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Li Yang Crazy English Spoken English Crash Course;李陽(yáng)瘋狂英語(yǔ) 口語(yǔ)速成系列之 口語(yǔ)速成
Hello,English learners;英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)者們,你們好!
This is Kim and I'm happy to present you with a very special project--;我是Kim,很高興帶給你 們一個(gè)特別的項(xiàng)目---
111 sentences created just for you.;專(zhuān)為你們量身訂做的 111句話.
We have pronunciation, special conversation,;我們有發(fā)音篇, 有專(zhuān)門(mén)的對(duì)話,
and finally passages and cracking examination.;最后還有短文和 突破考試.
We're sure that this book will help you learn English;我們相信,本書(shū)一定會(huì)幫 助你們學(xué)好英語(yǔ),
better than you ever have been able to learn before.;讓你們比以往任何時(shí)候 都學(xué)得更好.
Thank you. Hello,everyone!;謝謝你.嗨,各位好!
These sentences were writen especially for English learners in Hainan.;這些句子是專(zhuān)門(mén)為海南的 英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)者們編寫(xiě)的.
They're designed to be useful for every person of every age and every occupation.;對(duì)于任何年齡,任何職業(yè) 的人都會(huì)很有用.
If you can master these 111 sentences;如果你掌握了這111句 話,
you will find yourself able to communicate in most situations with ease.;你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),在大部分場(chǎng)合 你都可以輕松地與人交流
We give you the Chinese translation, the phonetic notation,;我們提供了中文翻譯及其 拼音,
and the special added feature of Chinese sound equivalents.;還有特別的相應(yīng)中文注音
These features, combined with Crazy English's special methods,;這些特色加上瘋狂英語(yǔ)的 特殊方法,
make learning easier than ever before.;讓學(xué)習(xí)比以往任何時(shí)候 都容易.
Chapter I Pronunciation;第一章 發(fā)音篇
Vowel Pronunciation;第一部分: 元音
1.Please have a seat.;請(qǐng)坐。
2.A:What do you want to do in Hainan? B:I want to see the beach.;你想在海南做什么? 我想去看看海灘。
3.Keep it a secret! 4.She's my teacher.;保密! 她是我的老師。
5.A:What's wrong with your father? B:He hates the heat.;你爸爸是怎么回事? 他怕熱。
6.Pretty busy.;相當(dāng)忙。
7.A:What do you think of Haikou? B:Haikou is a pretty city.;你認(rèn)為??谠趺礃樱???谑莻€(gè)漂亮的城市。
8.Give me a minute! 9.A:What do you think of my idea? B:It's silly.;給我點(diǎn)時(shí)間。 你認(rèn)為我這個(gè)主意如何? 很蠢。
It's silly?Oh,I'm sorry you feel that way. Oh,well.;很蠢?哦,很遺憾你這樣認(rèn) 為. 哦,就是這樣.
10:Take-it easy. 11.I speak a little English.;放松/再見(jiàn)/不要拼命工作 我講一點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)。
12:A:Is tourism popular here? B:Sure,it's a great business.;這里的旅游業(yè)盛行嗎? 當(dāng)然,這里的旅游業(yè) 很火暴。
The next part.;
13.Never better.;非常棒。
14.A:Why are you so late? B:Wet weather. (A:Oh,too bad.);你怎么這么晚? 天氣太潮濕了。
15:A:Why do you study English? B:I want to get ahead.;你為什么要學(xué)英語(yǔ)? 我想走在世界的前面。
16.She is my best friend.;她是我最好的朋友。
17.Bad habit. 18.Handsome man.;壞習(xí)慣。 帥哥。
19.That's too bad. 20.I have to practice.;糟透了! 我得操練。
21.[峳] Far from it.;遠(yuǎn)不是那么回事。
22.It takes a lot of hard work.;這需要很多的辛勤勞動(dòng)。
23.You're so smart.;你真聰明。
(Thank you. You're welcome.);(謝謝。 不客氣。)
24.Sorry. I'm sorry.;很抱歉。
25.Nothing is impossible. 26.I got a great job.;絕對(duì)可行。 我得到一份很好的工作。
27.I have lots of problems. 28.Have confidence.;我有很多問(wèn)題。 要有信心。
Thank you.I do have lots of problems.So thank you for the advice.;謝謝.我的確有許多問(wèn)題 所以謝謝你的忠告.
Sure.If someone has lots of problems,you can tell him,don't worry,have confidence.;所以,當(dāng)有人有許多問(wèn)題 時(shí),你就跟他說(shuō),別擔(dān)心, 要有信心.
There you go.;
29.Say good-bye before you go.;你走之前,要說(shuō)再見(jiàn)。
30.Force yourself to do more.;逼自己多做一些。
Also valuable advice. That's for sure.;這也是一個(gè)很好的建議. 當(dāng)然.
31.You talk too much. (I know that.);你說(shuō)得太多了。 (我知道.)
32.I want to be a lawyer.;我想成為律師。
Because I talk too much. A perfect hibernation.;
33.[] Just for fun.;只是為了好玩。
34.I'm just lucky. 35.Please come again;我只是運(yùn)氣好。 請(qǐng)?jiān)俅喂馀R。
36.Forget about it.;算了吧。
Or as we say in New York, "Forget about it.";或者像我們紐約人這樣說(shuō) 算了吧。
I'm not a New Yorker but I know that.;我不是紐約人,但我知道.
37.Nobody is perfect.;人無(wú)完人。
38.It's getting worse. 39.I want to be the first.;情況越來(lái)越糟糕。 我想成為第一。
40.Our teacher is great!;我們老師很不錯(cuò)。
41.Don't bother me. (I'm sorry I want... No,no,not you,not you);別打擾我。 (對(duì)不起,我想... 不,不,不是你,不是你.)
42.Great weather today.;今天天氣很棒。
43. For the sound of [ai] Don't be shy,just try.;丟掉羞怯,勇往直前。
44.I'd like to invite you to dinner. 45.Time flies!;我想請(qǐng)你吃飯。 時(shí)光飛逝。
46.I don't mind.;我不介意。
47.Have you ever tried Chinese food? (Many,many,many times Me,too.Every day.);你吃過(guò)中國(guó)菜嗎? (許多,許多次. 我也是.每天都吃.)
48.A:How about going out tonight? B:That sounds great.;今晚出去玩,好嗎? 聽(tīng)起來(lái)不錯(cuò)。
49.I'm very proud of you.;我為你驕傲。
50.From now on I will try to do better.;從現(xiàn)在起,我要盡量做 得更好些。
The next sound is [air];下一個(gè)音是[air]
51.I got fired. chaoyouyu,yes,I should say,I got fired,I forgot about that.;我被開(kāi)除了。 '炒魷魚(yú)'對(duì),我應(yīng)該這樣 說(shuō),我被開(kāi)除了.我忘記了
You got fired,now I got fired.;你被開(kāi)除了,我也被炒了.
52.I'm tired of going to work everyday.;我討厭每天上班。
Then I guess it's a good thing you got fired.;我猜被炒對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō)是件 好事.
53.I want to retire.;我想退休。
I don't want to retire I want to teach until I die. Oh,I'm ready to retire;我不想退休,我想教書(shū)到 我死. 哦,我準(zhǔn)備退休了.
Next sound [aur];下一個(gè)音,[aur]
54.English is a powerful language;英語(yǔ)是一門(mén)非常有用的 語(yǔ)言。
55.The flowers in Hainan are so beautiful! (They definitely are!);海南的花太漂亮了。
56.Enjoy your stay here. 57.Let's get to the point.;希望你在這過(guò)得愉快。 我們談?wù)掳伞?BR>58.How many people does your company employ?;你們公司有多少員工?
59.Where do you work? 60.I swear.;你在哪兒上班? 我發(fā)誓。
61.I don't care what you do.;你做什么,我不在乎。
That's not true,Jim. I care very much. Oh,thank you,Kim.;那不是真的,Jim, 我很在乎. 謝謝你,Kim.
62.[ei] I made a mistake.;我犯了一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤。
63.Take a break. 64.Maybe later.;休息一會(huì)兒。 或許遲一些。
65.I want to talk to you face to face.;我想和你面談。
OK.And now is the nest sound [o]=[u];好.下一個(gè)音[o](=[u])
66.I don't know. 67.I hope so.;我不知道。 但愿如此。
68.Please speak slowly.;請(qǐng)說(shuō)慢一點(diǎn)。
69.You're my only hope to learn English.;你是我學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)的唯一 希望。
70.Go home!Leave me alone.;回家去!不要煩我! 71.Never fear.永遠(yuǎn)都不要怕。
72.Do you live near here?;你住在附近嗎?
73.I will conquer English this year.;今年我要攻克英語(yǔ)。
I'd like to conquer Chinese this year.;今年我要攻克中文。
Me too.I don't think it will happen,not this year.;我也想.可我覺(jué)得這不會(huì) 實(shí)現(xiàn).今年不會(huì).
74.I'm going to America soon. 75.I want to improve my poor English.;我不久要到美國(guó)去。 我想改進(jìn)我的破爛英文。
76.You look sad today. 77.She has a good look.;你今天看起來(lái)很難過(guò)。 她很漂亮。
78.That's for sure. 79.He's from a very poor family.;那是確定無(wú)疑的。 他來(lái)自一個(gè)非常貧窮的 家庭。
That brings us to the end of this part. Now we will continue with;本部分到此結(jié)束. 下面我們接著學(xué)
Consonant Pronunciation;輔音
The first pair of consonants is [p] and [b]。;第一對(duì)輔音是[P]和[b]
[p] and [b]. That's right.;[P]和[b]. 對(duì).
1.Pay back.;還錢(qián)。
It's pay back time. Yes,sir.;該還錢(qián)了. 是的,先生.
2.I'll pay you back for what you did to me. (Look out!);你那樣對(duì)待我, 我要報(bào)復(fù)。 (向外看!)
And the next sentence is so true.;下一個(gè)句子說(shuō)得真對(duì).
3.I only buy the best. (I can tell.);我只買(mǎi)最好的。 (我也是.)
The next pair of consonants is [t] and [d];下一對(duì)輔音是[t]和[d]
4.Don't tell anyone! 5.I don't understand.;不要告訴任何人。 我不明白。
6.I want to take today off! 7.You hurt my feelings.;我今天想休息。 你傷害了我的感情。
8.Did you do it? 9.What's the matter with your computer?;你做了嗎? 你的電腦怎么了?
The next pair of consonants sounds is [k] and [g].;下一對(duì)輔音是[k]和[g].
10.Are you clear? 11.Don't get caught! 12.Keep going!;你明白了嗎? 別被抓住。 繼續(xù)前進(jìn)。
13.We've both caught colds. 14.We can make it together.;我們倆都感冒了。 我們一定可以成功。
15.Hainan has clear skies and clean water. (It certainly does.);海南有明凈的天空和 潔凈的水。 (的確是這樣.)
The next pair of consonants is [f] and [v].;下一對(duì)輔音是[f]和[v].
16.Life is beautiful.;生活是美麗的。
Did you see that movie I did see that movie. Very good,isn't it? Wonderful.;你看過(guò)那部電影嗎?看過(guò). 很好,對(duì)吧? 精彩極了.
17.It's a very nice view. 18.I feel very foolish.;那是非常美麗的景色。 我感覺(jué)很傻。
19.We fight every day.;我們每天吵架。
20.We forgot to bring some food for you.;我們忘了帶吃的東西給 你。
Oh,no!I'm so hungry! Sorry.;哦,不!我餓死了. 對(duì)不起.
21.I've invited all my friends. 22.That's very funny.;我邀請(qǐng)我所有的朋友。 那真有趣。
The next pair of sounds is [] and [];下一對(duì)輔音是 [] 和 []
23.That the truth. 24.I think the same thing.;那就是事實(shí)。 我有同感。
25.Take a deep breath. 26.Don't bother your mother!;深呼吸。 不要打擾你媽媽。
27.It is difficult to breathe in such hot weather.;這么熱的天氣呼吸也 困難。
28.Together they went through thick and thin.;他們?cè)?jīng)一起歷盡 艱難。
29.I'm trying to think how to get there.;我在想怎么去那里。
30.There's one more thing I want to say.;我還有一點(diǎn)要說(shuō)。
31.She's always so busy.;她總是很忙。
32.He has lots of hobbies and bad habits.;他有很多愛(ài)好和 壞習(xí)慣。
33.He's lazy. 34.Business is slow. 35.I love simple designs.;他是個(gè)懶蛋。 生意清淡。 我喜歡簡(jiǎn)樸的設(shè)計(jì)。
The next pair of sounds is [] and [].;下一對(duì)音是 [] 和[].
Oh,those are easy, [],[].;哦,那很容易,[][].
36.(This is the most common American word in my opinion.) Sure.;(我認(rèn)為這是美國(guó)最通用 的一個(gè)詞.) 當(dāng)然。
37.She's so unusual. 38.It's a special occasion.;她很不尋常。 這是一個(gè)特殊的場(chǎng)合。
39.She loves shopping.;她喜歡購(gòu)物。
I do love shopping. It's my favorite hobby;我的確喜歡購(gòu)物. 這是我的愛(ài)好.
You're in the right place then,Guangzhou.. I sure am.;那你到對(duì)地方了, 廣州... 當(dāng)然了.
40.Don't make casual decisions.;不要做草率的決定。
41.The panda is our national treasure.;
Listen to this rap style song,have a break. 說(shuō)唱風(fēng)格的歌,放松一下;
The next set of sounds is [h] and [r].;下一對(duì)音是 [h] 和[r].
42.He's right.;熊貓是我們的國(guó)寶。 他是對(duì)的。
43.Sorry,I'm in a hurry. 44.I really hate hot weather.;對(duì)不起,我趕時(shí)間。 我討厭炎熱的天氣。
45.How do you read this?;你怎么讀這個(gè)單詞?
46.Have a heart. (Oh,OK.);發(fā)發(fā)慈悲吧!
The next pair of sounds is [t] and [d].;下一對(duì)音是 [t] 和[d].
47.He's just cheap. 48.I'm just joking. 49.He was born in a rich family.;他很低賤。 我只是開(kāi)個(gè)玩笑! 他出生于一個(gè)富有的家庭
The next pair of sounds[m][n][],;下一對(duì)音是[m][n][],
actually,it's not a pair,it's a triple, there are three sounds in this section.;實(shí)際上,這不是一對(duì),而 是三個(gè)一組.
So that's [m][n] and []. Correct!;這組音是[m][n]和[]. 對(duì).
50.My mother is mean. (Oh,you poor girl.);我媽媽很小氣。
51.Never mind! 52.Sing that song again!;不要介意。 把那首歌再唱一遍!
The next sound is [l], for this sound,;下一個(gè)音是[l], 發(fā)這個(gè)音時(shí),
remember,your tongue needs to curl back to touch your top of mouth--[l],[l].;記住,你的舌頭要向后卷 起,貼住口腔的上部 (上齒齦).
53.Look before you leap.;三思而后行。
54.This is the last lesson. (And this is the last lesson.);這是最后一課。 (而這的確是最后一課.)
55.The girl has a beautiful smile. (Yes,you do have.);那女孩笑起來(lái)很美。 (是的,你的確笑得很美.
Chapter II 111 sentences for English learners in Hainan;第二章 海南英語(yǔ)111
Part 1: Greetings and Welcoming Conversation;第一部分 問(wèn)候和歡迎
1.A:Welcome to Hainan! B:Thank you.;歡迎到海南. 謝謝你。
2.A:Nice to meet you. B:Nice to meet you, too.;很高興見(jiàn)到你。 也很高興見(jiàn)到你。
3.A:Where are you from? B:I'm from America.;你從哪里來(lái)? 我來(lái)自美國(guó)。
A:That's a great country.;那是個(gè)了不起的國(guó)家。
4.A:I've heard so much about you. B:Thanks.I'm flattered.;久仰大名。 謝謝。您過(guò)獎(jiǎng)了。
5.A:How was your trip? B:It was wonderful.;這次旅行怎么樣? 非常棒。
6.A:I hope you will enjoy your stay here.;希望你在這兒過(guò)得愉快。
B:Thank you.I'm sure I will.;謝謝。我相信我會(huì)的。
7.A:Please have a seat. B:OK.Thank you.;請(qǐng)坐。 好的, 謝謝。
8.A:Is this your first trip to China?;這是你第一次來(lái) 中國(guó)嗎?
B:No,I've been here twice.;不,我已經(jīng)來(lái)過(guò)兩次了。
9.A:Have you been to other parts of China?;你去過(guò)中國(guó)其他地方嗎
B:I have been to Xi'an and Beijing.;我去過(guò)西安和北京。
10.A:What's your impression of Hainan so far?;你對(duì)海南的印象如何?
B:The scenery is so beautiful and the weather is so warm!;風(fēng)景宜人,氣候溫和。
11.A:How long do you plan to stay? B:I'm not sure yet.;你計(jì)劃呆多久? 我還不知道/還沒(méi)定。
12.A:Please make yourself at home. B:Thank you.;別客氣/請(qǐng)隨便。 謝謝。
Part 2: Goodbye and Leave Taking;第二部分: 告別和再見(jiàn)
13.A:I really should be going. B:OK.Have a safe trip.;我真的要走了。 好,祝你一路平安。
14.A:Take care.See you later. B:Have a nice day.;保重,再見(jiàn)。 祝你今天過(guò)得愉快。
15.A:Please look me up whenever you're in Hainan.;到了海南就來(lái)找我。
B:Thank you.I sure will.;謝謝,我一定會(huì)的。
16.A:Nice talking to you. B:Same here.;很高興和你談話。 我也一樣。
17.A:Please say hello to your family.;請(qǐng)代我向你家人問(wèn)好。
B:Send my best wishes to your wife.;請(qǐng)帶給你妻子我最 真誠(chéng)的祝福。
18.A:Good-bye and good luck. B:Keep in touch.;再見(jiàn),祝你好運(yùn)。 保持聯(lián)系。
19.A:This is a small gift.I hope you like it. B:I love it!;這是我的一點(diǎn)小心意, 希望你喜歡。 我很喜歡它。
20.A:Let's take a picture together. B:That's a good idea.;一起合張影吧。 好主意。
21.A:Let's get toge- ther again soon. B:I'm looking forward to that.;有空再來(lái)聚一聚。 我在盼望著這一天。
22.A:I hope to see you again. B:Me too.;我希望再次見(jiàn)到你。 我也是。
Part 3: Introductions/ Talking about Yourself;第三部分: 介紹/談?wù)撟约?BR>23.A:Hello!What's your name? B:My name is Stone Lee.;你好!你叫什么名字? 我叫李石頭。
24.A:Here is my business card. B:Thank you.Here is mine.;這是我的名片。 謝謝,這是我的。
25.A:What should I call you? B:Please just call me Stone.;怎么稱呼你? 叫我石頭好了。
26.A:I'd like you to meet my colleague. B:I'd love to.;我想讓你認(rèn)識(shí)一下 我的同事。 非常高興。
27.A:Here's a picture of my family. B:They are lovely.;這是一張我們家的照片 他們真可愛(ài)。
28.A:I work in the travel and tourism business.;我從事旅游業(yè)。
B:How interesting.;真有趣。
29.A:I was born and raised in Hainan B:Really?;我生在海南,長(zhǎng)在海南。 真的嗎?
30.A:This is my hometown. B:Oh,it's beautiful!;這是我的故鄉(xiāng)。 真美!
31.A:I have lived in Hainan for 20 years.;我在海南生活了二十年。
B:How lucky you are.;你真走運(yùn)。
Part 4: Talking about Work;第四部分: 談?wù)摴ぷ?BR>32.A:What do you do for a living? B:I'm a teacher.;你靠什么謀生?/ 你是干哪一行的? 我是一名教師。
33.A:Do you enjoy your work?;你喜歡你的工作嗎?
B:Yes,it's interesting and challenging.I meet a lot of different people.;是的,很有趣,很有 挑戰(zhàn)性。我經(jīng)常跟不同 的人打交道。
Part 5: Sentences about Language;第五部分: 談?wù)撜Z(yǔ)言
34.A:I wish I could speak better English.;我希望我的英語(yǔ)能說(shuō)得 更好。
B:I think you speak very well.;我覺(jué)得你說(shuō)得很好。
35.A:I'm working on my English. B:Good for you.;我正在努力學(xué)英語(yǔ)。 干得好!
36.A:Please excuse my English. B:Don't worry about it.;請(qǐng)?jiān)?,我英語(yǔ)說(shuō)得不好 別擔(dān)心。
37.A:I'm sorry,could you speak slowly. B:Sure,no problem.;對(duì)不起,你能說(shuō)慢點(diǎn)嗎? 當(dāng)然了,沒(méi)問(wèn)題。
38.A:Do you speak any Chinese? B:Sorry,just a little.;你說(shuō)中文嗎? 很抱歉,只會(huì)說(shuō)一點(diǎn)點(diǎn).
39.A:English is so important in China now. B:I think so too.;如今英語(yǔ)在中國(guó)十分 重要。 我也這樣認(rèn)為。
40.A:Practice makes perfect. B:You're exactly right.;熟能生巧。 你說(shuō)得對(duì)極了。
And that's so true, practice does make perfect.;千真萬(wàn)確.的確熟能生巧.
Remember that you practice these sentences,;記住練習(xí)這些句子,
The more you use them and the more you practice,;用得越多,練得越多,
the more perfectly you will speak English.;英語(yǔ)就會(huì)說(shuō)得越好.
Part 6: Offering/Asking for Help;第六部分: 提出和請(qǐng)求幫助
41.A:Do you need any help? B:No,thank you. I'm fine.;需要幫助嗎? 不用,謝謝,我能行。
42.A:Here,Let me help you. B:Oh,thanks a lot.;讓我?guī)湍惆桑?多謝。
43.A:Is there anything I can do for you?;有什么需要幫忙嗎?
B:Yes,could you help me get a train ticket?;有,你能幫我買(mǎi)一張 火車(chē)票嗎?
44.A:Do you have any questions about Hainan? B:Yes,a lot.;你對(duì)海南有什么疑問(wèn)嗎? 是的,有不少。
45.A:Could you do me a favor? B:Sure,I'd be glad to.;能幫我一個(gè)忙嗎? 當(dāng)然,我很樂(lè)意。
Part 7: Agree and Disagree;第七部分: 同意和不同意
46:A:Do you agree with me? B:Absolutely,I agree with you.;你同意我的意見(jiàn)嗎? 當(dāng)然,我同意你。
47.A:China is devel- oping so quickly. B:Exactly.;中國(guó)現(xiàn)在發(fā)展這么快。 當(dāng)然。
48.A:Chinese food is so good. B:I feel the same way.;中國(guó)菜真不錯(cuò)。 我有同感。
49.A:Chinese culture is very different from western culture.;中西文化有很大的差異。
B:You're so right.;你說(shuō)得太對(duì)了。
50:A:Chinese is so difficult. B:You can say that again.;中文很難。 的確是這樣。
51.A:I feel like taking a break. B:That's a good idea.;我想休息一下。 那是個(gè)好主意。
52.A:China has a lot of problems. B:I don't think so.;中國(guó)存在很多問(wèn)題。 我不這樣認(rèn)為。
53.A:Japan is our biggest competition.;日本是我們最強(qiáng)的競(jìng)爭(zhēng) 對(duì)手。
B:I'm afraid I disagree.;我恐怕不贊成。
Part 8: Talking about Food;第八部分: 談?wù)撌澄?BR>And of course,this section is very important,;當(dāng)然,這部分特別重要.
because if you are entertainingful in France,they would have a lot of questions.;因?yàn)樵诜▏?guó)赴宴,你會(huì)遇 到許多問(wèn)題.
And a great deal of interest in the food you're reading.;你對(duì)食物的讀法會(huì)引起許 多有意思事情.
So be sure to learn a lot about this part. Don't you agree,Jim?;所以一定要多學(xué)這部分. 你同意嗎,吉姆?
Absolutely.I love Chinese food.;完全同意.我喜愛(ài)中國(guó) 食物.
And most of my friends in America love to eat Chinese food.;我有許多在美國(guó)的朋友 也喜歡中國(guó)食物.
I certainly do,too. So let's go on with Part 8: Talking about Food.;我也是.那我們來(lái)學(xué)第八 部分:談?wù)撌澄?
54.A:I'd like to invite you to dinner.;我想邀請(qǐng)你一起進(jìn)餐。
B:Thank you,I'd love to come.;謝謝,我很樂(lè)意。
55.A:Do you like Chinese food? B:Sure,I'm crazy about it.;你喜歡吃中國(guó)菜嗎? 當(dāng)然,我非常愛(ài)吃。
56.A:Would you mind if I order? B:No.Go ahead.I trust you.;我來(lái)點(diǎn)菜你介意嗎? 不介意,點(diǎn)吧。 我相信你。
57.A:What would you like to drink? B:Tea is fine.;你想喝點(diǎn)什么? 喝茶好了。
58.A:What would you like to eat?;你想吃點(diǎn)什么?
Have you tried any special foods in Hainan?;你嘗過(guò)海南的特色菜嗎?
B:No,I haven't.What do you suggest?;沒(méi)有。你有什么可以 推薦的?
59:A:What's Hainan famous for?;海南以什么著稱?
B:Hainan is known for its fresh fruit and coconuts.;海南的鮮果和椰子 很出名。
60.A:Do you like it? B:Yes.It tastes great.;你愛(ài)吃嗎? 愛(ài)吃。味道很好。
61.A:I hope you like the food. B:It's delicious.;希望你喜歡。 非常好吃。
62.A:Please try this. B:Thank you.Just a little,please.;請(qǐng)嘗嘗這道菜。 謝謝。一點(diǎn)兒就行。
63.A:How about some Wenchang chicken. B:No.Thank you. I'm full.;來(lái)點(diǎn)文昌雞怎么樣? 不了,謝謝。我吃飽了。
64.A:Help yourself. B:OK.Thanks.;別客氣。 好的,謝謝。
65.A:Let's have a toast to our guests.Cheers! B:Cheers!;來(lái)!為我們的貴客們干杯 干!
Part 9: Compliments;第九部分: 贊美
66.A:You look great. B:Thank you.I'm flattered.;你看上去棒極了。 謝謝你,過(guò)獎(jiǎng)了。
67.A:What a beautiful place! B:It sure is.;這地方真美! 確實(shí)如此。
68.A:Your Chinese is really surprising.;你的中文令人驚訝。
B:Really?Do you think so?;真的嗎?你真的這樣 認(rèn)為嗎?
You make a lot of friends with this compliment,;你用這句贊美詞交了許多 朋友.
even you feel it's not 100 percent true.;即使你并不完全認(rèn)同.
69:A:You have a good sense of humor. B:Thank you.;你真幽默。 謝謝。
70.A:You're doing a good job. B:Thanks.I'm trying my best.;干得好。 謝謝,我只是盡力而為。
71.A:You use chops- sticks so well. Where did you learn?;你用筷子用得真好, 在哪學(xué)的?
B:My wife is Chinese. A:That explains it.;我妻子是中國(guó)人。 原來(lái)如此。
Part 10: Gratitude;感謝
72:A:Thank you very much. B:You're welcome. It's my pleasure;非常感謝。 不用客氣。我感到 非常榮幸。
73.A:Thank you for coming. B:Thank you for inviting me.;感謝光臨。 謝謝你的邀請(qǐng)。
74.A:Thank you for your time. B:Anytime.;謝謝你抽出時(shí)間來(lái)。 隨時(shí)奉陪。
75.A:Thank you for a great evening. B:It was my pleasure.;感謝今晚的盛情款待。 不用謝。

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