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28.Phone Conversation 電話交談 ;
B:That's quiet all right. ;B:沒關(guān)系.
20.A:Is Mark in? B:Sorry,he's out to lunch. ;20.A:馬克在嗎? B:抱歉,他吃午飯去了
A:Can you tell him that Jane called and I'll meet him after work? ;A:你能告訴他,珍打過電 話來,說下班后要和他 碰面嗎?
B:Sure,I'll give him the message. A:Thanks a lot. ;B:沒問題,我會跟他說. A:多謝了.
21.He's on lunch break Can I take your message? ;21.他在午休中. 我可以為你傳話嗎?
22.A:Is Mr.Morgan in? B:No,he isn't.He just stepped out. ;22.A:摩根先生在嗎? B:不在,他剛出門.
23.He's out on official business. 24.Don't forget to tell him I called. ;23.他出公差去了. 24.別忘了告訴他, 我打過電話來.
25.No calls this morning? 26.You're got a bunch of messages. ;25.今天早上沒人打電話 給我嗎? 26.你有一大堆電話留言.
27.I can't reach him. ;27.他的電話打不進(jìn)去.
28.A:May I speak to Mr.Wilford? B:Who's calling, please? ;28.A:我可以和偉弗先生 說話嗎? B:請問你尊姓大名?
A:Bob Sullivan. B:What's is it in regards to? ;A:鮑伯.穌利曼. B:有何貴事?
29.Hold on a second. ;29.請稍候.
30.Would you like to continue to hold? No one is available right now. ;30.你想繼續(xù)等下去嗎? 現(xiàn)在沒人接你的電話.
31.I'll be in touch. 32.Someone's calling me.Gotta go. ;31.我會和你保持聯(lián)系. 32.有人在叫,我該走了.
33.I have another call 34.Don't hang up on me ;33.我有另一線的電話 要接. 34.不要跟我摔電話.
35.Where can I get hold of you? 36.You can contact me at this number. ;35.我怎么和你聯(lián)系? 36.你可以撥這個號碼 找我.
37.This is my card. Call me anytime. ;37.這是我的名片,隨時歡 迎你打電話來找我.
38.I'll give you a buzz around six. ;38.大約六點(diǎn)我會打電話 給你.
39.I'll give you a ring. ;39.我會打電話給你.
40.We've been getting a lot of obscene phone calls lately. ;40.最近我們接到許多猬 褻的電話.
41.He stays out all night. ;41.他不到凌晨三、四點(diǎn) 不會回來.
29.Mail,Postal Service 信件,郵務(wù) ;
1.Why didn't you write 2.There's mail for you ;1.你怎么不寫信給我呢? 2.有你的信.
3.This letter doesn't say who it's from. ;3.這封信沒注明是誰寄的
4.I can tell it's junk mail even before I open it. ;4.我不用拆開信封,就曉 得那是垃圾郵件.
5.She wrote me a Dear John(letter). 6.Did you receive the package on your end? ;5.她寄給我一封絕交信. 6.你收到我寄去的包裹嗎
7.A:Didn't you get my package yet? It's been over a month. ;7.A:你還沒收到我的包裹 嗎?都已超過一個月了.
B:Chances are it's lost in the mail. ;B:很有可能是寄丟了.
30.Cooperation 合作 ;
1.We're some match! 2.You and I will make a great team. ;1.我們可以搭配得很好! 2.你我會成為一對好搭檔
3.Two heads are better than one. ;3.三個臭皮匠, 勝過一個諸葛亮.
4.If we stick together we'll all come out winners. ;4.如果團(tuán)結(jié)一致,我們都 會成為贏家.
5.It's in your best interest to cooperate here. ;5.在這兒如果你合作的話 對你最有利.
6.I've got the horse, he's got the saddle. We're bound to cooperate. ;6.我有馬無鞍、他有鞍無 馬,我們勢非合作不可.
7.This is a seamless cooperation. 8.We need someone who's a team player. ;7.這是個無懈可擊的合作 8.我們需要一個能和全隊 搭配無間的人.
9.They formed an alliance. 10.We're on the same team. ;9.他們結(jié)成聯(lián)盟. 10.我們是同一戰(zhàn)線的.
11.We're in the same boat. ;11.我們同搭一條船.
12.It's all or nothing ;12.要就盡心做,否則干脆 不做.
13.We all work together or not at all. ;13.我們?nèi)舨荒芎煤玫睾? 作,不如拉倒.
14.One for all and all for one. 15.Let's all stick together. ;14.我為人人,人人為我. 15.讓我們聯(lián)成一氣.
16.United we stand, divided we fall. ;16.團(tuán)結(jié)才能存活, 紛爭注定滅亡.
17.This is as far as I will go. ;17.我只能幫你到這個 程度.
31.Philosophy Of Friendship 友誼的哲學(xué) ;
1.They say the best sauce is company. 2.Friends are honest with each other. ;1.人們說高朋滿座是最佳 的佐料. 2.朋友之間應(yīng)以誠相待.
3.When you run with the wrong crowd it always shows. ;3.與損友相處,終將顯出 鄙陋之行為.
4.You can't run with the skunk and smell like a rose. ;4.你無法久近染缸,而不 被玷污.
5.Those who lie down with dogs,rise up with fleas. ;5.近朱者赤,近墨者黑.
6.You can't fly with eagles when you hang with turkeys. ;6.跟火雞相處太久,再也 無法與老鷹高飛.
7.A dog and a wolf can't go far. ;7.道不同,不相為謀.
8.They fight like cats and dogs. ;8.他們處不來. 他們吵得很兇,像天生 為敵的貓與狗.
9.You are judged by the company you keep 10.Birds of a feather flock together. ;9.人們會以所交往的朋友 來判斷你. 10.物以類聚.
11.The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 12.I don't associate with low lifes. ;11.敵人的敵人,就是朋友 12.我不和低級的人往來.
13.I'm particular with whom I drink. 14.I have friends in high places. ;13.我不隨便和人家打 交道. 14.我認(rèn)識高階層人士.
32.Making Friends 交友 ;
1.Let's get acquainted 2.Are you new in town? ;1.咱們來彼此認(rèn)識一下. 2.你剛來這里不久吧?
3.Don't be afraid. I don't bite. 4.Mingle with the crowd. ;3.用不著怕,我不會咬人. 4.去做好社交工作.
5.Think of me as your buddy! 6.He offered me a hand shake. ;5.把我當(dāng)(成你的)朋友吧 6.他主動地和我握手.
7.A:Hey buddy. Do you have the time? ;7.A:嘿,老兄,你的手表幾 點(diǎn)了?
B:Don't "buddy" me. ;B:不要叫得那么親熱, 誰是你的"老兄"?
B:My name isn't Buddy. Get lost. ;B:我的名字不叫"老兄" 你給我滾遠(yuǎn)一點(diǎn)兒!
8.I'm not with you and I'm not one of you. ;8.我不和你們同流合污, 也不是你們當(dāng)中的一伙.
33.Acquaintances 相識 ;
1.We're just acquaintances. ;1.我們只是熟人而已. (我們并非朋友關(guān)系.)
2.When we first met,we were all uncomfortable. ;2.我們初次見面時,彼此 忸怩不安.
3.We have a so-so relationship. 4.He acts like you're his kin. ;3.我們的關(guān)系很普通. 4.他表現(xiàn)得好像你是他的 親人似的.
5.He's too familiar. 6.I am kin to nobody in this world. ;5.他太隨便了. 6.在這世上, 我沒任何親人.
34.Good Friendship 好友誼 ;
1.She hangs out with her peer group. 2.He's like a kid brother to me. ;1.她和同輩的好友們往來 2.他與我情同手足.
3.We're buddies. 4.we're pals. ;3.我們倆是好朋友. 4.我們是老朋友.
5.We are like this. ;5.我們倆就像這樣 密不可分.
6.We go back many years. 7.We grew up best friends. ;6.我們已認(rèn)識好多年了. 7.我們是從小在一塊兒 長大的好朋友.
8.We're buddy buddies. 9.We're blood brothers ;8.我們私交甚篤. 9.我們是結(jié)拜兄弟.
10.They are like Mutt and Jeff. 11.You're the only friend I've got. ;10.他們哥兒倆相好. 11.你是我唯一的朋友.
12.I'm alone and friendless. 13.You're a great friend to have. ;12.我孤零零一人, 沒半個朋友. 13.有你這種朋友真好.
14.He's quite a pal. 15.He didn't desert me in my time of need. ;14.他很講義氣. 15.我急難時他沒背棄我.
16.That's what I call a friend! 17.I don't deserve a good friend like you ;16.這才是我所謂的朋友. 17.我不配有你這么好的 朋友.
18.Marlou is a true blue friend. ;18.馬羅是講義氣的朋友.
19.We became intimate friends through thick and thin. ;19.經(jīng)過福禍的歷練, 我們成了莫逆之交.
20.He works for us. ;20.他是自己人.
35.Severd Ties 斷絕關(guān)系 ;
1.Money has come between us. ;1.金錢使我們之間起了 隔膜.
2.Don't burn all the bridges between us. ;2.不要?dú)Я宋覀冎g的 友誼.
3.They have an on-again off-again relationship. ;3.他們的關(guān)系分了合, 合了又分.
4.I've lost track of a lot of my old school friends. ;4.我已和許多老校友失去 聯(lián)系.
36.Unsavory Friends 損友 ;
1.Kent is the black sheep of the family. ;1.肯特是我們家的害群 之馬.
2.The rotten apple spoils the barrel. ;2.一粒老鼠屎,壞了一鍋 粥.
3.Boy,your friends are a colorful bunch. ;3.乖乖,你交的朋友, 三教交流無所不有.
4.He's bad company. ;4.他是壞胚子. 他不值得你交往.
5.He is poison. 6.Don't hang around with scum bags. ;5.他像毒藥. 6.避免和素行不良的人打 交道.
7.She's hanging with a sleaze bucket. 8.He's a skunk. Stay away from him. ;7.她和一個劣等人往來. 8.他是臭人,離開他遠(yuǎn)些.
9.He's a carrier. 10.He hung out with the wrong crow. ;9.他是帶菌人. 10.他和不良份子往來.
11.Is that any way to treat a friend? ;11.這算什么待友之道?
12.Some friend you are 13.You're not much of a friend. ;12.你算是哪門子的朋友 嘛! 13.你算不得是我的朋友.
37.Betrayal 背叛 ;
1.I thought I was your friend! 2.I'm not going down alone. ;1.我還以為你把我當(dāng)朋友 呢! 2.要死我也會找個人作伴
3.You're leaving me high and dry. 4.They double-crossed me. ;3.你對我的死活不聞不問 4.他們出賣了我.
5.They deceived me. ;5.他們欺騙了我.
6.I trusted him,but he sold me out. 7.They turned me in. ;6.我信賴他, 但他卻出賣了我. 7.他們密告了我.
8.He broke ranks. 9.He's an opportunist. He has no true friends. ;8.他背叛了眾人. 9.他是見風(fēng)使舵的人, 沒真心的朋友.
10.He's two-faced. 11.He's a fence straddler. ;10.他是雙面人. 11.他是墻頭草, 風(fēng)吹兩邊倒.
12.He's a double talker. 13.He's a back stabber. ;12.他見人說人話, 見鬼說鬼話. 13.他會在背后捅人一刀.
14.You're a Benedict Arnold. 15.You're nothing but a bunch of Judases. ;14.你是反賊. 15.你們只不過是 一群叛徒.
16.He knows which side his bread is buttered on. ;16.他曉得誰是他的 衣食父母.
17.I won't do anything behind your back. ;17.我不會在你背后搞鬼.
38.Introductions 引介 ;
1.Don't I know you? 2.Have you two met before? ;1.我不是認(rèn)識你嗎? 2.你們倆見過面嗎?
3.Sorry,I didn't catch your name. 4.May I have your name please? ;3.抱歉,我剛才沒聽清楚 你的大名. 4.請問你尊姓大名?
5.It's a privilege to meet you,sir. ;5.先生,能見到你是我的 榮幸.
6.A:Pleased to meet you,Mr.Conway. B:Likewise. ;6.A:幸會,康威先生. B:彼此,彼此.
7.Meet my old lady. ;7.來見見內(nèi)人.
39.Meeting Someone 會晤 ;
1.I bumped into Andy last night. 2.What a nice surprise ;1.我昨晚偶然碰見安迪. 2.多么叫人驚喜的意外!
3.What a coincidence! 4.What an unexpected pleasure! ;3.真巧! 我們在這兒碰上了! 4.多么愉快的意外.
5.A:Fancy meeting you here! B:What a small world ;5.A:沒想到會在這兒碰到 你. B:人生何處不相逢.
6.Nice talking to you. ;6.跟你聊得很愉快.
40.Greetings 致意 ;
1.A:How (are) you doing? B:Pretty good. ;1.A:你好嗎? B:還好.
B:Not too bad. B:I get by. ;B:還不錯. B:過得去.
2.How's life treating you? ;2.日子過得還算愜意嗎?
3.A:What's up? B:Not much. ;3.A:有什么新鮮事兒? B:沒什么.
4.I haven't seen you in ages! Where have you been hiding? ;4.久違!這一陳子躲到哪 兒去了?
5.A:What's new? B:Nothing much. I'm still the same. ;5.A:近來如何? B:還是老樣子,我一點(diǎn) 兒也沒變.
6.How was your weekend? ;6.周末過得如何?
7.A:How are the kids? B:Little rascals, as usual. ;7.A:小孩子們都還好吧? B:那些小陶氣還是 老樣子.
8.How's your old lady? 9.What's cooking? ;8.你老婆還好嗎? 9.近來都在做些什么?
10.Hi handsome. How are you? 11.You haven't changed a bit. ;10.嗨,美男子,你好嗎? 11.你還是老模樣.
12.You haven't changed at all! 13.You're looking great. ;12.你一點(diǎn)兒也沒變. 13.你的氣色好極了.
41.Excuse Oneself 告退 ;
1.Sorry I have to cut you short. ;1.抱歉,我必須中斷你的 話.
2.A:Mr.Fisher,you're being paged. B:Sorry,duty calls. ;2.A:費(fèi)歇爾先生,有人 廣播找你. B:抱歉,我失陪一下.
3.They are playing my song.I've got to go. ;3.他們在叫, 我非走不可了.
4.Please excuse me, I've got a business to run. 5.I need to freshen up ;4.恕我失陪,我還有生意 要招呼. 5.我需要梳洗一下.
6.I really can't wait. I'm pressed for time ;6.不能再等下去了, 我在趕時間呢!
7.May I be excused? 8.I've got to go. ;7.我可以走了嗎? 8.我非走不可了.
42.Manners 禮貌 ;
1.Mind your p's and q's. ;1.要注意你任何細(xì)小的 禮節(jié).
2.Don't misbehave. 3.Don't be rude. ;2.不要亂來. 3.不要粗魯.
4.It's called professional courtesy. 5.Mind your manners. ;4.這是同行間的禮貌. 5.當(dāng)心你的舉止.
6.Allow me. 7.May I come in? 8.Ladies first. ;6.請讓我來. 7.我可以進(jìn)來嗎? 8.女士優(yōu)先.
9.Age before beauty. 10.Is it okay if I sit down? ;9.年長的請先進(jìn)入. 10.我可以坐下來嗎?
11.What's the magic word? ;11.你應(yīng)該說什么得體 的話呢?
12.Excuse me, you're in my way. ;12.抱歉,請讓一下, 你擋住我了.
13.I'm sorry. I forgot my manners 14.Sorry,I forgot where I was. ;13.對不起,我失態(tài)了. 14.對不起,我一時忘了 分寸.
15.She's a gracious woman. 16.She's very cultured ;15.她是一位有教養(yǎng)的 女士. 16.她涵養(yǎng)到家.
43.Bad Attitude 惡劣態(tài)度 ;
1.I don't like your negative attitude. 2.That's a rotten attitude. ;1.我討厭你哪種惡劣的 態(tài)度. 2.那是種很糟的態(tài)度.
3.What an attitude! 4.How obnoxious! 6.How rude! ;3.多惡劣的態(tài)度! 4.太沒禮貌了. 6.多么粗魯!
7.He has no sense of social grace. ;7.他沒半點(diǎn)兒社交禮儀 的常識.
8.Roy is a little rough around the edges. ;8.若伊有點(diǎn)兒粗俗不雅.
9.Don't you ever knock 10.Where did you learn your manners? ;9.你進(jìn)來之前不會先敲門 嗎? 10.你哪兒學(xué)來的規(guī)矩?
11.Can't you be more friendly? 12.Can't you be a little nicer? ;11.你不能更友善些嗎? 12.你不能更客氣些嗎?
13.Do you have to be so mean? 14.Must you be so cold ;13.你非這么兇不可嗎? 14.你非如此冷酷不行嗎?
15.He sure is cheeky! 16.You're a very fresh kid. ;15.他真傲慢! 16.你是個伶牙利齒、 目無尊長的小孩子.
17.Don't get smart with me. 18.I find his behavior distasteful. ;17.少跟我耍聰明. 18.我覺得他的行為沒有 品味.
19.Mary is very unladylike 20.He's an uncouth oaf ;19.瑪麗不像個淑女. 20.他是個魯男子. (他是個粗魯?shù)娜?)
21.He's like a bull in a china shop. ;21.他活像蠻牛進(jìn)了 瓷器店.
44.Invitation 邀請 ;
1.Stop by anytime. My door is always open. 2.Drop in. ;1.有空來,隨時都?xì)g迎你. 2.路過時,請順道來小坐 一下.
3.When are you free? 4.Don't be a stranger. ;3.你幾時有空? 4.不要太疏遠(yuǎn).
5.Be sure to join us. 6.A:Come,by all means. B:I'll see. ;5.一定要來喲. 6.A:無論如何你都得來. B:我考慮一下再說吧.
7.Be there or be square. ;7.如果你不來,就是討人 厭的老古板.
8.Come,unless you're dead. 9.I won't take no for an answer. ;8.隊非你死了, 不然都得來. 9.我可不許你拒絕.
10.You won't regret it It will be a night to remember. ;10.你不至于后悔, 這將是你難忘的一夜.
45.Guests Arriving Soon 來賓即將抵達(dá) ;
1.Is everything in place? 2.They should be on the road by now. ;1.都準(zhǔn)備好了嗎? 2.現(xiàn)在他們應(yīng)該已上路了
3.Here we are! 4.Speak of the Devil! 5.The gang's all here. ;3.到了! 4.說曹操,曹操到! 5.大伙兒都來了.
46.Visiting 訪問 ;
1.Who's at the door? 2.Is the lady of the house in? ;1.誰在門口? 2.女主人在家嗎?
3.May I come in? 4.Looks like I have company. ;3.我可以進(jìn)來嗎? 4.好象我來了不速之客.
5.Well,look what the wind brought in! ;5.你瞧,這一陣風(fēng)把誰帶 來了?
6.He's not alone. He's brought company ;6.他不是單獨(dú)一個人, 還帶了成群的人來.
7.I just stopped by to say hello. ;7.我剛好路過,進(jìn)來跟你 打個招呼.
8.Just dropping in for a chat. 9.I wasn't expecting you. ;8.我只是來串門子. 9.我沒想到你會來.
10.They always come on such short notice. ;10.他們每次來, 總是不提早通知.
11.Am I coming in at a bad time? ;11.我是不是挑錯時間 來了?
12.Knock first. Don't just barge in ;12.先敲門, 不要隨便亂闖.
13.I'd like to pay him a visit. 14.He has worn out his welcome here. ;13.我想去拜訪他一下. 14.他在這兒已不再受 歡迎了.
15.Fish and visitors stink after three days. ;15.客人和魚一樣, 過三天就臭了.
16.He likes to pop in at times. ;16.他喜歡有時候過來 探望一下.
47.Reception 接待 ;
1.Come right in. 2.I'll lead the way. 3.Thank you for coming ;1.快請進(jìn)來. 2.我來帶路. 3.謝謝你來參加.
4.Feel at home. 5.Just relax.We don't have to stand on ceremony. ;4.不要拘束. 5.放松點(diǎn)兒,不必太拘泥 禮節(jié).
6.Sit down. Make yourself comfortable. ;6.請坐,不用拘束.
7.Would you care for something to drink? ;7.你想喝點(diǎn)兒什么嗎?
8.Can I get you anything to drink? 9.Let's be casual. ;8.我去弄點(diǎn)兒東西給你喝 好嗎? 9.咱們隨和點(diǎn).
10.A:What would you like to drink? B:I'm not picky. Anything will do. ;10.A:你想喝哪一種酒? B:我不挑嘴,什么都行
11.A:How about some coffee? B:I thought you'd never ask. ;11.A:要喝點(diǎn)咖啡嗎? B:我還以為你都不招 呼我呢.
12.A:How about some iced tea? B:That'll be fine, thanks. ;12.A:來點(diǎn)兒冰茶好嗎? B:那很好,謝了.
13.A:Sit down and relax. Tea or coffee? ;13.A:坐下來休息一下吧, 你要茶或是咖啡?
B:Tea,please,if it's not too much bother. A:Not at all. ;B:如果不太麻煩的話,可 否給我來杯茶? A:一點(diǎn)兒都不麻煩.
14.Have you eaten? 15.Carol,you're just in time for dinner. ;14.吃過飯了沒? 15.卡羅,你正趕上吃晚飯 的時間.
16.Why not join us for dinner? ;16.干嘛不和我們一道吃 晚餐呢?
48.Cordial Reception 溫磬的接待 ;
1.He was welcomed with wide open arms. ;1.他受到熱烈的歡迎.
2.They gave the red carpet treatment to the guest speaker. ;2.他們給客座演講者優(yōu)厚 的待遇.
49.Unwelcome Reception 不受歡迎 ;
1.Oh,it's you again! 2.Good riddance! ;1.啊,又是你! 2.走得好!
3.I know when I'm not wanted. ;3.人家一討厭我, 我立刻覺察.
50.Leave Talking 告別語 ;
1.I should go.I've taken up enough of your time. ;1.我該走了,我已占用了 你太多時間.
2.I'd better be going. My husband's home. ;2.我該走了,我先生這 時候應(yīng)該已到家了.
51.Seeing Someone Out 送行 ;
1.I'll see you out. 2.My secretary will show you to the door ;1.我來送你出去. 2.我的秘書會送你到門口
3.Don't bother getting up.We'll see ourselves out. 4.I'll see her home. ;3.不用麻煩你(起身)送行 我們自己會出去. 4.我來送她回家.
52.Please Stay 請留下 ;
1.Stick around. 2.Stand by. 3.I can't stay the whole night. ;1.(待在這附近)別走開. 2.隨時待命. 3.我不能整晚都留在這兒
4.Don't leave yet. 5.You can't possibly be leaving now! ;4.不忙走. 5.你怎可以現(xiàn)在走呢?
6.It's too bad you have to go. 7.I'd rather you'd stay. ;6.你非走不可, 真是太遺憾了. 7.情愿你能留下來.
8.The night is still young. 9.We still have so much to talk about. ;8.夜色還早嘛! 9.我們還有好多話沒談呢
10.Relax and live a little. 11.Don't be so conservative. ;10.輕松點(diǎn)兒,多享受人生 11.別太保守.
12.Enjoy yourself. 13.Would you like to stay over? ;12.日子要過得快活些. 13.你想不想在這兒過夜?
14.What's the big hurry? 15.Stay for a little bit longer! ;14.何必急著走呢? 15.多待一會兒嘛!
16.Your house will still be there tomorrow. ;16.一晚沒回去,你的房子 不會長腿跑掉.
17.I'd love to stay another night, but are you sure I'm not imposing? ;17.我倒是想在這里過另 一晚,只是怕太麻煩你.
18.I don't want to put you out.It's wrong of me to impose. ;18.我不想造成你諸多不 便,硬打擾你實在不對.
19.Can you put me up for the night? 20.Would it be too much bother? ;19.你能讓我在這兒過夜 嗎? 20.會不會太打擾你呀?
21.Dont' fuss. I'll sleep on the couch. ;21.不用費(fèi)神, 我睡沙發(fā)就行.
53.Arriving Soon 馬上到 ;
1.He's on his way over 2.I'm on my way. ;1.他已往你那兒去了. 2.我馬上來.
3.A:What's taking you so long? B:I'm on my way. ;3.A:干嘛老半天還沒來? B:我現(xiàn)在就去.
4.I won't be long. ;4.我不會在這兒待太久. 我不會去太久. 我不會占用你太多時間
5.I'll be back shortly 6.I'll be right back. ;5.我很快回來. 6.我馬上回來.
54.To Pack Up & Leave 收拾行李離開 ;
1.Let's round up everyone and go. ;1.叫攏所有的人, 立刻動身.
2.Get everything packed up. ;2.把所有的東西都打包.
55.Departure Time 離別之時間 ;
1.Let's get started. 2.Where are you off to? ;1.咱們動身吧. 2.你上哪兒去呀?
3.A:When do you leave? B:Tomorrow at the latest. ;3.A:你幾時走? B:最遲明天.
4.He's still around. 5.Why are you still hanging around here? ;4.他還沒走. 5.你怎么還等在這兒呢?
6.Are we leaving this dump? ;6.咱們還不離開這 垃圾堆嗎?
7.A:Is she gone yet? B:Shhh...Not yet. ;7.A:她走了沒? B:噓......,還沒.
8.Why haven't you left yet? 9.What did you come back for? ;8.為何你還沒出發(fā)呢? 9.你怎么又折回來了?
10.She took off like a bird. ;10.她像鳥一樣飛得 無影無蹤.
56.Chasing Someone Away 驅(qū)逐某人 ;
1.No loitering. 2.Keep out. 3.Tell him to take a walk! ;1.不準(zhǔn)在此游蕩. 2.離開這兒. 3.叫他滾!
4.Throw that bum out! 5.Get this bozo out of my office. ;4.把那流氓轟出去! 5.把這個小癟三趕出我的 辦公室.
6.Get out and stay out 7.Take the money and beat it! 8.Hit the road! ;6.滾出去,不要回來! 7.拿了錢滾吧! 8.你走遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)兒!
9.A:Release the hounds B:Okay,I'm going. ;9.A:放獵狗去咬他. B:好,我走就是了.
10.Scram! 11.Make tracks. ;10.滾! 11.快滾!
12.Go fly a kite! 13.Go home! ;12.滾你的吧! 13.滾回去!
57.Farewell 再見 ;
1.See you around! 2.Catch you later. 3.Take it easy! ;1.再見! 2.待會兒見. 3.多保重!
4.Be good. 5.Be a good boy/girl. 6.Behave yourself. ;4.要乖. 5.要做乖孩子/乖女孩子. 6.要守規(guī)矩.
7.Stay out of trouble. 8.Wave to your parents 9.It's been my pleasure. ;7.少去惹事生非. 8.跟你爸媽招招手. 9.大駕光臨,蓬篳生輝.
10.It's been a real treat. 11.Have a nice day. ;10.這是山珍海味的一桌 好菜. 11.祝你有個愉快的日子!
12.Have a nice evening 13.When do we meet again. ;12.祝你傍晚愉快. 13.何日再見君? 我們幾時再想見?
14.I guess this is good-bye. 15.Keep in touch. ;14.這該是我們分手的 時刻了. 15.保持聯(lián)系.
16.Drop me a line. 17.Send us a postcard. 18.Call me. ;16.有空就捎封信來. 17.要記得捎張明信片來. 18.記得打電話來.
19.Don't forget to call. 20.Let's say good-bye here. ;19.不要忘了打電話給我. 20.我們在這兒道別吧! 送君千里終須一別.
21.Wish you all the best,Justin. ;21.賈思丁, 祝你一切順利.
22.I'll miss you all. You are like family to me. ;22.你們待我親如家人, 我會懷念你們大家.
23.My life would be empty without you. ;23.少了你我的生命會變 得空虛.
24.We're proud to have known you. 25.Give my best to your Dad. ;24.能認(rèn)識您,使我們引以 為傲. 25.請代我向令尊致意.
26.Give her my love. 27.Have a nice trip! ;26.請代我向她表達(dá)敬愛. 27.祝你旅途愉快!
28.He left without saying good-bye. 29.Saying good-bye is never easy. ;28.他一聲不吭就走了. 29.道別總是令人傷感.
30.Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 31.All good things must come to an end ;30.小別勝新婚. 31.天下無不散筵席.
58.Returning Home 返家 ;
1.It's hard to say. 2.Is your dad home from work yet? 3.I'm on my way home. ;1.這很難說. 2.你爸爸下班回來了嗎? 3.我正在回家的路上.
4.We'll be home before long. 5.We're home, safe and sound. ;4.我們馬上到家. 5.我們終于安穩(wěn)地回到 了家.
6.You're back early. 7.Did you have a rough day? ;6.你今天回來得早. 7.今天過得辛苦嗎?
8.You're home early. Anything the matter? ;8.你比平常早回來, 沒事吧?
9.East,west, home's best. ;9.不論到東或到西, 家總是最甜蜜.
10.It's good to be back. 11.I'm home. What's for dinner? ;10.回到家的感覺真好. 11.我回來了,晚飯有什么 吃的嗎?
12.He straggled home late last night. ;12.他昨夜很晚才拖著 疲憊的身子回來.
59.Reunion 重聚 ;
1.I can't wait to see you. 2.Welcome home. ;1.我巴不得早點(diǎn)兒看到你 2.歡迎你回來.
3.I can hardly recognize you! ;3.我?guī)缀跽J(rèn)不出你來!
4.I'll only be in town for a day or two. 5.I'm here for good. ;4.我只在城里逗留一兩天 5.我打算在這里長住.
60.Concern 關(guān)切 ;
1.Don't give me any grief. 2.Don't give me a hard time. ;1.不要叫我擔(dān)心你. 2.不要給我難堪. 不要故意找我麻煩.
3.Don't be difficult. 4.Don't make my life miserable. 5.What's with him? ;3.不要化簡為繁. 4.不要使我度日如年. 5.他怎么啦?
6.A:You okay? B:I'm fine. ;6.A:你沒事吧? B:沒事.
7.A:Did you get hurt? B:I'm fine. Just some bruises. ;7.A:你受傷了嗎? B:我還好, 只是一點(diǎn)兒小擦傷.
8.Are you all right? 9.A:Is everything in order. B:Everything is fine ;8.你還好吧? 9.A:都還好吧? B:還好.

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