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老友記第七季720 The One With Rachel’s Big Kiss



嘿!我們這些人里,你覺(jué)得下一個(gè)結(jié)婚的人是誰(shuí)?可能是莫妮卡和錢德.嘿.我要一包紐寶牌香煙.哦,嗯,我們不賣香煙,不過(guò)街對(duì)面的報(bào)攤上有.那很好,謝謝.哦天啊,梅麗莎.沃伯頓我可沒(méi)什么精神準(zhǔn)備.哦天啊!瑞瑞.格林?!梅麗莎!過(guò)去的7次女生聯(lián)誼會(huì)你都象失蹤了一樣現(xiàn)在怎么樣?我們到那邊聊吧.我最后一次聽說(shuō)你,是你要結(jié)婚了.哦,可憐的瑞瑞.哦,不不,不!這很好!一切都很好!實(shí)際上我現(xiàn)在在拉爾夫.勞倫公司上班!別說(shuō)了!我不會(huì)!我現(xiàn)在是運(yùn)動(dòng)男裝部的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)!哦,別再說(shuō)了!現(xiàn)在,你已經(jīng)是拉爾夫的朋友了?哦,拜托...是嗎?不是.聽著,我-我們應(yīng)該一起吃晚飯.明天晚上你有什么事嗎?哦,明天,我不知道,嗯...現(xiàn)在你知道了.你和我一起吃晚飯.別說(shuō)了.我得走了.這真是太好了,瑞瑞!哦,買來(lái)了.嗯,聽著,給我打電話,這是我的名片.哦,喔,謝謝!哦,你在搞房地產(chǎn)!哦不,那-那是過(guò)去用的名片.嗯,我想離開這個(gè)行業(yè),做一些真正能幫助人們,而且有些不一樣的事情.喔!你現(xiàn)在在做什么?我策劃聚會(huì).明天見(jiàn).好!嘿大家!看看誰(shuí)回來(lái)了!是瑞瑞!閉嘴,那是我大學(xué)的同學(xué)梅麗莎.她看起來(lái)非常非常有意思!她實(shí)際上很可愛(ài)我們?cè)瓉?lái)一度很親密.等一等,她是不是...她是不是那個(gè)和你...和你什么?和你什么?!是.喔!喔?喔什么?!喔什么?!和你什么?什么?!!沒(méi)什么大不了的!她們是愛(ài)人.-什么?!-什么?!不,我們不是!沒(méi)有什么!只是一個(gè)晚上,我們畢業(yè)那年一起去聚會(huì),喝多了甜酒,你知道,最后...親了一下嘴.那么我已經(jīng)有過(guò)兩個(gè)同性戀妻子了.好,樂(lè)隊(duì)在這兒.酒吧在這兒.這些針上面有出席的人的名字.瑞秋,你在這兒.哦.為什么我們不把我挪到這里,和可愛(ài)的男招待聊天呢.這些針不是用來(lái)玩的,對(duì)吧?好了,紅色的是我的客人,藍(lán)色的是你的.這太悲哀了.我是說(shuō),我只有大約10根針.錢德,放輕松,這不是比賽.實(shí)力相差太懸殊.你們好啊!嗨!嗨,瑞秋.別再想了!!好吧,我想就這樣吧.座位都確定了.這就是我們的婚禮.他們看上去都很高興,對(duì)吧?嘿,那我父母會(huì)在哪兒?哦!我們看看,那么...如果這是婚禮大廳,那么嗯你父母會(huì)在皇后區(qū)的家里.什么,他們沒(méi)被邀請(qǐng)?!哦不,這太可怕了!他們會(huì)發(fā)瘋的!為什么他們覺(jué)得會(huì)被邀請(qǐng)?你問(wèn)倒我了.我不...喬伊!好吧,對(duì)不起.我想父母應(yīng)該來(lái)!你想..你父母要來(lái)!錢德的父母要來(lái)!羅斯的父母要來(lái)!羅斯的父母就是我的父母!好-好,看到了?父母都會(huì)來(lái)!我想我們應(yīng)該邀請(qǐng)他們.算了吧,你只是想多幾根藍(lán)針而已.這就是悲哀!好吧,好吧.也許我重新安排一下可以讓他們來(lái).但是,嗯,瑞秋你可能真的要坐在酒吧了!沒(méi)問(wèn)題.也許你想要點(diǎn)甜酒?哦,快滾吧!那么,我們所有的晚禮服都在這兒,隨便你喜歡哪一件,我們都可以給你.任選一件.但是這三件是莫妮卡已經(jīng)認(rèn)可的.好吧,謝謝你幫我挑晚禮服,瑞秋.我希望你作為我的客人出席婚禮.我是莫妮卡的伴娘.好嗎?別想把我釘在藍(lán)色的針上!好吧,這些怎么樣?看起來(lái)不錯(cuò).哦,這些是很好.這些晚禮服是我們?yōu)橐恍┟酥谱鞯?這是他們用完了以后,送回來(lái)的.你是說(shuō)就象頒獎(jiǎng)典禮上用的?有些是.你是說(shuō),這些晚禮服會(huì)讓紅地毯上的人群大叫,"你穿的是誰(shuí)的衣服?!你看起來(lái)太驚人了!"親愛(ài)的,我建議你多看看體育頻道,少看看娛樂(lè)頻道.好吧,誰(shuí)穿過(guò)這些?嗯,好吧,這件是湯姆.布羅考(NBC新聞主播)的.不錯(cuò).好吧,這件是保羅.奧尼爾(美財(cái)政部長(zhǎng))的.他是誰(shuí)?他是揚(yáng)基隊(duì)的.真的,看體育頻道!露過(guò)一次面,而且在看臺(tái)上.哦,這件是皮爾斯.布魯斯南的!皮爾斯.布魯斯南?嗯.當(dāng)真?對(duì).007?!這是詹姆斯.邦德的晚禮服?!-對(duì).-哦,我要穿著詹姆斯.邦德的晚禮服結(jié)婚!這是件很酷的晚禮服.哦,不僅僅是這樣,我會(huì)成為全英最強(qiáng)有力的武器.讓美女心碎的噴氣機(jī),女皇陛下的密使.無(wú)所畏懼的男人,身懷殺人執(zhí)照.莫妮卡會(huì)讓我穿這件嗎?我們真應(yīng)該學(xué)學(xué)真正的玩法.我喜歡我們的玩法.哦!將!好棋.對(duì).嗨!-嗨!-嗨!喬伊,我已經(jīng)幫羅斯和錢德為婚禮挑了晚禮服.你要不要來(lái)一件?我要主持他們的典禮.我不穿晚禮服.好,那你打算穿什么?五彩長(zhǎng)袍!哦,也許再戴個(gè)帽子.哈,莫妮卡知道嗎?我想她不知道.你告訴她的時(shí)候我能在場(chǎng)嗎?嘿,瑞秋,等等!今天晚上看電影去嗎?哦,我去不了.我得跟梅麗莎吃晚飯.我能去嗎?!我不會(huì)出聲的!你最多只會(huì)聽到我攝像機(jī)的聲音.怎么了?怎么回事?哦,好!能讓我來(lái)告訴她嗎?!能讓我來(lái)告訴她嗎?!好吧,你想聽實(shí)際發(fā)生的,還是喬伊的下流版本?喬伊的!好...嘿,拜托!我有個(gè)大學(xué)里的朋友,我犯了個(gè)愚蠢的錯(cuò)誤,告訴喬伊有一次...她和我...親了一下嘴.對(duì),這當(dāng)然發(fā)生了.這是發(fā)生了!當(dāng)然!嘿.這發(fā)生了!對(duì),是我大學(xué)畢業(yè)那年.一次σκ夏威夷舞會(huì)以后,梅麗莎和我喝的大醉!最后我們接吻了!足足有好幾分鐘!也就是在臉頰上輕輕地親了一下.為什么把我美好的想象都打破了?為什么你就不相信呢?好吧!我只是..我不知道你是同性戀.我沒(méi)說(shuō)我是同性戀!我只是說(shuō)這發(fā)生了!好吧,這事太瘋狂了,而你..你知道太...乏味.-乏味?!-對(duì).我不乏味!我干了好多瘋狂的事!我是說(shuō),我在維加斯喝醉了嫁了人!嫁給羅斯.好吧,要是你真的不相信我說(shuō)的,今晚你跟我一起去和她吃晚飯,她會(huì)告訴你的.好吧!好!我只是無(wú)法想象這事.哦哦,你應(yīng)該到我的腦子里去.嘿!猜猜我為你的婚禮找到了什么!一個(gè)腦袋上有衣架的畸形女友?不.瑞秋幫我找了件晚禮服!但不是一般的晚禮服,蝙蝠俠的晚禮服!什么?對(duì)了!這件晚禮服是給瓦爾.基爾默在電影中用的...蝙蝠俠就是他演的.你不能穿那個(gè)!我穿了著名的晚禮服!詹姆斯.邦德的晚禮服!那么?如果你穿那個(gè),我就不那么特別了.你需要什么東西讓那天變得特別嗎?嘿!你-你有最特別的一件事啊!你要娶你心愛(ài)的女人.別把讓我扮不成酷,求你了!求求你!求求我?這可不象007.看,這是我的結(jié)婚日,對(duì)吧?如果結(jié)婚的是你,我就不會(huì)做任何讓你生氣的事.我結(jié)婚那天你睡了我的妹妹.這象007了吧.嗨.嘿,太好了你在這兒!我已經(jīng)算好了.為了把你父母加進(jìn)去,我撤掉兩個(gè)八人桌,換成三個(gè)六人桌,好了吧?我還給準(zhǔn)備宴會(huì)的人打了電話,加了兩人份,我們已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好了!很好,不過(guò)他們不來(lái)了.什么?!不知道為什么,他們覺(jué)得你邀請(qǐng)他們是因?yàn)槲?他們...有點(diǎn)覺(jué)得自己是多余的.哦,這太糟了.這是事實(shí),不過(guò)太糟了.你看莫妮卡,如果你給我媽媽打個(gè)電話...哦,喬伊!拜托!只是打個(gè)電話.讓她知道你真心希望他們?nèi)?別忘了,這可是每年都給你送烤面條的女人.不,她沒(méi)有.沒(méi)人給你送難道是她的錯(cuò)?好吧,我應(yīng)該怎么說(shuō)?我不知道.就說(shuō)嗯,就是請(qǐng)柬弄混了,或者..不不不!抱怨郵局,他們討厭郵局.還有愛(ài)爾蘭人!但是我覺(jué)得你沒(méi)法怪他們,所以...你好對(duì),嗨!崔比昂尼太太?嗨,我是莫妮卡.蓋勒.對(duì),我只是想說(shuō)錢德和我嗯,真的希望你們能來(lái)參加婚禮.對(duì),顯然有一捆我們的請(qǐng)柬沒(méi)有送到.嗯,我猜出錯(cuò)的一定是那該死的郵局!跟我說(shuō)說(shuō)這個(gè)!對(duì),對(duì),聯(lián)邦郵局?不,不如說(shuō)是聯(lián)邦丟局!什么,他們是愛(ài)爾蘭人嗎?!...總之,他叫愛(ài)倫,我們交往3年了.他是我當(dāng)聚會(huì)策劃人的第一個(gè)客戶.當(dāng)時(shí)是給他的女朋友策劃聚會(huì).哦.她是錫拉庫(kù)扎大學(xué)的θβπ聯(lián)誼會(huì)的.哦.哦,這太棒了!嗯,菲比,你參加過(guò)女生聯(lián)誼會(huì)嗎?當(dāng)然!我參加過(guò),嗯Thigh Mega Tampon(大腿止血棉球).什么?對(duì)!我們規(guī)模也很大,但是他們把我們解散了,因?yàn)槔准?弗蘭吉死于酒精中毒.哦,因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)女孩就出事,就把別人也都牽連了,真是丟臉.好了,醉話說(shuō)的太多了.我跟菲比說(shuō)了那次σκ夏威夷舞會(huì)以后的瘋狂事,就是我們倆來(lái)電那次.什么?記得嗎?我們?我們都穿著土著裙子,還有椰子比基尼上裝...啊?...我們回到房子,真是愚蠢,我們...我們來(lái)電了.哦喔,瑞瑞,我不知道你在說(shuō)什么.真的?!羅斯是蝙蝠俠!哦,他把這個(gè)秘密保守的時(shí)間可夠長(zhǎng)的.瑞秋給羅斯弄來(lái)的晚禮服,是瓦爾.基爾默在蝙蝠俠里穿的.蝙蝠俠可比詹姆斯.邦德酷多了!你在說(shuō)什么啊?!007有好多新式武器!蝙蝠俠有多功能腰帶!007有特制的汽車!蝙蝠俠有蝙蝠車!007總是有美女相伴.蝙蝠俠有羅賓!我們有體育頻道吧?不如你穿上007的晚禮服,我給你弄點(diǎn)馬提尼酒.實(shí)際上,我不喜歡馬提尼酒.那Youhoo酒加上麥桿呢?哦,好啊!-嗨.-嗨.聽著,我知道請(qǐng)柬上寫著6點(diǎn),但是是說(shuō)你希望大家6點(diǎn)到,還是演出6點(diǎn)開始?演出?!好吧.好吧婚禮,明白.但是,能不能開始得稍微晚一點(diǎn)?我是說(shuō),婚禮晚一點(diǎn)進(jìn)行,行嗎?你參加過(guò)我的婚禮嗎?啊,你看,事情是這樣的.這天是我外甥女的洗禮,而且我真的希望我父母能及時(shí)趕到見(jiàn)到我.因?yàn)槲业慕巧窃陂_始部分,演出的其他部分沒(méi)我什么事.婚禮!婚禮6點(diǎn)開始.好,好,我完全明白.哦,那這樣如何?在他們來(lái)之前我搞個(gè)小節(jié)目?你搞個(gè)節(jié)目?!對(duì)!就象給大家熱熱身.問(wèn)問(wèn)他們是從哪里來(lái)的.因?yàn)榈玫搅藛桃?崔比昂尼,你就得倒了一個(gè)牧師和一個(gè)演員.我是個(gè)表演牧師!沒(méi)有更好,沒(méi)有更棒的了!你怎么能不記得我們接吻了?!我不知道.我不記得好多沒(méi)發(fā)生過(guò)的事.什...拜托!記得嗎?我們?cè)谂P室外的走廊!我們無(wú)法停止傻笑?我們的椰子相互敲擊?哦,喬伊的腦袋該爆炸了.對(duì)吧?聽著,我很抱歉,我不想讓你難堪,不過(guò)我告訴菲比這發(fā)生了,可她不相信我.對(duì)不起,瑞瑞.我是說(shuō)如果這發(fā)生了,我會(huì)說(shuō)的.也許你是在我睡著了以后親了我.不!!瑞秋,放輕松.你不用這么做,好嗎?我相信你.好吧,如果你說(shuō)你親了梅麗莎,那么你就是親了她.謝謝你,菲比.她沒(méi)有.我知道.嗨!你到哪兒都帶著它?對(duì).我發(fā)現(xiàn)這可以成為我炫耀的資本.向誰(shuí)?阿甘.嘿嘿!我們把晚禮服都穿上吧,來(lái)張照片,那就是蝙蝠俠和詹姆斯.邦德站在一起.我想呢,可我的不合適.褲子有點(diǎn)緊.有點(diǎn)緊?我可以從褲子上看出兩個(gè)0和一個(gè)7.好吧,那很爛.我本來(lái)希望我們一起穿上名人的晚禮服呢.好,你是不是說(shuō),你不打算穿你這件參加婚禮了?什么,你開什么玩笑?這是蝙蝠俠的晚禮服!!我穿上試試!好吧,不過(guò)只能穿上衣.兩個(gè)0和一個(gè)7不會(huì)到這里.OK.蝙蝠俠還真是舒服啊!這是什么?什么?電影《一見(jiàn)鐘情》首映式的請(qǐng)柬?哦天啊!瓦爾.基爾默沒(méi)有在蝙蝠俠里面穿這個(gè)!他穿這個(gè)演了個(gè)無(wú)聊的愛(ài)情故事,演的是個(gè)瞎子!讓我看看!哦,老兄!你唯一超過(guò)常人的能力,就是嗅覺(jué)發(fā)達(dá).嗨!嗯,莫妮卡?錢德?我能跟你們說(shuō)句話嗎?好吧,到此為止,我服了!無(wú)論什么你想怎么干都行!你打算唱歌?你打算跳舞?你想讓你媽媽站在圣壇前大喊種族危機(jī)?我不在乎!不!不,我-我只是想謝謝你們對(duì)我父母做的,真是太好了.他們非常高興成為你們大喜之日的一員.哦.好,不用客氣.告訴他們,他們能來(lái)我們真的很高興.好.我會(huì)的.哦!看看他們?yōu)槟銈兊膽c典,給了我什么!啊?你們結(jié)婚的時(shí)候我這么戴,而這么戴就是舞會(huì)時(shí)間.這發(fā)生了!我告訴你這發(fā)生了!好.好,很高興見(jiàn)到你.瑞秋,我-我想我不會(huì)給你打電話了,因?yàn)猷拍阕兊墓止值?你們保重.什么?!等等!等等!聽著,那一晚的事是我這輩子里干的最瘋狂的了,我不會(huì)讓你這么輕易就否認(rèn)!好吧,那么如果你不記得那個(gè),也許你會(huì)記得這個(gè)!天啊!你愛(ài)我!什么?我當(dāng)然記得那個(gè)吻.我每時(shí)每刻都在想著.我現(xiàn)在仍然能夠聽到椰子的碰撞聲.我只是不想對(duì)你說(shuō),因?yàn)槲也恢滥銓?duì)我的愛(ài)有什么反應(yīng).而現(xiàn)在你...喔!喔-喔-喔-喔!喔!喔!啊,看看誰(shuí)開始害羞了.別告訴我你感覺(jué)和我不一樣.沒(méi)人能接吻這樣棒還沒(méi)有一點(diǎn)感覺(jué).我-我只是...我只是個(gè)接吻高手!別說(shuō)了!我很抱歉!哦,你不用抱歉.我...我明顯是開玩笑.我并不愛(ài)你.我并不愛(ài)她.我沒(méi)聽到椰子的碰撞聲.對(duì),我沒(méi)有...在和我男朋友做愛(ài)的時(shí)候,把他想象成你.不管怎樣,我得走了.嗯...來(lái)個(gè)吻別?不?好吧.喔!我沒(méi)想到會(huì)是這樣...你這是干什么?!我只是想看看有什么大不了的.那么?我有過(guò)更好的.好了!我找到一件合適的!怪不得他們說(shuō),第23次是有魔力的.哦,看你多帥!是誰(shuí)的?哦,這很重要嗎?!重要的是你看起來(lái)很帥.是誰(shuí)的?我不想說(shuō).哦,拜托!我不在乎!是誰(shuí)的?黛安.姬頓
720 The One With Rachel’s Big Kiss
[Scene: Central Perk, Joey, Monica, and Rachel are sitting on the couch and Ross is sitting on the chair, and they’re all talking.]
Rachel: Hey! Out of all of us, who do you think is gonna get married next?
Joey: Probably Monica and Chandler.
(A woman walks up to Gunther in the background.)
Woman: (to Gunther) Hi. Could I have a pack of Newport Lights, please?
Gunther: Oh umm, uh we don’t sell cigarettes, but they have them at the newsstand across the street. (Points.)
Woman: That’d be great, thanks. (Gunther goes and gets them.)
Rachel: (to the gang) Oh my God, Melissa Warburton. I don’t think I have the energy for this.
Melissa: (Gasps when she notices Rachel) Oh my God! Ray-ray Green?! (Screams)
Rachel: (screaming) Melissa!
Melissa: You have been M.I.A for the past seven sorority newsletters, what’s up with you?!
Rachel: Wh—(Turns and looks at the gang who’s staring)—Why don’t I tell you over here? (She walks Melissa away from the gang.)
Melissa: So last I heard you were gonna get married. (Grabs Rachel’s hand and notices that she doesn’t have a ring on it.) (Sadly) Oh poor Ray-ray.
Rachel: Oh no-no, no! It’s good! It’s all good! I-I actually work at Ralph Lauren!
Melissa: Shut up!
Rachel: I will not! I’m the divisional head of men’s sportswear!
Melissa: Oh shut up more! Now, are you friends with Ralph?
Rachel: Oh please…
Melissa: (excitedly) Are you?!
Rachel: No.
Melissa: Listen, we-we have to have dinner. What-what are you doing tomorrow night?
Rachel: Oh tomorrow, oh I don’t know. Um…
Melissa: You do now. You’re having dinner with me.
Rachel: Shut up.
Melissa: I-I’ve got to go. This has been so great Ray-ray! (Gunther returns with her cigarettes.) Oh, there you are. (Takes them from Gunther.) (To Rachel) Umm, so listen, just call me. Here’s my card. (Hands the card over.)
Rachel: Oh, wow thanks! (Reading the card) Oh you’re in real estate!
Melissa: Oh no, that’s-that’s an old card. Umm, I wanted to get out of that and-and do something where I can really help people and-and make a difference.
Rachel: Wow! What do you do now?
Melissa: (quietly) I’m a party planner. I’ll see you tomorrow. (Exits.)
Rachel: Okay! (Joins the rest of the gang.)
Joey: Hey guys! Look who’s back! It’s Ray-ray!
Rachel: Shut up that was my friend Melissa from college.
Ross: She seems really, really fun!
Rachel: She’s actually very sweet and we used to be very close.
Monica: Wait a minute, she isn’t… She’s not the one who you…
Joey: (excitedly) Who you what? Who you what?!
Rachel: (To Monica) Yes.
Monica: Wow!
Joey: (excitedly) Wow? Wow what?! Wow what?! Who you—what?!!
Rachel: It’s not a big deal!
Monica: (To Joey) They were lovers.
Ross: What?!
Joey: What?!
Rachel: No we weren’t! It was nothing! It was one night, senior year we went to a party, had a lot of sangria and y’know, ended up…kissing for a bit.
Ross: So that’s two of my wives.
Opening Credits
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica is working on the seating chart while Chandler looks on and Rachel reads.]
Monica: (telling Chandler the seating arrangement) Okay so this is where the band is. (Points.) And this is where the bar is. (Points) And all these pins have people’s names on them. (She has pins to show the seating at each of the tables.) And Rach, here you are. (Points to Rachel’s place.)
Rachel: Oh wow. Why don’t we just take me (Grabs her pin) and put me with a Manhattan in my hand, talking to the cute bartender. (Puts her pin at the bar and laughs. Monica just glares at her.) These pins aren’t for playing are they?
Monica: (To Chandler) Okay, the red ones are my guests and the blue ones are yours.
Chandler: This is so sad. I mean, I only have like ten pins.
Monica: Chandler, relax it’s not a contest. (To Rachel) Certainly not a close one.
Joey: (entering) Hello!
Rachel: Hey!
Joey: Hey Rach. (Stares at her.)
Rachel: Stop picturing it!!
Monica: Okay, I think that’s it. The seating chart is done. This is our wedding. They all look like they’re having fun don’t they?
Joey: Hey, so where are my parents gonna be?
Monica: Oh! (Gets up) Let’s see, well…if this is the wedding hall then umm (Walks away) you’re parents will be at home in Queens.
Joey: What they’re not invited?! Oh no, that’s terrible! They’re gonna be crushed!
Monica: Why would they think they’re invited?
Joey: (looking around) You got me. I don’t…
Monica: Joey!
Joey: Well, I’m sorry. I thought parents were coming! Y’know? Your parents are comin’! Chandler’s parents are comin’! Ross’s parents are comin’!
Monica: Ross’s parents are my parents!
Joey: Well-well—see? Parents are comin’!
Chandler: Y’know I think we should invite them.
Monica: Oh please, you just want more blue pins.
Chandler: Well this is just sad!
Monica: All right, all right. Maybe I can fit them in if I just do some rearranging. But uh, Rachel may actually have to sit at the bar!
Rachel: That is not a problem.
Joey: (leaning down to her) Maybe you’ll order a little sangria?
Rachel: Oh, get out of here! (Jumps back and walks away.)
[Scene: Ralph Lauren, Rachel is showing Chandler the selection of tuxedos.]
Rachel: (motioning to a rack) So now, these are all the tuxedos that we make and if there’s anything that you like, we can make you a deal. Anything at all. (Grabs a few) But these are the three that Monica pre-approved.
Chandler: Well, thanks a lot for hookin’ me up Rach. I want you to know that I want you to attend our wedding as my guest.
Rachel: I’m Monica’s maid of honor. Okay? Don’t try to blue pin me!
Chandler: (sees another rack) Well, what’s the deal with these? These-these look nice.
Rachel: Oh they are nice. We-we custom-make tuxedos for celebrities and then when they’re done with them they just send ‘em back.
Chandler: You mean like for award shows?
Rachel: Some of them.
Chandler: You mean these tuxes have been down the red carpet with people yelling, "You are you wearing?! You look fabulous!"
Rachel: Honey, might I suggest watching a little more ESPN and a little less E!?
Chandler: Okay, who wore those? (Points to the tuxedos.)
Rachel: Umm, well let’s see uh, this one is Tom Brokaw.
Chandler: Not bad.
Rachel: (reading a tag) This one is uh Paul O’Neil.
Chandler: Who’s that?
Rachel: He plays for the Yankees. Seriously, ESPN! Just once and a while, have it on in the background. (Chandler nods and Rachel grabs another tux) Ooh, this one was Pierce Brosnan!
Chandler: Pierce Brosnan?
Rachel: Uh-huh.
Chandler: Are you serious?
Rachel: Yeah.
Chandler: 007?! This is James Bond’s tux?!
Rachel: Yeah.
Chandler: Oh, I have to get married in James Bond’s tux!
Rachel: It’s a pretty cool tux.
Chandler: Oh, it’s not just that, I would be England’s most powerful weapon. Jet setting heartbreaker on her majesty’s secret service. A man who fears no one; with a license to kill. (Worried.) Would Monica let me wear this?
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Joey and Phoebe are moving chess pieces around on the board and hitting the timer at random.]
Joey: We should really learn how to play the real way. (Moves another piece.)
Phoebe: I like our way. Oh! (Grabs a piece and jumps a bunch of Joey’s like in Checkers.) Chess!
Joey: Nice move.
Phoebe: Yeah.
Rachel: (entering) Hey!
Joey: Hey!
Phoebe: Hey!
Rachel: So Joey I just hooked Ross and Chandler up with some tuxedos for the wedding, do you need one?
Joey: No, I’m performing the ceremony. I’m not wearing a tux.
Rachel: Well, what are you going to wear?
Joey: Multi-colored robes! Ooh, and maybe a hat.
Rachel: Huh. Does Monica know about this?
Joey: I don’t think so.
Rachel: Can I please be there when you tell her? (Joey nods yes.)
Phoebe: Hey oh, Rach wait! Do you want to go to a movie tonight?
Rachel: Oh, y’know what? I can’t. I have to have dinner with that Melissa girl.
Joey: (excitedly) Can I come?! I won’t even talk! You’ll just hear the noise from my video camera.
Phoebe: What is this? What’s going on?
Joey: Oh good! Can I tell her?! Can I tell her?!
Rachel: Well, do you want to hear what actually happened or Joey’s lewd version?
Phoebe: Joey’s!
Joey: Okay…
Rachel: Hey, come on! I had this friend from college and I made the stupid mistake of telling Joey that one time…she and I y’know…kissed a little bit.
Phoebe: (laughs) Yeah, I’m sure that happened.
Rachel: It-it did!
Phoebe: Sure!
Joey: Hey. (Laughs then seriously) It happened!
Rachel: Yeah, it was senior year in college. It was after the Sigma Chi luau and Melissa and I got very drunk! And we ended up kissing! For several minutes!
Phoebe: (To Joey) Which means she had a couple spritzers and a quick peck on the cheek.
Joey: Why are you taking this away from me?
Rachel: Yeah, why is it so hard for you to believe?!
Phoebe: Okay! I just—I didn’t know that you are a lesbian. (Joey smiles and nods lewdly.)
Rachel: I’m not saying that I’m a lesbian! I’m just saying that this happened!
Phoebe: Okay, it just seems pretty wild and you’re so—y’know so…vanilla.
Rachel: (shocked) Vanilla?!
Phoebe: Yeah.
Rachel: I’m not vanilla! I’ve done lots of crazy things! I mean I got-I got drunk and married in Vegas!
Phoebe: To Ross.
Rachel: All right, y’know what? If you don’t want to believe me about this, why don’t you just come with me to dinner tonight and she will tell you.
Phoebe: Okay! All right! Yeah! ‘Cause I just can’t picture it.
Joey: Oh-ho, you should get inside my head.
[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler is on the couch reading as Ross enters carrying a garment bag.]
Ross: Hey! Guess what I got for your wedding! (Holding up his garment bag.)
Chandler: A freakish thin date with a hanger for her head?
Ross: No. Rachel hooked me up with a tux! But not just any tux, Batman’s tux!
Chandler: What?
Ross: That’s right! Made expressly for Val Kilmer and worn by him in the hit film…that Batman film he was in.
Chandler: You can’t wear that! I’m wearing the famous tux! James Bond’s tux!
Ross: So?
Chandler: So—If you wear that you’ll make mine less special.
Ross: Well, you need something to make this day special? Hello! You-you-you have the most special thing of all! You are marrying the woman you love.
(Chandler mimics him.)
Chandler: Please, don’t take away my cool thing. Please?! Pretty please?!
Ross: Pretty please? Not very uh, 007.
Chandler: Look, it’s my wedding day okay? If you were getting married I would never do anything to upset you.
Ross: When I got married you slept with my sister.
Chandler: That was pretty 007.
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica is still working on the seating chart as Joey enters.]
Joey: Hey.
Monica: Hey. Oh good-good you’re here! All right, I figured it out. I’m gonna take two tables of eight, I’m gonna add your parents, and I’m gonna turn them into three tables of six. Okay? And I called the caterer; I added two extra meals, we are good to go!
Joey: Yeah, they’re not coming.
Monica: (looking at him) What?!
Joey: Somehow they got the idea that you only invited them because of me. They…feel a little unwanted.
Monica: Oh that’s too bad. It’s true, but too bad.
Joey: Look Mon, if you could just call my mom…
Monica: Oh Joey!
Joey: Come on! Look just-just tell—let her know that you really want them to be there. Let’s not forget, this is a woman that has sent you many lasagnas over the years.
Monica: No she hasn’t.
Joey: Is it her fault that some of them didn’t make it to you?
Monica: Well, what am I going to say?
Joey: I don’t know. Just uh, just tell ‘em it was a mix-up with the invitations, or—No-no-no! Blame it on the post office. They hate the post office. And the Irish! But I don’t think you can blame it on them so… (He dials the phone and hands it to Monica.)
Monica: (on phone) Hello? (Listens) Yeah, hi! Mrs. Tribbiani? (Listens) Hi, this is Monica Geller. (Listens) Yeah I’m just calling to say that Chandler and I uh, really hope you can make it to the wedding. Yeah, apparently a bunch of invitations that we sent weren’t delivered. Umm, I guess there was some screw up at the damn post office! (Joey nods his approval.) (Listens) T-Tell me about it! (Listens) Yeah, yeah, the US Post Office? No, more like US lost office! (Listens) What are they Irish?! (Joey gives her a thumbs up.)
[Scene: A restaurant, Melissa, Rachel, and Phoebe are talking.]
Melissa: …anyway, his name is Allan and we’ve been going out for three years. He was my first client when I became a party planner. He was planning a party for his girlfriend at the time. Oh well. (Rachel and Phoebe politely laugh) And he was Theta Beta Pi at Syracuse.
Rachel: Oh. Oh, that’s great!
Melissa: Hmm Phoebe, were you ever in a sorority?
Phoebe: Of course! Yeah, I was uh, umm Thigh Mega Tampon.
Melissa: What one?
Phoebe: Yeah! Y’know, we were really huge too, but then they had to shut us down when Regina Philange died of alcohol poisoning.
Melissa: Oh, isn’t a shame when one girl ruins it for the whole bunch? (Phoebe agrees by grunting.)
Rachel: (changing the subject) Anyway, speaking of drinking too much. I was uh, tellin’ Phoebe about that one crazy night after the Sigma Chi luau where you and I uh, we made out.
Melissa: (shocked) What?
Rachel: Remember?! We—come on both had the sarongs on, and we had the-the coconut bikini tops…
Melissa: Yeah?
Rachel: …we went back the house and we got really silly and we…we made out.
Melissa: Oh wow, Ray-ray I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Phoebe: Really?!
Commercial Break
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica is on the couch as Chandler disgustedly enters.]
Chandler: Ross is Batman!
Monica: Well, he did manage to keep his identity secret for a long time.
Chandler: Rachel got Ross the tuxedo that Val Kilmer wore in Batman. Okay Batman is so much cooler than James Bond!
Monica: What are you talking about?! 007 has all those gadgets!
Chandler: Batman has a utility belt!
Monica: 007 has a fancy car!
Chandler: Batman has the Batmobile!
Monica: 007 gets all the ladies.
Chandler: Batman has Robin! (Pause) We get ESPN right?
Monica: How about you go put on your 007 tuxedo and I’ll make you a nice martini.
Chandler: Actually, I don’t like martinis.
Monica: How about a Youhoo with a funny straw?
Chandler: Ooh, yum! (Runs into the bedroom.)
Joey: (entering) Hey.
Monica: Hey.
Joey: Listen, I know the invitation says 6:00, but does that mean that you want people to get there at six, or the show is gonna start right at six?
Monica: The show?!
Joey: Right. Right. The wedding, gotcha. But I mean, it’s gonna start a little late right? I mean, weddings start late. Right?
Monica: Have you ever been to one of my weddings?
Joey: Ah. Yeah. Well look, the thing is it’s the same day as my niece’s christening and I really want my parents to be there in time to see me. ‘Cause my part’s just in the beginning I’m not even in the rest of the show—Wedding!
Monica: The wedding starts at six.
Joey: Okay. Okay, I totally hear ya. Oo how about this? I vamp a little ‘til they get there?
Monica: You’ll vamp?!
Joey: Yeah! Yeah y’know, like warm up the crowd. Ask ‘em where they’re from. ‘Cause in Joey Tribbiani you get a minister and you get an entertainer. I’m a minis-tainer! (Rapping) There is no one better! There is no one greater!
[Scene: The restaurant, continued from earlier.]
Rachel: How can you not remember us kissing?!
Melissa: I don’t know. I don’t remember a lot of things that never happened.
Rachel: Wh… Come on! Remember? We were on the sleeping porch! We couldn’t stop giggling? And our coconuts kept knockin’ together?
Phoebe: Oh, somewhere Joey’s head is exploding.
Rachel: Yeah—but come on—Listen, I’m sorry I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I told Phoebe that it happened and she doesn’t believe me.
Melissa: I’m sorry Ray-ray. I mean if I thought it happened I would say it. Maybe I passed out and you did stuff to me while I was sleeping.
Rachel: No!!
Phoebe: Rachel, it’s okay. You don’t have to do this. I believe you. All right? Okay, if-if you say that you kissed Melissa, then you kissed Melissa.
Rachel: Thank you Phoebe.
Melissa: She didn’t.
Phoebe: I know.
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica and Chandler are working on the seating chart as Ross enters carrying his tux around.]
Ross: Hey!
Monica: You just carry that around?
Ross: Yes. I find it to be something of a conversation piece.
Monica: Between you and…
Ross: Gunther. (To Chandler) Hey-hey! Why don’t we put them on? Y’know get a picture of Batman and James Bond together.
Chandler: I would but mine doesn’t fit. The pants are a little tight.
Monica: A little tight? I could see double-oh and seven in those pants.
Ross: Well that stinks. I was looking forward to us wearing our celebrity tuxes together.
Chandler: Well, does that mean that you’re not going to wearing yours?
Ross: What are you kidding? It’s Batman’s tux!!
Chandler: (standing up) Let me try it on!
Ross: Okay, but just the jacket. Double-oh and seven are not gettin’ in there.
Chandler: (trying on the jacket) Okay. Holy double-vented comfort Batman! (Finds something in the pocket) What’s this?
Ross: What?
Chandler: An invitation for the At First Sight premiere? Oh my God! Val Kilmer didn’t wear this in Batman! He wore it to the premiere of some tooty-fruity love story where he played a blind guy!
Ross: Let me see that! (Grabs the invitation and reads it.) Oh man!
Chandler: The only superpower you have is a slightly heightened sense of smell. (Hands him the jacket and walks away.)
Joey: (entering) Hey! Uh, Monica? Chandler? Can I talk to you guys for a second?
Monica: All right that’s it, I give up! Whatever you want you can have it! You wanna sing a song? You wanna do a dance? You want your mom stand at the Alter and scream racial slurs? I don’t care!
Joey: No! No, I-I just wanna thank you guys for what you did for my parents, that was really sweet. They’re so happy they get to be a part of your special day.
Monica: (defeated) Oh.
Chandler: Well, you’re welcome. And tell them we’re really glad they’re coming.
Joey: Okay. I will. Ohh! Check out what they got me to wear for the ceremony! (Runs to his apartment and returns wearing a rather silly hat.) Huh? I wear it like this when I marry you guys, and then this (He tilts it to the side of his head) is for party time.
[Scene: Outside the restaurant, Melissa, Phoebe, and Rachel are emerging.]
Rachel: It happened! I am telling you it happened!
Melissa: Okay. (To Phoebe) Well, it was great meeting you. And uh Rachel, I-I don’t think I’ll be calling you (hails a cab) because umm, y’know you’ve gotten weird. (The cab pulls up.) Take care you guys.
(She’s about to get in when…)
Rachel: What?! Wait a minute! No wait a minute! (She does so.) Okay? Look, that night was the one wild thing I have ever done in my entire life, and I’m not gonna let you take that away from me! Okay, so if you don’t remember that, maybe you will remember this! (She grabs Melissa and kisses her on the lips.)
Melissa: My God! You love me!
Rachel: (shocked) What?
Melissa: Of course I remember our kiss. I think about it all the time. I can still hear the coconuts knockin’ together I… (Phoebe is shocked.) I just didn’t want to tell you ‘cause I didn’t think that you’d return my love, and now that you have… (Leans in to kiss Rachel.)
Rachel: (moving away) Whoa! Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Melissa: Aww, look who’s being suddenly shy. You can’t tell me you don’t feel what I feel. Nobody can kiss that good and not mean it. (Goes in again.)
Rachel: (moves away again) I-I-I-I’m just…I’m just a good kisser!
Melissa: (suddenly frightened) Shut up!
Rachel: I’m sorry!
Melissa: (laughs) Oh you don’t have to be (Laughs again) sorry. I’m…I’m obviously kidding. I’m not in love with you. (To Phoebe) I’m not in love with her. I don’t hear coconuts banging together. Yeah, I don’t…picture your face when I make love to my boyfriend. Anyway, I gotta go. Eh…kiss good-bye? (Rachel stares at her stunned.) No? Okay. (Hurries into the cab and drives off.)
Rachel: Wow! I mean I had no idea that that was gonna…
(Suddenly, Phoebe leans in and kisses her on the lips!)
Rachel: What the hell was that?!
Phoebe: I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
Rachel: And?
Phoebe: I’ve had better.
Ending Credits
[Scene: Ralph Lauren, Rachel is hooking Chandler up with another tuxedo.]
Chandler: (yelling from the changing room) All right! I found one that fits!
Rachel: Well y’know what they say, the 23rd time’s the charm. (Chandler enters.) Aww, look at you all handsome!
Chandler: Whose is it?
Rachel: Oh does it matter?! All that matters is that you look so handsome.
Chandler: Whose is it?
Rachel: I don’t want to say.
Chandler: Oh, come on! I don’t care! Come on! Whose is it?
Rachel: Diane Keeton.


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