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Oral Workshop: Reproduction Lesson 15-21 ;
Lesson 15 ;
Text B I'll Start in Three Months'Time ;
Rose left school when she was seventeen ;
and went to a college for a year to learn to type. ;
She passed her examinations quite well and then went to look for work. ;
She was still living with her parents. ;
A lot of people were looking for typists at that time, ;
so it was not difficult to find interesting work. ;
Rose went to several offices,and then chose one of them. ;
It was near her parents' house. ;
She thought,"I'll walk there every morning. ;
I won't need to go by bus." ;
She went to the office again and said to the manager, ;
"I want to work here, but what will you pay me?" ;
"We'll pay you 27 pounds now,"the manager answered, ;
"and 30 pounds after three months." ;
Rose thought for a few seconds before she answered. ;
Then she said,"All right,then I'll start in three months' time." ;
7.Read the following passage once. ;
Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
What a Language! ;
First Frenchman: I once heard someone shout, "Look out." ;
I put my head out of a window and a bucketful of water fell on me. ;
It seems that "Look out "may mean "Don't look out." ;
Second F:I was once on a ship and heard the captain shout,"All hands on deck." ;
I put my hands on the deck and someone walked on them. ;
Third F:I once called early on an English fr -iend and the maid who came to the door said, ;
"He's not up yet. Come back in half an hour." ;
When I went again for him,she said, "He's not down yet." I said, ;
"If he's not up and he's not down,where is he?"She said," He's still in bed. ;
When I say "He's not up" I mean he has not yet got up, ;
so he has not yet come downstairs." ;
What do these phrases mean in their respec -tive contexts? ;
Lesson 16 ;
Text A The Charcoal Pit ;
Erika was worried. Her restaurant was losing customers. ;
The new restaurant across the street now had more customers than she did. ;
She had even seen some of her own cus- tomers going to eat at The Charcoal Pit. ;
What was she going to do?One thing she could do was revise her menu. ;
Maybe not everyone wanted hamburgers. ;
She might add omelets and casseroles. ;
The menu might help. Perhaps the decor of her restaurant was dated. ;
She could redecorate the place.Erika de- cided to consult an interior decorator ;
who could give her some new ideas. ;
A face-lift for Burger Haven would certainly lift her spirits. ;
In fact,she felt better after thinking of some improvements. ;
Erika would fight to make her restaurant the most popular one in town. ;
Text B There Is Hope for Us! ;
Tina and Leela are talking to each other. ;
They are standing outside a dance-hall and they are talking about dancing. ;
TINA:I haven't danced for a long time. ;
LEELA:Neither have I. ;
TINA:We must go to a dance soon,or we'll forget how to dance. ;
LEELA:Yes,we must. What have you been doing since I last saw you? ;
TINA:I've been studying hard for my examinations. And you? ;
LEELA:I've been learning Japanese every evening. ;
TINA:Why have you been learning Japanese?Why not English? ;
LEELA:I hope to visit Japan next year. ;
TINA:Well,we'll both have to start learning all the new dances. ;
LEELA:Yes,let's go into the dance-hall and ask if we can take dancing-lessons ;
TINA:A good idea. They can teach elephants to dance nowadays: ;
perhaps there's hope for us! ;
7.Read the following passage once. ;
Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
When I looked out the window and saw the snow drift in the driveway, ;
I thought to myself that I should never have gotten out of bed. ;
I had been making preparations for more than two days ;
for a large dinner party to be held that night ;
and knew that several of the people I was expecting to come ;
would be calling to cancel if the snow continued much longer. ;
I called upstairs to tell Jerry to look out the window. ;
Jerry heard me and quickly got out of bed. ;
He knew that the weather people had been predicting snow. ;
Now it had really come To Jerry,two or three inches of fresh snow ;
would be just what was needed to make the ski trip a big success. ;
Lesson 17 ;
Text A The Country Schoolhouse ;
The country schoolhouse was three miles from my uncle's farm. ;
It stood in a clearing in the woods ;
and would hold about twenty-five boys and girls. ;
We attended the school with more or less regularity once or twice a week in summer ;
We walked to it in the cool of the morning by the forest paths, ;
and back in the dusk at the end of the day. ;
All the pupils brought their dinners in baskets-- ;
corn dodger,butter milk,and other good things. ;
We sat in the shade of the trees at noon and ate them. ;
It is the part of my education ;
which I look back upon with the most satisfaction. ;
My first visit to the school was when I was seven. ;
A strapping girl of fifteen,in the customary sunbonnet ;
and calico dress,asked me if I "used tobacco" --meaning did I chew it. ;
I said no.It roused her scorn.She reported me to all the crowd, and said: ;
"Here is a boy seven years old who can't chew tobacco." ;
I learned to smoke fairly well,but that did not win over anybody. ;
I remained a poor thing,and characterless. ;
I longed to be respected,but I never was able to rise. ;
Children have but little charity for one another's defect. ;
Text B On a Camping Holiday ;
Jimmy Booth and Donald Black are on a camping holiday. ;
They have brought only a little food with them. ;
Jimmy is hungry and he is looking at some rice in a tin. ;
There is only a little rice in the tin. ;
JIMMY:There isn't much rice,is there? ;
DONALD:No,there isn't, but there are some vegetables. ;
JIMMY:Are there any potatoes? DONALD:No,there aren't.I'm sorry. ;
JIMMY:I'm very hungry,Donald. What can I eat? ;
DONALD:There's a little bread and there are a few biscuits. ;
JIMMY:But I want some rice and some meat. ;
DONALD:All right, I'll walk to the village and I'll get some meat. ;
JIMMY:Good.By the way,who's going to cook the meat? ;
DONALD:You'll cook it of course! ;
7.Read the following dialogue once. Underline the key words while reading ;
and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words. ;
Peter:Hello,Jim.What was the film like? ;
Jim:Awful.It was a complete waste of time. ;
Peter:Why?What was it about? ;
Jim:It was about a married couple. ;
They had to live with the wife's mother, ;
because they didn't have enough money to buy a house of their own. ;
Peter:A lot of young people have to do that. ;
Jim:Yes,but the husband had to work overtime three times a week ;
so he was always tired. ;
Peter:It sounds like the story of my life ;
Jim:Yes,it does, doesn't it? ;
But this man was always over-tired, and he couldn't sleep. ;
So he used to take two sleeping pills every night. ;
Peter:I take sleeping pills sometimes. ;
Jim:Yes,but not two every night.Anyway, the strain was too much for him. ;
He had a nervous breakdown and had to go to hospital. ;
Peter:It sounds a very depressing film. ;
Jim:Not really.His wife was able to find a good job as an interpreter, ;
because she could speak French and German fluently. ;
After a few months' work,she had a better job than her husband. ;
So in the end,they were able to buy a house, ;
and he didn't have to work any more. Stupid,wasn't it? ;
Peter:I don't know. My wife used to speak French. ;
I must tell her to brush it up. ;
Lesson 18 ;
Text A Christmas Cards ;
It was two weeks before Christmas, and Mrs Smith was very busy. ;
She bought a lot of Christmas cards to send to her friends ;
and to her husband's friends,and put them on the table in the living-room. ;
Then,when her husband came home from work, she said to him, ;
"Here are the Christmas cards for our friends, ;
and here are some stamps,a pen and our book of addresses. ;
Will you please write the cards while I am cooking the dinner?" ;
Mr Smith did not say anything, ;
but walked out of the living-room and went to his study. ;
Mrs Smith was very angry with him,but did not say anything either. ;
Then a minute later he came back with a box full of Christmas cards. ;
All of them had addresses and stamps on them. ;
"These are from last year,"he said,"I forgot to post them." ;
Text B New Year Resolutions ;
Peter and John are admiring the Christmas decorations on the houses. ;
Peter invites John to see the tree at his house,but John can't go. ;
He has to buy a present for his mother. ;
Later the boys and Mary talk about New Year resolutions. ;
Peter tells Mary about one she should make. ;
Mary,as you will see,has a good answer for him. ;
PETER:I'm glad we live in a small town. JOHN:Why? ;
PETER:Because the houses look so nice at Christmas time. ;
JOHN:Yes,they do. Do you have a Christmas tree this year? ;
PETER:Yes,we have a big tree this year. ;
I bought the decorations at the five-and-ten-cent store yesterday. ;
Do you want to come and see it? ;
JOHN:I can't now because I have to buy a present for my mother. ;
PTEER:When can you come? ;
JOHN:I don't know when I can come. I'll let you know later. ;
MARY:Hi,boys.Are you going to make any New Year resolutions this year? ;
PETER:No,I never make any. ;
JOHN:I make them,but I break them the next day.Are you making any,Mary? ;
MARY:Yes,but I can't tell you what they are. ;
PETER:You'd better make one about losing 20 or 30 pounds. ;
MARY:Meanie!You'd bet -ter make one about saying nice things to girls. ;
7.Read the following dialogue once. Underline the key words while reading ;
and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words. ;
Frank is very busy. He is talking to Jimmy,his best friend. ;
Jimmy:Did you play football yesterday? Frank:Yes,I played with Tony and John. ;
Jimmy:What did you do after you'd played football? ;
Frank:We all went swimming. ;
Jimmy:Are you going swimming again this afternoon? ;
Frank:No,we aren't. We're going to help Mr Smith to plant some flowers. ;
Jimmy:Are you helping him all afternoon? ;
Frank:Yes,we are.We can neither play football nor do our homework today. ;
Jimmy:You're going to be very busy. ;
Frank:Yes,we certainly are.But Mr Smith is going to pay us for all the work we'll do ;
Lesson 19 ;
Text A A Lesson to Learn ;
John was the only son of a wealthy American businessman. ;
Usually he was taken to school by the chauffeur ;
in his father's beautiful car, ;
before the chauffeur took John's father to his office. ;
One evening his father told him that he had to go to the airport early the next day, ;
so he would need the car at the time that John had to go to school. ;
He said that John's mother,who possessed another car, ;
would still be in bed at the time he had to leave the house. ;
"Well,how will I get to school if you need your car and Mummy is still in bed?" ;
John asked. ;
His father thought this was a good opportunity to teach him a lesson ;
about how hard life was for the less fortunate people of the world, ;
so he answered, ;
"You'll go in the same way as every other child in the world goes-- ;
in a taxi." ;
Text B What's Going on Here? ;
POLICEMAN:What's going on here? ;
MAN:You mean,what's happening? ;
Well,constable,I'm trying to get out of the window and Fred here is helping me. ;
POLICEMAN:Why are you climbing through the window ;
and not leaving by the front door? ;
MAN:Well,you see I can't find the key and I'm in a hurry. ;
Come on,Fred, We're wasting time. ;
POLICEMAN:Just a minute you two. ;
I don't think you're telling me the truth This isn't your house,is it? ;
MAN:No,it's my brother's.I'm staying with him for a while. ;
POLICEMAN:Is he at home? ;
MAN:I'm afraid not. He's in jail for house-breaking at the moment. ;
7.Read the following passage once. ;
Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
Todd heard all the hammering behind the Marsey's house. ;
He went to see what was going on. ;
Jeff Marsey was making something from long pieces of wood. ;
"What is it?"Todd asked."A pair of stilts,"Jeff said. ;
Todd knew that stilts could make you several feet taller. ;
Jeff was putting blocks of wood on the stilts. ;
These were for his feet to rest on. ;
Once you got used to them,you could walk anywhere on stilts. ;
"I'm also making a pair of long pants," Jeff said. ;
"They'll come all the way down and cover the stilts. ;
I'll look like a giant." ;
As the summer went on,Todd forgot all about the stilts. ;
One night Todd was watching television. ;
His cousin came running in the front door.He'd never seen her so excited. ;
"You'd better call the police,"she said."Why? "asked Todd. ;
"I was waking him," she said."I looked up and saw a--a giant. ;
He was following me.He wore big baggy pants. ;
He was very stiff and straight.Each step was a huge step. ;
I'm going to call the police." "Wait,"said Todd. ;
"It wasn't a giant. You'll be surprised when I tell you who it was!" ;
Lesson 20 ;
Text A Honesty ;
A man went to an insurance office to have his life insured. ;
The manager of the office asked him how old his parents were when they died. ;
"Mother had a bad heart and died at the age of thirty. ;
Father died of tuberculosis when he was thirty-five." ;
"I am very sorry," said the manager, ;
"We cannot insure your life as your parents were not healthy." ;
As the man was leaving the office,depressed, ;
he met a clerk who had overheard the conversation. ;
"You must not be so frank and tell the truth," ;
said the clerk,"no office will insure you if you speak like that. ;
Use your imagination a little." ;
The man went to another office and was shown into the manager's room. ;
"Well,young man, how old were your parents when they died?" ;
"Mother was ninety- three,and she died from a fall off her bicycle. ;
Father was ninety- eight and he died while he was playing football." ;
Text B Can You Deliver It? ;
MAN:Can you deliver it,please? ;
SALESWOMAN:It depends where you live,sir. ;
MAN:In Camden Town. ;
SALESWOMAN:Yes,we deliver there.But it costs two pounds fifty. ;
MAN:All right.But I'm only in on Saturday. ;
SALESWOMAN:Morning or afternoon? ;
MAN:Afternoon,please, if that's possible. ;
7.Read the following passage once. ;
Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
They Are Here in My Hand! ;
Mrs Williams loved flowers and had a small but beautiful garden. ;
In the summer,her roses were always the best in her street. ;
One summer afternoon her bell rang,and when she went to the front door, ;
she saw a small boy outside.He was about seven years old, ;
and was holding a big bunch of beautiful roses in his hand. ;
"I am selling roses" he said."Do you want any? ;
They are quite cheap. Five pence for a big bunch. ;
They are fresh.I picked them this afternoon." ;
"My boy,"Mrs Williams answered,"I pick roses whenever I want, ;
and don't pay anything for them,because I have lots in my garden." ;
"Oh,no,you haven't," said the small boy. ;
"There aren't any roses in your garden-- ;
because they are here in my hand!" ;
Lesson 21 ;
Text A Bill Is Very Rude ;
Bill is in Victor's house and he is sitting down, ;
He is leaning back and he has put his feet on the table. Bill is very rude. ;
VICTOR:Would you mind taking your feet off the table,Bill? ;
BILL:Not at all. But I was very comfortable. ;
VICTOR:Do you put your feet on your own table? ;
BILL:No,I never do that. VICTOR:Why not? ;
BILL:I don't want to mark my table, of course. ;
VICTOR:Well,will you please avoid marking mine? ;
BILL:I'm sorry.I thought you were going to buy a new table soon. ;
VICTOR:I hope to buy a new table,but I have to sell my old one first. ;
BILL:Would you please tell me how much you want for it? ;
VICTOR:How much do you think it's worth? ;
BILL:Not much.It's badly marked.I'll give you ten dollars for it. ;
Text B The Phone Rang Again ;
Mrs Moore had worked hard all day at the office, ;
and she was looking forward to a relaxing evening at home. ;
Just as she walked in the door,the telephone began to ring. ;
She dashed to answer the phone ;
and found that the caller was a man trying to sell her some light bulbs. ;
She refused and hung up the phone. She smelled dinner cooking ;
and went in to see how her children were getting along with the meal. ;
Everything was ready except setting the table, ;
so Mrs Moore went upstairs to change clothes. ;
Just as she reached the head of the stairs,the telephone rang again. ;
When Mrs Moore answered it, ;
she found out that her husband wouldn't be home for dinner. ;
After she changed clothes,she went back downstairs to eat. ;
During dinner,the phone rang twice. ;
Her sister called to ask about the family, ;
and a group wanted her to do some volunteer work. ;
She and the children finished dinner and began cleaning up the kitchen. ;
The phone rang again. The neighbours wanted to borrow the garden hose. ;
After the kitchen was cleaned, ;
Mrs Moore sat down with a sigh to read while the children did their homework. ;
The phone rang again. ;
Without even answering it,Mrs Moore called to her children, ;
"Get ready,we're all going to a movie." "Great!But why?" ;
"It seems that's the only way we can get away from this telephone." ;
7.Read the following passage once. ;
Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
Billy's motorcycle shone in the afternoon sun ;
and caught Billy's reflection in the fender. ;
He had worked all summer to save enough money for this bike ;
and it was his-- all his. ;
He strapped on his helmet,slid the new black leather gloves over his hands, ;
then threw one leg over the vinyl seat. ;
There was a roar of the engine as he kicked it into motion, ;
and suddenly there he was,speeding down the street on his motorcycle. ;
Billy's little brother Tommy,watched solemnly from the front door. ;
Tommy was only eight years old,but eight was old enough,he thought, ;
for someone to have his very own motorcycle. ;
It didn't seem fair that Billy had a bike and Tommy didn't. ;
So Tommy sat on the front porch,ate his candy bar, ;
and brooded over the matter as he watched Billy slide around the corner. ;
All he wanted was just one ride. ;
When Billy discovered his bike missing the next morning, ;
there was a widespread investigation by the police, ;
his parents,and the neighbours. ;
No one had seen the bike since the day before. ;
As Billy walked off down the sidewalk, heading for the school bus, ;
his attention was attracted by something black ;
glaring at him from under a hedge. ;
He approached slowly, then suddenly broke into a run. ;
There under the hedge was his motorcycle with one badly dented fender. ;
He reached for the handlebars to pull it from under the bushes. ;
when he retracted his hand, ;
there was a familiar sticky substance on his fingers. ;
Tasting the brown sweetness,Billy smiled secretly to himself. ;
He knew he had discovered who had taken his motorcycle for a spin. ;

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