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老友記第六季The One After Vegas



Okay! 就這么著! 我們要結(jié)婚了! 你確定你愿意嗎? Well.你好,Ross太太! Well,你好,Rachel先生! 等等! Okay! Whoa! Oh my God! 快點Pheebs! 快! 快! 快! 快! Okay! Okay! Okay! Oh my God!! 所有人都要結(jié)婚嗎?!! 不要在教堂里跑! Hey! 別給我講你們那些... Hey! Hey! 你們來這干嗎? Ross和Rachel留了口信說, 他們要結(jié)婚!你們不是為這事來嗎? 是的! 那-是的. 還會有別的原因嗎? Well! 都發(fā)生什么了?! 我們錯過了嗎? 實際上我們也錯過了. Well, 如果能在教堂里跑的話就不會了! 這也太瘋狂了! 沒什么大不了的, y'know? 這也不算真正結(jié)婚. 什么?! Yeah, 要是你在Vegas結(jié)婚, 你就只是在Vegas時算已婚. 你說什么呢? 要是你在Vegas結(jié)婚你在哪都是已婚. 真的?! 當然! Oh my God!?Eh! Well Ohhh! 我們怎么會在一張床上? 不知道. 你-你身上有衣服嗎? 有. 真的?! 沒!但我們沒做愛-uh, 是嗎? 我是說, 昨晚的事我記不清了,簡直就是模糊一片. Oh! 我記得笑! 我可笑的夠多的. 我們也沒做愛. Ohh, 我們醉得可以.但很慶幸我們沒做什么蠢事. 那還用說. 早啊Pheebs.Well, 我的電影正式取消了. Oh Joey, 我很抱歉.你要吃我的早餐嗎? 不了, 我太沮喪了,吃不下去. 我大概得5分鐘后才吃得下. 我想我能跟你們一起飛回去了,你的航班是幾點? 我的出租車怎么辦? 我不需要了. 不行, Joey! 你借了我的車,就得把它開回去. 我可不想自己開車回去,會很孤單的. Oh?ooh! 你跟我一起怎么樣? 我不知道, 路可夠遠的. 會很棒的! 我們可以聊天, 玩游戲! Huh?這可是咱倆更新友情的好機會. 你想讓我來一次友誼復興? 是的? 好吧. 盡管我不認為這有必要,我一直都很愛你. Hi! Hey. So, 誰跟Geller博士夫婦說過話了嗎? Um-hmm, yeah. 他們給我留了口信,他們應該來了. 招待呢?! 我餓死了! 這是自助餐 man. Oh, 我就在這上把我的錢都找回來! 聽著, 我得和你談談. 好! 怎么了? Monica和我昨晚差點結(jié)婚了. Oh my God! 這是大事! 等等, 我怎么沒被邀請?誰是你的伴郎? 別說, "Ross." 不要說, "Ross." Look, 我認為Monica還不到時候! Y’know? 我是說,我愛她但看見Ross和Rachel從教堂里出來, 就像, 就像個醒鐘,告訴我Monica和我進展得過快了. Y’know? 我怎么才能告訴她,還使她不受打擊? Oh! 告訴她,她不是結(jié)婚的料. 什么?! 姑娘們總這么說我! 相信我,她要是像我的話, 她會覺得如釋重負. 我怎么告訴Chandler這事太快了.他會傷心的,他會認為我不再愛他了. 你是不愛了. 我當然愛! 很好! 我就是試試你. Hi. Oh hi! Hi! Y’know, 我們在談培根肉. 不, 我們在談網(wǎng)球. 網(wǎng)球更可信. Hey! 怎么了? 我們是不是得談談你們昨晚的事? 還是 我不知道. 昨晚是什么意思? 沒什么, 沒什么事uh, 發(fā)生. 對! Uh-huh! Ross邀請我們?nèi)タ戳? Rach! 我們才不會錯過朋友的婚禮! 我們結(jié)婚了?! 是的. 什么?! Hello! 我們沒有.不!我們沒結(jié)婚! 真荒謬! 我們?我記得在教堂里. Oh my God. 我-他們不該讓我們結(jié)婚我們都醉成那樣了! 不! 就算你醉了他們也讓你們結(jié)!大部分在Vegas結(jié)婚的人都喝醉了! 見鬼, 我現(xiàn)在就醉了! 什么? 我早餐不能要杯'含羞草'(雞尾酒)?! 我在渡假啊! 那你們怎么辦? Well, 我想需要一個離婚律師了? Well, 我想, 我想, Ross已經(jīng)有了一個. 現(xiàn)在, 這個可以免費了, 對嗎?因為你為前兩次付過錢了, 所以第三次該免費了. 笑吧, 但要笑你自己.因為我們不用離婚, okay? 我們只需要把注冊廢除就行了. 切除? Ross! 我想手術(shù)可解決不了問題. Oh-oh,那是你的招牌. 什么? 你的招牌. 你的招牌. Y'know?你就是個該離婚的人. Oh 對! 不-不是, 那才不是我的招牌!我不喜歡離婚! 你喜歡! 這是你第三次離婚! 你太喜歡'離婚'了,你可能會跟它結(jié)婚! 然后又是失敗的婚姻,你又會跟它離婚,離婚狂. 我醉了. So, 你認為我們該怎么辦? 不知道.但我知道我愛你! 我知道我愛你! 那有關(guān)結(jié)婚的事我們進行到哪了?我愛你. 問得好. 你看umm, 昨晚上我們讓骰子決定.也許今天我們還該既希望于命運. 我愛你! 對, 除非有征兆,要不我們不結(jié)婚! Okay, 那么uh, 你要是再扔個8,那就是個征兆,預示我們該結(jié)婚. 好, 8 就結(jié)婚,但是 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 我們不結(jié). 聽起來不錯. Okay. 來, 高手來扔了! 請交錢. 準備好了? 好了! 來吧 8 . 對, 8 . 8 ! 小 8 . Wow! 真不能相信我扔了個 8 . 這太不可能了. Well, 我們結(jié)婚吧! 我想. 等等.那不是大 8 (4/4)! 昨晚上我扔了個大 8 . 對呀! 不是那種 8 , 結(jié)不了婚! 該死的! 我多想結(jié)婚啊! 去收拾行李?行. 我們做的很對, 對嗎? Ohh, 當然! 讓命運決定. 如果該結(jié)婚就該有個明確的征兆. Okay, 你還有19個問題. 提些高明的. 拜托了Joey! 要想贏你就得問.. 問題!!! 什么?! Well, 你許諾了旅途會有意思! 我們開了 6 個點了你卻睡了5個半點! 下個休息站換你開車你得開完剩下的路! 這是對你的懲罰, 你這個貪睡蟲! 好吧. 好吧. Yeah! 還有到站之前你得唱歌給我聽因為收音機壞了,你雖自私卻有副好嗓子. 真的嗎? 我沒有.. 唱!! 我想狂舞一整夜! 'Man, 路可夠長的! 我眼睛睜著呢嗎? 沒有!' 早! Hey! Hey, 老公! 實際上um, 我想跟你談談關(guān)于廢除注冊的事? Uh-huh. 我不要做. Okay! 那, 我們就保持結(jié)婚狀態(tài). 對, 正確! 我還會讓別人叫我Geller夫人! Wow! 這真是奇妙.我uh, 我還想可能得勸你一陣呢. Okay,我現(xiàn)在害怕了,因為我不認為你在說笑. 我沒有開玩笑. 我, 我不能有三次失敗的婚姻.不能. Okay? 我不要做那種人! 什么,那我們就這么結(jié)婚到永遠?! Okay, 這能對你有什么影響? 說真的? 你就是偶爾填些表,看信箱時不再是稱呼女士而是夫人! 都差不多嘛! Ohh, okay, 對不起. 你對. 你知道嗎? 我們當然能保持已婚,因為我沒注意,我們的信箱分隔兩地呢. 好吧, 請你, 用一點時間想想你到底在求我干什么. 我在求你幫忙. 你在求我做你的妻子! 作為妻子,我想你該幫這個忙. 飛機上那小子踢得我不輕. Well 你確實拽他頭發(fā)了. 他拿了我的點心! 我不想再爭論一次了! Okay! Oh God, 你知道嗎? 情況真的不好. Well, 我說了你不要走路. 來,來. Okay. 這不代表什么, 對嗎? 不代表! Okay. 你怎么讓人隨便搭車?! 他可能是個強奸犯,強奸犯或者殺人犯什么的! 你想我能不在他上車前問清楚嗎?! 你知道? 我不要跟你說話! 你睡覺去吧! 你, 你是強奸犯嗎?! 不是! 你喜歡汽車游戲嗎? 喜歡, 你知道車牌游戲嗎? 我愛車牌游戲! Ooh, 我要玩! 我要玩! 不-不! 你需要睡覺. 晚安! Shh! Hey!Hey! 聽著, 我知道你想談談,但我有個主意讓你想結(jié)婚. 我們注冊, 你得到所有禮物! 不! Ross, 拜托了! 不! 聽著,我想了很久怎樣告訴你,歸根結(jié)底,Ross, 我們不能就這樣結(jié)婚. 我不知道這是否正確.Oh 但-這是正確的! Oh, okay, 你知道這是什么?這是另一種觀點. 而當這發(fā)生在婚姻中... Oh Ross, 得了! 這不是, 這不是婚姻!!這是最糟糕的宿醉反應! Ross, 如果你不去廢除, 我會的! 好吧. 好吧, 我去. 謝謝. Hey-hey umm, uh, 你說, 有沒有廢除注冊前的慶祝會?(有禮物收) 等等! 這就是那個火車站! 我就在這下. Well, 我有你的地址和電話. 我有你的名字,還有就是你是個漂流者, 所以(約會)主動權(quán)在你手上. 好吧, 再會Pheebs. 拜托Pheebs! 我受不了了!跟我說話吧! 讓我彌補過失. Huh? Ground control to Major Tom. Commencing countdown, engines on. Take your protein pills and put your helmet on! 打住! 打住! 這不公平!你知道我不能抗拒這么美的嗓音! Pheebs, 對不起! 我知道我許諾一個愉快的旅途我卻沒履行. 但我現(xiàn)在知道了你認為保持清醒對友誼很重要! 那我就力求一直清醒,只要我還認識你. 你還是能在晚上睡覺的. Well, 謝謝. 那, 我們能玩20個問題了嗎?我有個好問題!我從到堪薩斯時就開始想這個問題. Okay. 是種熱三文治嗎? 對. 是‘肉團潛水艇三文治’? 難以置信! 你太棒了! Huh, 有意思. 你們看起來像要成為.. 不, 別說出來! 也不許想! 好吧. Okay Chandler, 享受你的這個麻煩鬼吧. 好吧, 我們是不是, 就結(jié)婚算了?我們是不是應該就結(jié)了? 所有征兆都在告訴我們?nèi)ソY(jié)婚. 我受不了征兆了! 這太快了, 現(xiàn)在這樣,我就挺幸福的! 我也是! 我不想改變! 你呢? 不想! 那好了, 什么都不變! 一切都很好!就保持原狀! 你去整理行李吧 因為皮箱都在那放三天了,我快被逼瘋了! Jeez, 放松點! 又不是讓我們結(jié)...ah-ah!! 我在想, 要是我uh, 在這整理行李怎么樣? 那你的東西就都在這邊了. Well, 要是我的東西都放在這呢? 那你就得來回跑了,我是說這根本沒意義. Okay. 我們住一起怎么樣,你明白我在說什么嗎? 一起住? 這可沒什么征兆. 我問也算是征兆吧. 好!!!!!!!!Okay!!!!! 好的! Okay! Okay! 等等! Okay. 這是給你的鑰匙 Oh 謝謝. 給你鑰匙. 好吧, 你得給它洗禮一下!現(xiàn)在, 出去然后再進來! 這門可五年沒鎖了, 但沒關(guān)系!準備好了?! 是的! Okay, 小問題. 鑰匙折在孔里了,我進不去了! 等等! Oh my God! 我出不去了! 這可不是征兆! 不, 不是征兆! 這鑰匙太舊了! 這鑰匙太舊了! Oh my God 舊的! I love you!I love you! 你現(xiàn)在擁抱門呢嗎. 沒有. Yeah-yeah, 我也沒. Hey! Hey, 注冊廢除的順利嗎? Oh,是, 沒問題. 都處理好了. Ross, 謝謝. Hey, 你們想去看電影嗎? Oh yeah, 干嗎不? Pheebs? 不謝謝, 我看過一場了. Okay, umm, 我去拿件上衣. Okay.你uh, 你想聽點奇怪的事嗎? 一直都想. 我沒廢除注冊. 什么?! 我們還是夫妻! 別告訴Rachel.回見. 獻給真正新婚的 Courteney 和 David. 你干嗎呢? 鑰匙堵在鎖里了. 我能修. 等會.讓地兒. 讓地兒. 還是不行啊. 還沒完事呢. Oh. 干得好Joe! 你可真像個鎖匠.

The One After Vegas

[Scene: The Wedding Chapel, continued from last season. Chandler and Monica are about to get married.]

Chandler: Okay! (Stands up) This is it! (Claps his hands) We're gonna get married!

Monica: Are you sure you wanna do this?

(Suddenly the doors burst open, and ROSS AND RACHEL COME OUT ARM-IN-ARM!!!!! And Rachel's carrying a bouquet!!! THEY GOT MARRIED!!!!)

Ross: Well, hello, Mrs. Ross! (Throws some rice.)

Rachel: Well, hello, Mr. Rachel! (Throws some more rice.)

(They storm out into the street.)

Rachel: Wait! (Gets her bearings) Okay!

(She goes one way; he goes the other. The camera pans back to Chandler and Monica, and needless to say, they're standing there dumbstruck.)

Monica: Whoa!

Chandler: Oh my God!

Joey: (entering with Phoebe) Come on Pheebs! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

Phoebe: Okay! Okay! Okay! (They run into the chapel.)

(Chandler and Monica are stunned again.)

Chandler: Oh my God!! Is everybody getting married?!!

(Phoebe and Joey run back out and head towards the street.)

Attendant: (scolding them) N-No running in the chapel!

Phoebe: (to her) Hey! Don’t you give me any of your—Hey! (Sees Chandler and Monica standing there.)

Chandler: Hey!

Joey: Hey!

Monica: What are you guys doing here?

Joey: Ross and Rachel left us a message saying they were getting married! Isn’t that why you guys are here?

Chandler: Yes! Well that-yes.

Monica: Why else would we be here?

Joey: Well! What happened?! Did we miss it?

Chandler: We actually missed it.

Phoebe: Well, maybe you wouldn’t have had you (turns to the attendant) run in the chapel!

Monica: This is insane!

Phoebe: What’s the big deal, y’know? It’s not like it’s a real marriage.

Chandler: What?!

Phoebe: Yeah, if you get married in Vegas, you’re only married in Vegas.

Monica: What are you talking about? If you get married in Vegas you’re married everywhere.

Phoebe: (shocked) Really?!

Monica: Yeah!

Phoebe: Oh my God!—Eh! Well…

Opening Credits

{Transciber’s note: In case you haven’t heard, Courteney Cox got married to David Arquette during hiatus and changed her name to Courteney Cox Arquette. But David was a busy boy during the off season for not only did he marry but everyone else as well. For they’re all listed as Jennifer Aniston Arquette, Lisa Kudrow Arquette, in an interesting twist Matt LeBlanc Arquette, Matthew Perry Arquette, David Schwimmer Arquette, and even the creators of the show are now David Crane Arquette and Marta Kauffman Arquette. I just wonder what the new sleeping arrangements are…}

[Scene: Rachel’s hotel room, she’s waking up with a horrendous hangover.]

Rachel: Ohhh! (Looks in the mirror and sees that she still has her mustache and groans.)

(Suddenly, there’s movement beside her, startling her. It’s Ross! He wakes up and they both start screaming in terror. Then they both grab their heads having aggravated their hangovers.)

Ross: Why are we in bed together?

Rachel: I don’t know. Do-do you have any clothes on?

Ross: (checks) Yeah.

Rachel: Really?!

Ross: No! But we-we didn’t have…sex-uh, did we? I mean, I don’t remember much about last night, it was such a blur.

Rachel: Oh! I remember laughing! I laughed a lot.

Ross: And we didn’t have sex.

(Rachel agrees with him and starts to get out of bed.)

Rachel: Ohh, I mean, we were really drunk. I’m just glad we didn’t do anything stupid.

Ross: (getting up) Tell me about it. (He sits up on the edge of the bed and has "Just Married" written on his back.)

[Scene: The breakfast buffet, Phoebe is already sitting at the table as Joey enters.]

Joey: Mornin’ Pheebs. (Sits down.) Well, my movie has officially been canceled.

Phoebe: Oh Joey, I’m so sorry. You want some of my breakfast?

Joey: Nah, I’m too depressed to eat. I’ll probably eat in like 5 minutes. So I guess I’ll just fly home with you guys, what time’s your flight?

Phoebe: What about my cab?

Joey: I don’t need that anymore.

Phoebe: No, Joey! You borrowed my cab; you have to drive it back.

Joey: I don’t want to drive all the way back by myself, I get so lonely. (Gets an idea.) Oh—ooh! How about you come with me?

Phoebe: I don’t know, it’s such a long trip.

Joey: It’ll be great! We-we could talk, and play games! Huh? This could be our chance to like renew our friendship.

Phoebe: Are you asking me to have a frenaissance?

Joey: Sure?

Phoebe: All right. Although I don’t think we need one, I never stopped loving you.

(Chandler and Monica enter.)

Chandler: Hi!

Joey: Hey.

Monica: Hey.

Chandler: So, has anyone talked to Dr. and Mrs. Geller yet?

Phoebe: Um-hmm, yeah. They left me a message; they should be here any minute.

Joey: Where is the waitress?! I’m starving!

Chandler: It’s a buffet man.

Joey: Oh, here’s where I win all my money back! (Gets up and heads for the buffet table with Chandler in tow.)

Chandler: Listen, I gotta talk to you.

Joey: Sure! What’s up? (He grabs a plate and proceeds to load it with a huge pile of scrambled eggs. Chandler just stares at him and Joey reluctantly gives him a spoonful.)

Chandler: Monica and I almost got married last night.

Joey: Oh my God! That’s huge! (Hugs him.) Wait a minute, why come I wasn’t invited? And who was going to be your best man? Don’t say, "Ross." Do not say, "Ross."

Chandler: Look, I just don’t think Monica and I are ready to get married yet! Y’know? I mean, I love her and everything but seeing Ross and Rachel coming out of that chapel was like a, like a wake-up call that Monica and I are moving so fast. Y’know? And, how do I tell her without crushing her?

Joey: Oh! Tell her she’s not marriage material.

Chandler: What?!

Joey: Girls say it to me all the time! And believe me, if she’s anything like me, she’s just gonna be relieved.

[Pan to Monica and Phoebe having the same conversation.]

Monica: How do I tell Chandler that it’s too soon. It’s gonna break his heart, he’s not gonna think that I don’t love him anymore.

Phoebe: Well you don’t.

Monica: Yes I do!

Phoebe: Good! Good! I was just testing you.

Chandler: (returning with Joey) Hi.

Monica: Oh hi! Hi! Y’know, we were just talking about bacon.

Phoebe: No, we were talking about tennis. Tennis is more believable.

(Ross and Rachel enter.)

Ross: Hey!

The Girls: Hey!

Chandler: Hey!

(They both sit down and Rachel pours them both some coffee. They’re acting like nothing’s happened and everyone is just staring at them.)

Ross: What?

Chandler: Are we gonna talk about what you guys did last night? Or…

Rachel: (To Ross) I don’t know. (To the gang.) What do you mean last night? Nothing, nothing uh, happened last night.

Ross: Yeah!

Phoebe: Uh-huh! Ross invited us all to watch.

(Rachel turns to Ross stunned.)

Monica: Rach! We weren’t gonna miss our friends getting married!

Rachel: (gasps) Who got married?! (Ross is as surprised to hear this as she is.)

Chandler: (not quite sure) You did.

Ross: What?! Hello! We didn’t get married.

Rachel: No, we didn’t get married! That’s ridiculous!

(They turn to look at each other and suddenly remember that they did in fact get married.)

Ross: We-we-we—I remember being in a chapel.

Rachel: Oh my God.

Ross: I—They would not let us get married when we were that drunk!

Rachel: No!

Joey: They let you get married when you’re drunk! Most people who get married in Vegas are drunk!

Phoebe: Hell, I’m drunk right now! (They all turn and look at her.) What? I can’t have a mimosa with breakfast?! I’m on vacation!

Monica: What are you guys gonna do?

Rachel: Well, I guess we just find a divorce lawyer? (Looks at Ross.)

Chandler: Well, I think, I think, Ross already has one. Now, this one’s free, right? Because you paid for the first two, so the third one’s free.

Ross: Laugh it up, but the joke’s on you. Because we don’t need to get divorced, okay? We we’re just gonna get an annulment.

Joey: An annulment? Ross! I don’t think surgery’s the answer here.

Phoebe: Oh-oh, that’s your thing.

Ross: What?

Phoebe: You’re thing. You’re thing. Y’know? You’re the guy who gets divorced.

All: Oh yeah!

Ross: No-no, that’s-that’s not my thing! I do not love getting divorced!

Phoebe: Yes you do! This is your third divorce! You love divorce so much you’re probably gonna marry it! Then it won’t work out and you’re gonna have to divorce it, divorcing guy. (Pause) I’m so drunk.

[Scene: The casino floor, Chandler and Monica are walking through it.]

Monica: So, what do you think we should do?

Chandler: I don’t know. But I-I-I know I love you!

Monica: I know I love you! (They hug.)

Chandler: So where are we on the whole going back to the place where they have all the marriages thing? I love you.

Monica: That’s a good question. Look umm, last night we let the dice decide. Maybe we should leave it up to fate again. I love you!

Chandler: Yes, we don’t get married unless there’s a sign! Okay, so say uh, say you roll another eight (motions to the craps table) then there’s a definite sign that we should get married.

Monica: All right, eight we get married, but 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 we don’t get married.

Chandler: Sounds great.

Monica: Okay. (They approach the craps table.)

Croupler: Coming in, we got a shooter! Money please.

Monica: Ready?

Chandler: Ready!

Monica: (sarcastic) Come on eight.

Chandler: (deadpan) Yes, yes eight.

(Monica rolls the dice.)

Croupler: Eight! Easy eight. (She rolls a 3 and a 5 and they’re stunned.)

Monica: Wow! I can’t believe I actually rolled an eight.

Chandler: That was so unlikely. Well, let’s get married! I guess.

Monica: Wait a minute. That wasn’t a hard eight! Last night I rolled a hard eight.

Chandler: That’s right! It was the wrong kind of eight, no wedding! Damnit!

Monica: I wanted it so bad! (Pause) Wanna go pack?

Chandler: Yeah. (They go pack.) We’re doing the right thing, right?

Monica: Ohh, of course we are! (They walk up to the elevators.) We left it up to fate. (Pushes the elevator button.) If we were supposed to get married there would be a clear-cut sign. (The elevator door opens to a priest reading from a bible with Chandler and Monica standing side-by-side holding each other’s hands.)

[Scene: Phoebe’s cab, Phoebe and Joey are driving back. Phoebe is driving while Joey is sleeping.]

Phoebe: Okay, you have 19 questions left. Use them wisely. (Joey groans.) Come on Joey! You can’t win if you don’t ask any (sees that he’s asleep) QUESTIONS!!!

Joey: (wakes up) What?!

Phoebe: Well, you promised me a fun road trip! We’ve been on the road six hours and you’ve been asleep for five and a half! We are switching at the next rest stop and you are going to drive all the way back! That will be your punishment, you greedy sleeper!

Joey: All right. All right.

Phoebe: Yeah! And until then you are going to sing to me because the radio’s broken and you are selfish but have a nice voice.

Joey: Really? I don’t…

Phoebe: Sing!!

Joey: (starts singing) I wanna rock and roll all night! (Falls asleep.)

[Time lapse, Phoebe is asleep, Joey’s driving and having a hard time staying awake.]

Joey: (to himself) Man, this is a long drive! Are my eyes open? No! (He opens his eyes and sees a hitchhiker.)

[Time lapse, Phoebe is still asleep only Joey is now passed out next to her and the car’s still moving. She wakes up, sees Joey, and screams.]

Hitchhiker: (driving) Morning! (Phoebe screams again.)

[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is on the couch as Ross enters.]

Ross: Hey!

Rachel: Hey, hubby!

Ross: Yeah. Yeah, actually um, I wanted to talk to you about that whole annulment thing?

Rachel: Uh-huh.

Ross: I’m not going to do that. (Rachel glares at him.)

Commercial Break

[Scene: Central Perk, continued from earlier. Rachel starts laughing.]

Rachel: Okay! So, we’ll just stay married.

Ross: Yes, exactly!

Rachel: And I will make everyone call me Mrs. Geller!

Ross: Wow! This is so amazing. I uh, I really thought I’d have to talk you into this more.

Rachel: Okay, see now I’m scared because I don’t actually think you’re kidding.

Ross: I’m-I’m not kidding. Look I-I, I can’t have three failed marriages. I can’t. Okay? I-I am not gonna be that guy!

Rachel: What-wh-what so we’ll just stay married forever?!

Ross: Okay, look, how is this gonna affect you? Really? I mean you fill some form out once and a while and instead of checking the box that says Ms you check the box that says Mrs.! It’s right next to it!

Rachel: Ohh, okay, I’m sorry. You’re right. Y’know what? We absolutely can stay married, because I was under the impression that the boxes were far away from each other. All right, look, just please, take a moment here and think about what you’re asking of me.

Ross: I’m asking you to do me a favor.

{Note: Does anyone else want to smack Ross right about now? Raise your hands. Okay, put them down before you stink out the person next to you.}

Rachel: You are asking me to be your wife!

Ross: And as my wife I think you should grant me this favor.

[Scene: The hallway, Chandler is helping Monica to the door.]

Monica: That kid really kicked me hard on the plane.

Chandler: Well you did pull his hair.

Monica: He took my snack!

Chandler: I’m not getting into this again!

Monica: Okay! Oh God, y’know what? It’s really bad.

Chandler: Well, I told you not to walk. Here. (Picks her up.) There. Okay. (He opens the door, carries her across the threshold, stops, backs out, and lets go of Monica who is only holding on by his neck.)

Monica: This doesn’t mean anything, does it?

Chandler: No!

Monica: Okay.

[Scene: Phoebe’s cab, she’s driving, Joey’s in the back seat, and the hitchhiker is riding up front with Phoebe.]

Phoebe: (To Joey) How could you pick up a hitchhiker?! He could be a rape—(She holds her hand in front of the hitchhiker’s face), a rapist or a killer or something!

Joey: Don’t you think I asked him that before he got in?!

Phoebe: Y’know what? I’m not talking to you! You go back to sleep! (To the hitchhiker) And you, are you a rapist?!

Hitchhiker: No!

Phoebe: Do you like car games?

Hitchhiker: Yeah, y’know the license plate game?

Phoebe: I love the license plate game!

Joey: Ooh, I’ll play! I’ll play!

Phoebe: No-No! You need your sleep. Night-night! Shh! (She closes the partition.)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross is entering.]

Ross: Hey!

Rachel: Hey!

Ross: Listen, I know you wanted to talk to me, but I have an idea that may make you want to stay married. (Rachel shakes her head.) We register, and you get to keep all the presents!

Rachel: (thinks about it for a second) No! Ross, come on! No! Listen, look I thought a lot about how to tell you this and the bottom line, Ross, is we can not stay married.

Ross: I don’t know if it’s true.

Rachel: Oh b-b-but it is!

Ross: Oh, okay, y’know what this is? This is a difference of opinion. And when that happens in a marriage...

Rachel: Oh Ross, come on! This is not, this is not a marriage!! This is the world’s worst hangover! Ross, listen, if you do not get this annulment, I will!

Ross: All right. All right, I’ll do it.

Rachel: Thank you. (He goes to leave.) Hey-hey umm, uh, is there, is there any such thing as an annulment shower?

(Ross turns and leaves.)

[Scene: Phoebe’s cab, it’s the same arrangement as before.]

Hitchhiker: Wait! Wait! There is the train station!

Phoebe: Oh, okay.

Hitchhiker: This is where I get off. Well, I have your address and phone number.

Phoebe: And I have your name and the fact that you’re a drifter, so the ball’s pretty much in your court.

Hitchhiker: All right, see ya Pheebs. (Gets out and Phoebe drives away.)

Joey: Come on Pheebs! I can’t take this anymore! Let-let me make it up to you. Huh? (Starts singing.) Ground control to Major Tom. Commencing countdown, engines on. Take your protein pills and put your helmet on!

Phoebe: Stop it! Stop it no! That’s not fair! Y’know I can’t resist that beautiful voice!

Joey: Pheebs, I am so sorry! I know I promised you a fun road trip with your friend and I didn’t deliver. But-but-but now I know that you think being awake is an important part of friendship! So, so, so I will strive to-to stay awake for as long as I know you.

Phoebe: You can still sleep at night and stuff.

Joey: Well, thank you. So, can we play 20 Questions now? I’ve got a really good one! I’ve been thinking about it since Kansas.

Phoebe: Okay. Is it a kind of hot sandwich?

Joey: Yes.

Phoebe: Is it a meatball sub?

Joey: That is incredible! You are the master!

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Chandler and Monica are there and Rachel is arranging a bouquet of flowers, pricks her finger on a thorn, throws the bouquet over her head, and those you who are quicker than some already know that Monica is the one who catches it.]

Rachel: Huh, that’s funny. You look like you’re gonna be the…

Monica: No, don’t say it! Don’t even think it!

Rachel: All right. Okay Chandler, enjoy your handful. (Exits.)

Chandler: All right, should we just, should we just get married? Y’know? I mean should we just do it? All the signs are telling us to do it.

Monica: I’m sick of the signs! It’s too fast, I’m happy the way things are!

Chandler: Me too!

Monica: I don’t want things to change! Do you?

Chandler: No!

Monica: All right then, then nothing changes! Everything is great! Everything stays the same! And you go unpack because it’s been three days and it’s driving me insane!

Chandler: Jeez, relax! It’s not like we’re mar-ah-ah!! (Runs out.)

Chandler: (entering, slowly) Y’know I was thinking, what if I uh, unpack here?

Monica: Then all your stuff would be here.

Chandler: Well, what if all my stuff was here?

Monica: Then you’d be going back and forth all the time, I mean it doesn’t make any sense.

Chandler: Okay. What if we lived together and you understand what I’m saying?

Monica: Live together? There have been no signs for that.

Chandler: Me asking is kind of a sign.

Monica: YES!!!!!!!!

Chandler: Okay!!!!!

(And the crowd goes wild! Well, at least the live studio audience.)

Monica: Yes! Okay! Okay! Wait-wait-wait!

Chandler: Okay.

Monica: Here’s your key (Gets him one.)

Chandler: Oh thanks.

Monica: Here’s your key. All right, you have to christen it! Now, go out and come back in!

Chandler: The door hasn’t been locked in five years, but okay! (Runs out.) Ready?!

Monica: Ready!

(He tries, but something happens.)

Chandler: Okay, a little problem. The key broke in the lock and I can’t get in!

Monica: Wait! Oh my God! I can’t get out!

Chandler: This is not a sign!

Monica: No, it’s not a sign! It’s a very old key!

Chandler: It’s an old key!

Monica: Oh my God it’s old!

Chandler: I love you!

Monica: I love you!

Chandler: Are you hugging the door right now.


Monica: No.

Chandler: Yeah-yeah, me neither.

[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel and Phoebe are on the couch as Ross enters.]

Ross: Hey!

Rachel: Hey, so did everything go all right with the annulment?

Ross: Oh, yeah, no problems. It’s all taken care of.

Rachel: Ross, thank you. Hey, do you guys wanna go see a movie?

Ross: Oh yeah, why not?

Rachel: Pheebs?

Phoebe: No thanks, I’ve already seen one.

Rachel: Okay, umm, I’m gonna get my sweater. (Walks away.)

Ross: Okay. (Sits down next to Phoebe.) You uh, you wanna hear something weird?

Phoebe: Always.

Ross: I didn’t get the annulment.

Phoebe: What?!

Ross: We’re still married! Don’t tell Rachel. See you later. (He gets up leaving Phoebe in shock.)

Ending Credits

[Scene: The hallway, Joey is coming up the stairs and sees Chandler trying to open the lock.]

Joey: What are you doing?

Chandler: The key’s stuck in the lock.

Joey: I can fix it. Hold on. (He goes and gets a screwdriver from his apartment) Look out. Look out. (Pries at the door a little bit.)

Chandler: (trying the handle) It still doesn’t work.

Joey: I’m not finished.

Chandler: Oh.

(Joey goes back into the apartment, runs back into the hallway, throws his shoulder against the door, and knocks it down off it’s hinges.)

Chandler: Nice job Joe! You’re quite the craftsmen.

(Joey pats him on the stomach and heads to bed.)



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