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老友記第五季The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey



姓錢的!我全都看見了!你竟敢對(duì)我妹妹下手!給我滾出來!哇,聽著,我們很恩愛長達(dá)4個(gè)——哦,5個(gè)月之久好多人一輩子也沒有這么多歡樂時(shí)光再見了,你保重你干嘛?我要跑路了怕什么,錢德,說服羅斯還不是小菜一碟你等一下什么事,哥哥你們?cè)诟闶裁达w機(jī)出什么事了?羅斯發(fā)現(xiàn)了我和莫妮的奸情伙計(jì),你怎么當(dāng)著他的面這么說!我一直當(dāng)你是我最好的朋友!她可是我妹妹!我最好的朋友、泡我妹妹!我不敢相信!我們并不是鬼混而已我愛她對(duì),我們?cè)趹賽酆鼙?,讓你這樣發(fā)現(xiàn)但他沒撒謊,我也愛他最好的朋友和我妹妹好上了我真不能相信!你們不擁抱一下嗎?這可是個(gè)好消息!不抱了,其實(shí)我們知道好一陣子了什么?你們都知道?你們都知道,就只瞞著我?我們擔(dān)心你的反應(yīng)嘛你們都擔(dān)心我不知道我會(huì)有什么反應(yīng)?夠了我們都回避一下,讓這對(duì)小鴛鴦辦完事如何我說說而已,泡你妹妹的可是他!我剛剛想起來將來你們生了小孩什么?我們生孩子?我要當(dāng)他的教父!你說當(dāng)就當(dāng)啊我是近水樓臺(tái),當(dāng)然我當(dāng)真想當(dāng)你就得報(bào)名-諸位,你們扯遠(yuǎn)了-是啊,這一步邁太大了,就像登月的第一步我想好送你們什么結(jié)婚禮物了-我跟你一起送,我還沒想到送什么禮物-好凱蒂各位,她叫凱蒂準(zhǔn)備好出發(fā)了嗎-恩,我得先去趟洗手間-在那邊午餐上哪兒吃呢中國菜怎么樣?我喜歡中餐!你怎么知道我喜歡中餐的?她很可愛你可以把她裝在口袋里到處走是嗎,我是喜歡她,她很乖,但-我不知道我很喜歡她,她也很好,但——-什么?她一直捶我又不是真打你,她只是撒嬌罷了捶在身上很痛的!我要受內(nèi)傷了我明白你需要什么了你需要請(qǐng)個(gè)保鏢讓班在幼兒園放學(xué)后就給他當(dāng)保鏢怎么樣別鬧了,喬伊有困難,人家被小妹妹欺負(fù)呢喬伊乖,過來親愛的,我知道你很難辦對(duì)不起,我弄疼你了嗎?我?guī)Я硕Y物,恭賀喬遷之喜鹽,為你的生活添滋味面包,讓你遠(yuǎn)離饑餓還有盥洗室適用的香味蠟燭你知道它派什么用場(chǎng)對(duì)吧謝謝,非常感謝歡迎入住,我是居委會(huì)主任Steve Sarah羅斯蓋勒,這是我朋友,菲比-菲比你好-主任好我來跟你講講Howard的事他是這里的勤雜工,下星期退休這里的住戶為了感謝他的辛勤勞動(dòng),一人捐給他100元好主意你是簽支票,還是?你不用馬上掏錢,呆會(huì)塞到我門縫底下就可以了不是時(shí)間的問題我才剛搬進(jìn)來他在這里服務(wù)25年了對(duì),但我才來住了25分鐘而已好,我明白了別走! 我很抱歉,但我和Howard沒打過照面我壓根不認(rèn)識(shí)他Howard是勤雜工是,但他對(duì)我而言,只是個(gè)陌生人罷了好,算了,總之歡迎入住本大廈這人可真是異想天開!是啊,我喜歡他的眼鏡之后Steve主任就到處講我吝嗇現(xiàn)在整幢大廈都討厭我還有小孩朝我膝蓋上吐口水猜我怎么辦我會(huì)辦個(gè)盛大的派對(duì),邀請(qǐng)大廈里所有人參加我要和他們坐下來好好談?wù)?,讓他們知道我不是壞蛋我不摳門,我只是堅(jiān)持信念而已我是個(gè)有原則的人聽來是個(gè)好玩的派對(duì)要討鄰居們的歡心,為什么不干脆付那100塊算了開派對(duì)花費(fèi)多得多不是錢的問題我要堅(jiān)持原則! 懂嗎,處事原則不能變!我還以為你只是想討好鄰居他們會(huì)喜歡我的,只要他們來參加我辦的派對(duì)我得走了,去搞個(gè)名牌來帶那個(gè)派對(duì)瘋子將是你的舅子有趣。不過請(qǐng)別在莫妮面前提這碴我可不想你們給她灌輸什么想法錢德,你說莫妮會(huì)不會(huì)早有什么想法了?怎么講?哎,因?yàn)樗龕勰?,因?yàn)槟阋矏鬯鄲塾秩绾危垮X德你別怕,我要說的其實(shí)你也都清楚她離開理查德德,只是因?yàn)樗幌胍⒆铀莻€(gè)女人,年近30。而且你了解莫妮的我沒這么想過我看到兩個(gè)莫妮一個(gè)是住在對(duì)面的我的朋友,熱衷生小孩一個(gè)則是全新的莫妮,我的約會(huì)對(duì)象她要什么、難道我會(huì)不了解?我對(duì)她的看法是對(duì)的我是對(duì)的,對(duì)吧你是對(duì)的你當(dāng)然對(duì)了,那還用問。她和以前完全不同了其實(shí)沒什么“不同”,對(duì)吧除非“不同”等于“相同”你跟那侍應(yīng)生一起,好有趣。你這個(gè)小笨蛋哪兒的侍應(yīng)生都很有趣不,因?yàn)槟恪⑺拍敲春猛嬗腥さ氖悄?!凱蒂,我們得談?wù)勎蚁矚g你。我真的,很喜歡你但有時(shí)候你開玩笑,捶我一拳我就有被什么小而結(jié)實(shí)的球棒擊中的感覺我打傷你了嗎?你還不是取笑我不夠大以后不許再拿我開玩笑!-棒吧?-恩你會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)這么可愛嗎永遠(yuǎn)陪在我身邊,好嗎好啊,陪你天涯海角你沒事吧?我很好很放松你什么意思?我談戀愛而已啊,和我喜歡的女孩找樂子-我就知道你會(huì)這樣!-哪樣?大家一拿婚姻開玩笑,你就驚慌了!哎,你的確有那些想法對(duì)吧哼,你會(huì)知道我想什么?對(duì)! 你想生寶寶,你有小孩狂熱癥!胡說!你渴望結(jié)婚生子與此相關(guān)的一切事,你都很狂熱廚師小姐,我們冷靜一下好不好不冷靜的是你問題不在我。是你害怕承諾算了,我了解你,我知道你都想些什么你什么也不知道今晚我要跟瑞秋出去,而不是跟你,這你不知道吧?要說小孩,這里唯一的小孩就是你我現(xiàn)在連看都不愿看你一眼,你又知道嗎我不知道我們會(huì)沒事的,對(duì)吧她不會(huì)因此離開我,這矛盾是可調(diào)和的是啊,當(dāng)然咯我應(yīng)該認(rèn)錯(cuò)?-不-你得非常真誠的道歉才有用對(duì),要非常真誠她來了!阿甘,一杯咖啡帶走我還是不想跟你說話-我該怎樣做,我們才能和好?-什么?我們不是一直這樣嗎?我犯錯(cuò)以后你就告訴我怎么改我改好了你就又喜歡我了是嗎,可我不想教你怎么談戀愛了你自己想清楚吧假如你害怕真正的交往就別再煩我Howard! Howard!-菲比-嗨,羅斯!你在這里做什么?我來參加你的派對(duì),沒想到這是Howard的派對(duì)他十分可愛再見了,菲比謝謝你慷慨解囊你捐錢了?恩,捐了100塊真不能相信,你居然給他們錢我本以為你也反對(duì)他們找我收錢呢但他們沒找我收錢我只是擺闊的陌生人而已,很有趣但你的做法讓我更沒面子了不,我沒有! 我的用意是給你臉上爭(zhēng)光他們看到你跟我說話,你就——哇,我是大紅人嘿,菲比!嘿,羅斯也許你們倆可以換房子住,菲比才是我們的同類考慮考慮吧我錯(cuò)了你……強(qiáng)壯多了謝謝,我一直在健身看得出來嗎,我穿了六件衣服看不出,為什么穿那么多我打算跟凱蒂分手,所以穿上特別的護(hù)甲想想看,她高興時(shí)打我都那么痛當(dāng)我表示要跟她分手,她還不使蠻勁?嘿,很可愛的外套謝謝,你嘴真甜嗷!喬伊把他的口頭禪教你了?你們真過分!凱蒂,過分的是你!喬伊的朋友可真夠意思喬伊的女朋友也很夠意思你嘴甜!你才甜呢!她踢我!你不幫我?你再不出手,我馬上走人!-幫還是不幫?-不糟糕透了,我要走了!別,我正跟大家講你的好話呢給我點(diǎn)時(shí)間,放松點(diǎn),去吃點(diǎn)東西你跟他們說我什么事說了你和愛米麗的事賺取同情分-結(jié)果他們覺得你是壞人-什么?我好象沒講對(duì)我們理一下事情的來龍去脈,因?yàn)槲也⒉皇呛芮宄銈兊募m葛這蛋糕真好吃!你會(huì)慢慢愉快起來的天啊! 有人偷吃Howard的蛋糕誰這么不要臉3樓B座的家伙!你吃白食,你掃大家的興你還不趕快滾回家去!滾回3樓B座去!各位,冷靜!我有話要說誰喜歡羅斯?當(dāng)然你們都不喜歡他他不捐錢在我剛才發(fā)問時(shí),只有他自己舉手而且他還帶兩個(gè)名牌!老實(shí)說,我第一次見到羅斯時(shí),我也一點(diǎn)都不喜歡他!直到我了解他后,我才發(fā)現(xiàn)他其實(shí)很可愛體貼而且慷慨試著去了解羅斯,不要妄下定論這正像我對(duì)在座諸位的看法。現(xiàn)在我喜歡你們。但初次見面時(shí)Kurt, 我當(dāng)你是個(gè)醉鬼Lola呢遲鈍麻木至于你們,你像用美人計(jì)騙錢的女人你則是老牛吃嫩草現(xiàn)在你們明白我的意思了吧真沒想到他們會(huì)扔爛西紅柿我本打算把他們挨個(gè)羞辱一番,然后你跳出來為他們說好話充好漢好辦法!可惜我沒想到莫妮呢?我要跟她談?wù)劊芗蔽沂悄菸乙阏務(wù)?,急事我一直在考慮我們的事我想了很多我想補(bǔ)救的唯一方法是你干嘛?別那樣你愿意嫁給我嗎?餿主意看不下去了你干嗎求婚我不知道但我現(xiàn)在知道了,求婚不可怕我求婚是因?yàn)槲液鼙改阏J(rèn)為結(jié)婚的最佳理由是“抱歉”?最好的理由應(yīng)該是“懷孕”“抱歉”排第四位,第2位是“準(zhǔn)備好了”;第3位是“真心想結(jié)婚”做我妻子,好嗎?你用腦子想想,這有多荒謬真希望大家什么都沒看見這次吵架完全不是因我而起!我從沒說過我要結(jié)婚生子!是啊,但我不能確定,所以找他們請(qǐng)教找誰請(qǐng)教?離婚兩次的家伙?還有喬伊?她說得對(duì)就算對(duì),也太刻薄了還記得我說過讓你自己想清楚嗎?我看你還沒這個(gè)能力的確是的天啊剛才我若答應(yīng)你求婚,你會(huì)怎樣做?也許,我會(huì)非常開心因?yàn)槟芎臀倚膼鄣呐斯捕扔嗌苍S,你現(xiàn)在會(huì)看到大門上有我落跑時(shí)撞出的大洞把刀遞給我好嗎?不好!不遞算了,兇什么是啊,很抱歉,你愿意嫁給我嗎?我想跟你求婚,因?yàn)樯闲瞧谖疫€沒跟你問好那么點(diǎn)小事,要求同居就夠了。對(duì)吧,錢德你們還要鬧多久他們笑你多久和你做的事有多蠢成正比,他們會(huì)笑很久的有趣!記得我總說“我們分手了!”嗎抱歉,你愿意嫁給我嗎-不好笑-一點(diǎn)也不好笑

The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey

[Scene: The hallway, Ross is running up the stairs. Note: This show continues where the last one left off.]

Ross: Chandler!!! Chandler!!! (He opens the door to the apartment but is stopped by the chain; Chandler and Monica quickly stop making out and try to get dressed.) Chandler, I saw what you were doing through the window! Chandler, I saw what you were doing to my sister! Now get out here!

Chandler: (To Monica) Wow! Listen, we had a good run. What was it? Four? Five months? I mean, that's more than most people have in a lifetime! So, good-bye, take care, bye-bye then! (He kisses her and starts to climb out the balcony window.)

Monica: What are you doing?!

Chandler: Oh, I'm going on the lamb.

Monica: Come on Chandler, come on, I can handle Ross. (They go to the door. Ross is trying to stick his hand through and undo the chain; Monica pushes his hand back.) (To Ross) Hold on! (She opens the door.) Hey Ross. What's up bro?

(Ross spots Chandler and starts chasing him around the kitchen table. Chandler runs and hides behind Monica.)

Ross: What the hell are doing?!!

Rachel: (running from the guy's apartment with Joey in tow) Hey, what's-what's going on?!

Chandler: Well, I think, I think Ross knows about me and Monica.

Joey: (panicking) Dude! He's right there!

Ross: (To Chandler) I thought you were my best friend, this is my sister! My best friend and my sister! I-I cannot believe this!

Chandler: Look, we're not just messing around! I love her. Okay, I'm in love with her.

Monica: I'm so sorry that you had to find out this way. I'm sorry, but it's true, I love him too.

(There's a brief pause.)

Ross: (happily) My best friend and my sister! I cannot believe this. (He hugs them both.) (To Joey and Rachel) You guys probably wanna get some hugs in too, huh? Big news!

Rachel: Awww, no, it's okay, we've actually known for a while.

(There's another pause as Ross gets angry again.)

Ross: What? What? What?! You guys knew? (Joey and Rachel backup against the door.) You all knew and you didn't tell me?!!

Rachel: Well, Ross, we were worried about you. We didn't know how you were going to react.


Ross: (happily again) You were worried about me? You didn't know how I was going to react? (He hugs them both.)

Joey: Okay, all right, whew! What do you say we all clear out of here and let these two lovebirds get back down to business? (Ross turns and glares at him.) Hey-hey-hey, I-I-I'm just talking here, he-he's the one doing your sister.

Opening Credits

[Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there.]

Ross: Hey, you know what I just realized? If you guys ever have kids…

Chandler: (interrupting) Whoa-whoa-whoa! We're having kids?!

Joey: (quickly) I call Godfather!

Ross: You can't just call Godfather. Don't you think her brother should be Godfather?

Joey: Sure, if you cared enough to call it first.

Monica: Guys, you're a few steps ahead of us.

Chandler: Yeah, big zero gravity moon steps.

Rachel: Oh! Oh, I just thought of the greatest wedding gift to get you.

Phoebe: Ooh, I'll go in on that with you! I couldn't think of anything.

Rachel: Okay.

(A girl enters.)

Joey: (to her) Oh, hey Katie! Everyone, this is Katie.

Katie: Hi!

All: Hi!

Joey: So, are you ready to go?

Katie: Yeah, I just gotta run to the bathroom.

Joey: Oh sure, right back there. (Points.)

Katie: Hey, where are we going to lunch?

Joey: I was thinking Chinese food.

Katie: Ohh, I love Chinese! How did you know I love Chinese?! (She hits him repeatedly as she says that.)

(She heads to the bathroom and Joey sits back down.)

Rachel: She is so cute! You could fit her right in your little pocket!

Joey: I don't know. I mean I like her a lot, and she's really nice, but…

Monica: But what?

Joey: (shyly) She keeps punching me.

(They all laugh.)

Monica: In that cute, little, sweet way she just did?

Joey: Hey, it's a lot harder than it looks! Okay? (Quietly) She-she-she's hurting me.

Monica: I know what you need, you need a bodyguard. Hey Ross, what is Ben doing after preschool?

Chandler: Hey listen, come on, Joey is having a problem! A little girl is beating him up.

Rachel: Aww, Joey, come here. (She takes his hand.) Look honey, I know this must be really, really difficult for you and I--Oh, I'm sorry. Am I hurting you?

[Scene: Ross's apartment, he's unpacking after moving in. There's a knock on the door and he answers it.]

Ross: (opens it to reveal Phoebe) Hey!

Phoebe: Hey! I brought you some house warming gifts.

Ross: Aww.

Phoebe: Yeah. Salt, so your life always has flavor.

Ross: Huh.

Phoebe: Bread, so you never go hungry.

Ross: Ohh.

Phoebe: And a scented candle for the bathroom, because well, y'know.

Ross: Thanks. Thanks. And thanks again.

Phoebe: Yeah!

(The door across the hall opens and a guy walks into Ross's apartment.)

Guy: Hi!

Ross: Hi!

Guy: Welcome to the building. I'm uh, Steve Sarah; I'm president of the tenants committee.

Ross: Oh hi! Ross Geller. And this is my friend Phoebe.

Steve: Oh hi Phoebe.

Phoebe: Mr. President.

Steve: I came to talk to you about Howard.

Ross: Howard?

Steve: Yeah, he's the handy man. He's gonna be retiring next week and everyone who lives here is kicking in a 100 bucks as a thank you for all the hard work type of thing.

Ross: Oh that's nice.

Steve: Yeah. So, do you want to give a check? Or…

Ross: Oh. Uhh…

Steve: Oh look, you don't have to give it too me right now! You can slip it under my door. (Points to his apartment across the hall.)

Ross: No-no, it's not that, it's just… I-I just moved in.

Steve: Well, the guy's worked here for 25 years.

Ross: Yes, but I've lived here for 25 minutes.

Steve: Oh, okay, I get it. (Starts to leave.)

Ross: No wait, look. Look! I'm sorry, it's just I've never even met Howard. I-I mean I don't know Howard.

Steve: Howard's the handy man!

Ross: Yes but too me he's just, man.

Steve: Okay, fine, whatever. Welcome to the building. (Exits.)

Ross: (To Phoebe) Ugh, can you believe that guy!

Phoebe: Yeah. I really like his glasses.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Ross is lamenting to Chandler and Rachel about his troubles in his new building.]

Ross: …so then President Steve told everyone that I was a cheapskate, and now the whole building hates me! A little kid spit on my knee! Y'know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna throw a party. That's right. For everyone in the building, and I'm gonna sit them down and explain to them, I am not a bad guy. I am not a cheap guy! I'm just a guy who-who stands up for what he believes in. A man with principles.

Chandler: (To Rachel) Sounds like a fun party.

Rachel: Hmm. Look, Ross, if you want your neighbors to like you, why don't you just pay the hundred bucks? The party's gonna cost you way more than that.

Ross: It doesn't matter! It's my principles! We're talking about my principles!

Rachel: Okay, I thought it was about your neighbors liking you.

Ross: Oh, they'll like me. Once they come to my awesome PAR-TAY! Okay, I gotta run. I gotta go get some nametags. (Exits.)

Rachel: And that crazy party animal will be your brother-in-law.

Chandler: Very, very funny, but don't say things like that in front of Monica. I don't want you putting any ideas in her head.

Rachel: Umm, Chandler, you do realize that those ideas are probably already in Monica's head.

Chandler: Wh-wh-why?!

Rachel: Well, because she loves you and because you love her.

Chandler: Yeah, so, what's that supposed to mean?!

Rachel: Hey, Chandler, don't freak out! I'm telling you something you already know! Come on, she broke up with Richard because he didn't want to have babies. And she's a woman, and she's almost 30, and y'know it's Monica.

Chandler: I don't see it that way. Okay? Because, I see two Monicas, the one that was my friend, who lived across the hall, and wanted to have a lot of babies and then the new Monica, who I just started to date. Now, who's to say what she wants?! I’m right. I'm right. Am I right?

Rachel: No, you're right, you are absolutely right. I mean that makes, that makes everything different.

Chandler: Okay. It's not different at all, is it?

Rachel: Not unless different means the same.

[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is sitting on the couch with Katie.]

Katie: You were so funny with that waiter! You're such a nut! (She slaps her thighs, Joey jerks, and spills some of his coffee.)

Joey: (sets the coffee down) Y'know, breadstick fangs are always funny.

Katie: No, you make them funny. You're the funny one! (She punches him again and he retreats to the arm of the couch.)

Joey: Uhh, look Katie, uh listen, we-we need to talk. Okay? Umm, look I like you. I-I really do, I like you a lot. Okay? But sometimes when you, when you playfully punch me like that it-it feels like someone's hitting me with a very tiny but very real bat.

Katie: Aww, like I could hurt you. Are you making fun of my size? Don't make fun of me because of my size! (She punches him again and almost knocks him off the arm of the couch.)

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler and Monica are curled up on one of the chairs.]

Monica: Isn't this great?

Chandler: Hmm.

Monica: Couldn't you just stay like this forever? (His eyes snap open.) Chandler! Couldn't you just stay here forever?

Chandler: Yeah, here, somewhere else, y'know where-where ever. (Gets up.)

Monica: Are you okay?

Chandler: Yeah, I'm cool. Casual.

Monica: What-what are you doing?

Chandler: I'm just hanging out. Y'know, having fun. Y'know with the girl that I'm seeing casually.

Monica: Man, I knew it! I knew you were going to do this!!

Chandler: What?!

Monica: Get all freaked out because everybody was talking and just joking around about marriage and stuff.

Chandler: Well, you do want all that stuff, right?

Monica: Oh and you know what I want!

Chandler: Yes! You want babies! You have baby fever!

Monica: I do not have baby fever!

Chandler: Oh please, you are obsessed with babies and-and marriage and everything that's related to babies and-and marriage! I've got an idea, why don't we turn down the heat on this pressure cooker?!

Monica: Have you lost your mind? Chandler, this isn't about me! This is about you and all your weird relationship commitment crap!

Chandler: Nah-uh! I know you! Okay? I know the thoughts that you have in the head--in your head!

Monica: You don't know everything. Did you know that I'm going out with Rachel tonight instead of you? Hmm? And did you know that the only baby around here is you?! And did you know that I can't even look at you right now?! (She storms out.)

Chandler: Well, I did not know that.

Commercial Break

[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler is getting advice from Ross and Joey.]

Chandler: It's gonna be okay, right? I mean she's not gonna leave me? This is, this is fixable.

Ross and Joey: Oh yeah, yeah, sure. Absolutely.

Chandler: By me?

Ross: Oh, no!

Joey: No-no.

Ross: Well, unless you make some kind of big gesture.

Joey: Yeah, big!

(Monica enters.)

Joey: Uh-oh, shht! The Misses.

Monica: Gunther, can I get a coffee (Looks at Chandler) to go?

Chandler: Monica. (Goes to talk to her.)

Monica: I'm still not done not wanting to talk to you.

Chandler: Just tell me what I need to do to make things right.

Monica: What?!

Chandler: Well, that's what we do. Y'know, I-I mess up and then you tell me how to fix it and then I do and then y'know you think I'm all cute again.

Monica: Really? I'm really tired of being your relationship tutor. You're gonna have to figure this one for yourself. All right? Y'know what? If you're too afraid to be in a real relationship, then don't be in one. (She walks out.)

(Chandler turns to watch her go and then sees Ross and Joey both with huge grimaces on their faces.)

[Scene: Ross's apartment, he's having his party, only he's the only guest. He gets up and puts on a nametag that says Ross, but doesn't quite like it. So he takes it off and puts on one that says Dr. Geller and he puts the Ross one underneath the Dr. Geller one. Then as he turns off the music, we hear the party for Howard raging in the apartment across the hall.]

Party Guests: (chanting) Howard! Howard! Howard! Howard! (Ross goes to investigate the noise) Howard! Howard! Howard! (They're holding Howard above their heads.) Howard! Howard! Howard! Howard! Howard! (He sees Phoebe chanting along with them.) Howard! Howard! Howard! Howard! Howard! Howard! Howard! Howard! Howard! Yay!!

Ross: Phoebe! (He grabs her arm to get her attention.)

Phoebe: Oh, hi Ross!

Ross: What are you doing?

Phoebe: Oh, I thought this was your party and it turns out it’s a party for Howard. He's just the sweetest little man! (A guest walks up to her.)

Guest #1: See ya Phoebe! Oh and hey, thanks for chipping in!

Ross: You chipped in?!

Phoebe: Yeah, uh-huh, a 100 dollars.

Ross: Phoebe! I can't believe you gave them money! I thought you agreed it was totally unreasonable that they asked me for that money!

Phoebe: Yeah, but they didn't ask me! Y'know? This way I'm just y'know, the exotic, generous stranger. That's always fun to be.

Ross: Yeah, but you're making me look bad!

Phoebe: No I'm not. No! If anything I'm making you look better! They'll see you talking to me and that's--I'm a hit!

Steve: (walking up) Oh hey, Pheebs!

Phoebe: Hey!

Steve: Oh hey, Ross. Umm, see, I was thinking maybe you two could switch apartments because Phoebe's more our kind of people. Something to think about. (Walks away.)

(Ross turns and glares at Phoebe.)

Phoebe: Yeah, okay, my bad.

[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is getting some coffee as Joey enters. He's looking a little puffy, but that's probably from the large number of different color sweaters he's wearing.]

Joey: Hey!

Rachel: Hi! Wow! You look, you look…big.

Joey: Thanks! I've been working out. Hey listen, is it obvious that I'm wearing six sweaters?

Rachel: Uhhh, yeah. But it's not obvious why.

Joey: Well look, I’m breaking up with Katie so I had to put on some extra padding. Y'know? I mean, if she hits me when she's happy, can you imagine how hard she's gonna hit me when I tell her I'm taking away the Joey love?

Katie: (entering) Hi!

Joey: Hey! Hiya!

Rachel: Hey! Hey, cute jacket!

Katie: Oh, thanks! That's so sweet! (She punches Rachel like she punched Joey.)

Rachel: Oh! Ow! (Joey motions, "You see what I mean?!")

Katie: Oh, ow! Did Joey tell you to say that? You guys, (Punches Joey) are too much! (Punches Rachel.)

Rachel: Whoa! (Laughs) Y'know what Katie? I gotta tell ya I-I-I-I think you are the one who is too much. (She punches Katie back.)

Katie: Ohh, Joey has the nicest friends! (She punches Rachel.)

Rachel: Ohh, and the nicest girlfriend! (She retaliates.)

Katie: You're so sweet! (Punches Rachel yet again.)

Rachel: Ohh, you're so sweet! (She kicks Katie in the shin.)

Katie: Oww!!!! Joey, she just kicked me.

Joey: Huh.

Katie: Well? Aren't you gonna do something?

Joey: Uhh….

Katie: You'd better do something, or I'm gonna walk out that door right now! Well? Are you gonna?

Joey: Nah.

(She looks at Rachel and storms out. After she's left Joey hugs Rachel in thanks.)

[Scene: Howard's party, Phoebe is talking Ross up to two more partygoers. Ross isn't happy about it.]

Ross: (trying to get her attention) Phoebe?

Phoebe: (ignoring him and continuing her conversation) That's what I'm saying. (Laughs.)

Ross: (tapping her on the shoulder) Phoebe? Phoebe?

Phoebe: Ooh. (Turns to him.)

Ross: Look, this is a disaster! Can't I please just go?

Phoebe: No! No! I'm talking you up to people. Just give it a little time, all right? Relax, get something to eat! Okay?

(They go to the food table.)

Ross: So uh, what did you tell them about me?

Phoebe: Oh, I was telling them about you and Emily. Y'know, try to get some sympathy.

Ross: Ohh. (He cuts himself a piece of cake.)

Phoebe: But somehow you came off as the bad guy.

Ross: What?!

Phoebe: Yeah, I think I told it wrong. Y'know, we should talk about that because I don't totally understand what happened there.

Ross: (trying a piece of cake) Ohh, this cake is really good!

Phoebe: Oh, okay, see? Things are looking up already!

Guest #2: (sees the cake) Oh my God! Someone cut Howard's cake! (Ross tries dumping it into a nearby plant.) Who would do a think like that?

(Steve goes over to look at Ross who's trying to look cool, but has some frosting on his lip.)

Steve: 3-B!

All: Oh yeah, aww!

Steve: Okay, you got your free food! You ruined everyone's fun! Don't you think it's time you went home?!

Guest #3: Yeah, leave!

All: Yeah, get out! Now!

Steve: Go back to 3-B, 3-B!

Phoebe: All right, everyone calm down! Everyone calm down! I have something that I would like to say! Who here likes Ross? (Ross is the only one who raises his hand and Phoebe glares at him to put his hand back down.) Of course you don't like him! He-he didn't give you any money, he raised his own hand when I asked, "Who hear likes Ross," and he's wearing two nametags! (He takes one off.) I-I'll be honest with you guys, when I first met Ross I didn't like him at all! But then once I got to know him I saw that he's really sweet and caring and very generous. I mean, all I'm saying is don't judge Ross before you get to know him all right? I mean, I like all you guys now, but when I first meet you y'know Kurt, I thought, y'know abrasive drunk, umm Lola, mind numbingly stupid! And okay, you guys (She turns to an elderly gentleman and a 20 something woman, who're a couple.) (To the girl) Gold-digger, (To the old guy) cradle robbing perv! So, I think you all know what I mean.

[Scene: Ross's apartment, Ross and Phoebe have been banished to Ross's place.]

Phoebe: Obviously I didn't think they were gonna start throwing things. I just thought if I kept insulting everyone, you would jump in and defend everyone and then you could look like the hero.

Ross: Oh wow, yeah! See, I did not get that.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Chandler comes running in. Everyone else is already there.]

Chandler: Where's Monica?! Where is she? I need to talk to her! It's urgent! Is she here?

Monica: (raising her hand) I'm Monica.

Chandler: I need to talk to you, it's urgent!

Monica: Okay.

Chandler: Okay, I've been doing a lot of thinking about us, y'know a lot of uhh, us thinking. And uh, well I guess there's only one-one way to do this. (He slowly and awkwardly gets down on one knee.)

Monica: Wait what-wh-wh-what are you doing?!

Chandler: (getting out a ring box) Monica…

Monica: No-no, don't-don't-don't do it!

Chandler: Will you marry me?

(Phoebe hides her eyes in shame. Rachel is starring at them wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Joey and Ross are stunned to temporary silence.)

Ross: Oh-no. No. No.

Joey: What a bad idea!

Rachel: Ohhhh, I cannot look at it! (She doesn't move.)

Monica: Chandler, why are you doing this?

Chandler: I don't know. But I know I'm not afraid to do this.

Monica: Chandler.

Chandler: I'm doing this because I'm sorry?

Monica: Do you umm, you really think the best reason to get married is because you're sorry?

Chandler: No, the best reason to get married is pregnancy. Sorry is pretty much fourth y'know, behind being ready and actually wanting to get married. (Laughs.) Will you be my wife?

Monica: (kneels with him) Chandler, umm, I want you to take just a minute and I want you to think about how ridiculous this sounds.

Chandler: Yeah, I'm kinda wishing everyone wasn't here right now.

Monica: Honey! Do you know that none of that stuff came from me?! I mean I never said I wanted to have babies and get married right now!

Chandler: Yeah I know, but I was really confused and then I talked to these guys. (Turns to look at Ross and Joey.)

Monica: Who? Two divorces and Joey?!

Ross: Hey!

Joey: She's right y'know.

Ross: Yeah, but still, cheap shot!

Monica: Y'know what? Y'know when I said that I want you to deal with this relationship stuff all on your own? Well, you're not ready for that.

Chandler: I didn't think I was!

(They hug.)

Monica: Oh my God, what would have done if I said yes?

Chandler: Well I would've been happy because I would've be able to spend the rest of my life with the woman that I love. Or, you would've seen a Chandler shaped hole in that door. (Points at the door.)

Ending Credits

[Scene: Central Perk, Everyone is there.]

Joey: Hey Ross, will you pass me that knife?

Ross: No, I will not!

Joey: Oh, it's okay. You don't have to be so mean about it.

Ross: You're right, I'm sorry. Will you marry me?

(They all laugh.)

Phoebe: Aw, and I was gonna ask you to marry me because I forgot to say hello to you last week.

Rachel: Oh no wait Pheebs, I think for something like that you just ask them to move in with you. But I'm not sure, Chandler?

Chandler: Okay, how long is this going to go on.

Monica: Well I think the length of teasing is directly related to how insane you were so, a long time.

Ross: This is fun. Hey Rach, remember that whole "We were on a break thing?" Well, I'm sorry, will you marry me? (Laughs--whines as he sees that no one is laughing. They're just staring at him in shock.)

Chandler: That's not funny.

Joey: That's not funny at all!

(They all get up and leave.)



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