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Oral Workshop: Reproduction Lesson 1-8 ;
Lesson 1 ;
Text A How Old Is She? ;
A woman was having some trouble with her heart, ;
so she went to see the doctor.He was a new doctor,and did not know her, ;
so he first asked some questions,and one of them was, "How old are you?" ;
"Well,"she answered, "I don't remember, doctor,but I will try to think." ;
She thought for a minute and then said, "Yes,I remember now, doctor! ;
When I married,I was eighteen years old, and my husband was thirty. ;
Now my husband is sixty,I know.And that is twice thirty. ;
So I am twice eighteen.That is thirty-six, isn't it?" ;
Text B Could I Speak to Jim,Please? ;
A:Hello,332440. ;
B:Oh hello,Sally.This is Dave Thomson here Could I speak to Jim please? ;
A:I'm afraid he's not in at the moment Dave. ;
He went out about an hour ago and he's not back yet. ;
B:Any idea when he might be back? ;
A:Well,he shouldn't be long.He said he was just going to get some paint. ;
But I wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped off at the pub on the way back. ;
B:OK.Well,tell him I've called,will you,and I'll try again later. ;
A:All right.Goodbye, Dave. B:Thanks then Sally. Goodbye. ;
7.Read the following passage once. ;
Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
Accident ;
The river,you see, was never really safe at that time of the year-- ;
early autumn, I mean,when there is heavy rainfall. ;
So when I heard the children had gone swimming, ;
as they used to all spring and summer,I knew there might be an awful accident. ;
And when they came home late without little Katie, ;
I guessed what had happened. ;
Lesson 2 ;
Text A ;
But the Chinese Did! ;
One day Tom said to one of his friends, "I'm going to have a holiday in Peking. ;
But I don't speak Chinese, ;
so I'll go to even- ing classes and have Chinese lessons for a month before I go. ;
He studied very hard for a month, ;
and then his holidays began and he went to China. ;
When he came back a few weeks later,his friend said to him, ;
"Did you have any trouble with your Chinese when you were in Peking,Tom?" ;
"No,I didn't have any trouble with it,"answered Tom. ;
"But the Chinese did!" ;
Text B ;
At the Birthday Party ;
MRS ROSS:Welcome, Peter.Give me your coat and hat. ;
PETER:Thank you, Mrs Ross. ;
MRS ROSS:The boys and girls are in the living room.Wait, I'll call John. ;
JOHN:Hi,Peter.Why are you late? ;
PETER:My mother made me dress up. ;
JOHN:That's good. Alice has some pretty friends. ;
PETER:You know I don't like girls. ;
PETER:Happy birthday, Alice. ;
Many happy returns of the day. Here's a present for you. ;
ALICE:Thank you, Peter.Come into the dining room. ;
I'm going to cut the cake soon. ;
JOHN:Have some sandwiches,Peter. PETER:Thanks.John, who's that girl? ;
JOHN:That's Joan. She's pretty, isn't she? ;
She likes to dance. Ask her to dance. ;
PETER:Well,I don't know. ;
JOHN:Don't be afraid. She isn't going to bite you. ;
PETER:Who's afraid? I'm not afraid. PETER:Would you like to dance,Joan? ;
JOAN:Yes,Thank you. I'd like to dance very much. ;
7.Read the following passage once. ;
Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
Self-service ;
If you are in a hurry and you want to have a quick meal ;
there is no better place than a self- service restaurant. ;
You go into the restaurant,pick up a tray,knife, fork,and spoon ;
and queue at a counter where the food is on display. ;
You pick out what you want and put it on your tray, ;
which you have to push along a special rack till you reach the cashier. ;
The cashier will give you your bill. ;
After paying,you take your tray to any table you like. ;
You can sit alone or with another customer. You can have a good meal in ten minutes. ;
And--as there is no waiter you don't have to give a tip. ;
Lesson 3 ;
Text A ;
There Is Something Very Nice Inside Your Drum ;
It was Jimmy's birthday,and he was five years old. ;
He got quite a lot of nice birthday presents from his family, ;
and one of them was a beautiful big drum. ;
"Who gave him that thing?"Jimmy's father said when he saw it. ;
"His grandfather did,"answered Jimmy's mother. ;
"Oh,"said his father. Of course,Jimmy liked his drum very much. ;
He made a terrible noise with it,but his mother did not mind. ;
His father was working during the day, ;
and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening,so he did not hear the noise. ;
But one of the neighbours did not like the noise at all, ;
so one morning a few days later,she took a sharp knife ;
and went to Jimmy's house while he was hitting his drum. ;
She said to him, "Hello,Jimmy. ;
Do you know,there's something very nice inside your drum. Here's a knife. ;
Open the drum and let's find it." ;
Text B ;
May I See a Hat,Please? ;
MR ROSS:May I see a hat,please? SALESMAN:What size do you take? ;
MR ROSS:I'm sorry. I don't know. ;
SALESMAN:I'll measure you...you take size 6.What colour hat would you like? ;
MR ROSS:Brown,please. ;
SALESMAN:Here are some nice brown hats.Try this hat on.It's a very good one. ;
MR ROSS:Yes,I like this one.It goes very well with my coat. ;
How much is it? ;
SALESMAN:It's $ 9.95 (nine dollars and ninety-five cents). ;
Do you want me to put it in a box? ;
7.Read the following passage once. ;
Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
The police in the big city were looking for a thief. ;
At last they caught him. ;
But while they were taking photographs of him--from the front,from the left, ;
from the right,with a hat,without a hat-- ;
he suddenly attacked the policemen and ran off. ;
They tried to catch him,but he got away. ;
Then a week later the telephone rang in the police-station, ;
and somebody said,"You are looking for Bill Cross,aren't you?" ;
"Yes.""Well,he left here for Water bridge an hour ago." ;
Waterbridge was a small town about 100 miles from the city. ;
The city police at once sent four dif -ferent photographs of the thief ;
to the police in Waterbridge.Less than twelve hours later ;
they got a telephone call from the police in Waterbridge. ;
"We have caught the fourth this evening, we think." ;
Lesson 4 ;
Text A ;
What's the Matter with You? ;
MRS WELSH:Good afternoon,Dr Dawes. DR DAWES:Good afternoon,Mrs Welsh. ;
MRS WELSH:Please come this way, Doctor.Peter's in this room. ;
DR DAWES:Well,Peter. I'm sorry you're ill.What's the matter with you? ;
PETER:I don't know, Doctor.I'm ill. I have a headache and a stomachache. ;
DR DAWES:Show me your tongue.What did you eat yesterday? ;
PETER:Well,Doctor I... DR DAWES:Did you eat any cake? ;
PERER:Yes,I ate some cake. DR DAWES:Did you eat any ice cream? ;
PETER:Well,yes,I did. I ate some ice cream ;
DR DAWES:Did you eat any candy? PETER:Well,yes,I did. I ate some candy. ;
DR DAWES:Young man, tell me everything you ate yesterday evening. ;
PETER:Well,Doctor.I went to a birthday party. ;
DR DAWES:I see!How many pieces of cake did you eat? PETER:Three,Doctor. ;
DR DAWES:How many plates of ice cream did you eat,young man? ;
PETER:Gosh,Doctor. I had only three plates of ice cream. John had four. ;
Text B ;
How Did You Lose Your Way? ;
Mrs Brown's old grandfather lived with her and her husband. ;
Every morning he went for a walk in the park ;
and came home at half past twelve for his lunch.But one morning ;
a police car stopped outside Mrs Brown's house at twelve o'clock, ;
and two policemen helped Mr Brown to get out. ;
One of them said to Mrs Brown,"The poor old gentleman lost his way in the park ;
and telephoned to us for help,so we sent a car to bring him home." ;
Mrs Brown was very surprised, ;
but she thanked the policemen and they left. ;
"But,Grandfather," she then said, ;
"you have been to that park nearly every day for twenty years. ;
How did lose your way there?" ;
The old man smiled, closed one eye and said,"I didn't quite lose my way. ;
I just got tired and I didn't want to walk home!" ;
7.Read the following passage once. ;
Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
One morning a man was crossing a narrow bridge ;
when he saw a fisherm -an on the shady bank of the deep,smooth river under him, ;
so he stopped to watch him quietly. ;
After a few minutes, the fisherman pulled his line in. ;
There was a big,fat fish at the end of it. ;
The fisherman took it off the hook and threw it back into the water. ;
Then he put his hook and line in again. ;
After a few more minutes he caught another big fish. ;
Again he threw it back into the river.Then, the third time,he caught a small fish. ;
He put it into his basket and started to get ready to go. ;
The man on the bridge was very surprised, so he spoke to the fisherman. ;
He said,"Why did you throw those beautiful, big fish back into the water ;
and keep only that small one?" ;
The fisherman looked up and answered, "Small frying-pan." ;
Lesson 5 ;
Text A ;
Summer Plans ;
Peter and Mary are talking about their plans for the summer. ;
Mary is going to work in the city,but Peter is going to go to camp. ;
Mary thinks that their friend John is going to the mountains with his family. ;
PETER:What are you going to do after you return from Washington? ;
MARY:I'm going to stay in the city. PETER:What will you do all day? ;
MARY:I'm going to work with my father at the store. ;
In the evening,I'll read books.On weekends I'll go to the beach with my family ;
PETER:Have you ever worked? ;
MARY:No,but I can learn.What are you going to do this summer? ;
PETER:I'm going to camp.I've gone to camp for four summers. ;
MARY:I've never gone to camp.What do you do there? ;
PETER:We do many things. ;
In the morning,we go swimming and boating. ;
In the afternoon, we play basketball or tennis. ;
We sit around a campfire at night. We sing or tell stories. ;
MARY:That sounds wonderful. ;
PETER:It is wonderful. What's John going to do this summer? ;
MARY:I think he's going to the mountains with his parents. ;
PETER:Well,so long, Mary.Have fun. ;
MARY:You too,Peter. Give my regards to John.I'll see you in September. ;
Text B ;
My Dishwasher ;
Mrs Williams lived in a small street in London,and now she had a new neighbour. ;
Her name was Mrs Briggs,and she talked a lot about her expen -sive furniture, ;
her beautiful carpets and her new kitchen. ;
"Do you know,"she said to Mrs Williams one day,"I've got a new dishwasher. ;
It washes the plates and glasses and knives and forks beautifully." ;
"Oh?"Mrs Williams answered. ;
"And does it dry them and put them in the cupboard too?" ;
Mrs Briggs was surprised. ;
"Well,"she answered, "the things in the machine are dry after an hour, ;
but it doesn't put them away,of course." ;
"I've had a dish- washer for twelve and a half years," Mrs Williams said. ;
"Oh?"Mrs Briggs answered. ;
"And does yours put the things in the cupboard when it has washed them?" ;
She laughed nastily. "Yes,he does,"Mrs Williams answered. ;
"He dries the dishes and puts them away." ;
7.Read the following dialogue once. Underline the key words while reading ;
and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words. ;
Frank and Charles discuss last night's television programme ;
Frank:Did you watch television last night,Charles? ;
Charles:Yes,I did. Frank:It was a good game,wasn't it? ;
Charles:Oh,I didn't watch the football match. ;
I wanted to,but my wife preferred to see the old film. ;
Frank:What a pity.It was quite exciting. Both teams played very well. ;
Charles:How did it finish? ;
Frank:It finished in a draw.What was the film like? ;
Charles:It was quite good. ;
But I missed the beginning of it because I had to eat first. ;
Frank:Did your wife enjoy it? ;
Charles:No,she didn't. ;
After half an hour she stopped watching and started to read a book. ;
Lesson 6 ;
Text A How to Make Everybody Happy? ;
Peter's uncle lived in the country. ;
Once Peter went to stay with him for a few weeks. ;
Whenever they went for a walk or for a drive in the car ;
and they passed somebody,his uncle waved. ;
Peter was surprised, and said,"Uncle George,you know everybody here. ;
Where did you meet them all?" ;
"I don't know all these people,"said his uncle. ;
"Then why do you wave to them?"asked Peter. "Well,Peter,"answered his uncle, ;
"when I wave to someone and he knows me,he is pleased. ;
He continues his journey with a happier heart. ;
But when I wave to someone and he doesn't know me, ;
he is surprised and says to himself. "Who is that man? ;
Why did he wave to me?" ;
So he has something to think about during the rest of his journey, ;
and that makes his journey seem shouter. So I make everybody happy." ;
Text B What Would You Like to Do Tonight? ;
Mary's cousins,Fay and Rosemary,are still at her house. ;
The girls want to go to the movies. ;
They look in the newspaper to see what time the movie starts. ;
After seeing the movie they go to an ice cream parlor ;
and order their favorite desserts. ;
MARY:Girls,what would you like to do tonight? ;
ROSEMARY:Do you ever go to the movies? ;
MARY:Of course. I often go to the movies. ;
ROSEMARY:Well,let's go to the movies. ;
MARY:There's a good movie near here: "Summer in Maine". ;
FAY:Fine.I heard it's a very good movie. ;
ROSEMARY:Let's find out what time it starts. ;
MARY:Let's look at the newspaper. ;
Movie programs are usually on page nine. ;
FAY:Here it is. "Summer in Maine" starts at 8 o'clock. ;
7.Read the following conversation once. ;
Underline the key words while reading ;
and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words. ;
Fred:If I won the Pools,I'd go round the world. ;
Bert:Would you? I wouldn't. Fred:What would you do? ;
Bert:Oh,I don't know. ;
I'd buy a big house with a garden for my wife and kids, I suppose. ;
But it's difficult to imagine having a lot of money. ;
Fred:One thing's certain.If I had a lot of money,I wouldn't work any more. ;
Bert:Wouldn't you? What would you do with all that spare time? ;
Fred:As I said,I'd go round the world. Bert:What would you do after that? ;
Fred:Oh,I don't know. It'd take me a long time to go round the world. ;
Bert:It doesn't sound very exciting. ;
Fred:Anyway,we haven't won the Pools,and we're not likely to win them. ;
So there isn't much point in talking about it,is there? ;
Bert:I'd be happy if I got a rise. ;
Fred:And my wife would be happy if I bought her a mink coat. ;
Bert:Well,I'm not likely to get a rise ;
and you haven't the money for a mink coat, ;
so let's come down to earth and have another drink. ;
Fred:What'll you have? Bert:I'll have a pint of the best. ;
Fred:I'd have a Scotch if I were you.We deserve it. ;
Bert:All right.Make it a double,will you? ;
Lesson 7 ;
Text A After a Heavy Snowstorm ;
One night there was a heavy snowstorm, ;
and in the morning Mr Smith's garden was full of deep snow. ;
Mr Smith wanted to take his car out, ;
so he paid a man to clean the path from his garage to his gate. ;
He said to this man,"Don't throw any snow on that side, ;
because it will damage the bushes in my garden; ;
and don't throw any snow into the street or the police will be angry." ;
Then Mr smith went out.When he came back, ;
the path was clean and the snow from it was not on the bushes, ;
or the fence, or the street. ;
Mr Smith was very pleased--until he opened the garage to get his car out! ;
The garage was full to the top with all the snow from the path, ;
and his car was somewhere under it all! ;
Text B No Baseball Today ;
PETER:Can you play baseball with me today? ;
JOHN:No,I can't. I'm sorry.I have to help my mother. ;
We're going to move tomorrow. ;
PETER:Where's the new house?Is it far from here? ;
JOHN:No,it's not far.It's near our old house. ;
PETER:Can I help you pack? JOHN:Sure.Thanks. PETER:What can I do? ;
JOHN:Take the books out of the bookcase. Put them in this box ;
PETER:Well,the books are in the box.What can I do now? ;
JOHN:Take the magazines out of the bookcase.Put them in that box. ;
PETER:All right. JOHN:Peter!Pack them.Don't read them. ;
PETER:These magazines are interesting. May I borrow one? ;
JOHN:Of course. PETER:Thanks,John. ;
7.Read the following passage once. ;
Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
A Better Mailman! ;
I worked as a mailman for a short time. ;
However,I am afraid of dogs and I had a lot of trouble. ;
One day I tried to deliver some letters to a big house. ;
I started to open the gate and all of a sudden a huge dog ran toward me. ;
It growled and barked at me,so I threw the letters over the fence. ;
The dog picked them up and carried them into the house. ;
The dog was a better mailman than I was! ;
Lesson 8 ;
Text A Please Set the Table ;
MRS MILLER:I have to stay in the kitchen. ;
I don't want the food to burn.Would you please set the table? ;
MARY:Of course, Mother. ;
MRS MILLER:Did you put two forks with each plate? MARY:Yes,I did. ;
MRS MILLER:Are the salt and pepper shakers on the table? ;
MARY:Oh,no,they're not.I'll get them now. ;
MRS MILLER:Did you use the new glasses? MARY:Yes,I did. ;
MRS MILLER:Does the table look nice? MARY:I think so, Mother. ;
MRS MILLER:I hear the bell.Please open the door, Mary. ;

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