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老友記第八季804 The One With The Videotape



嘿,親愛的,你高興嗎?我們要去蜜月旅行了。是的,我高興。百慕大群島, 巴哈馬群島,來吧, 美麗的媽媽。好吧, 當(dāng)我們單獨(dú)在一起時(shí)忘記它.嘿。我們是來說再見的.蜜月旅行愉快.謝謝.我最好去整理行李.哦,不.我已經(jīng)整理好了.唯一我沒找到的是你的性感泳褲。性感泳褲?我才沒有.我去把泳裝帶上.哦,太好了,你還在.我想對(duì)你說,蜜月旅行愉快.哦,謝謝.我還想讓你們知道,我今天將告訴孩子的父親.什么?什么?什么?我們知道他是羅斯。啊?你們?cè)趺粗赖?那是他的毛線衣.但,哦,我的上帝!喔,我是想讓羅斯第一個(gè)知道。但你們先知道了也讓我放心了。我將成為你孩子的阿姨,那太好了!我也是。我將是叔叔。到這來。我們都將成為阿姨和叔叔。是啊,但我是唯一有血緣關(guān)系的人。好的,太棒了。現(xiàn)在你們都知道了,你們要幫助我。教我如何告訴羅斯.好吧,你將說什么呢?我要告訴他,我將生個(gè)孩子。如果他愿意,他可以和我一起.聽上去不錯(cuò).是啊,但你說,我如何開頭呢?我是說,我一開始怎么說?Okay, 太棒了,謝謝.嘿,祝你好運(yùn).好的,再見.嘿,到底怎么了?好,我想現(xiàn)在可以告訴你發(fā)生了什么.瑞秋和羅斯將生一個(gè)孩子.什么?!我竟然一點(diǎn)也不知道...你為什么不告訴我?為什么我怎么說?我想你不能保密.什么?!我是個(gè)保密專家.我保守了所有我們的秘密。什么秘密?OH,不,不,喬伊.我不告訴你,因?yàn)槲沂潜C軐<?Psst. 你等會(huì)兒告訴我.你已經(jīng)知道了.Oh, 送他們?nèi)ッ墼侣眯刑寺?莫妮卡和錢德結(jié)婚了.羅斯和瑞秋將有一個(gè)孩子.可能你和我也需要做點(diǎn)什么.多美好啊,親愛的.多美好啊.Oh, 我把我的吉他留在公寓里了.好吧,你等會(huì)能讓我進(jìn)去是吧?不行,我沒有鑰匙.他們把我的拿去給你了.什么?他們把我的拿去給你了.為什么他們拿走我們的鑰匙?可能他們不相信我們.不可能.他們上次外出時(shí),給了我們鑰匙的.你是說你打碎番茄醬瓶子的那次?然后你用莫妮卡的毛巾來收拾的?嘿,我都洗干凈了.你沒有.是啊,那不像我的作為.好吧,我該怎么辦?我需要我的吉他.是啊,我也有些東西在里面.什么東西?莫妮卡的小雞...我將照料它們.Hey, Treeger先生, 我是Joey Tribbiani.聽著,我需要進(jìn)莫妮卡和錢德的公寓。這是緊急事件.煤氣泄漏了.是啊,帶來了大蒜面包.Hey.Hey.瑞秋找過你嗎?沒有,什么了?Oh, 她正在找你.Oh, 好吧,我想我待會(huì)會(huì)看到她的.她現(xiàn)在很想和你談?wù)?是啊,看上去很重要.Oh, 不.什么?我想我應(yīng)該怎么那是關(guān)于什么的.真的?是啊, uh...我們保證沒有告訴過如何人,但, uh...一個(gè)月以前,瑞秋和我一起睡覺了.然后呢?Wow, 我想,你們有些吃驚吧.Oh, 對(duì)不起.然后呢?好吧,我們說只發(fā)生一次,但我想她還想來一次吧.是啊,但我想并不是那樣.什么,那會(huì)是什么?Oh, wow, 我感覺不好.不,我告訴你吧,我告訴你發(fā)生了什么吧.不奇怪,她在婚禮上看我的樣子很有趣.她什么也沒對(duì)你說嗎?可能是你吃了什么.請(qǐng)去和瑞秋談?wù)劙?好吧,我想我會(huì)的.朋友...你知道我意識(shí)到了什么?可能我不是那種類型的男人,女人只想和我一個(gè)晚上.要知道,她們都想多要一點(diǎn).我應(yīng)該記住.然后.他們?cè)诮游? 讓我們繞開他們.Oh, 親愛的,讓他們獨(dú)處.他們相愛了.我也戀愛了.但是有計(jì)劃的.下一個(gè).Hi. 你能這樣做然后離開嗎?但她說了“下一個(gè)”對(duì)不起.我們沒有聽到.我們?cè)诿墼侣眯?Oh.讓我看看我能做些什么.頭等艙還有一些座位.你聽到嗎?他們讓他們坐頭等艙,因?yàn)樗麄冋诙让墼?來吧,我們裝成我們?cè)诙让墼掳?我們是在度蜜月.跟著我.下一個(gè).Hi. 對(duì)不起.我沒有聽見,你知道?我太愛我的新丈夫了.我們?cè)诙让墼?恭喜.謝謝.先生,你將座 25J女士你將座 25K.,Uh, 不,你知道,我們?cè)诙让墼?所以,你能把我們的作為升為頭等艙嗎?對(duì)不起,所有頭等艙的作為都滿了.那對(duì)夫婦座了最后兩個(gè)座位.你看?如果聽我的 ,我們繞過他們,她就能讓我們坐頭等艙.該死.25J 和 K.有可能不在一起嗎?我仍然不詳細(xì)他們拿走了我的鑰匙.你確信我拿了你的.當(dāng)然.我將把鑰匙還給你.那是什么?Whoa, whoa, whoa.Treeger, 你在干什么?聽說這煤氣泄漏了.好吧,但為什么不用你的鑰匙?因?yàn)槿绻任艺业借€匙,這個(gè)地方已經(jīng)爆炸了.如果發(fā)生在我管理的另一幢樓里,人們已經(jīng)提問了。來,快一點(diǎn)。Oh!我們已經(jīng)在做了.看那里,看那里他們?nèi)チ祟^等艙.你知道他們?cè)谀抢锔墒裁?不.我也不,我們必須去那里.裝著像你是頭等艙的.Oh, 上帝,桔子!Shh!很高興再次看到你.Uh, 先生.我能看一下您的票嗎?當(dāng)然.對(duì)不起,您能移開你的拇指嗎?我看不到座位號(hào)碼.沒關(guān)系,我記得,是 1A.先生,這不是頭等艙得票.對(duì)不起.接受道歉.原諒我們.先生,恐怕,我只能讓你們離開.好的.走吧! 走吧!走吧!Hi.Hi.Hi.Um...我想我們必須談?wù)?我想我們正在談.為什么我們不進(jìn)去?Okay.看, uh...我知道為什么你在這.你做的?是啊.把你從困難中解救出來我想我們應(yīng)該先談?wù)?Okay.Okay?羅斯和瑞秋...羅斯和瑞秋...那是秋千,是嗎?什么?我說,看那里...那晚我們很開心,也很有激情.不過你不認(rèn)為我們是朋友會(huì)更好嗎?認(rèn)真一點(diǎn),什么?Okay, okay.你知道什么?如果你想要...我們可以再來一次.我的意識(shí)是我可以.事實(shí)上,我現(xiàn)在正好有時(shí)間.Okay, 羅斯.你知道什么?我現(xiàn)在能說嗎?- Oh, 當(dāng)然.- Okay.我懷孕了.羅斯?羅斯?Okay.無論你是否準(zhǔn)備好.你將成為父親.但你走了.你需要一些水嗎?不,我很好,我很好.羅斯,對(duì)你沒有壓力,是嗎?我的意思是如果你愿意.是, 我, uh...我真的不知道.我不懂 um...這是怎么發(fā)生的.我們用了避孕套.我知道,但你知道,避孕套的有效率是,97% .什,什么?什么?!好吧,他們應(yīng)該把這印在盒子上!他們做了.不他們沒有!好吧,他們應(yīng)該用大寫字母來印!Okay, 羅斯,來吧.讓我們忘記避孕套.Oh, 好吧, 我可以!,聽著,你知道嗎? 當(dāng)我發(fā)現(xiàn)...,我非常反常。反常,嘿,我沒有我非常憤怒作為一個(gè)消費(fèi)者.你知道嗎,我們待會(huì)兒談吧.不,不,我們現(xiàn)在談,好嗎?事實(shí)上,我想和避孕套公司的總裁談一談.Okay, 你知道嗎?我會(huì)回來的.- Shh.- Okay.好吧,我會(huì)壓住一個(gè)!我看了所有地方.沒有煤氣泄漏。Huh.那我能把這加熱嗎?無論怎樣,我將移動(dòng)那扇新門.好的,你能幫我個(gè)忙嗎?不要告訴莫妮卡和錢德發(fā)生的一切因?yàn)椋阒?,他們現(xiàn)在還沒孩子這門就像他們的孩子。好吧,我將配一把新鎖.他們肯定會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)的.Oh, 不.這看來要花一天.我只能取消我的瑜伽課了.Hey, 羅斯.Hey.你能告訴Jasmine 我今天不去上瑜伽課嗎?當(dāng)然.Namaste(你好).Namaste(你好).Oh, 我的上帝,這是怎么了?那是顯而易見的, huh?好吧,瑞秋在嗎,我們要談?wù)?,你們不是已經(jīng)談過了嗎?是的,但...Okay, okay, 看--你們知道瑞秋和我一起睡覺了,還有瑞秋懷孕了.- 上帝啊,神圣的母親!- Oh, 上帝,我不敢相信!是我的孩子.這是最新的消息!你們已經(jīng)知道了,是嗎?一點(diǎn)點(diǎn).你怎么樣?Okay, okay. 我會(huì)沒事的.只是我想我不能處理的非常好.你怎么對(duì)她說的?沒有.但避孕套公司給了我吃驚的回答.但我回去的時(shí)候,她不在了.Oh, 羅斯.但,我想避孕套有效率是97% .什么?我要去找她。Whoa, hey, 堅(jiān)持住!你是認(rèn)真的嗎?所以,3%的時(shí)候不起作用?Huh? 他們應(yīng)該把它印在盒子上!他們這樣做了.什么?我不能相信我們?cè)谶@.Oh, 你想和我開玩笑.什么?酒店將給你蜜月套房做為結(jié)婚禮物。不,你已經(jīng)一天了你是誰?我們是你,等10秒鐘!你已經(jīng)得到一等艙的票子,你得到了長(zhǎng)沙發(fā),和免費(fèi)食物!不僅你們兩在都蜜月!如果愿意,你們可以得到套房.我們不在乎住在哪里.我們?cè)谶@慶祝我們的愛.我們不需要免費(fèi)食物.我們僅需要在一起.我們需要食物.Hey, 莫妮卡, 那是喬伊.聽著,非比和我發(fā)現(xiàn)你們公寓煤氣泄漏了.什么,你們是認(rèn)真的?喬伊聞到了煤氣味.然后呢?我們就來檢查,但你們拿走了我們的鑰匙.我們做了一些事就進(jìn)來了!怎么進(jìn)來的?我想我可以砸了你的門.是啊,做吧!我們搞壞了門,你不怪我們?不!你現(xiàn)在在干!快,我沒聽見任何聲音。Uh, okay,我會(huì)砸了它.,Okay, hi, 他正在做.他正在砸門.Okay 我們已經(jīng)進(jìn)來了.Okay, 瑞秋,你還好嗎?如果我說好了,你能幫我看病嗎?醫(yī)生馬上就來.Okay.Oh,朋友,我發(fā)誓他們已經(jīng)賣了...Hi.Hi.我們需要談?wù)?現(xiàn)在嗎?因?yàn)槲椰F(xiàn)在處境尷尬請(qǐng),我真的對(duì)我今天的表現(xiàn)說抱歉.Okay, 羅斯,沒事,你能靠近一些嗎?什么, oh, 好的, 對(duì)不起.我想我有一點(diǎn)瘋了.我只想我自己,但我應(yīng)該想的是你.- 頭, 羅斯, 頭, 羅斯, 頭, 羅斯.- 好,好.我只想告訴你,我會(huì)和你在一起, okay, okay?看醫(yī)生助產(chǎn)課, 嬰兒看護(hù)--,雖然在結(jié)婚前有些麻煩.結(jié)婚?是的,我想我們應(yīng)該結(jié)婚.什么,那就是你對(duì)整件事的答案?不,因?yàn)槟鞘钦_的事.Yeah, 可能,如果你戀愛了.但,羅斯,我們不相愛,是嗎?不,但...但,我們不能單獨(dú)面對(duì).,原諒我?來吧,瑞秋. 你不能獨(dú)自在飯店吃飯。什么?我剛說,如果你不能一個(gè)人吃飯你怎么能一個(gè)人撫養(yǎng)孩子?我當(dāng)然能一個(gè)人吃飯.什么時(shí)候?當(dāng)有些人離開了桌子,但我還沒吃好.好吧,那些人花2小時(shí)喝一碗湯.Oh, 請(qǐng), 你吸入你的食物.我和莫妮卡一起長(zhǎng)大.如果你吃的不快,你就不吃!我打擾你們了嗎?Oh, 沒有, 醫(yī)生請(qǐng)進(jìn).他是羅斯.他就是父親.但顯然不是丈夫,她能一個(gè)人完成。Oh,很高興見到你.我馬上開始.我不知道你為什么不承認(rèn)你需要我.我需要你!我需要你在我的頭邊。Okay, 一切都很好.在屏幕上.這是她的子宮和這里你們的孩子.Oh, 我的上帝.Wow.那是,我看見了.恭喜.我給你們一分鐘.- Okay.- 謝謝.令人吃驚吧?我沒看見!什么? 什么?我沒看見!你,你剛說你看見惡劣.我知道,我說慌了.我不想讓他認(rèn)為我是個(gè)糟糕的母親。我不能看見我的孩子!,Oh, 來這里.你肯定可以.來這里,看.就在這里.Oh.Oh,太美了.我現(xiàn)在看見了.真的嗎?不,我看不見!Okay, 來, 來.Okay, okay, 你看這-這看上去想花生?是的.親愛的,那就是.那就是?是,我看見了!Oh!!!!Oh, 謝謝.不用.Wow.我不能相信那就是我們的孩子.是的,那是我們的孩子.Hi.- Hey.- Hey.醫(yī)生怎么說?一些都很好.好.Hey, 讓他們看看你子宮的照片.Oh.我沒看見孩子,在哪里?Oh 不. 我知道,我一開始也看不見就在... um...羅斯, 我又找不到了.好吧.
804 The One With The Videotape

[Scene: The Hallway, Chandler and Monica are returning from their honeymoon.]
Chandler: Wait. Before we go in, I just want you to know I love you. I had a great time on our honeymoon, and I can’t wait to go in there and spend the rest of our life together.
Monica: You’re really sticking with the shell necklace huh? (Points to necklace of shells he’s wearing.)
(Joey and Phoebe burst forth from his apartment.)
Phoebe: Hi!
Joey: Hey! You’re back! (Hugs and kisses all around.)
Monica: Hi sweetie!
Phoebe: Come on in!
(They grab the luggage and drag it into Joey and Rachel’s forcing Monica and Chandler to follow.)
Phoebe: So how was the honeymoon?
Monica: Oh, so much fun. But the best part is, we met this incredible couple on the way back.
Phoebe: That was the best part? (To Chandler) Good honeymooning tiger.
Monica: No, they were really cool. They were on their honeymoon too!
Chandler: They’re terrific, and they live right here in the city.
Monica: Yeah, can we go call them? Is it too soon to call? I wanna call.
Chandler: I’m sorry, we’re just kinda excited because we finally have a couple to hang out with.
Monica: I know.
Joey: A couple? Like two people? Like (points to himself) one (points to Phoebe), two people?
Monica: This is different! Greg and Jenny are in a relationship.
Phoebe: Oh, Greg and Jenny yuck! (Angrily) Hi Greg, I’m Chandler this is Monica. Hi Monica, this is Jenny. Hi Jenny. Hi Greg.
Chandler: Listen, they are really great. If you just got a chance…
Joey: Y’know what? Why don’t you just give us our souvenirs and get the hell out of here?
Chandler: We really…didn’t get a chance to…
Phoebe: You have got to be kidding me!
Monica: We didn’t get anything for anyone.
Joey: Hm-mm! Yeah nice necklace!
Monica: That you can have.
Opening Credits
{Transcriber’s Note: Tradition was broken here as there were no commercials immediately after the opening credits, just more show.}
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Ross and Rachel are entering with the rest of the gang already inside.]
Rachel: Hi!
All: Hey!
Ross: Hello!
Rachel: Welcome home.
Ross: So, how was the honeymoon?
Monica: It was great! It was great! How about you?! I mean you’re having a baby!
Rachel: Oh! Look! I have a sonogram picture!
Monica: Oh great! (Shows them the picture.)
Chandler: Ross! It’s got your wavy black lines!
Monica: All right, so now that Ross knows can you tell us y’know how it happened? I mean, when did it happen? How many times did it happen?
Phoebe: Monica! That’s not right! Start with where.
(Rachel looks at Ross and gets his approval.)
Rachel: Well it happened about six weeks ago, and uh I had just got home from work and Ross was already there ‘cause I guess he had been hanging out with Joey.
Joey: You’re welcome buddy.
Ross: (glaring at him) Yeah, thanks. (Joey nods no problem.)
Rachel: And so I had a lot of work to do so Ross, nice guy that he is, offered to help me out. And then we had a little wine, we got to talking, and the next thing you know out of nowhere Ross comes on to me.
Ross: (laughs) Umm that’s…that’s a little misleading.
Rachel: What is?
Ross: The lie you just told.
Rachel: That-that you came on to me?
Ross: There’s the one!
Rachel: But you did! I mean, let’s be honest.
Ross: Yes let’s. Y’know what? Uh, it’s-it’s not important. What is important is that, is that we’re having a baby. And it’s not—Doesn’t matter who came on to who.
Joey: Whom. (Everyone looks at him shocked.) That’s right.
Rachel: You know you kissed me first.
Ross: What? What?! You were begging me to kiss you! You-you-you were sending me signals all over the place!
Rachel: I was sending you signals?
Ross: Yeah!
Rachel: Oh please. Okay, anyone in this room think that I would send Ross begging symbols, please show of hands. (Ross raises his hand and no one else.)
Ross: Y’know what?! It doesn’t matter! It doesn’t matter what you believe! What matters is what happened!
Rachel: Okay. So these signals Ross, explain this to me, ‘cause maybe I need to be more careful. I mean, am I sending you these signals right now?
Ross: Y’know what? Y’know what? Rachel, just-just drop it.
Rachel: No please, show me how I begged you!
Ross: I can show you, I have it on videotape! (Stunned silence) It’s an expression.
Commercial Break
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, time has lapsed, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Monica are sitting at the kitchen table.]
Phoebe: I can’t believe he taped the two of them having sex!
Joey: Yeah! You gotta tell a girl before you tape her. Such a rookie mistake.
Chandler: Y’know who has a great video camera?
Phoebe: (nasally) Greg and Jenny?
Monica: Do you still wanna call ‘em? I wanna call ‘em.
Chandler: Let’s call ‘em.
Joey: Yeah! Ask them if they brought their friends any souvenirs!
(Monica goes over and dials their number.)
Monica: (on phone) Hello? (Listens) Eighth street deli?
Joey: Hey, hang up! You get food poisoning just talkin’ to that place.
Monica: (on phone) Uh sorry, wrong number. (Hangs up)
Chandler: Here you go. (Shows her the number again.)
Monica: (on phone) Hello? (Listens) (To All) It’s the deli again!
Joey: All right! I’ll have a sandwich!
Monica: (hangs up) I don’t think this number’s right!
(Joey and Phoebe laugh.)
Chandler: What?
Phoebe: You got fake numbered.
Monica: What?! People don’t do that!
Joey: Oh I think we do.
Monica: They gave us a fake number? Why? Why would they do that?
Chandler: I don’t know! You were a delight to talk to. You asked all those insightful, great questions.
Monica: And you’ve never been funnier. Joke, joke, joke, you were a hoot!
Joey: Y’know what? Don’t worry about it, you still got me and Phoebe.
Phoebe: Excuse me, I don’t want Greg and Jenny’s rejects.
Ross: (entering) Rachel won’t talk to me! She won’t even open the door!
Phoebe: Hmm, I wonder why. Pervert!
Ross: Okay, listen I am not a pervert!
Phoebe: That’s like the pervert motto! Yeah! Yeah! They have you raise your right hand, put your left hand down your pants, and repeat that!
Ross: Filming Rachel is not something I planned. Okay look, here’s what happened, and Joey you-you can back me up on this. All right, about-about a month and a half ago I came to you with a problem? Umm, a personal thing.
Joey: Personal thing? What personal thing? I don’t know.
Ross: About…about sex? (Joey looks at him confused) That I hadn’t had sex in months?
Joey: (laughs) Yeah I knew what you were talkin’ about.
Six Weeks Earlier
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Joey is reading a cereal box as Ross enters wearing the red sweater.]
Ross: Hey!
Joey: Hey.
Ross: Do you have a minute? I’d like to talk to you about something I’m, I’m really uncomfortable talking about.
Joey: Sure. What? About uh, you showering with your mom?
Ross: I actually had a topic in mind! I’m, I’m kinda going through a dry spell, sex wise.
Joey: Whoa, for like months?
Ross: Five to be lying, six.
Joey: Six months? Whoa that’s rough.
Ross: Well, I mean it’s not all bad. I’m learning to appreciate the uh, smaller things in life. Like the sound of a bird and the color of the sky.
Joey: The sky’s blue Ross and I had sex yesterday!
Ross: Please, help me! I have a date tonight. It has to go well okay—I’m scared for my health!
Joey: Okay. Okay. Umm…Ooh! Oh-oh, I got something. It’s this story I came up with, very romantic. I swear any woman that hears it; they’re like putty.
Ross: Really? Well then tell it to me.
Joey: Okay. Now you’re gonna want to have sex with me when you hear it, but you have to remember it is just the story.
Ross: (sarcastic) I’ll try to control myself.
Joey: Okay. (Clears throat) Years ago, when I was backpacking across Western Europe…
Ross: (laughs) You were backpacking across Western Europe?
Joey: Have a nice six more months Ross! (Starts to leave.)
Ross: (stopping him) Okay! Okay! Okay. I’m sorry. Please, please, you were in Western Europe and?
Joey: I was just outside Barcelona hiking in the foothills of Mount Tibidabo. I was at the end of this path and I came to a clearing and there was a lake, very secluded. And there were tall trees all around. (Whispering) It was dead silent. Gorgeous. (Softly) And across the lake I saw…a beautiful woman…bathing herself…but she was crying…
Ross: (intently listening) Why?
[Scene: Ross's Apartment, Ross is on his date with Kristen and they’re drinking wine.]
Kristen: Umm, this is great wine.
Ross: It’s from France…In Europe…Western Europe. Y’know umm, a few years ago I actually was backpacking across Western Europe.
Kristen: Really?
Ross: Uh-hmm—Wait! It gets better. Um, yeah I was in Barcelona.
Kristen: I studied for a year in Barcelona. (Ross is stunned and worried.)
Ross: Anyway, umm so I was um, I was hiking…
Kristen: I love hiking!
Ross: (whines) Oh that’s great! I was hiking along the foothills of Mount Tibidaybo…
Kristen: I think its Tibidabo.
Ross: Okay! Do you wanna tell the story?!
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Joey is standing at the counter as Ross enters.]
Joey: Whoa! What are you doing here? How did your date go?
Ross: Great! I’m across the street having sex with her right now. Your story sucks!
Joey: Hey! Look, if it didn’t work it’s because you didn’t tell it right! Show me how you did it.
Ross: No! No, I don’t…don’t want to.
Joey: How long since you’ve seen a girl naked?
Ross: I was backpacking across Western Europe.
Joey: I’m not feeling it.
Ross: I was just outside Barcelona, hiking…
Joey: No! No! No Ross! I’m not hot! Are you hot?
Ross: It’s been six months! I’m always hot!
Joey: Well you’re not selling the story! It’s like; it’s like you don’t believe it! Look, I gotta go. I got a date, but try this. Do what I do when I’m preparing for an audition. Okay? I’ll set you up with my video camera and you can record yourself and-and see what you’re doing wrong.
Ross: I’ll try that.
Joey: All right now… All right, you’re all set up. You’re good to go. Just hit record. All right?
Ross: Thanks.
Joey: Good luck.
Ross: Thanks. And-and hey Joe?
Joey: Yeah?
Ross: Listen, if you ever have any problem with the ladies you know I’ll help you out.
Joey: (trying not to laugh) That means a lot to me man. (Exits.)
(Ross pours himself a glass of wine, hits record, and sits down in front of the camera.)
Ross: Hello! Can I get you anything? Huh? Lens cleaner? Your battery okay? (Rachel bursts in carrying two boxes and Ross jumps up.) Rachel!
Rachel: Oh Ross!
Ross: Hi!
Rachel: Thank God you’re here! You have to help me! Were you just talking to yourself?
Ross: That’s less embarrassing, yes. Yes I was.
(They sit down on the couch, which is in front of the still recording camera.)
Ross: (voiceover) So when she came in, I got distracted and totally forgot about the camera. [Cut back to the present day.] It kept rolling and recorded everything.
Chandler: Yeah, we’re gonna need to see that tape. (They rest of them agree.)
Monica: Yeah, definitely.
Ross: What a great idea! That will get Rachel to forgive me!
Joey: Y’know what? This is not fair to her. Let’s just forget the tape!
Ross: Thank you. (Joey mouths to Ross, "You’ll show me right?") No!
Joey: You’re right. (Mouths, "I know you’ll show me, right?)
Ross: Joey! No!
Joey: Loud and clear! (Mouths, "You’ll show me," and nods.)
(Ross storms out.)
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe are now sitting in the living room.]
Monica: I still don't get why Greg and Jenny would give us a fake number.
Joey: Y’know, if they knew what they were doing they probably didn’t give you real names either.
Monica: Okay, maybe people give out fake numbers, but they don’t give out fake names.
Joey: Oh yeah? (To Phoebe) Hi, Ken Adams, nice to meet you.
Phoebe: Regina Philange. (Ken and Regina shake hands.)
Chandler: I still don’t get it, we didn’t do anything wrong.
Monica: I know! Although, you did tell an awful lot of jokes.
Chandler: I thought you said those jokes were funny. Joke! Joke! Joke!
Monica: (rolling her head from side to side) Joke. Joke. Blah! Blah! (Joey and Phoebe laugh.)
Chandler: Well maybe it was all of your questions.
Monica: What about my questions?
Chandler: The sheer volume, it was like flying with the Riddler!
Monica: Oh, I’m sorry. Was that another joke?
Chandler: (angrily) Was that another question?
Rachel: (entering) Hey! Is Ross still here?
Joey: Uh no Rach, he’s gone. But listen, he told us what happened and it does, it sounds like an honest mistake.
Rachel: Oh really? Well how would you like it if I had sex with you and I taped it? (Joey smiles luridly) Oh forget it! (Ross enters.) Oh there he is now, the father of my child, the porn king of the west village.
Ross: Look, it was accident! Okay? I-I feel bad that it happened, but I swear, I didn’t even watch it! Anyway, here. (He takes the tape out of his coat pocket.) I thought you might be more comfortable destroying it yourself. (Tosses her the tape.)
Rachel: Thank you. (She sets it on the floor and is about to stomp on it with her shoe when the rest of the gang jumps up and yells simultaneously.) What? (They all yell again.) You don’t want to see this do you?
Monica: Hell yeah!!!
Rachel: I am not gonna show you this!
Phoebe: No! Not the sex part, just the stuff leading up to it.
Ross: Forget it, she’s destroying it.
Phoebe: Okay fine! Fine! We’ll just have to think of some other way to put the whole ‘Who came onto who,’ thing to rest! Come on now, think!!
Ross: Look, forget it Phoebe. Okay? It’s Rachel’s tape and she can do whatever she wants with it. And she wants to destroy it. So, end of story.
Rachel: I wanna see it.
Ross: What?!
Rachel: Clearly you don’t want people to see this tape. Now I don’t want people to see this tape either, but you so badly don’t people to see it makes me want to see it. You see?
Joey: (confused) Are we watchin’ the tape or not?!
Ross: I don’t want people to see it for your sake.
Rachel: Ahh, I don’t believe you. I think you don’t want them to see you begging me. (Goes to put the tape in the VCR)
Ross: Rachel, please…
Rachel: Ah, a little preview!
Ross: Fine. Fine, but I want the record to show that I tried to take the high road, because in about five minutes I’m gonna be saying…(He laughs and points at Rachel sarcastically.)
(They both sit down.)
Rachel: Okay, here we go. (Pushes play.)
Ross: (on tape) Hello! Can I get you anything?
Joey: (To Phoebe) I’m so happy!
Commercial Break
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, the scene is continued from earlier.]
Rachel: (on tape) Oh, thank God you’re here! You have to help me! Were you just talking to yourself?
Rachel: There I am.
Phoebe: You’re gonna get pregnant.
Rachel: (on tape) I screwed up so bad, I told Monica that I would stuff and send all these wedding invitations like weeks ago and I-I…
Ross: (on tape) You didn’t do it?
Rachel: (on tape) I-I know—I had put them in…in-in my desk at work and I completely forgot about them until today.
(Chandler is shocked and Rachel gets scared of Monica very quickly.)
Monica: (taking Rachel’s hand) Sweetie okay. It’s okay. Everybody made it to the wedding. I’m fine.
Rachel: Kinda hurtin’ my hand though.
Monica: I know.
Rachel: (on tape) (Ross hands her a glass of wine) I cannot believe that I did this. Especially after Monica just went on and on and on about it! (Mimicking Monica) "Okay Rachel! Here are the invitations Rachel! Now be very careful Rachel! Please, drinking no liquids around the invitations Rachel!" (She tilts her wine glass above and moves it back and forth across the invitations) Whoa oh! Oh-oh-oh! Oh…oh-oh-oh…
(Rachel hits fast forward. Monica is completely shocked.)
Chandler: Did you do it on our invitations?!
Ross: (pause) Not on the ones we sent out.
Chandler: So, just the ones gave back to us and we had framed! (Slams the framed invitation down onto the table.)
(Rachel stops fast forwarding.)
Rachel: (on tape) Can you believe this is already happening? I mean it seems like yesterday they just got engaged.
Ross: (on tape) I know. Hey remember…remember the night they got engaged? How uh, you and I almost…
Rachel: (on tape) Oh, I remember how we almost. Do you think we would’ve gone through with it? Y’know, if we hadn’t gotten caught. Do you think we would’ve done it?
Ross: (on tape) I mean I…I know I wanted to. I just, I just wasn’t sure if you wanted to.
Rachel: (on tape) Oh I wanted to.
(Ross and Rachel trade looks while watching the tape.)
Ross: (on tape) So we…we both wanted to.
Rachel: (on tape) Interesting.
Ross: (on tape) Yeah. (Pause) Anyway umm, it probably worked out for the best.
Rachel: (on tape) Oh yeah, sure.
Rachel: Okay, in about ten seconds you’re gonna see him kiss me.
Ross: And in about five seconds you’re gonna see why.
Rachel: (on tape) Ross did I ever tell you about the time that I went backpacking through Western Europe?
(Joey’s shocked and everyone else looks at Rachel.)
Rachel: Okay, get ready to see some beggin’!
Phoebe: Oh, you came on to Ross!
Rachel: What?!
Ross: Now I’m so happy.
Rachel: What are you talking about?!
Monica: You used the Europe story!
Chandler: That’s the magic story you use when you wanna have sex!
Rachel: How do you know about that story?!
Joey: How do you know about that story?!
Rachel: I heard it from my friend Irene who heard it from some guy!
Joey: (raises his hand) Some guy!! (Points to himself.)
Rachel: No. No, she told me his name was Ken Adams.
Joey: (raises his hand and points to himself again) Ken Adams!!
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Rachel is looking at the tape sitting on the counter as Ross enters.]
Ross: Hi.
Rachel: So uh, apparently people are familiar with the Europe story?
Ross: Yeah. Listen about that, the whole uh, who came on to who thing really doesn’t matter. I mean, I think it would’ve happened either way. I mean if you hadn’t initiated it I-I-I know I would’ve.
Rachel: It was an amazing night.
Ross: It was. It was an amazing night.
Rachel: You think it looked amazing?
Ross: I uh… I don’t know. I mean I…I honestly didn’t watch it.
Rachel: Yeah, me neither. Yet…
Ross: Uhhhhhh…that-that may be weird.
Rachel: Yeah, it would be really weird.
(Ross grabs the tape and heads for the VCR as Rachel goes over and puts the chain on the door and locks it.)
Ross: Good luck.
Rachel: Good luck to you.
(Ross pushes play.)
Ross: Mind if I mute?
Rachel: Oh please. (He does so.)
Ross: Oh, oh there go the clothes.
Rachel: You are undressing very quickly.
Ross: Six months Rachel, six months.
Ross and Rachel: Ah. (Pause) Oh.
Ross: Hey. We-we look…we look pretty good.
Rachel: That’s what I was gonna say.
Ross: Oh nice tan!
Rachel: Thank you! I had just gone to the beach that weekend.
Ross: Ah….
Rachel: Have you been working out?
Ross: I have been working out.
Rachel: Really? Wow, this is so much better than I…
Ross and Rachel: Ohh! Ew!
Ross: Oh that’s not pretty.
Rachel: Oh! Oh!
Ross: No!
Rachel: Oh God!
Ross: Oh no!
Rachel: Oh, make it stop!
Ross: Oh no!!
Rachel: Make it stop!!
Ross: No!!
Rachel: Have to make it stop!!
Ross: No!!!
(They both get out of the chair and run for the VCR.)
Closing Credits
[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica and Chandler have gone through the phone book and found Greg and Jenny’s number which Monica has just dialed.]
Monica: (on phone) Hello Greg? (Listens) Hi, this is Monica from the plane? Listen, the number that you gave me 853-5… (Listens) (To Chandler) That is their old number! Jenny’s been giving it out since they moved!
Chandler: Jenny! That is so Jenny!
Monica: (on phone) Hey listen umm, how would you like to get together? Say next Saturday? (Listens) Okay, how about Sunday? (Listens) Okay umm, the week after that? (Listens) The week after that? (Listens) Y’know what Greg? Y’know what? We are good, interesting, funny people with good questions and if you and your precious Jenny can’t see that then… (Listens) January 15th? (Chandler dances.) We’ll see you then! (Listens) Okay!
(She hangs up the phone and they hug.)

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