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老友記第四季The One With All the Wedding Dresses



有沒有搞錯?! Joey. Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey!! Joey. Joey. Joey. Joey! Joey!! Oh. Oh, 我-我-我吵醒你了? Gunther,再給我一杯咖啡, 好嗎? uh, 你不工作時都干什么? 你用不著沒話找話. Oh, okay, thanks. Chandler, 這是你第四杯了! 我喝這么多是因為我太累了! 因為Joey開始打鼾了! 他不是在另一個房間嗎! 有那么吵嗎? Oh, 你都應該能聽見. 沒什么值得驕傲的, okay? 你得去做睡眠診所治療! 我說, 我不去做什么治療! 我沒問題, 你才有毛病! 你應該去個"別像小孩子,別管我"診所! 沒有這樣的診室. 有,有! 別像小孩子,別管我! 看, 你剛上了第一課! 我曾跟一個男的約會,他的覺很輕,只要我一打呼嚕, 他就把我翻過來 Ohhh, yeah! 他把我翻過來,我就不打呼嚕了. 下次你再打, 我就翻你! 我要做我要做的, 你要做你要做的, 你就做你的吧. Hey guys! Hey, all right! Hey! Oh, 奧運會的曲子. 你們選好日子了嗎? Oh 沒, 還沒. 我還是不能相信你要結婚了! 因為事情來得太快了; 不是因為你是個失敗者. Oh. 謝謝. Uh, 誰見到Rach? Ugh, 她在樓上沒在洗盤子! 我告訴你! 我這次可不洗了! 我才不在乎留那些盤子在水池里,直到上面都落滿-我回家就洗它們! Yeah-oh! 聽著umm, Emily再倫敦看上了件禮服 已經(jīng)?! 是, 但是不合身. 幸運的是,這兒有家店里有合適的, 但我是新郎, 不能看見禮服 我會幫你去拿的! 謝謝. Okay. Oh, 她開始差遣你跑腿兒了, y'know, 去拿禮服, Wah-pah! 什么是wah-pah? 你知道, 甩鞭子! Wah-pah! 那不是甩鞭子! 應該是wh-tcssh! 我就是這么做的. Wah-pah! 你什么都不會! Hey, Mon, 我正在洗盤子! Hey! Oh! 是你. Hi. Hey, 你uh, 你有時間嗎? 有, 有, 反正我要休息一會, 是這樣 uh, 我知道我們還沒有機會談談,自從uh, Emily和我決定結婚, uh, 我想知道,你還好吧. Oh. 如果你要結婚的話, 我會覺得有點.. 你知道. 是. 沒錯, 的確很意外, 但我沒事. 真的? 是的. 好吧, 我就是問問. Oh, 你太好了. 你很棒. 我知道你總會有這一天的. 加油,挺住. Uhh, 加油? Oh, 不, 我不是說, uh 你大概還沒聽說一場真戀情正在進行吧,就是我和Joshua的? Oh, 我以為你們就約會過四次, 沒想到已經(jīng)有進展了. Oh, 是的, 有了, 已經(jīng)-是的. Oh 四次美妙的約會. Oh. 是嗎? Oh, 是的. 而且, 還有默契, 你知道, 激情上的, 精神上的, 身體上的 Wow, 真是難以置信. 不是嗎? 我和Joshua那么合拍. Uh-huh. 你和Emily也是. 就像, 有點像. 打個平手! 好吧,我得, 我得去洗碗了. 我去工作了. Oh 是嗎? 好的. Hey, 你知道啥事會另人愉快嗎? Oh 不, 是什么? 如過我們四個能, 在一起相處. Uh, 實際上Emily周末就來了, 我們?yōu)槭裁床灰黄鸪酝盹? 周日晚上好嗎? 那太好了! 是啊, 好吧, 定下來了. 加油. 你加油吧. 你說什么了? 沒, 就是唱歌. Oh my God! Ohh! 看這個! 太美了! 是, 但你知道, 她們中有一半最后得離婚. 我能幫忙嗎? Oh, 是的, umm, 我來取定好的禮服. 好的, 請問什么名字? Emily Waltham. 是的! 就在這. 你想試穿一下嗎Waltham夫人? 好的. 你是我見過最美的新娘. 我是的, 不是嗎? Waltham夫人? 什么? 我們打佯了. 好吧.我能拿回我的戒指嗎? 好吧,老兄, 該翻身了. 不-不! 不, 不-不!! 你去定醫(yī)院了! 你得去醫(yī)院, 還有睡衣店! 她用杯子嗎? 是的! 我相信她用. 她用盤子嗎? 是的! 我相信她用. Oh. 謝謝. Ohhh, 非常感謝. Oh, 謝謝你能來. Uh, 等一下! 不-不, 讓我進去! Phoebe? 對! 你能等一小下嗎? 不行, 你得讓我立刻進去!! 你一個人嗎? 是的! 好吧. 這太糟了! 我不知道去上那蠢診所看病之前還得熬通宵! 我困死了! 現(xiàn)在6:00. 那又怎樣, Hi! Hey, 我聽說你和Joshua要跟Ross和Emily共進晚餐,我認為這, 這很酷. 是的, Rach, 我覺得你控制得很好. 控制? 什么意思, 控制? 沒什么好控制的. 如果我不是和Joshua在交往,也許我會接受不了這事. 不過反正他們也接不成婚! 什么? 得了! 他們這么草率,簡直太荒謬了! 我是說, 他們訂婚會持續(xù)多久? 一年? 在這期間, 他們會意識到自己做的蠢事,然后他們會取消整個計劃. 我告訴你們, 你們會在他們婚禮之前,在我的婚禮上跳舞. 只是, 我從不在婚禮上跳舞. 為什么? 因為婚禮是遇見姑娘的好地方, 而我跳舞時, 我就像這樣 Hey man. Hey! 你們四周后的今天有什么安排嗎? 沒有. 沒. 我有空! 太好了! 因為Emily和我一個月后結婚! 什么?! 是的! 一個月后? 是! 你是說, 是說30天? 是. 從現(xiàn)在算? 對. 太棒了. Emily一直想在她父母結婚的漂亮地方舉行婚禮, 但那地方馬上要拆了, 所以 我是說,我知道這很瘋狂, 但一直以來所有事都很瘋狂, 我不知道, 就是感覺該這樣. Hey! 那天我正好月經(jīng)完事! 這不是我的. Hey, Rachel. Hi! 什么事? 電話里你聲音神經(jīng)兮兮的. Ohh, 沒什么, 我就是想見你. 見你抱你. 見你. 好啊! 是啊! 坐! 你沒事吧? 我再好不過了, 我真的, 真的高興! 想知道原因? 我應該嗎? '因為我真為我們倆高興. 我認為我們, 我們相處的真好! 我意思是, 我認為我們處的來, 我們合拍. 是, 當然, 是, 我們-我們很合拍. 對對, 如果有一小點,我覺得我們還欠缺一些的話; 我要說我們還不夠瘋狂! 我-我得說, 我-我不確定我同意這點. 好吧, 你知道嗎? 你對, 我是說, 我們這樣也很開心. 但是如果, 我是說像瘋--狂! 好吧. 這個, 這個聽起來, 有點umm, 匆忙, 但是uh, 先聽聽看. Umm. Ugh. 我們結婚怎么樣? 什么?! Oh, 我知道, 這-這太, 就像, "Whoa! 我們能嗎?" 我是說, 就是感覺該這樣 你不覺得? 是這樣嗎! 就是感覺該這樣, 你說呢? Wow! Uhh, Rachel uhh, 你是個很特別的女士, 但我還沒完成離婚, 而且我們才約會了四次, 所以我想 "不了, 但是謝謝." 你個白癡!!!!! 名字, please? Joey Tribbiani. Um-hmm, 你為這次睡眠治療熬了一夜嗎. Uh, 先生? 是的. 好吧, 我們幾分鐘后叫你. Hey, 看那個女孩! 她很惹火! 是, 是的. Wow! 你好嗎'? 干嗎?! 你在跟整屋人搭訕! 我叫Chandler. 我是Marjorie. Hi. Hi. 你介意我- 不, 請吧. So uh, 你來看什么? 我睡覺時說話. 多巧啊, 我睡覺時聆聽. 那給我你的電話好嗎? Okay, 準備好了? 是的. Okay.我接到了! 我的! 恭喜! 謝謝! Okay! 該我了! 該我了! Okay! Okay, ready? 是的. Okay. 扔的也太沒水準了!! 我不會直接扔給你! 那不真實! 看看我! 我這么介意是真實嗎?! Oh my God. 我們真悲哀, 是不是? 是, 我想是的. 這都不是我的禮服. 至少你不是從個叫, "還不算太晚." 的店里租來的。 我要脫掉它了. 我也是. 要不在過半個點? 我也是. Okay, 這次仍的直點兒. Okay. 我下一個結婚!! Yay! 我現(xiàn)在討厭普通的衣服! 我低頭一看就知道今天不是我生命中最特殊的一天. 是啊. 我意思是剛開始還挺好玩, 但你沒開始覺得很傻嗎? 我也這么想. Oh my God! Oh God. Oh, 你這個騙子! Hello! 小朋友們. Hey! Hey! So, Joey不再打鼾了? 是的! 還有! 有個靚妞同意跟我約會. Joey 也想約她, 但uh, 她選我. Oh, 怎么可能呢? 因為我更酷. 不, 說真的. 她, 她是一種--Joey意識不清. Hey 伙計們! 過得好嗎? Oh my God! 那是什么? Oh, 睡眠治療時給我的, 幫助我不打鼾. 那你現(xiàn)在在睡覺嗎, Joe? '因為我覺得,你不睡覺時不用帶它! 我知道我不用! 但這味道挺好. 還有, 你看起來很酷. 我剛打電話給Joshua Oh, 怎么樣? 我盡力說服他我不是想結婚想得要死的女孩-我就是處在非常時期. 他怎么說? uh, 他的錄音電話表示很理解. Ugh. 我很郁悶. Ohh, sweetie! Hey, 我打賭他一定會給你電話. Yeah, 可能吧, 但我想我不都在乎這個. 我想他不是我為之傷心的那個. 我知道我說過,對于Ross結婚,我沒問題, 但結果是, 我覺得我還接受不了. 是啊, 有可能. 我還在努力尋找原因. 找到了? 是啊, 你知道Ross和我總是和了分,分了和,然后又分? 我想我就是以為,總會在什么時候, 我們又會和好. 又會的. 知道嗎? 我想我們都這么認為. Hey! Hey! 我為咱們周日的晚餐定好位子了, okay? 你看行嗎, 9點整Ernie餐館? 你uh, 最好還是定三個. Oh, 我想我們三點鐘還不會餓. 三個人. Joshua不會去了. 怎么了? Uh, 我想, 我想他和我分手了. 不. 為什么? 很顯然,他禁不起嚇. Oh, Rachel, 我很難過. 沒關系. 有時候, 往往會事與愿違. 過來. Oh, hey, 你不該去接Emily了嗎? 對. 你沒事吧? 沒事! 我有姐妹們陪我. Ugh. Hey, 你知道什么會讓你振作? 什么? 你們知道, 我得說, 這讓我心情好多了. Oh, 我希望有種工作能讓我成天穿著它. 可能什么時候, 就會有了. Oh God! 是Chandler, 他是來為他的約會借蠟燭! Oh, okay! 不-不, Rachel, 別開門! 不能讓他看見我們! 對! 新郎不能見新娘! 我又不嫁Chandler! 見到了當然就嫁不了了! Okay, 伙計們, 放松點. 我愿意. 我得走了. Oh, 等等, Joshua! Joshua! 嚇跑他很正常. 老兄! 我還要睡覺呢! 有沒有搞錯?! Joey. Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey!! Joey. Joey. Joey. Joey! Joey!! Oh. Oh, 我-我-我吵醒你了? 字幕: Tracy https://www.topcmm.com/friends/ 六人行2003中文網(wǎng) Gunther,再給我一杯咖啡, 好嗎? uh, 你不工作時都干什么? 你用不著沒話找話. Oh, okay, thanks. Chandler, 這是你第四杯了! 我喝這么多是因為我太累了! 因為Joey開始打鼾了! 他不是在另一個房間嗎! 有那么吵嗎? Oh, 你都應該能聽見. 沒什么值得驕傲的, okay? 你得去做睡眠診所治療! 我說, 我不去做什么治療! 我沒問題, 你才有毛病! 你應該去個"別像小孩子,別管我"診所! 沒有這樣的診室. 有,有! 別像小孩子,別管我! 看, 你剛上了第一課! 我曾跟一個男的約會,他的覺很輕,只要我一打呼嚕, 他就把我翻過來 Ohhh, yeah! 他把我翻過來,我就不打呼嚕了. 下次你再打, 我就翻你! 我要做我要做的, 你要做你要做的, 你就做你的吧. Hey guys! Hey, all right! Hey! Oh, 奧運會的曲子. 你們選好日子了嗎? Oh 沒, 還沒. 我還是不能相信你要結婚了! 因為事情來得太快了; 不是因為你是個失敗者. Oh. 謝謝. Uh, 誰見到Rach? Ugh, 她在樓上沒在洗盤子! 我告訴你! 我這次可不洗了! 我才不在乎留那些盤子在水池里,直到上面都落滿-我回家就洗它們! Yeah-oh! 聽著umm, Emily再倫敦看上了件禮服 已經(jīng)?! 是, 但是不合身. 幸運的是,這兒有家店里有合適的, 但我是新郎, 不能看見禮服 我會幫你去拿的! 謝謝. Okay. Oh, 她開始差遣你跑腿兒了, y'know, 去拿禮服, Wah-pah! 什么是wah-pah? 你知道, 甩鞭子! Wah-pah! 那不是甩鞭子! 應該是wh-tcssh! 我就是這么做的. Wah-pah! 你什么都不會! Hey, Mon, 我正在洗盤子! Hey! Oh! 是你. Hi. Hey, 你uh, 你有時間嗎? 有, 有, 反正我要休息一會, 是這樣 uh, 我知道我們還沒有機會談談,自從uh, Emily和我決定結婚, uh, 我想知道,你還好吧. Oh. 如果你要結婚的話, 我會覺得有點.. 你知道. 是. 沒錯, 的確很意外, 但我沒事. 真的? 是的. 好吧, 我就是問問. Oh, 你太好了. 你很棒. 我知道你總會有這一天的. 加油,挺住. Uhh, 加油? Oh, 不, 我不是說, uh 你大概還沒聽說一場真戀情正在進行吧,就是我和Joshua的? Oh, 我以為你們就約會過四次, 沒想到已經(jīng)有進展了. Oh, 是的, 有了, 已經(jīng)-是的. Oh 四次美妙的約會. Oh. 是嗎? Oh, 是的. 而且, 還有默契, 你知道, 激情上的, 精神上的, 身體上的 Wow, 真是難以置信. 不是嗎? 我和Joshua那么合拍. Uh-huh. 你和Emily也是. 就像, 有點像. 打個平手! 好吧,我得, 我得去洗碗了. 我去工作了. Oh 是嗎? 好的. Hey, 你知道啥事會另人愉快嗎? Oh 不, 是什么? 如過我們四個能, 在一起相處. Uh, 實際上Emily周末就來了, 我們?yōu)槭裁床灰黄鸪酝盹? 周日晚上好嗎? 那太好了! 是啊, 好吧, 定下來了. 加油. 你加油吧. 你說什么了? 沒, 就是唱歌. Oh my God! Ohh! 看這個! 太美了! 是, 但你知道, 她們中有一半最后得離婚. 我能幫忙嗎? Oh, 是的, umm, 我來取定好的禮服. 好的, 請問什么名字? Emily Waltham. 是的! 就在這. 你想試穿一下嗎Waltham夫人? 好的. 你是我見過最美的新娘. 我是的, 不是嗎? Waltham夫人? 什么? 我們打佯了. 好吧.我能拿回我的戒指嗎? 好吧,老兄, 該翻身了. 不-不! 不, 不-不!! 你去定醫(yī)院了! 你得去醫(yī)院, 還有睡衣店! 她用杯子嗎? 是的! 我相信她用. 她用盤子嗎? 是的! 我相信她用. Oh. 謝謝. Ohhh, 非常感謝. Oh, 謝謝你能來. Uh, 等一下! 不-不, 讓我進去! Phoebe? 對! 你能等一小下嗎? 不行, 你得讓我立刻進去!! 你一個人嗎? 是的! 好吧. 這太糟了! 我不知道去上那蠢診所看病之前還得熬通宵! 我困死了! 現(xiàn)在6:00. 那又怎樣, Hi! Hey, 我聽說你和Joshua要跟Ross和Emily共進晚餐,我認為這, 這很酷. 是的, Rach, 我覺得你控制得很好. 控制? 什么意思, 控制? 沒什么好控制的. 如果我不是和Joshua在交往,也許我會接受不了這事. 不過反正他們也接不成婚! 什么? 得了! 他們這么草率,簡直太荒謬了! 我是說, 他們訂婚會持續(xù)多久? 一年? 在這期間, 他們會意識到自己做的蠢事,然后他們會取消整個計劃. 我告訴你們, 你們會在他們婚禮之前,在我的婚禮上跳舞. 只是, 我從不在婚禮上跳舞. 為什么? 因為婚禮是遇見姑娘的好地方, 而我跳舞時, 我就像這樣 Hey man. Hey! 你們四周后的今天有什么安排嗎? 沒有. 沒. 我有空! 太好了! 因為Emily和我一個月后結婚! 什么?! 是的! 一個月后? 是! 你是說, 是說30天? 是. 從現(xiàn)在算? 對. 太棒了. Emily一直想在她父母結婚的漂亮地方舉行婚禮, 但那地方馬上要拆了, 所以 我是說,我知道這很瘋狂, 但一直以來所有事都很瘋狂, 我不知道, 就是感覺該這樣. Hey! 那天我正好月經(jīng)完事! 這不是我的. Hey, Rachel. Hi! 什么事? 電話里你聲音神經(jīng)兮兮的. Ohh, 沒什么, 我就是想見你. 見你抱你. 見你. 好啊! 是啊! 坐! 你沒事吧? 我再好不過了, 我真的, 真的高興! 想知道原因? 我應該嗎? '因為我真為我們倆高興. 我認為我們, 我們相處的真好! 我意思是, 我認為我們處的來, 我們合拍. 是, 當然, 是, 我們-我們很合拍. 對對, 如果有一小點,我覺得我們還欠缺一些的話; 我要說我們還不夠瘋狂! 我-我得說, 我-我不確定我同意這點. 好吧, 你知道嗎? 你對, 我是說, 我們這樣也很開心. 但是如果, 我是說像瘋--狂! 好吧. 這個, 這個聽起來, 有點umm, 匆忙, 但是uh, 先聽聽看. Umm. Ugh. 我們結婚怎么樣? 什么?! Oh, 我知道, 這-這太, 就像, "Whoa! 我們能嗎?" 我是說, 就是感覺該這樣 你不覺得? 是這樣嗎! 就是感覺該這樣, 你說呢? Wow! Uhh, Rachel uhh, 你是個很特別的女士, 但我還沒完成離婚, 而且我們才約會了四次, 所以我想 "不了, 但是謝謝." 你個白癡!!!!! 名字, please? Joey Tribbiani. Um-hmm, 你為這次睡眠治療熬了一夜嗎. Uh, 先生? 是的. 好吧, 我們幾分鐘后叫你. Hey, 看那個女孩! 她很惹火! 是, 是的. Wow! 你好嗎'? 干嗎?! 你在跟整屋人搭訕! 我叫Chandler. 我是Marjorie. Hi. Hi. 你介意我- 不, 請吧. So uh, 你來看什么? 我睡覺時說話. 多巧啊, 我睡覺時聆聽. 那給我你的電話好嗎? Okay, 準備好了? 是的. Okay.我接到了! 我的! 恭喜! 謝謝! Okay! 該我了! 該我了! Okay! Okay, ready? 是的. Okay. 扔的也太沒水準了!! 我不會直接扔給你! 那不真實! 看看我! 我這么介意是真實嗎?! Oh my God. 我們真悲哀, 是不是? 是, 我想是的. 這都不是我的禮服. 至少你不是從個叫, "還不算太晚." 的店里租來的。 我要脫掉它了. 我也是. 要不在過半個點? 我也是. Okay, 這次仍的直點兒. Okay. 我下一個結婚!! Yay! 我現(xiàn)在討厭普通的衣服! 我低頭一看就知道今天不是我生命中最特殊的一天. 是啊. 我意思是剛開始還挺好玩, 但你沒開始覺得很傻嗎? 我也這么想. Oh my God! Oh God. Oh, 你這個騙子! Hello! 小朋友們. Hey! Hey! So, Joey不再打鼾了? 是的! 還有! 有個靚妞同意跟我約會. Joey 也想約她, 但uh, 她選我. Oh, 怎么可能呢? 因為我更酷. 不, 說真的. 她, 她是一種--Joey意識不清. Hey 伙計們! 過得好嗎? Oh my God! 那是什么? Oh, 睡眠治療時給我的, 幫助我不打鼾. 那你現(xiàn)在在睡覺嗎, Joe? '因為我覺得,你不睡覺時不用帶它! 我知道我不用! 但這味道挺好. 還有, 你看起來很酷. 我剛打電話給Joshua Oh, 怎么樣? 我盡力說服他我不是想結婚想得要死的女孩-我就是處在非常時期. 他怎么說? uh, 他的錄音電話表示很理解. Ugh. 我很郁悶. Ohh, sweetie! Hey, 我打賭他一定會給你電話. Yeah, 可能吧, 但我想我不都在乎這個. 我想他不是我為之傷心的那個. 我知道我說過,對于Ross結婚,我沒問題, 但結果是, 我覺得我還接受不了. 是啊, 有可能. 我還在努力尋找原因. 找到了? 是啊, 你知道Ross和我總是和了分,分了和,然后又分? 我想我就是以為,總會在什么時候, 我們又會和好. 又會的. 知道嗎? 我想我們都這么認為. Hey! Hey! 我為咱們周日的晚餐定好位子了, okay? 你看行嗎, 9點整Ernie餐館? 你uh, 最好還是定三個. Oh, 我想我們三點鐘還不會餓. 三個人. Joshua不會去了. 怎么了? Uh, 我想, 我想他和我分手了. 不. 為什么? 很顯然,他禁不起嚇. Oh, Rachel, 我很難過. 沒關系. 有時候, 往往會事與愿違. 過來. Oh, hey, 你不該去接Emily了嗎? 對. 你沒事吧? 沒事! 我有姐妹們陪我. Ugh. Hey, 你知道什么會讓你振作? 什么? 你們知道, 我得說, 這讓我心情好多了. Oh, 我希望有種工作能讓我成天穿著它. 可能什么時候, 就會有了. Oh God! 是Chandler, 他是來為他的約會借蠟燭! Oh, okay! 不-不, Rachel, 別開門! 不能讓他看見我們! 對! 新郎不能見新娘! 我又不嫁Chandler! 見到了當然就嫁不了了! Okay, 伙計們, 放松點. 我愿意. 我得走了. Oh, 等等, Joshua! Joshua! 嚇跑他很正常. 老兄! 我還要睡覺呢!

The One With All the Wedding Dresses

[Scene: Joey’s bedroom, he is asleep and snoring loudly. Chandler enters wondering who left their engine running.]

Chandler: Are you kidding me?! Joey. Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey!!

Joey: (joining in, in his sleep) Joey. Joey. Joey. Joey! Joey!!

(Chandler acts disgusted, but is happy that Joey has stopped snoring. However, just as he is about to leave, Joey starts snoring again. So to get him to stop, he slams the door shut, waking Joey.)

Chandler: Oh. Oh, did-did-did I wake you?


[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler is getting another cup of coffee.]

Chandler: Gunther, can I get another cup of coffee, please? (Gunther starts to pour him another cup.) So uh, what do you do when you’re not working here?

Gunther: You don’t need to fill these silences.

Chandler: Oh, okay, thanks. (He goes back to the couch and rejoins Monica, Joey, and Phoebe.)

Monica: Chandler, that’s like your fourth cup of coffee!

Chandler: Well, I am drinking lots of cups of coffee because I’m exhausted! Because Joey started snoring!

Monica: He’s in a different room! He’s really that loud?

Joey: (proudly) Oh, you should here me.

Chandler: It’s not something to be proud of, okay? You have to go to a sleep clinic!

Joey: Look, I told ya, I’m not going to any clinic! I don’t have a problem, you’re the one with the problem! You should go to a "Quit being a baby and leave me alone" clinic!

Chandler: They don’t have those.

Joey: Yeah, they do! Quit being a baby and leave me alone! There, you’ve just had your first class!

Monica: Y’know I used to go out with this guy that was a really light sleeper, and whenever I started to snore, he would just roll me over…

Joey: Ohhh, yeah!

Monica: He would just roll me over and I would stop snoring.

Chandler: Next time you snore, I’m rolling ya over!

Joey: I gotta do what I gotta do, you gotta do what you gotta do, you just do it.

Ross: (entering) Hey guys!

Chandler: Hey, all right!

Phoebe: Hey!

(Joey starts humming Here Come the Bride.)

Phoebe: Oh, the Olympics.

Monica: Have you guys picked a date yet?

Ross: Oh no, not yet.

Phoebe: I still cannot believe you’re engaged! (Ross looks at her) Just ‘cause its happening so fast; not ‘cause you’re such a loser.

Ross: Oh. Thanks. Uh, has anyone seen Rach?

Monica: Ugh, she’s upstairs not doing the dishes! And I tell ya something! I’m not doing them this time! I don’t care if those dishes sit in the sink until they’re all covered with—I’ll do them when I get home!

Ross: Yeah—oh! Hey listen umm, Emily found this wedding dress in London…

Phoebe: Already?!

Ross: Yeah, but it didn’t fit. Well, luckily there’s a store here that has one left in her size, but I’m the groom, I’m not supposed to see the dress…

Monica: I’ll pick it up for you!

Ross: Thank you.

Monica: Okay.

Chandler: Oh, she’s got you running errands, y’know, picking up wedding dresses… (Laughs and makes like Indiana Jones and his whip) Wah-pah!

Ross: What’s wah-pah?

Chandler: Y’know, whipped! Wah-pah!

Joey: That’s not whipped! Whipped is wh-tcssh!

Chandler: That’s what I did. Wah-pah!

Joey: You can’t do anything!

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is not doing the dishes. She hears someone coming up the stairs and quickly puts down her magazine and pretends like she’s actually doing the dishes.]

Rachel: Hey, Mon, I was just doing the dishes!

Ross: Hey!

Rachel: Oh! It’s you. (She stops doing the dishes.) Hi.

Ross: Hey, do uh, do you have a minute?

Rachel: Yeah, yeah, I was just about to take a break anyways, so…

Ross: So listen uh, I know you and I haven’t really had a chance to talk since uh, Emily and I decided to get married, and uh, I was just wondering how you were.

Rachel: Oh.

Ross: I know if you were getting married I’d feel, kinda….. y’know.

Rachel: Yeah. Yeah. Definitely, well it definitely took me by surprise, but I’m okay.

Ross: Yeah?

Rachel: Yeah.

Ross: All right, I just wanted to check.

Rachel: Oh, that’s sweet.

(He goes over to hug her.)

Ross: You’re great. And I-I know someday this will happen for you too. You just hang in there.

Rachel: (breaking the hug) Uhh, hang in there?

Ross: Oh, no, I didn’t mean, uh…

Rachel: I mean maybe you didn’t hear about a serious relationship called me and Joshua?

Ross: Oh, I thought you guys had just been on like four dates, I didn’t realise that had become anything, yet.

Rachel: Oh, no-no-no, no-no-no, it has become, it has—yeah. Oh no, those were four great dates.

Ross: Oh. Yeah?

Rachel: Yeah. Oh, yeah. And I mean, the connection, I mean y’know, emotionally, mentally, physically…

Ross: Wow, that’s-that’s-that’s incredible.

Rachel: I know isn’t it? It’s like I’m right there with Joshua.

Ross: Uh-huh.

Rachel: You are right there with Emily. And it’s y’know, it’s kinda like…. it’s a tie! Well, I gotta get, I gotta get back to the dishes.

Ross: I gotta get to work.

Rachel: Oh yeah? Fine.

Ross: Hey, y’know, y’know what would make me really happy?

Rachel: Oh yeah, no, what’s that?

Ross: If like the four of us could all y’know, hang out together. Uh, in fact Emily’s coming into town this weekend, why don’t you say we all have dinner? Say, Sunday night?

Rachel: That would be great!

Ross: Yeah, all right, it’s a date. (He leaves)

Rachel: (to the closed door) Hang in there. You hang in there. (Gives him the raspberry.)

Ross: (coming back in) Did you say something?

Rachel: No, just singing. (Does a little song.)

[Scene: Beatrice Bridal Shop, Monica and Phoebe are there to pick up Emily’s dress.]

Monica: Oh my God! Ohh! Look at this one! It’s so beautiful!

Phoebe: Yeah, but y’know, about have of these are gonna end up getting divorced.

The Saleslady: May I help you ladies?

Monica: Oh, yes, umm, I’m here to pick up a dress that you have on hold.

The Saleslady: Yes, what’s the name, please?

Monica: Emily Waltham.

The Saleslady: Yes! I have it right here. (Phoebe and Monica both gasp at the dress.) Would you like to try it on Ms. Waltham?

Monica: (laughs) Okay.

[Time lapse. Monica is wearing the dress and starring at herself in the mirror.]

Phoebe: You’re the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.

Monica: I am, aren’t I?

The Saleslady: Ms. Waltham?

Monica: Yes?

The Saleslady: We’re closing.

Monica: All right. (Goes to take off the dress.)

The Saleslady: And could I get my ring back?

(She disgustedly takes the ring off and gives it back.)

[Scene: Joey’s bedroom, he’s snoring again and Chandler is there to roll him over.]

Chandler: All right buddy, time to roll over. (Rolls him over, and discovers a surprise) (Looking down) No-no! (Covers his eyes) No, no-n-n-n-no!! You are going to a clinic! You’re going to a clinic, and a pyjama store!

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica is doing the dishes.]

Monica: Does she use the cups? Yes! I believe she does. Does she use the plates? Yes! I believe she does. (Looks at the wedding dress and stops.)

[Time lapse, Monica is now wearing the dress while doing the dishes and is making like she is thanking her guests for coming to her wedding. Paging Dr. Crane. Dr. Fraiser Crane!]

Monica: Oh. Thank you. Ohhh, thank you very much. Oh, thank you for coming. (There’s a knock on the door.) Uh, just a second!

Phoebe: No-no, let me in!

Monica: Phoebe?

Phoebe: Yeah!

Monica: Can you just hold on for one minute?

Phoebe: No, you have to let me in right now!!

Monica: Are you alone?

Phoebe: Yes!

Monica: All right.

(She goes over and lets Phoebe bounce in wearing her own wedding dress.)

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey is complaining about going to the clinic.]

Joey: This sucks! I didn’t know I had to stay up all night before I went to this stupid sleep clinic! I’m so tired!

Chandler: It’s 6:00.

Joey: Yeah, well…

Rachel: (entering) Hi!

Chandler: Hey, I hear that you and Joshua are going out to dinner with Ross and Emily, and I think that’s, I think that’s really cool.

Joey: Yeah, Rach, I think you’re handling that really well.

Rachel: Handling it? What do you mean, handling it? There’s nothing to handle. Now, maybe I would have a problem with this if it wasn’t for me and Joshua. Y’know, they’re not gonna get married anyway!

Chandler: What?

Rachel: Come on! They rushed into this thing so fast it’s ridiculous! I mean, they’re gonna be engaged for like what? A year? And somewhere along the way, one of them is gonna realise what they’ve done and they’re call the whole thing off. I’m telling ya, you’re gonna be dancing at my wedding before you’re dancing at there’s.

Chandler: Yeah, well, I don’t dance at weddings.

Rachel: Why not?

Chandler: Because weddings are a great place to meet women, and when I dance, I look like this… (Starts to dancing really, really, really badly. Ross enters behind him and he stops.)

Ross: Hey man.

Chandler: Hey!

Ross: So, what are you guys doing four weeks from today?

Chandler: Nothing.

Rachel: Nothing.

Joey: I am… (Looks in his date book.) free!

Ross: Great! Because Emily and I are getting married in a month!

Joey and Chandler: What?!

Ross: Yep!

Rachel: In a month?

Ross: Yeah!

Rachel: You mean, you mean 30 days?

Ross: Yeah.

Rachel: From now?

Ross: Yeah.

Rachel: Well, that’s great.

Ross: Yeah! Yeah, Emily always wanted to get married in this beautiful place that her parents got married, but it’s going to be torn down, so… I mean, I-I know it’s crazy, but everything up ‘til now has been so crazy, and I don’t know, this just feels right. Y’know?

Joey: (still looking in date book) Hey! That’s the day after I stop menstruating! (They all look at him.) This isn’t mine.


[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is waiting impatiently for Joshua.]

Joshua: (entering) Hey, Rachel.

Rachel: Hi!

Joshua: What’s up? You’re voice sounded all squeaky on the phone.

Rachel: Ohh, nothing, I just wanted to see you. See you and hug you. (Hugs him) See you.

Joshua: Great!

Rachel: Yeah! (She sits down) Sit!

Joshua: (sitting) You okay?

Rachel: I’m more than okay, I am really, really happy! Wanna know why?

Joshua: Do I?

Rachel: ‘Cause I am really happy about us. I think we are, I think we are so on the right track! Y’know? I mean, I think we are working, I think we are clicking. Y’know?

Joshua: Yeah, sure-sure, yeah, we’re-we’re-we’re-we’re-we’re clicking.

Rachel: Yeah-yeah, y’know if-if there was just like one little area where I—that I think we need—we would need to work on; I-I would think it was we’re just not crazy enough!

Joshua: I-I gotta say, I-I-I-I’m not too sure I agree with that.

Rachel: Well, yeah, right, y’know what? Yeah, you’re right, I mean, we no, we have our fun. Yeah! But if (Grunts uncomprehensively)……I mean, I mean like craaaazy! Y’know? Okay, all right. This is gonna, this is gonna sound y’know, a little umm, hasty, but uh, just go with it. Umm. Ugh. What if we got married?

Joshua: What?! (Gunther is listening in.)

Rachel: Oh, I know, I know, it’s-it’s so, it’s so totally like, "Whoa! Can we do this?" Y’know, I mean, but I mean it just feels right! Don’t you think? It does! I mean, it just feels right, don’t you think?

Joshua: Wow! Uhh, Rachel uhh, you’re a real special lady, but my divorce isn’t final yet and, and, and we’ve been on four days, so I’m thinking "No, but thanks."

Gunther: YOU IDIOT!!!!!

[Scene: The Sleep Clinic, Joey is having trouble staying awake.]

Sleep Clinic Worker: Your name, please?

Joey: Joey Tribbiani.

Sleep Clinic Worker: Um-hmm, and did you stay up all night in preparation for your sleep study. (Joey doesn’t answer) Uh, sir? (Joey starts snoring)

Chandler: (answering for him) Yes he did.

Sleep Clinic Worker: Alll right, we’ll call you in a few minutes.

(As she leaves, a beautiful woman enters and sits down across from the boys.)

Chandler: (waking Joey) Hey, check out that girl! She is really hot!

Joey: (sleepily) Yeah, she is. Wow! (Falls back asleep, loudly) How you doin’?

(Chandler wakes him up, again.)

Joey: What?!

Chandler: You’re coming on to the entire room! (He goes over to pick up a stack of magazines next to her, and to get her attention, he throws them back down.) I’m Chandler.

Woman: I’m Marjorie.

Chandler: Hi.

Marjorie: Hi.

Chandler: You mind if I…

Marjorie: No, please.

(He sits down next to her.)

Chandler: So uh, what are you in for?

Marjorie: I talk in my sleep.

Chandler: What a coincidence, I listen in my sleep.

Joey: (asleep) So why don’t you give me your number?

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Phoebe, still defying reality, are now throwing a bouquet at each other, pretending to catch the actual bouquet at an actual wedding.]

Monica: Okay, ready?

Phoebe: Yeah.

Monica: Okay.

(She turns around and throws the bouquet to Phoebe.)

Phoebe: (catching it) I got it! Mine! (They both hug)

Monica: Congratulations!

Phoebe: Thank you!

Monica: Okay! My turn! My turn!

Phoebe: Okay! (Gets into position) Okay, ready?

Monica: (cocking her head from side to side in some pre-bouquet-catching ritual) Yeah.

Phoebe: Okay. (Phoebe turns and throws it on the couch.)

Monica: (upset) That was a terrible throw!!

Phoebe: I’m not gonna right to you! That’s not real!

Monica: Look at me! My big concern is what’s real?! (Finally realises) Oh my God. We’re really sad, aren’t we?

Phoebe: Yeah, I think we are.

Monica: This isn’t even my dress.

Phoebe: Well, at least you didn’t rent yours from a store called, "It’s Not Too Late."

Monica: I’m changing out of this.

Phoebe: Me too.

Monica: In like a half-hour?

Phoebe: Me too.

Monica: Okay, throw it straight this time.

Phoebe: Okay.

(She throws it straight, and Monica makes a big deal about catching it.)

Monica: I’m getting married next!!

Phoebe: Yay!

[Scene: Central Perk, Monica and Phoebe, back to reality, are sitting in normal clothes.]

Phoebe: I hate my regular clothes now! Y’know? I look down and-and I know that this isn’t gonna be the most special day of my life.

Monica: Yeah. I mean it was kinda fun for a while, but didn’t you start feeling silly?

Phoebe: I guess.

(Monica crosses her legs and is still wearing the garter belt.)

Phoebe: Oh my God!

Monica: Oh God.

Phoebe: Oh, you’re such a cheater!

Chandler: (entering) Hello! Little ones.

Monica: Hey!

Phoebe: Hey!

Monica: So, is Joey gonna stop snoring?

Chandler: Yep! And! A beautiful woman agreed to go out with me. (They’re stunned.) Joey wanted to ask her out, but uh, she picked me.

Phoebe: Oh, how’d that happen?

Chandler: Because I’m cooler.

Monica: No, seriously.

Chandler: Well she’s, she’s the kinda girl—Joey was unconscious.

(Joey enters, wearing a mouth guard like boxers wear.)

Joey: (muffled by the mouth guard) Hey you guys! What’s happening?

Monica: Oh my God!

Phoebe: What is that?

Joey: (muffled) Oh, they gave it to me at the sleep clinic, and it’s gonna help me not to snore.

Monica: Well, are you asleep right now, Joe? ‘Cause I don’t think you have to wear it unless you are!

Joey: (takes out the mouth guard) I know I don’t have too! It tastes good. (Puts it back in.)

Chandler: Plus, you look cool.

(Joey totally agrees with this statement and kicks his feet up.)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica is putting away the wedding dress, finally.]

Rachel: (entering from her bedroom) Well, I just called Joshua…

Phoebe: Oh, how did it go?

Rachel: Well, I did my best to convince him that I’m not some crazy girl who is dying to get married—I’m just going through a hard time.

Phoebe: What did he say?

Rachel: Well uh, his answering machine was very understanding. Ugh. I feel blue.

Monica: Ohh, sweetie! (Goes to comfort her.) Hey, I bet you anything that he’s gonna call you again.

Rachel: Yeah, maybe, but I don’t think I even care. I don’t think he’s the one I’m sad about. Y’know, I know that I said that I am totally okay with Ross getting married, but as it turns out, I don’t think I’m handling it all that well.

Phoebe: Yeah, maybe.

Rachel: And I-I am just trying to figure out why.

Phoebe: Any luck?

Rachel: Well, yeah, y’know how Ross and I were on again, off again, on again, off again? I guess I just figured that somewhere down the road, we would be on again.

Monica: Again. Y’know what? I think we all did.

Ross: (entering) Hey!

Monica: Hey! (She jumps up and throws Emily’s wedding dress into Rachel’s room.)

Ross: So, I got us some reservations for Sunday night, okay? How about, Ernie’s at 9 o’clock?

Rachel: Yeah, well, you uh, better make it for three.

Ross: Oh, see I-I don’t know if we’re gonna be hungry at three.

Rachel: Three people. Joshua’s not gonna be there.

Ross: What happened?

Rachel: Uh, well, I think, I think he broke up with me.

Ross: Noo. Why?

Rachel: Well, apparently he scares easy.

Ross: Oh, Rachel, I’m-I’m sorry.

Rachel: It’s okay. Sometimes, things don’t work out the way you’d thought they would.

Ross: Come here.

(They hug.)

Rachel: (breaking the hug) Oh, hey, don’t you have to go pick up Emily?

Ross: Yeah.

Rachel: Yeah.

Ross: You okay?

Rachel: Yeah! I got my girls.

(He leaves.)

Rachel: Ugh. (She goes over and lays her head on Phoebe’s lap.)

Phoebe: (looks at Monica) Hey, y’know what might cheer you up?

Rachel: What?

[Time lapse, all three girls are now wearing wedding dresses, eating popcorn, drinking beer, and watching TV.]

Rachel: Y’know, I gotta tell ya, this really does put in a better mood.

Monica: Oh, I wish there was a job where I could wear this all the time. (Pause) Maybe someday, there will be.

(There’s a knock on the door.)

Monica: Oh God! He’s gonna come by and borrow some candles for his big date!

Rachel: Oh, okay! (She goes to answer the door.)

Monica: No-no, Rachel, don’t get it! He can’t see us!

Phoebe: No, yeah! The groom cannot see the bride!

Rachel: I’m not gonna marry Chandler!

Phoebe: Not after this!

Rachel: Okay, you guys, just relax. (She goes over to open the door, and as she does, she says.) I doooo. (Sees that it’s Joshua, not Chandler that knocked on the door.)

Joshua: I gotta go.

Rachel: Oh, wait, Joshua! Joshua! (Pause) (Comes back inside) Yeah, well, that oughta do it.


[Scene: Chandler’s bedroom, he is sleeping with Marjorie. All of the sudden, Marjorie starts talking in her sleep, awakening Chandler. After a little bit, she quiets back down, and Chandler tries to get back to sleep. There’s a short pause until she starts screaming, causing Chandler to scream with her. She quickly calms down. This all wakes up Joey, who comes over wearing the mouth guard, opens the top half of Chandler’s door, and starts to complain about the noise.]

Joey: (muffled by the mouth guard) Dude! I am trying to sleep! (Shrugs to say, "What’s up with that?")



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