m not gay, I’m not asking you out. I’m not-I’m not-I’m not gay!

Drew: I didn’t think you were gay. I do now.

Chandler: See my friend-my friend, Rachel, she wants to be set up.

Drew: Ahh, I just got out of a big relationship, I’m not looking for any thing serious.

Chandler: Oh, y’know what, that might be okay even if it was just kind of a fling, that might be all right with Rachel.

Mike: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! Is this, hot Rachel, that you took to the Christmas party, Rachel?

Chandler: (to Drew) Oh, by the way, that is her full name.

Mike: Oh wow! I’m free for her!

Drew: Oh, wait a second! I didn’t say I wasn’t free!

Mike: Hey, Chandler, why don’t we talk this over at the Ranger game tomorrow?

Drew: Hold on, y’know I just got a box of Cubans, maybe I bring them by your office around uh, five?

Chandler: Oh well, that’s uh, a little later than I uh, generally care to stay, but sure!

Mike: Maybe, before the game we could enjoy some eight year old some small batch Basel Hadens.

Chandler: Well, I don’t really know what that is, but let’s!!

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Phoebe is working on a new song.]

Phoebe: Hey! You guys, I’m writing a holiday song for everyone. Do you want to hear it?

Monica, Rachel, and Joey: Yes!

Phoebe: (singing) Happy Chanukah, Monica! May your Christmas be snowy, Joey! Happy New Year, Chandler and Ross. Spin the draddle, Rachel!

Rachel: Pheebs, that’s great!

Phoebe: Oh, yay!

Rachel: But y’know umm, Rachel doesn’t rhyme with draddle.

Phoebe: I know but it’s so hard! Nothing rhymes with your stupid name!

Joey: What are you talking about? Lots of things rhyme with Rachel. Bagel. Mail. Jail. Bail. Able. May-pole.

Phoebe: All good, thanks. (to Rachel) Do you maybe have a nickname have like a nickname that’s easier to rhyme?

Monica: Didn’t your dad used to call you Pumpkin?

Rachel: Oh yeah!

Phoebe: Pumpkin? Yeah. But did he ever call you like, Budolph?

Chandler: (entering) Hello, children!

All: Hey!

Chandler: (to Rachel) Have I got the 50 guys for you!

Rachel: Really?!

Chandler: Oh yeah, I just showed this a picture of you and guys were throwing themselves at me! They’re buying me drinks! They’re giving me stuff! (to Joey) Knicks tonight?

Joey: Sure! Where are the seats?

Chandler: Wherever! I’ve got like 20!

Rachel: So, will I like any of these guys?

Chandler: Y’know what, I’m gonna uh, play the field just a little more.

Rachel: Chandler!

Chandler: Guys are signing over their 401-K’s to me?

Phoebe: (shocked) You work with robots!!

Chandler: (pause) Yes. (to Rachel) Okay, there’s this one guy, Patrick, I think you’re gonna like him, he’s really nice, he’s funny, he’s a swimmer.

Rachel: Ohh, I like swimmer’s bodies!

Chandler: Yes, and his father invented that magnetic strip on the back of credit cards.

Rachel: Op, I like credit cards!

Chandler: See, I’m not bad at this fixing up thing, huh?

Rachel: Well, so what does he do?

Chandler: Oh, he works in the Fine Foods division.

Rachel: Your company has a fine foods division?

Chandler: It’s a big company, I don’t—if you—I…

Joey: Now, wait a second! You make food and robots?

Phoebe: No! No, the robots just work for them.

Monica: (getting up) All right, I’m gonna go to work. Does anybody have a problem with that?

Joey: Yeah, lady, I do! I got a problem with that!

Monica: You want a problem? I’ll give you a problem!

Joey: Oh, what are you gonna do? You’re gonna fire me?

Monica: You bet your ass, I’m gonna fire you! Thank you.

[Scene: Central Perk, Ross, Phoebe, and Chandler are there.]

Ross: Oh, wow! I should get going. I-I got a date tonight.

Chandler: Oh yeah! With who?

Ross: You know that girl I told you about who lives up in Poughkeepsie?

Chandler: Yeah.

Ross: Not her. Yeah, this is someone else I meet, and I-I can’t decide between the two of them. Y’know the one from Poughkeepsie, even though she’s a two hour train ride away, is really pretty, really smart, and-and a lot of fun. But this other girl, well, she lives right uptown. Y’know she’s, well she’s-she’s just as pretty, I guess she’s smart, she’s not fun.

Phoebe: If she’s no fun, why do you want to date her at all?

Ross: Well, I-I want to give her another chance, y’know? She lives so close. And, at the end of the date, the other time, she-she said something that was—if she was kidding was very funny. On the other hand, if she wasn’t kidding, she’s not fun, she’s stupid, and kind of a racist.

Joey: (entering) Hey!

Ross: Hey!

Chandler: Hey, man!

Phoebe: Hey! Ooh, how was your first day working at the restaurant?

Joey: (checks his watch) Damn! (runs out to work)

[Scene: Allesandro’s, Monica is cooking.]

Joey: (entering from the dining room) Hey.

Monica: Hey.

Joey: Hey, what happened to your fancy chef’s jacket? (sees there’s a burn spot on it)

Monica: They baked it. I can’t take this anymore. I’m gonna call a meeting tonight, I’m gonna fire you tonight.

Joey: You got it! Oh-oh! (He starts patting the burned spot, which just happens to be over her breast.)

Monica: What are you doing?!

Joey: It’s still a tiny bit on fire there.

Monica: Thanks. (Joey’s still patting the burn spot) I think you got it!

[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler is there.]

Rachel: (entering) Chandler!! You have the best taste in men!

Chandler: Well, like father, like son.

Rachel: Patrick and I had such a great time last night! I mean I think this could maybe turn into something serious.

Chandler: Really?! I-I thought you weren’t looking for something serious? I thought you were looking for some kind of a fling.

Rachel: Well, y'know, possibly. (pause) You didn’t tell him that, though? Right?

Chandler: Ummmmmmmm, no.

Rachel: You told this guy that I was looking for a fling?! You don’t tell the guy that!

Chandler: Why not?! I’d be thrilled if I heard that some hot girl was just looking to get—oh I see.

Rachel: Oh, between you telling him that I wanted to have a fling and me putting out on the first date—oh, he’s so gonna get the wrong idea.

[Scene: Allesandro’s, Joey is eating some cheese.]

Monica: Hey, Joey, could you pass the cheese?

Joey: Yeah. Listen uh, I’d prefer it if you didn’t call me Joey. Since I don’t know anyone here, I thought it’d be cool to try out a cool work nickname.

A Waiter: (entering) Hey, dragon! Here’s your tips from Monday and Tuesday. (hands him two envelopes)

Joey: (opening an envelope) There’s like-there’s like 300 bucks in this one!

The Waiter: Yeah, people get pretty generous around the holidays. And it never hurts to wear tight trousers.

Monica: Okay. Could the waiters gather around to hear tonight’s specials? Okay, first there is a Chilean Sea Bass prepared with a Mango relish on a bag—Why is nobody writing these down?

The Waiter: Because we can remember them.

Monica: Because your all gonna make up fake specials and make me cook them like you did the other night?

The Waiter: Well, sure, that too.

Monica: Okay, forget the specials for a minute. Umm, all right here’s the thing, for the last two weeks I have umm, (quietly) tried really hard to create a positive atmosphere…

The Waiter: Can’t hear you!

Monica: (louder) A positive atmosphere! But I-I-I have had it up to here. (She holds her hand over her head as an afterthought.) From now on, it is gonna be my way, or the highway! All right? Does anybody have a problem with that?!! (Joey looks at the money he’s holding, and doesn’t speak up.) Hey new guy! I said, does anybody have a problem with that?!

Joey: No ma’am.

The Waiter: Hey! He has a name, it’s Dragon. Do you wanna know your name? Check your hat. (to another waiter) We did the hat right? (The other waiter nods yes.)


[Scene: Allesandro’s, continued from earlier. The other waiters are gone and Monica is confronting Joey about his not speaking up.]

Monica: What the hell happened?!

Joey: I am so-so-so sorry. I was gonna do it! Really! But I was standing there with 327 dollars in one hand and 238 dollars in the other hand, and I was thinking, "Wow! It’s been a long time since I had… (tries to do the math in his head, but can’t) 327 + 238 dollars!"

Monica: Joey, we had a deal. That-that’s why you’re here! I’ve got to fire you!

Joey: And I gotta pay rent! Look, how-how about this? You don’t fire me, instead I stay here, I gain their trust, and they’ll start listening to all the nice things I’ve been saying about you.

Monica: What kinda things have you been saying?

Joey: Well nothing yet, they really hate you and I want to fit in.

[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is working on her holiday song, Chandler is sitting on the couch reading a magazine, and Ross is sleeping on the couch.]

Phoebe: (singing) Happy, happy Chanukah, Chandler and Monica. Very merry…

Chandler: (interrupting) Oh, y’know, y’know what Pheebs?

Phoebe: What?

Chandler: I’m not Jewish, so…

Phoebe: So! Ross doesn’t really decorate his tree with floss, but you don’t hear him complaining do you? God! (Phoebe hits her guitar which wakes up Ross with a start.)

Chandler: Bad dream?

Ross: I wasn’t sleeping.

Chandler: Oh yeah, then uh, what was Phoebe’s song about?

Ross: The one with the cat. I gotta go, I’ve got another date.

Phoebe: So, did you pick one yet?

Ross: No, it turns out that the one from uptown was making a joke. But it was a different joke than I thought—it wasn’t that funny. So I’m still torn.

Phoebe: Well look, you don’t really like the one from uptown and you’re too exhausted from dating the one up in Poughkeepsie, so I say you just end them both. Okay? You take a train up to Poughkeepsie and break up with her, and on your way back you break up with uptown. And then by the time you get home tonight, you’re done!

Ross: Y’know, you’re right. Thank you.

Phoebe: Umm, well I had a similar problem when I lived in Prague.

Chandler: Prague?

Phoebe: There’s sooo much you don’t know.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is playing living room golf as Rachel enters. Rachel sees this and holds the door open until Chandler is ready to start his swing, when he is, she slams the door shut which causes the club to fly from his hands. He turns around, shocked.]

Rachel: Chandler! Patrick just uh, ended things with me. Did you or did you not tell him that I was looking for a serious relationship?

Chandler: I did! I absolutely did!

Rachel: You idiot!!

Chandler: I’m sure you’re right, but why?

Rachel: You don’t tell a guy that you’re looking for a serious relationship! You don’t tell the guy that! Now you scared him away!

Chandler: Oh, man. I’m sorry, I’m so-so sorry.

Rachel: Y’know, you should never be allowed to talk to people!

Chandler: I know! I know!

Rachel: Oh! See just I’m right back where I started! Aww, this sucks! Being alone, sucks! (She sits down heavily in one of the new chairs)

Chandler: Well, y’know, you’re-you’re gonna meet somebody! You’re a great catch! Y’know when I was telling all those guys about you, I didn’t have to lie once. (He sits down on the arm of her chair)

Rachel: Really?

Chandler: Yeah! You graduated Magma Ku Laude, right?

Rachel: No.

Chandler: Oh, it doesn’t matter. (Kisses her on the top of her head.) Hey, y’know what, I’ve got two tickets to tonight’s Rangers game, you wanna come with me?

Rachel: Cute guys in little shorts? Sure.

Chandler: Well, actually it’s a hockey team, so it’s angry Canadians with no teeth.

Rachel: Well that sounds fun too. (They hug.)


Chandler: Have you ever been with a woman?

Rachel: What?! Chandler, what is the matter with you?!

Chandler: So there is no good time to ask that question.

[Scene: A train to Poughkeepsie, Ross is asleep against the window.]

The Conductor: The next station is Poughkeepsie. Poughkeepsie!

The Woman From Poughkeepsie: (outside Ross’s window) Ross? Ross! (she knocks on the window) Wake up! Ross! (the train starts moving) Ross! Ross!! Ross!!! Ross!!!!

[Scene: Allesandro’s, Monica is cooking.]

Monica: I need more swordfish. (to one of the assistant chefs) Can you get me some more swordfish?

Kitchen Worker: I don’t speak English.

Monica: You did a minute ago!

Kitchen Worker: Well, I don’t know what to tell ya!

Monica: Fine!

(She goes into the freezer to get it herself, and leaves the door open. The waiter from earlier comes by and closes the door.)

Monica: Okay! Very funny! Somebody let me out please?! Come on, I’m cold! (She spills something.) And covered in marinara sauce! Come on! Let me out! (the door opens)

The Waiter: You found that handle, did ya?

Monica: That’s not funny.

The Waiter: Well that’s not true.

Monica: (starting to cry) I’m a good person. And I’m a good chef, and I don’t deserve to have marinara sauce all over me! Y’know what, if you want me to quit this bad, then all you have to do is…

Joey: (interrupting) Hey! Chef Geller! Y’know that little speech you made the other day? Well I got a problem with it!

Monica: You do?

Joey: You bet I do! I just ah, wasn’t listening then, that’s all.

Monica: Well if you want a problem? I’ll give you a problem!

Joey: What are you gonna do? You’re gonna fire me?

Monica: You bet your ass I’m gonna fire you! Get out of my kitchen! Get out!! (Joey leaves) All right! Anybody else got a problem? How ‘bout you Chuckles? You think this is funny now?

The Waiter: No.

Monica: How about if I dance around all covered in sauce? Huh? You think it’s funny now?

The Waiter: No, it’s really good.

Monica: Good! Now, take those salads to table 4, (to the kitchen worker from earlier) And you! Get the swordfish! (to another assistant chef) And you! Get a haircut!

[Scene: The train, it’s pulling into a station.]

The Conductor: Last stop, Montreal. This stop is Montreal.

Ross: (waking up) What? (notices that there is now a beautiful woman sitting next to him)

Woman On Train: I made a bet with myself that you have beautiful eyes. Now that I see them, I win.

Ross: What?

Woman On Train: We’re at my stop. But would you like to have coffee?

Ross: (now fully awake) Are we really in Montreal?!

Woman On Train: Yes we are. So, coffee?

Ross: Coffee sounds great. (They get up) Wait, so, so you live in Montreal?

Woman On Train: Oh, no. But it’s just a two hour ferry ride to Nova Scotia.

[Scene: Allesandro’s, Joey is coming back in with his coat on.]

Joey: Well I guess I should’ve thought about my wife and kids before I talked back to chef Geller!

Monica: Thanks.

Joey: Yep! Looks like it’s gonna be a leeeeean Christmas at the Dragon house this year.

Monica: Enough!

Joey: (leaving) Lean-lean-lean!


[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is singing her holiday song.]

Phoebe: (singing) "Went to the store, sat on Santa's lap.
Asked him to bring my friends all kind of crap.
Said all you need is to write them a song.
They haven't heard it, so don't try and sing along.
No, don't sing along.

Monica, Moncia, have a happy Chanukah.
Saw Santa Clause, he said hello to Ross.
And plese tell Joey, Christmas will be snowy!
And Rachel and Chandler, have err-umm-glander!!"

Happy holidays, everybody!



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