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Chapter 62. Misfortune ;62. 噩運
1.It's a twist of fate. 2.Murphy's Law is no myth. ;1.這是一個命運的逆轉(zhuǎn)。 2.《墨菲定律》可不是 鬧著玩的。
3.Perish the thought! 4.Would you stop saying it's hopeless? ;3.甩掉那種念頭! 4.你不要再說這些泄氣 的話行不行?
5.Everything is going wrong.This is really not my day! ;5.什么事兒都出錯; 我今天真是流年不利!
6.He's up the creek without a paddle. 7.He's got a flat and no jack. ;6.他禍不單行。 7.他屋漏偏逢連夜雨。
8.It never fails!I just washed and waxed the car and now it's raining! ;8.真準(zhǔn)!每次我一洗 好車打上蠟就下雨。
9.My car broke on the highway.Shit happens. ;9.我的車子壞在公路上; 什么倒楣事都會發(fā)生。
10.Every time I play the nice guy, I get burnt. 11.Why me? ;10.每次做好人, 總是我遭殃。 11.為何偏挑上我呢?
12.What a lousy luck! 13.This can't be! ;12.真倒透了楣! 13.沒這可能嘛!
14.Why is my luck so lousy? ;14.為何我的時運 如此不濟呢?
15.Better luck next time. 16.Tough luck! ;15.祝你下次運氣好些。 16.算你倒楣!
17.No matter what he does,he always ends up in trouble. ;17.他成事不足, 敗事有余。
18.Everything's against me. ;18.事事不順。
19.Luck is not on my side. ;19.好運氣不在我這一頭。
20.My life is one disaster after another. ;20.我一生中災(zāi)難 接二連三。
21.I ruined myself with slow horses and fast women. ;21.我一生毀在賭和嫖 兩個字里。
22.Life has slapped me in the face again. ;22.命運又一次摑 我的耳光。
23.I was born at the wrong time. ;23.我生不逢時。
24.I was born in the wrong century. ;24.我投錯了胎, 生在錯誤的時代。
25.I regret the day I was born. ;25.我哀嘆我出生的日子
26.When it rains, it pours. ;26.不來則已, 一來如山洪爆發(fā)。
27.Misfortunes never come singly. ;27.福無雙至,禍不單行。
28.Nothing ever goes according to plan. ;28.世事之不如意者 十之八九。
Chapter 63. Blessings ;63. 祝福
1.Please pray for us. 2.I'll remember you in my prayers. ;1.請為我們祈禱。 2.我會不時(在禱告中 紀(jì)念你們)為你代禱。
3.May all your wishes come true. 4.Keep your fingers crossed for me. ;3.愿你所有的希望成真。 4.請不時為我祈禱。
5.I wish you the best. 6.You have my blessing 7.God bless you. ;5.祝你萬事如意。 6.我衷心祝福你。 7.愿神祝福你。
Chapter 64. Religion ;64. 宗教
1.Are you religious? 2.Do you observe your religion closely? ;1.你信教 2.你虔誠地奉行你的 宗教信仰嗎?
3.I'm an atheist. 4.We deeply believe that a living God exists. ;3.我是無神論者。 4.我們深信有一位活生生 的神存在著。
5.He's very religious. 6.The end is near. ;5.他是十分虔誠的信徒。 6.世界末日就快到了。
7.Listening to that preacher really helped me through some hard times. ;7.聽了那位傳道所說的 話,幫我度過許多難 以捱過的時刻。
8.The preacher gave a long-winded lecture on morality. ;8.這位傳道說了一篇有 關(guān)道德方面,既長又 無聊的道理。
9.She doesn't go to church much. ;9.她不常去教堂。
10.Our church doesn't deal with secular matters. ;10.我們的教會不 過問俗事。
11.He's a man of the cloth. 12.God forgives, let him. ;11.他是位宗教人士。 12.神是寬宏大量的, 懺悔罪愆好讓他來 饒恕我們。
13.I'm praying to God. 14.They hope their prayers will be answered. ;13.我正在禱告。 14.他希望他們的祈禱 會蒙神垂聽。
15.You think God really cares? ;15.你真以為神會 關(guān)懷人嗎?
Chapter 65. Superstition ;65. 迷信
1.If you break a mirror,it's seven years bad luck. ;1.如果你弄破了一面 鏡子,會倒七年的楣。
2.It's bad luck if your path is crossed by a black cat. ;2.如果黑貓橫越閣下 欲通行之途徑主兇兆。
3.It's considered bad luck to walk under a ladder. ;3.從一個梯子底下 走過會帶來噩運。
4.It's bad luck to open an umbrella indoors. ;4.在屋子里頭撐開雨傘 會帶來不幸。
5.Friday the Thirteenth is considered an inauspicious day. ;5.星期五雙逢十三號 被認(rèn)為不吉利的日子。
6.Don't step on pavement cracks or you'll have bad luck. ;6.不要踩在水泥地的 裂縫上以免帶來歹運。
7.If you spill your salt,you'll have bad luck. 8.That's a bad omen. ;7.如果你打翻了鹽罐子, 你會遭致不幸。 8.那個個兇兆。
9.The claim that garlic wards off vampires is just old wives' tale. ;9.說什么蒜頭可以驅(qū)趕 吸血鬼,只是三姑 六婆之言。
10.This charm will ward off evil spirits,plagues, ;10.這是吉祥符可使你 回避邪靈、瘟疫,
demons,devils, monsters and all other dangers. ;妖魔鬼和所有的災(zāi)禍。
11.I'm gonna get a rabbit's foot to bring me good luck. ;11.我去弄一只兔腳 來當(dāng)吉祥物。
12.Throwing salt over your left shoulder will bring you good luck. ;12.把鹽灑過你的左肩, 會帶給你好運。
13.I found a four-leaf clover.I'm gonna be lucky. ;13.我找到一枚四葉苜蓿, 我要走運了。
14.You dropped a fork.Company is coming. ;14.你掉了一把叉子, 那表示快要有人來 拜訪你。
15.We were just talking about you, Lisa.Were your ears burning? ;15.我們剛剛才談到你, 麗莎,你耳朵發(fā)熱了 沒有?
16.Let's make a wish and crack the wishbone together. ;16.我們先許個愿, 再一起來扯斷這只 “希望骨”
17.Make a wish when you see a shooting star. ;17.看到流星時要 趕緊許個愿。
Chapter 66. Ghosts & Goblins ;66. 鬼怪
1.I must be seeing things. ;1.我一定是見了鬼。
2.I'm not a man of superstition,but I've seen strange things. ;2.我并非迷信的人, 但我的確親眼 見過怪事。
3.A:I'm afraid I've seen a ghost. B:There are no ghosts. ;3.A:我想我遇到鬼了。 B:哪有鬼這回事?
4.There are no such things as ghosts. ;4.世間絕無鬼怪的存在。
5.Don't be afraid of the dead.It's the living that will harm you. ;5.不要害怕死去的人, 活人才會傷害人。
Chapter 67. Black Magic ;67. 巫術(shù)
1.She's a medium. 2.Trick or treat. ;1.她是靈媒。 2.不請客就搗蛋。
Chapter 68. Fortune Telling ;68. 占卜
1.She's a psychic. 2.What's your horoscope? ;1.她是個靈媒。 2.你屬什么星座?
Chapter 69. Waiting ;69. 等候
1.Wait for the bell. 2.Hold on,I'll be right with you. ;1.等鈴聲響再出發(fā)。 2.稍等一下我馬上來。
3.I won't be long. Wait for me. ;3.我不會去太久, 等到我一下。
4.Try to bear with me for a minute. ;4.耐心等我一下, 我馬上過來。
5.At long last,the wait is over. 6.Keep your shirt on. I'll be right there. ;5.終于不必再等了。 6.不要急吼吼地, 我馬上來。
7.How long should we wait here?Another hour? ;7.我們還要在這里等 多久?再一個小時嗎?
Chapter 70. To Hurry Up ;70.急促
1.Snap to it! 2.Make it snappy! 3.Quick! ;1.快點兒! 2.快點兒! 3.快!
4.Hurry up! 5.On the double! 6.Make haste! ;4.不要慢吞吞地! 5.動作快一點! 6.快一點!
7.Get moving! 8.Get to work! ;7.快點兒做! 8.快去工作.
9.Don't waste your time.Make it snappy. 10.Get with it! ;9.不浪費你的時間, 快做事。 10.快趕上別人!
11.Get with the program. 12.Get started. 13.Let's hustle! ;11.快跟上別人的步調(diào)。 12.快開始做。 13.咱們趕一下!
14.Hop to it,guys. 15.Hurry up.He's calling roll. 16.Hop to (it)! ;14.大家快點做。 15.快一點,他在點名了 16.快點!
17.Shake a leg, they're getting impatient. ;17.快動身吧,他們已等 得不耐煩了。
18.What are you waiting for? Christmas? ;18.你還在等什么? 等著過新年嗎?
19.Hurry up and get dressed.You are worse than a woman. ;19.快點穿好衣服走, 你比女人還會蘑菇。
20.You'd better hustle.He's got a head start. ;20.你要快一點兒, 他已比你更早動身了。
21.We need to speed things up. ;21.我們必須加速進行。
22.Let's get there early so we don't miss out on anything. ;22.咱們早點去才 不會漏了什么。
23.I'm in a bit of a hurry. 24.We're wasting time. ;23.我正在趕時間。 24.我們在浪費時間。
25.Stop taking your time. 26.Hurry up!We don't have all day. ;25.不要慢吞吞。 26.快點!我們沒那么 多時間。
27.We're pressed for time. 28.We are running out of time. ;27.我們在趕時間。 28.我們的時間快用完了。
29.Every second counts. 30.It's a race against the clock. ;29.現(xiàn)在分秒必爭。 30.這是分秒必爭的時刻
31.I'm pressed for time.Don't get in my way. ;31.我在趕時間, 少跟我礙手礙腳。
32.We're fighting the clock. 33.The clock is ticking. ;32.我們必須趕時間。 33.時間不斷地消逝。
34.I have no time for pessimists. ;34.我不愿浪費時間 給悲觀的人。
35.Can you put a little pressure on? ;35.你能稍微施點兒壓力 嗎?
Chapter 71. Don't Rush ;71. 不用急
1.I won't be long. 2.I'll be ready in a jiffy. ;1.我不會拖太久。 2.我就完事了。
3.No rush.We still have ample time. 4.Is it that urgent? ;3.不用急,我們有的 是時間。 4.很緊急嗎?
5.Take your time. 6.What's the big rush? ;5.你慢慢地做吧, 不用急。 6.你急吼吼地是怎么回事
7.There's still time. 8.What's the matter?The cops chasing you? ;7.咱們有的是時間。 8.怎么回事啦?警察在 后面追你嗎?
9.Calm down! 10.Be patient! 11.Don't be so eager. ;9.平靜下來! 10.耐點性兒! 11.不用那么急切。
12.One thing at a time. 13.Easy does it. ;12.不要亂做一氣。 (一樣一樣來。) 13.不用急,慢慢來。
14.Do things step by step. 15.One day at a time. ;14.做事要按部就班。 15.過一天算一天。
16.I think you're jumping the gun. 17.Slow down your pace. ;16.我認(rèn)為你太急切了。 17.把你的步調(diào)放慢些。
18.Don't jump to any conclusions. 19.Don't be impulsive. ;18.不要妄下斷論。 19.不要太沖動。
20.Relax,you'll get your shot. ;20.放心,會輪到你的。
21.With people today, everything is rush,rush,rush. ;21.現(xiàn)代的人做事 都是急就章。
Chapter 72. Impatient ;72. 不耐
1.When is this going to end? ;1.這要到什么時候 才叫停呢?
2.We don't have all day. 3.Time seems to going backwards. ;2.我們哪有功夫 等你一整天。 3.時間好像拖著腳在走。
4.Let's just get it over with. 5.I'm not a man of patience. ;4.我們快點把它 做個了斷吧。 5.我是沒耐性的人。
6.You're trying my patience. 7.I have my limits! ;6.你在惹我發(fā)火。 7.我的忍耐有個限度!
Chapter 73. Be Patient ;73. 耐心
1.Rome wasn't built in a day. 2.Don't push him. ;1.羅馬不是一天造成的。 2.別催得他太急。
3.Have patience! 4.A fisherman should be patient. ;3.你要有點兒耐性! 4.釣魚的人應(yīng)該有耐性。
5.Give him some breathing room. 6.I'm counting the days. ;5.多給他些喘息的空間。 6.我在倒數(shù)日子。
7.A:How long do you think it might take? ;7.你想這大約要花 多少時間?
B:A day or two, three at the most. ;B:一或兩天,頂多三天。
8.I'll wait here until the cows come home. 9.Have a nice wait! ;8.我不惜在這里等一輩子 9.你好好地等下去吧!
10.Patience is a virtue. ;10.容忍是一種美德。
11.All good things come to those who wait. ;11.美事終會臨到 耐心的人。
Chapter 74. Time Descriptions & Philosophy ;74. 時間與哲學(xué)
1.Do you know what day it is today? ;1.你知道今天是 星期幾嗎?
2.Time flies,I've lost track of time. ;2.時間飛快,我已記不 清楚今夕是何年。
3.Wednesday is hump day. ;3.星期三像一周中 的分水嶺。
4.Thank God it's Friday! ;4.謝天謝地, 又到星期五了。
5.I can't be sure of the exact time. ;5.我也弄不清楚現(xiàn)在 確切的時刻。
6.There's a three hour time lag between New York and California. ;6.紐約和加州之間有 三個鐘頭的時差。
7.My watch is five minutes fast. ;7.我的手表快了五分鐘。
8.A:Do you have the time? ;8.A:你的手表幾點了?
B:Sure,it's three forty-five(A quarter to four.) ; B:三點四十五分鐘。
9.A:What time is it now? B:It's ten to 12. ;9.A:現(xiàn)在幾點啦? B:差十分十二點。
10.Is that clock right? ;10.那個鐘準(zhǔn)嗎?
11.This watch keeps good time. 12.You can set your watch by him. ;11.這只表走得很準(zhǔn)。 12.你可以拿他來 校正手表。
13.I think that clock is off by a few minutes. ;13.我想那個鐘差了幾分
14.This intricate work is too time-consuming. ;14.這件復(fù)雜的工作很費 時。
15.Proofreading for mistakes eats up a lot of time. ;15.校對錯誤消耗掉 許多時間。
16.He will comply before long. ;16.不久他會屈服于 我們的要求。
17.Time heals all wounds. ;17.時間會安撫一切傷痛
Chapter 75. ;The Preciousness Of Time 75. 時間的寶貴
1.Life is too short for this. ;1.人生太短, 做這種事劃不來。
2.My time is too valuable to waste. ;2.我的時間太寶貴了, 浪費不起。
3.You can't turn back the clock. ;3.你無法使時光倒流。
4.This will occupy all your time. 5.My time is up. ;4.這會占用你整個時間。 5.我的時間到了。
6.We worked from dawn until dusk. 7.Better late than never. ;6.我們從早忙到晚。 7.遲些做也總比完全 不做強。
8.Ther's still time. 9.Don't let your life pass you by. ;8.還有時間性嘛! 9.不要讓大好光陰虛度。
10.Make hay while the sun shines. 11.Treasure your life. ;10.白日莫閑過。 11.珍惜人生。
12.Take time to smell the roses. 13.Seize the day. ;12.要在百忙中勻出時間 來,嗅那玫瑰的清香 13.要及時行樂。
14.Tomorrow becomes today and before you know it,it's yesterday. ;14.明日變成今日, 在你還沒覺察之前, 它又變成昨日。
Chapter 76. Setting Up Appointments ;76. 約定時間
1.You name the time. ;1.時間由你來決定吧。
2.A:When should I come? B:Whenever is best for you. ;A:我該幾時來? B:看你什么時候最方便。
B:Whenever is most convenient. ;B:找你最方便的時間來。
3.I'm way ahead of you on that . ;3.我的腦筋比你靈活, 早就弄妥了。
4.A:When should I be there? B:How does 8 A.M. sound? ;4.A:我?guī)讜r該到那里? B:你看上午8點如何?
A:That's kind of early.I'm afraid I can't make it. ;A:那太早了些, 我怕趕不來。
B:Would 10 A.M. be all right? ;B:10點總可以吧?
A:Lets make it 11 A.M.How's that with you? ;A:我們就定在11點, 你看行嗎?
B:Fine with me.Make sure you're there at 11 sharp. ;B:沒問題,你11點整 一定要到。
5.A:Who are you here for? B:I'm here to see Ms.O'Connor. ;5.A:你來這里見誰? B:我是來見歐卡娜 小姐的。
6.Is Mr.Walters expecting you? ;6.瓦特斯先生等著 見你嗎?
7.A:How about lunch on Thursday? B:It's a date. ;7.A:星期四去吃中飯 好嗎? B:行,就這樣說定了。
8.I can't see you this afternoon.I'm all tied up. ;8.我今天下午沒法見你, 我的時間都已排滿了。
9.I'm not free on that day. 10.I have a tight schedule today. ;9.我那一天抽不出空來。 10.我今天的行程很緊湊
11.Sorry.I can't do lunch with you. I have a previous engagement. ;11.抱歉,我無法和你去 用午飯,我和別人 有約在先。
12.She's completely booked until next Monday. ;12.她的時間到下星期一 之前都已預(yù)約。
13.I'm sorry I spoiled your evening. ;13.很抱歉,我使你今晚 的計劃泡湯了。
14.She can't make it for lunch. Something came up. ;14.她臨時出了一點事兒, 沒辦法來吃午飯。
Chapter 77. Presence ;77. 現(xiàn)身
1.Speak of the devil, here she is now. ;1.說曹操,曹操到。
2.I wasn't sure if you'd show up or not. ;2.我算不準(zhǔn)你到底來不來
Chapter 78. Punctual Arrival ;78. 準(zhǔn)時到達
1.I'll there at 9:00, give or take a few minutes. ;1.我九點到,也可能早 或晚個幾分鐘。
2.He'll be here at noon sharp. 3.I'll be there 9:00 on the dot. ;2.他中午會到這兒。 3.我9點整會準(zhǔn)時到。
4.I'll meet you there in half an hour. 5.Expect me at 6:00. ;4.我半小時內(nèi)和你在 那里見面。 5.你6點在那里等我。
6.Boy,you're right on time. 7.You saved me a trip. ;6.乖乖,你來得分秒不差 。 7.你省了我跑一趟路。
Chapter 79. Running Late ;79. 延誤
1.I'm running a little bit late. ;1.我有點兒遲了。
2.I'm a little behind schedule. 3.Enough said. ;2.我比原訂計劃稍 落后了些。 3.你說夠了。
4.I'm sorry I'm late. I got stuck at work. 5.What kept you? ;4.我因工作耽誤而遲來, 很抱歉。 5.什么事使你遲遲不來?
6.What took you so long? 7.He's been tied up. ;6.干嘛去這么久? 7.他被留置(拘留).
8.He's been detained. ;8.他被辦公室的事務(wù) 給耽誤了。
9.Gosh,we barely made it. ;9.天老爺,我們總算 勉強做成了。
10.Am I early or are you late? ;10.到底是我來得太早, 還是你遲到了?
Chapter 80. Speed ;80. 速度
1.This won't take any time. 2.The sooner the better. ;1.這要不了我多少 時間。 2.愈快愈好。
3.I'll be finished in a flash. 4.I'll be quick as a bunny. ;3.我會快如閃電地做完。 4.我動若脫兔。
5.We did it in no time. 6.I just can't keep up. ;5.我們沒花多久就做成了 。 6.我實在趕不上你的腳步 。
7.He came in and out like a lightning bolt. ;7.他來無影去無蹤。
8.It's faster than a speeding bullet. ;8.它快過槍彈
Chapter 81. The Order Of Sequence/Waiting ;81. 順序
1.Don't speak out of turn. 2.Please wait in line. 3.You're next. ;1.還沒輪到你說話。 2.請按秩序排成一隊。 3.輪到你了。
4.You have to wait your turn. 5.Are you waiting in line? ;4.還沒輪到你呢。 5.你在排隊嗎?
6.I was here before you. 7.You're after me,pal. 8.You're on. ;6.我比你早來。 7.老兄,你排在我后面。 8.輪到你上場了。
9.Don't put the cart before the horse. 10.The best is yet to come. ;9.不要本末倒置。 10.好戲還在后頭。
Chapter 82. Frequency ;82. 頻率
1.I still shoot pool on occasion. 2.This marriage has been so sudden. ;1.我偶爾會打彈子。 2.這婚姻來得很突然。
3.It's not that common. ;3.這不常聽到。
4.Time after time, I get stuck with losers. ;4.我一次又一次碰上 不成器的人。
5.It happens all the time. ;這種事天天都有。
Chapter 83. Job Offers ;83. 雇用
1.We're understaffed. 2.Get the right man for the job. ;1.我們?nèi)耸植蛔恪?2.去找稱職的人來擔(dān)任 這份工作。
3.I have an opening here for a new typist. ;3.我有一打字員的缺 在找人。
4.They're looking for an entry-level clerk.Any takers? ;4.他們在找初級的職員, 誰有興趣應(yīng)征嗎?
5.It's so hard to find good help these days. ;5.現(xiàn)在很難難找到 好幫手。
6.Good employees are few and far between. ;6.好雇員難求。
7.This job is open to everyone. 8.New blood is moving in. ;7.這份工作誰都可應(yīng)征。 8.新鮮血液正在加入 我們的陣容。
Chapter 84. Recommendations ;84. 推薦
1.I've got (just) the right guy for the job. ;1.我正巧有適合這份 工作的人。
2.This job is tailor-made for her. ;2.那件工作對她再 合適不過了。
3.He's cut for the job. ;3.他是做這種工作 的料子。
Chapter 85. Extending Job Offers ;85. 給予工作機會
1.One of my helpers is sick.Can you fill in? ;1.我的一個幫手病了, 你能補他的缺嗎?
2.I have a job opening for you,but it's on trial basis. ;2.我有份工作給你, 但只是試用性的。
3.I'll pay you twice what you're making there. ;3.不論你在那兒的薪水 多少,我加一倍 雇用你。
4.You're priceless. 5.You're the man for the job. ;4.你是無價之寶。 5.你是最適合擔(dān)任 這份工作的人。
6.Sign that guy up. ;6.快去和那個人簽 雇用契約。
7.He's worth his weight in gold. 8.She is worth a lot. ;7.他值得我花大把銀子 聘請他。 8.她的身份不凡。
Chapter 86. A Good Job Offer ;86. 好工作機會
1.Shop around. 2.That job offer is simply amazing. ;1.貨問三家,不吃虧。 2.那份工作的待遇, 簡直好得令人驚訝。
3.That job offers great fringe benefits. ;3.那份職位提供很優(yōu)厚 的額外福利。
4.That fat job pays well. ;4.那份肥缺油水不少。
5.Who wouldn't jump at such an opportunity? ;5.這種好機會有誰不要?
6.That cushy job is highly persuasive. ;6.那份閑差事很誘人。
Chapter 87. Seeking A Job ;87. 覓職
1.This job is not too appealing to me. 2.I'm in between jobs right now. ;1.我對這份工作興趣不大 。 2.我現(xiàn)在正在找工作。
3.I'd do anything for a job. ;3.如果能找到一份工作, 要我做什么都行。
4.I don't want any pity.I just need a job. ;4.我不需要憐憫, 我只要一份工作。
5.I need a steady job. 6.I hope I don't wind up in the gutter. ;5.我需要一份穩(wěn)定的工作 6.希望我不致于淪為貧民
7.The job outlook is grim. ;7.就業(yè)機會的前瞻不佳。
8.How's your job hunting coming along? ;8.你找工作的事進行 得如何?
9.You have to pound the pavement. ;9.你必須自己到處去 找一份工作。
10.She went to New Your to try to break into acting. ;10.她跑到紐約,去試試 她演藝業(yè)的生涯。
11.Maybe one of your old school ties can find you a job. ;11.也許你的老校友當(dāng)中, 某個人能幫你找份工作  ?
12.Something will come up. ;12.會有好轉(zhuǎn)機的。
13.Good jobs don't come cheap.You've gotta pay a price. ;13.好職位得之不易, 你必須付出相當(dāng)?shù)? 代價。
14.Can you put in a good word for me to get that job? ;14.你能幫我美言幾句, 好得到那份工作嗎?
15.Finding this job was a lucky break. ;15.能找到這份工作 真是運氣好。
16.A:How did he get that job? B:He got in through the back door. ;16.A:他那份工作是 怎么來的? B:靠拉關(guān)系得到的。
Chapter 88. Job Interviews ;88. 求職面試
1.A:Is that job still open? ;1.A:那份缺還在嗎?
B:I'm afraid that position has been filled. ;B:抱歉,已找到人了。
B:Sorry,that post has been taken. ;B:抱歉,那缺已有人。
2.I'm responding to your ad. ;2.我來應(yīng)征你們的 招聘廣告。
3.We still have one more slot to fill. ;3.我們還有一缺要補。
4.A:Did you advertise for a clerk? B:That's right. ;4.A:你們登報招聘 店員嗎? B:對。
A:Is the positing still open? B:Yes.Are you interested? ;A:那個缺還有嗎? B:有你有興趣嗎?
5.This interview is like a pressure cooker to me. ;5.這個求職面談,使 我感到很大的壓力。
6.I get the jitters. 7.What are your credentials? ;6.我覺得鼓不起勇氣。 7.你有什么學(xué)歷和經(jīng)歷?
8.With experience like that,you'll do fine. ;8.有那么好的經(jīng)驗, 你會無往不利。
9.I'm the man for the job. ;9.這份工作非我莫屬。
Chapter 89. Job Rejections ;89. 拒絕聘用
1.I didn't get a fair shake at that job opening. ;1.那次招請人員,沒給 我公平競爭的機會。
2.Give me a better candidate. 3.I don't hire dumbbells. ;2.替我找個更好的人選 取來補這缺。 3.我不會花錢雇用笨蛋。
Chapter 90. To Be Hired ;90. 受雇
1.We landed a good one when we hired you. ;1.我們雇用你, 算是找對人了。
2.He was singled out from so many candidates. 3.This job is yours. ;2.他在許多候選人當(dāng)中 被挑出來。 3.這份工作是你的。
4.You just hired Miss Welch for her looks. ;4.你只是因為魏樂曲 小姐臉蛋兒長得 漂亮才雇用她。
5.How soon can you start? 6.He's the new kid on the block. ;5.你幾時 可以來上班? 6.他是新來的。
Chapter 91. Job Training ;91. 工作培訓(xùn)
1.We're breaking in a new cook. 2.Whip him into shape. ;1.我們正在調(diào)教一名 新廚師。 2.嚴(yán)格督促他。
3.The coach is trying to bust our chops. 4.You're doing fine. ;3.教練想累壞我們。 4.你做得很好。
5.Despite being green,he's good. ;5.他雖然是生手, 但表現(xiàn)得不錯。
Chapter 92. Career I quires ;92. 詢問職業(yè)
1.What's your occupation? 2.What do you do for a living? ;1.你的職業(yè)是什么? 2.你靠什么過日子?
3.That's not my line. 4.I know better. ;3.那不是我的本行。 4.我比你懂。
5.Are you self-employed? 6.I only do piece work. ;5.你自己當(dāng)老板嗎? 6.我按件計酬拿薪水。
7.I do odd jobs. 8.I'm a freelancer. ;7.我靠打雜維生。 8.我是自由職業(yè)者。
9.I work for the government. 10.How can I help you? ;9.我是公務(wù)員。 10.我能替你做些什么?
Chapter 93. Position ;93. 職位
1.You've got the job. I run the show. ;1.表面上你主其事, 實際上由我操縱大局。
2.He holds a key position in the company. ;2.他在公司里擔(dān)任 重要的職位。
3.You're the mainstay of the company. ;3.你是公司的大臺柱。
4.She's the pillar of this firm. ;4.她是這家公司的臺柱。
5.I don't mind playing second fiddle. ;5.我不在乎屈居人下 的工作。
6.The pecking order in that club is pretty tough. ;6.那所俱樂部里的階級 分得很嚴(yán)格。
7.He's the low man on the totem pole. ;7.他的階級最低。
Chapter 94. Promotion ;94. 晉升
1.Since his promotion he's been on the gravy train. ;1.自從晉升后, 他搭上了肥缺。
2.He's promoted one step too high. ;2.他晉升到一個無法 勝任的高職。
3.She performed sexual favors for her boss to get promoted. ;3.她對老板犧牲色相 以獲得拔擢。
4.She slept her way up the corporate ladder. ;4.她利用與老板的床第 關(guān)系一路竄升。
5.He's a man on the way up! ;5.他現(xiàn)在扶搖直上!
Chapter 95. Salary ;95. 薪水
1.Your salary will be commensurate with your experience. ;1.你的薪水多寡視 工作經(jīng)驗而定。
2.We pay by the hour. ;2.我們按鐘點計薪。
3.Salespersons usually work on commission. ;3.通常銷貨沒靠 抽傭金為收入。
4.This check cheers me up. ;4.這張支票令我 高興不已。
5.Could I have an advance on next week's paycheck? ;5.我可以預(yù)支下星期 的薪水嗎?
Chapter 96. Low Wages ;96. 低薪
1.I only have a modest income. 2.It's practically slave wages. ;1.我的收入不多。 2.這簡直是壓榨勞工。
3.A:How much does he pay you? B:Minimum wage. ;3.A:他付你多少薪水? B:只給法定最低工資。
4.A:How's your salary here? ;4.A:你在這兒的 薪水高嗎?
B:It's for the birds. ;B:爛透了,簡直不是 給人的待遇。
5.He works enough to get by. ;5.他只賺足夠生活 開銷的錢。
6.A:I guess the pay is not too good there. B:No,it stinks. ;A:我想那兒給的薪水 不會太好吧? B:不好,奇差無比。
7.The first job I got wasn't a princely wage. ;7.我找到的第一份工作, 薪水并不高。
8.He's living from paycheck to paycheck. ;8.他的收入只夠開銷。
Chapter 97. To Demand For Higher Pay ;97. 要求較高待遇
1.I received a dock in pay. ;1.我的薪水被扣掉了 一部分。
2.Don't try to dock my pay.What's fair is fair. ;2.公平一點,不要亂扣 我的薪水。
3.I insist same job, same pay. 4.I'm overworked and underpaid! ;3.我堅持同工同酬。 4.我多做少得!
5.He's not fair with my wages. ;5.他付給我的工資 不夠厚道。
6.I'm taking a risk. I demand more money. ;6.我在承擔(dān)風(fēng)險, 我要求更多的錢。
7.A woman has to do twice as good to get a man's pay. ;7.女性要加倍努力才能 獲得男人一樣的待遇。
Chapter 98. Asking For A Raise ;98. 要求加薪
1.I'd like a raise. 2.You're unjust if you don't pay me more. ;1.我想要加薪。 2.如果你不多付我一些 錢,就是不公平。
3.I quit. 4.I sure picked the wrong time to ask for a raise. ;3.我辭職不干。 4.我真是找錯時間問 老板加薪。
5.I just got a raise. We're in the money now. ;5.我剛剛被提升, 又有錢可以花了。
Chapter 99. High salaries ;99. 高薪
1.I'm making five grand a month. 2.I make (a) decent pay. ;1.我現(xiàn)在每月賺五千美 元。 2.我的薪水相當(dāng)可觀。
3.I hate you for the money you make. ;3.我恨你能賺那么多錢。
4.That's peanuts compared to my income. ;4.比起我的收入來, 這點兒錢不算什么。
Chapter 100. Talk About Work ;100. 談?wù)摴ぷ?
1.Temping is a great way to build contacts. ;1.打臨時工,是建立 人際關(guān)系的良方。
2.I've found my niche in life. This is the career for me. ;3.我已找到了棲身之處, 這種事業(yè)最適合我。
3.He's a nine-to-fiver. 4.He's at work. ;3.他是朝九晚五的 上班族。 4.他在上班。
5.He's off today. 6.Besides my regular occupation,I have a side job. ;5.他今天不上班。 6.除了我的正規(guī)工作外, 我還兼點副業(yè)。
Chapter 101. Work Shifts ;101. 工作班次
1.Office jobs are typically nine to five. ;1.辦公室的典型工作 時間是朝九晚五。
2.I have to work an hour or so overtime. ;2.我大概還要加一個 鐘頭的班。
3.I got stuck working the graveyard shift this month. ;3.本月份我硬被安排 在夜班工作。
4.Ted is going to pinch hit for the usual salesman. ;4.泰德要替原來的 銷售員代班。

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