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Spoken American English 6 ; 標準美國語6
Chapter 1. Being Naive ;1.天真
1.She's naive. 2.He's such a kid at heart. ;她天真浪漫。 他的心赤如童子。
3.Do you know how naive you sound? 4.Be careful.He's up to no good. ;你知道你的話有多天真 嗎? 要注意,他存心不良。
5.She's not exactly a babe in the woods. ;她不是省油的燈。
Chapter 2. Being Talented ;2 有天賦
1.He's something money can't buy. 2.He's quite a guy, good at everything. ;他是個金不換。 他很了不起,樣樣精通。
3.He's a walking encyclopedia. 4.He always has a quick comeback. ;他是一部活的百科全書。 他反應(yīng)敏捷。
5.He's quick. 6.He's witty. 7.He's a fast learner. ;他的腦筋轉(zhuǎn)得快。 他很精。 他是快速的學(xué)習(xí)者。
8.He picks things up quickly. 9.He's quick on the rebound. ;他學(xué)什么都很快。 他的反應(yīng)迅速。
10.He's something special. 11.He's very dear to me. ;他并非等閑之輩。 他對我很親昵。
12.You're a one-man army. 13.He's a dynamo. ;你是一人將軍。 他很有干勁(像一部發(fā)電 機)
14.He's capable and works hard. 15.He does the job of many. ;他既能干又認真。 他一人干好幾個人的活。
16.He can accomplish a lot by himself. 17.He's definitely going places. ;光靠他自己就可以獲得許 多成就。 他必定會成功。
18.He's very versatile 19.He's gifted. 20.He's a genius. 21.He's talented. ;他多才多藝。 他天賦高。 他是個天才。 他才高八斗。
22.Show them what you've got. 23.Put your best foot forward. ;露兩手讓他們瞧瞧 你的真功夫。 把你壓箱底的功夫使出來
24.He's a man of many talents. 25.Watch this good old American know-how. ;他才華橫溢。 瞧我露一手美國佬才懂 的絕活兒給你看。
26.He's always one step ahead of the crowd. ;他總是比眾人先著一步棋
27.He's a financial wizard. ;他是財經(jīng)怪杰。
28.He's so far ahead, he's in a class by himself. ;他的造詣自成一流, 遠超別人。
29.You're got the magic touch. 30.Some people have it Some people don't. ;你的手法真靈。 某些人有天分, 某些人則平平庸庸。
31.A:Can you sing? B:Try me. ;你的歌唱得好嗎? 你聽我唱一首就知道了。
32.That's my expertise 33.He has no sidekick. ;那是我的專長。 他沒幫手.
34.You should be in show biz. 35.He's a natural. 36.He's a born leader. ;你應(yīng)該去當(dāng)演員。 他有與生具來的才干。 他是天生的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人才。
37.I have the knack for planning. 38.He sure makes it look easy. ;我有策劃的才干。 他做起來輕而易舉。
39.No one is more qualified than you. 40.You've got a lot to offer in this field ;沒哪個人比你更有資格。 你在這一行大有可為。
41.How do I know you're any good? ;我怎曉得你行呢?
42.What makes you think you have what it takes to be a doctor? ;為何你認為是塊 當(dāng)醫(yī)師的料子呢?
43.He's a late bloomer 44.You are great with kids. ;他大器晚成。 你和小孩們很處得來。
45.She's proficient in both English and Japanese. ;她通曉英日語。
46.She knows who she is. 47.I've got something no one can take away ;她很清楚自己的身份。 我有些別人拿不走的 真本事。
48.He could emcee a talk show. ;他可以當(dāng)“脫口秀” 的主持人。
Chapter 3. Inabilities ;第3章 無能
1.You are a little out of your league. ;這個你做不來。
2.I'm a jack of all trades,but master of none. ;我什么都能做一點, 但沒哪樣精。 (我習(xí)百藝而無一精)
3.He's working under his potential. 4.I used to be pretty good at this. ;他大材小用。 從前我很精于此道。
5.She's more an airhead than a gear head. ;她對機械的領(lǐng)悟力差, 有的只是空洞的腦袋。
6.Painting is not my forte. 7.I'm all thumbs when it comes to plumbing ;畫圖并非我的長處。 一碰到修理水管的工作, 我就變得笨手笨腳。
8.I couldn't bake a pie to save my life. ;我連最簡單的事都做不來
9.I don't think she is secretary material. ;我不認為她是當(dāng)秘書 的料子。
10.She's not cut out to be a piantist. ;她天生不是鋼琴家的料子
11.You can't do a single thing by yourself. ;要是沒人幫忙,你自己 什么事兒也辦不成。
12.As a CEO,he's simply overrated. ;叫他當(dāng)公司的總裁, 未免太小才大用。
13.He's been given more credit than he deserves. ;他名過其實。 他浪得虛名。
14.His performance doesn't live up to his reputation. ;他的才藝與盛名相去甚遠
15.This car fails to live up to its name. ;這種車子的性能, 跟它的名氣相差甚遠。
16.He's not really as good as people say he is. ;他名不副實。
Chapter 4. Literature ;第4章 文學(xué)
1.It takes forever to finish this book. ;這本書好象一輩子也 讀不完。
2.I put a bookmark where I left off so I won't lose my place. ;我夾了一張書簽在末頁, 免得我忘了讀到哪兒。
3.A:Can I see that book for a second? B:Okay,but don't lose my page. ;讓我看一下那本書好嗎? 好的,但不要把我看的 那頁給弄混了。
4.This book is a great read. ;這本書讀起來好過癮。
5.This book is great as a quick reference on the job. ;這本書可作為實際 操作時的簡便參考。
6.We did have a good laugh reding that book. ;我們讀那本書的時候 著實笑了一陣子。
7.I need a book of who's who. 8.This is the original edition. ;我需要一本名人錄。 這是本原版書。
9.This book is out of circulation. 10.I'd like to take out this book. ;這是絕版書。 我想把這本書借出去。
11.You can't check this out.It's on reserve. 12.Read and reap. ;你不能借這本書, 已有人預(yù)約。 開卷有益。
13.The obscene book was banned. 14.Children's storybook characters ;淫穢書籍被禁止出售。 兒童故事里的 著名人物。
Chapter 5. Authors & Writing ;第5章 作者與寫作
1.You need to beef it up a little. 2.He's a would-be writer. ;你必須再充實 一下它的內(nèi)容。 他是一名準作家。
3.Hey,who scribbled on my stationery? 4.I can't read your writings. ;嘿,是誰在我的信筏上 亂畫一氣的? 我看不懂你寫的字。
5.I can't make out if this is an "e" or "c". ;我分辨不出這是e 還是c 。
6.I can't make out this note.It's illegible. ;這張紙條字跡潦草 (模糊)我看不懂。
7.You have a doctor's handwriting. ;你的字跡像大夫的 一樣潦草。
8.Her handwriting is elegant,but Jim's writing is a scrawl. ;她的筆跡娟秀,但吉姆 的字體卻像鬼畫符。
9.What's this chicken scratch? 10.Your handwriting is super neat. ;你這鬼畫符寫的是 什么東西? 你的筆跡十分工整。
11.I think it's spelled wrong. ;我想這個字是拼錯了。
12.There are too many misprints in the book. ;這本書拼錯了很多字。
13.This poem is not rhythmic. 14.Publish or perish. ;這首歌念起來沒有韻律感 不出書就甭想活下去。
15.Staple these together. 16.Collate these papers. ;把這些紙(文件)釘起來 按號碼的順序,把這些 文書釘在一塊兒。
17.Please have these papers shredded. 18.Save the scrap paper for recycling ;請將這些文件用碎紙機 銷毀掉。 保留廢紙以便回收再利用
19.Please jot it down in your notebook. ;請把它記在筆記本里。
Chapter 6. Airline Flights ;第6章 航班
1.I can't take a standby.I need a confirmed seat. ;我不要候補票,我必須有 確定的機位。
2.I have a round trip ticket to D.C. 3.I have a flight to catch. ;我有一張到華盛頓的 來回票。 我趕著要去搭一趟班機。
4.I'm sorry.We're all booked up for Flight 194. ;對不起,一九四航班已客 滿。
5.Please check in two hours in advance. ;請在起飛兩小時前 作搭機登記。
6.I hope I'm not sandwiched in between. ;在這一班機中,希望我 不會像三明治似的被 夾在中間。
7.Do you have any luggage? 8.Any carry-ons? 9.Weigh in,please. ;你有行李要托運嗎? 你有隨身攜帶的行李嗎? 請將行李過磅。
10.I'll have charge you for exceeding the weight allowance. ;我必須加收你超重的 行李費。
11.There is a surcharge for extra bags. ;超件行李必須付額外的 費用。
12.Great,we missed our connecting flight. ;糟糕,我們沒趕上轉(zhuǎn)接 班機。
13.The plane's been delayed by inclement weather. ;這班機已因惡劣的天氣 而延誤。
14.Move your seat forward,please. ;請將椅背豎直。
15.Return your seat to the upright position,please. ;請把做椅扶回直立的 位置。
16.Please fold your tray up. 17.You may recline after take-off. ;請將托盤墊子向上折起。 起飛后你可以使椅背 后傾。
18.We're now cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet. ;我們現(xiàn)在已飛在三萬 三千尺的高度。
19.It's been so long. Are we almost there? 20.The flight is a little bumpy. ;已飛很久了, 我們快到了嗎? 這趟飛行有點兒顛簸。
21.Please fasten your seabelt.We're flying in turbulence. ;請系好你的安全帶, 我們正飛行在亂流中。
22.I'm feeling a bit airsick. 23.That was a perfect landing. ;我有點兒暈機。 那是個完美的著陸。
24.Please remain seated until the plane comes to a full stop. ;請在飛機完全停止前, 繼續(xù)坐在位子上。
25.This airport looks like a maze.I can't find my way around. ;這座機場像迷宮, 找不到我要走的路。
26.You can buy liquor duty free at the airport gift shop. ;你可以在機場的禮品店 買到免稅的酒。
27.Where is the baggage claim? 28.Your luggage is still in transit. ;在哪里提取行李呢? 你的行李還在運送中。
29.Those customs officers were really nasty. ;那些海關(guān)緝私官員太 惡劣了,
They made a mess of my luggage. ;他們把我的行李弄得 一團糟。
30.He's still suffering from jet lag ;他仍為時差所苦,
even though it's the third day after his arrival here in the States. ;雖然他已抵美三天。
31.My luggage got lost during the flight transfer. ;我的行李在轉(zhuǎn)機時弄丟了
Chapter 7. Lodging ;第7章 旅社
1.Sorry,we have no vacancies. ;抱歉,我們沒空房 可出租。
2.We stayed at a little B and B over the weekend. ;我們周末住在一個家庭 經(jīng)營式的小客棧里。
3.This is my home away from home. 4.The rise of the room rates simply stuns me ;這是我客居在外時暫住 的家。 旅館房價高漲得令人吃驚
5.The hotel throws in breakfast with the room. ;這家旅社隨房附送免費 早餐。
6.This hotel provides posh accommodations. 7.Does this hotel have room service? ;這家旅館提供豪華的設(shè)備 這家旅館送飲食到 客房嗎?
8.I'd like a wake-up call at 6:00 A.M. please. ;請你早上六點叫醒 我好嗎?
Chapter 8. Vacations ;第8章 假期
1.I have a three day pass. 2.I have a good two or three days to kill. ;我有三天的假期。 我足足有兩三天的 時間好打發(fā)。
3.This trip is all expenses paid. 4.I'm packing! ;這趟旅行的費用都由 公司支付。 我正在收拾行李!
5.I'm off for a real swinging holiday. 6.This is the life. ;我要出發(fā)去度一個 快樂的假期。 這才像人過的日子。
7.That vacation was the best medicine. 8.I had a blissful stay in the West. ;那個假期就如仙丹妙藥。 我在西海岸留戀忘返。
9.We can all live without vacations from hell. ;我們都不愿碰上 不愉快的旅行。
Chapter 9. Traveling ;第9章 旅游
1.If I had money,I would take a tour around the world. ;如果我有錢, 我會去環(huán)球旅行。
2.I'm going to pay him a visit. 3.Stow your gear. ;我想去拜訪他一下。 把你的行李放好。
4.He's traveled all four corners of the globe. 5.Are we almost there? ;他周游過全世界各角落。 我們快到了嗎?
6.Hey,we made it. 7.She's packed everything except the kitchen sink. ;嘿,我們終于到了。 除了洗水槽外,其余的 她都帶上旅途了。
8.I like to travel light. ;我喜歡輕裝便旅。
9.Don't let extra unnecessary bags tire you out and spoil your trip. ;不要讓沒必要的額外 行李纏累與破壞你 旅途的雅興。
10.Could you keep an eye on my luggage while I'm gone? ;我不在時,麻煩你幫我 看一下行李好嗎?
11.Be careful you don't get pick pocketed when you tour Europe. ;到歐洲旅行時, 要當(dāng)心扒竊。
12.Be wary of tourist traps when you travel to Florida. ;到佛羅里達州時, 要留意觀光陷阱。
13.Are you here on business or for pleasure? ;你是來辦事還是來玩的?
14.The natives are hostile to out-of-towners. ;當(dāng)?shù)厝藢ν鈦碚吆芘懦狻?
15.A:How was the journey? B:Long but fine. ;旅途如何? 路途雖長,但還好。
16.My trip to Europe went like a charm. 17.I hate traveling alone. ;我這一趟歐洲之旅 十分愜意。 我不喜歡單獨旅行。
18.Traveling makes a person grow and adds a touch of maturity. ;旅行可以增長見聞, 使心智成熟。
Chapter 10. Sightseeing ;第10章 觀光
1.Let me show you around. 2.Let's take the scenic route. ;我?guī)愕教幙纯础?咱們走風(fēng)景漂亮的 路線吧。
3.New York is just a hop,skip,and a jump away. ;紐約離這兒不遠。
4.Can you show me the hot spots in town? ;你能帶我到城里最 引人入勝的地方嗎?
5.How easy is it to get around in New York? ;紐約市區(qū)的交通 還算方便嗎?
6.This hike will takes over some rugged terrain. ;這趟長途跋涉, 要經(jīng)過一些崎嶇之地。
7.It's quite a tour. 8.That beach house is a nice weekend retreat. ;這一趟觀光真是有看頭。 那棟海濱度假屋, 是周末調(diào)養(yǎng)身心的好去處
Chapter 11. Scenery ;第11章 風(fēng)景
1.What a sight! 2.That's quite a view! ;多美的景色! 多么令人贊嘆的景致!
3.This place looks just like a post card. ;這里的風(fēng)光秀麗如畫。
4.The twin towers in New York are truly awe-inspiring. ;紐約的世貿(mào)中心大樓, 令人望而生畏。
5.The ocean sure makes you feel inferior. ;浩瀚大海使人倍覺渺小。
6.The view of the sunset is truly breathtaking. ;夕陽西下的瑰麗景色, 令人嘆為觀止。
7.It's the crack of dawn. ;天已破曉。
8.That fireworks display is truly spectacular. ;那場焰火表演很壯觀。
9.This hill looks really steep. 10.I filmed the amazing sight. ;這座山看起來很陡。 我錄下了那驚人的景象。
11.Why does leaf raking have to take all the fun out of fall? ;為何秋天所有的情趣, 非得被扒落葉給毀了呢?
Chapter 12. Recreation ;第12章 休閑活動
1.Isn't it your turn. ;不是該你走了嗎?
2.A:Checkmate!You have no moves left. B:You're right. There's no way out ;將軍,你無路可逃了。 你說得對,這下子我 走投無路了。
3.Let's just play for fun,not for real. 4.He's a pool shark. ;咱們來假的,不玩真的。 他是球場老千。
5.Let's shoot some pool. 6.It's your turn to break. ;咱們來打幾桿。 輪到你開球。
7.Here comes my killer shot! 8.Man,what a workout you gave me! ;當(dāng)心,我的殺手锏來了。 真要命!看你把我累得 出一身汗!
9.He was really on last night. 10.My game has really gone to pot. ;他昨晚真來勁兒。 我的球技愈來愈差。
11.Fore! 12.That's a nice drive ;看球! 這個球打的好。
13.You need to put some muscle into your drive. 14.This is an easy par ;你揮桿打(高爾夫) 球時要多用點兒臂力。 這一桿不難(這個容易)
15.I got a strike in bowling today. ;我今天的保齡球 有一局全倒。
16.A:How's your karate coming along? ;你的空手道學(xué)得怎樣了?
B:Not bad,except for the slipped joint. ;除了脫臼以外,一切還好
17.I'm really into swimming. ;我很喜歡游泳。
18.Camping not only brings you back to nature,it brightens your outlook. ;露營不僅可使人重返 大自然的懷抱,還可 開闊心胸。
19.Why don't you pitch the tent here? It's nice and flat. ;你何不在這兒扎營呢? 這塊地既平坦又好。
20.I'm itching to go fishing. 21.Are the fish biting today? ;我很想去釣魚。 今天的魚吃餌嗎?
22.A:Anything yet? B:Nah,not a bite. ;釣到什么了沒有? 沒有,連來碰一下餌都不 肯。
23.Hey,I got a bite! ;嘿,我釣到魚了。
24.We caught enough fish to feed an army ;我們捉到的魚, 足夠養(yǎng)一支軍隊。
25.He wants to hunt for bucks in the woods. ;他想到樹林里去獵雄鹿。
26.He is a thorough, patient hunter. 27.He leaves no stone unturned. ;他是細心、有耐性的獵人 。 他做事徹底,巨細靡遺。
Chapter 13. Hobbies ;第13章 嗜好
1.Quite a collection, isn't it? ;真是了不起的收集, 不是嗎?
2.In his spare time he likes to tinker with computers. ;他空閑時喜歡擺弄計算機 (拆修或作程序設(shè)計)
3.He likes to toy around the house. 4.Cars are his life. ;他喜歡做屋子里一些 修修補補的工作。 車子活像他的命。
5.He's in love with his car. 6.He makes women his hobby. ;他迷戀上他的車子。 他把拈花若草當(dāng)成嗜好。
7.Is surfing your cup of tea? 8.Are you into scuba diving? ;沖浪是你的嗜好嗎? 你喜歡潛水嗎?
9.Are you keen on painting? 10.I have a passion for sculpture. ;你喜歡畫圖嗎? 我對雕刻很熱衷。
11.Gymnastics isn't for me. 12.Needlepoint is not my thing. ;我不喜歡體育。 刺繡非我所長。
Chapter 14. Going Out ;第14章 外出
1.Are you in the mood for a long walk? 2.Care to join me? ;你有心情去散步嗎? 想不想跟我去?
3.A:Why don't you join us for lunch? ;你何不和我們一起用 午餐?
B:Thanks,but two's company.Three's a crowd. ;謝了,我不想去當(dāng) 電燈泡。
4.Can I take a rain check? 5.You don't need an old man tagging along ;改天再奉陪好嗎? 你犯不著帶個老頭子 去礙手礙腳。
6.It'll be boring without you. 7.That's only half the fun. ;沒你去會很無聊。 這還不算盡興。
8.Don't be out late. 9.Stop following me. ;早點兒回來。 不要窮跟著我。
10.Don't keep your mom up too late. ;早點回來,別讓你媽等得 太晚。
11.Enjoy your evening. 12.I hope they have fun. ;好好的享受你的夜晚吧。 希望他們玩得開心。
13.Let the good times roll! 14.The night is still young! ;大家開始享樂吧。 今晚的時刻還早呢!
15.Have I been gone too long? ;我是不是去太久了些?
Chapter 15. Having Fun ;第15章 玩樂
1.I'm having the time of my life. ;這是我一生中最愉快 的時刻。
2.We had the time of our lives during our college years. ;我們四年的大學(xué)生活 過得很愜意。
3.We had a helluva time at the New Year's Eve party. ;我們在新年除夕夜的 慶祝晚會玩得很盡興。
4.We're having a whale of a time. ;我們在游樂場玩得好開心
5.Oh,I'm as happy as a lark now that I'm single again! ;啊,我又成了云雀那般 快樂的單身漢。
6.Thanks for a lovely time. ;謝謝你帶給我的美好 的時光。
Chapter 16. Self-Indulge ;第16章 放縱
1.Eat,drink and be merry,for tomorrow you may die. ;盡情地吃喝玩樂吧, 因為你說不定隨時 會告別塵世。
2.Enjoy your life while you can. ;今朝有酒今朝醉。
3.There's a lot more to life than wine, women and song. ;生命中除了酒、色和 歌唱以外,還有許多 有意義的事。
4.He lives a decadent lifestyle. ;他過著糜爛的生活。
Chapter 17. Self-Control ;第17章 自制
1.Do everything in moderation. 2.Show some restraint. ;凡事要適可而止。 要自制。
3.You're an adult now. You should know when to say no. ;你已長大成人,應(yīng)曉得 何時該嚴厲拒絕。
4.You guys never know when to say when. ;你們這些人,從來 不知道什么時候歇手。
5.You must curb your drinking habit. ;你要遏止你酗酒的壞習(xí)慣
6.I was tempted to say something,but I held myself back. ;我本想說點什么,但話 到了嘴邊又咽下去了。
7.I bit my lip when Bob stood there lying about all his adventures. ;巴伯站在那里吹噓他 種種的冒險時,我按捺 著性子默不做聲。
8.You need to confine yourself. ;你要收斂自己。
9.Try not to let your enthusiasm get the best of you. 10.Look casual! ;別讓熱心沖昏了你的頭。 態(tài)度要自然些!
11.Flesh is flesh. 12.You'd better take a cold shower. ;肉體終歸是軟弱的。 你最好沖個冷水澡。
Chapter 18. Being Joyful ;第18章 愉快
1.His face glowed with happiness. 2.You look so chipper this morning. ;他容光煥發(fā)。 你今天早上看起來 心情很愉快。
3.You look alive today 4.Her spirits are high today. ;你今天顯得朝氣蓬勃。 她今天的興致很高。
5.I'm in seventh heaven. 6.I'm flattered. 7.You just made my day ;我好象在七重天。 我受寵若驚, 你使我好開心。
8.She's been on cloud nine. 9.She'll be thrilled to death. ;她的一顆心飛到了 九霄云外。 她一定會樂死了。
10.She loves me!I feel like shouting it from the rooftops. ;我真想跑到屋頂上去 叫嚷,讓所有的人都 知道她愛上了我。
11.A:How was the play? B:You didn't miss a thing. ;戲演的如何? 平淡無奇。(沒去也不算 錯過什么。)
12.He's acting like a kid in a candy store ;他表現(xiàn)得好象是置身 在糖果鋪里喜滋滋 的小孩。
Chapter 19. Spoilsport ;第19章 掃興
1.It's no fun at all. I hate it. 2.C'mon.Don't be a party pooper! ;這沒一點兒意思, 我討厭它。 哎呀,你別掃興嘛!
3.You're such a sourball. 4.You're a real downer ;你太乖癖。 你真敗人雅興。
5.You're being a wet blanket. 6.Don't be a sourpuss. ;你這樣子等于在潑冷水。 別鬧別扭了。
Chapter 20. Parties ; 第20章 宴會
1.Let's throw them a housewarming party. ;咱們來替他們的新宅 落成開慶祝會。
2.Don't invite him to the party.He's such a stuffed shirt. ;不要邀請他去參加 舞會,他呆板得令人 受不了。
3.This party is a free-for-all. 4.It's a come-as- you-are party. ;這場舞會歡迎所有的人 來參加。 這是個非正式的宴會。
5.Sorry,this is a stag party.No ladies allowed. ;抱歉,這是男人的晚會, 不許女士參加。
6.It's a party.Let's not talk shop. ;這是個舞會,我們不要 談生意好嗎?
7.Come on!It's a party Let your hair down. ;哎呀,這是舞會不要太嚴 肅嘛!
8.Let's crash Amy's party. 9.He dropped in unannounced. ;咱們?nèi)リJ艾米的舞會。 他連招呼都沒一聲, 人就來了。
10.Let's rock 'n' roll 11.The party is in full swing. ;咱們開始狂歡吧! 舞會正進行到最高潮。
12.The party was a smashing success. ;這場宴會辦得非常 成功。
Chapter 21. Dancing ;第21章 跳舞
1.I tried to close the gap between boys and girls. ;我想縮短男女生之間 的差距。
2.May I have the honor (of this dance)? ;我可以請你跳這支 舞嗎?
3.Let's wait this one out while I catch my breath. ;咱們不要跳這支舞, 好讓我喘口氣。
4.My dance card is full. 5.You're very graceful ;約我跳舞的人都排滿了。 你跳得很優(yōu)雅。
6.I think they are playing our song. ;我想他們正在演奏 我們的曲子。
Chapter 22. Celebrations ;第22章 慶祝
1.Congratulations! You won. 2.What's the occasion? ;恭喜!你贏了。 到底是在慶祝什么?
3.Let's start off the new year with a bang 4.Slap me five. 5.Many happy returns! ;咱們以吹號歡聲過新年。 跟我擊掌。 祝你青春常駐!
6.That deserves a toast. 7.Congratulations are in order. ;那值得干一杯。 這件事值得慶祝。
8.She's celebrating her sweet sixteen this year. ;她在慶祝她的二八年華。
9.She enjoyed her birthday in a big way. ;她大肆鋪張來享受她的 生日。
Chapter 23. Television ;第23章 電視
1.Let's go watch the tube. 2.Any good shows on now? ;咱們?nèi)タ措娨暟伞?不知道現(xiàn)在有什么好 節(jié)目?
3.Anything on now? 4.I wonder whether if this is a live broadcast. ;有值得一看的嗎? 不知道這個是否現(xiàn)場 轉(zhuǎn)播?
5.A:Not much on TV,is there? B:Not much at the movies,either. ;電視節(jié)目沒什么看頭吧? 電影院也沒好看的影片。
6.There's nothing on TV but reruns. ;電視里除了回放的舊片 外,沒啥好片。
7.I saw that movie years ago. It's ancient. ;那部電影我好幾年前 就看過了,老掉牙了。
8.It's a rehash of an old plot. 9.It's a stupid movie. ;這是重炒冷飯的劇情。 這是一部低格調(diào)的影片。
10.How long before my program comes on? ;再過多久,我那個節(jié)目 才播映?
11.Isn't your favorite show on at eight o'clock? ;你愛看的電視劇不是 八點鐘開演嗎?
12.Which channel did you turn to? 13.Tune in tonight for our double feature. ;你把電視轉(zhuǎn)到哪一頻道了 今晚請觀賞我們一連 兩部的影片。
14.Stay tuned. 15.Now for a brief message from our sponsor. ;請繼續(xù)收看本節(jié)目。 現(xiàn)在來一點兒本節(jié)目 贊助者的簡短迅息。
16.May I get back to my TV now? 17.Turn it up a bit. ;我可以回去看電視了嗎? 把聲量轉(zhuǎn)大一點兒。
18.Turn it down a notch. 19.Turn the TV off or put it on mute. ;把聲量調(diào)低一點。 把電視機關(guān)掉或弄 沒聲音。
20.Somebody left the TV on. ;有人沒關(guān)電視就走開了。
Chapter 24.VCR ;第24章 錄象機
1.Wait,freeze that frame. 2.Replay that part. I missed it. ;等一下,定格在那個 畫面上面。 回放那個部分,我看漏了
3.Let me put it on slow motion. ;我用慢動作來播放。
Chapter 25. Likes About TV ;第25章 喜歡看電視
1.She's a big fan of TV. 2.I never miss "Motor Week." ;她是個電視迷。 我從不漏看每星期 的“汽車一周”(節(jié)目)
3.I worked straight through lunch. ;我連中午飯都沒吃, 一路工作下去。
Chapter 26. Dislikes About TV ;第26章 討厭電視
1.Don't sit too close to the TV. You don't want to ruin your eyes. ;別跟電視坐得太近, 你不愿毀掉你的自己 的眼睛吧?
2.Don't stay up all night watching TV. ;不要整晚不睡看電視。
3.Don't you have anything better to do than watch TV? ;除了看電視以外, 你沒有更好的事可做嗎?
4.I don't care for those silly soap operas. ;我不喜歡看那些無聊的 連續(xù)劇。
5.Commercials chop up the programs into pieces. ;廣告不電視節(jié)目砍得 支離破碎。
6.Why should I watch this junk! 7.I refuse to watch this trash. ;我何必看這種垃圾片! 我拒絕看這種爛片。
Chapter 27. Problems With TV ;第27章 電視機毛病
1.Can you check the antenna? 2.There's so much static on my radio. ;你去查一下(電視) 天線好嗎? 我收音機里有很多雜音。
3.The picture is blurry. 4.The TV's acting up again. ;電視機的圖像模糊。 這臺電視機又出毛病了。
5.Your set has blown out. ;你的電視機壞了。
Chapter 28. Movies ;第28章 電影
1.What's the feature today? 2.It's a Charles Bronson thriller. ;今天的正片是什么? 這是一部查理。 布郎遜的緊張片。
3.It's a propaganda film(war movie). 4.I didn't realize the movie was that long. ;它是一部宣傳片(戰(zhàn)爭片 沒想到這部電影這么長。
5.The picture isn't so good,but it's enough to get by. ;這部片子不怎么好, 但還過得去。
6.It's too late.We'll never make that movie. ;現(xiàn)在太遲了,我們絕對 趕不上那場電影。
7.Take a seat.The show is about to begin. ;找個位子坐下來,好戲 快上演了。
8.This film is rated G ;這部影片被評定為 適合全家觀賞。
9.Movie can be very moving at times. ;有些電影很感動人。
10.The movie seemed so true to life that people walked out crying. ;這部電影如此逼真,使 觀眾哭著離開戲院。
11.The movie last night was a real tear-jerker. ;昨晚那部影片真是 賺人的熱淚。
12.That movie had me on the edge of my seat. ;那部片子害得我 緊張死了。
13.This movie is amust-see. ;這是一部非看不可的 影片。
14.Many of the first films were slapstick comedy. ;很多早期的影片,都是 些低俗的笑鬧片。
15.That love story was too melodramatic. ;那部愛情片太做作了
16.A lousy movie cannot fool the audience. ;爛片騙不了觀眾。
17.A:How was the movie? B:It was the worst film I've ever seen ;那部片子演得如何? 這是我所曾看過最爛 的一部電影。
18.This film is a big flop at box office. 19.It bombed. ;這部影片的票房慘敗。 它一敗涂地。
20.That movie was all blood and guts. 21.This movie contains raw language. ;那部影片充滿暴力和兇殺 這部影片里,有許多不堪 入耳的下流話。
Chapter 29.Music ;第29章 音樂
1.In a sense,music is a language. 2.Are you musically inclined? ;從某方面來說,音樂是 一種語言。 你傾心于音樂嗎?
3.Get some music going 4.This melody brightens my mood. ;放點兒音樂來聽吧! 這首曲子使我轉(zhuǎn)憂為喜。
5.This song is very catchy. ;這首歌很容易記。
6.This melody brings back the good old days. 7.What a moving song! ;這一曲使我回想起舊日的 好時光。 多么動人的歌曲!
8.It sounds very melodious and fresh. 9.Classical music sounds elegant. ;它聽起來旋律美妙又清新 古典音樂很文雅。
10.Folk songs have strong local color. 11.Rock has a strong beat. ;民謠的地方情調(diào)濃厚。 搖滾樂的節(jié)奏很強烈。
12.Island melodies carry a tinge of sadness. ;島國音樂都帶著哀傷 的意味。
13.Latino music is rich in passion. ;南美洲的音樂富于悲情 抒發(fā)。
14.The choir sang like angels. ;合唱團的歌唱得恍如 天使之音。
15.The choir sang in harmony. 16.He has an exceptional voice. ;合唱團唱出和諧的曲子來 他有一副無與倫比的歌喉
17.She has extraordinary musical talent. 18.You have a good ear ;她的音樂天賦特出。 你有好聽力。 (你的音感不錯。)
19.He's tone deaf. 20.He's so good at the piano,he can play any song by ear. ;他不通音律。 他精通鋼琴,聽過一遍的 曲子都會彈。
21.The older the violin,the sweeter the voice. ;愈古老的小提琴,音色 愈曼妙。
22.The piano is horribly out of tune 23.I love these oldies goldies. ;這架鋼琴的音調(diào)荒腔走板 我喜愛聽這些老歌。
24.He played a few ditties on the piano ;他用鋼琴彈了幾首小曲子
25.She got her start singing in a honky-tonk. ;她的歌唱生涯從低級酒吧 發(fā)跡。
Chapter 30. Dislikes About Music ;第30章 討厭音樂
1.I can't stand rock music. ;我受不了搖滾樂。
2.That kind of music will lower your standards. ;那種音樂只會降低你的 靈性。
3.A:Are you listening to that garbage again? ;你又在聽那種垃圾音樂嗎
B:It's not garbage.And it has no satanic messages. ;這并非垃圾,也不含有 魔鬼的迅息。
4.That kind of music sure sounds like hell to me. ;那種音樂活像地獄里的 慘叫聲。
Chapter 31.Show Biz ;第31章 影藝界
1.This opera is based on a novel. ;這部歌劇以一部小說 為藍本。
2.She got a plum role in the new Broadway play. ;她在新百老會的舞臺劇上 獲得一個夢寐以求的 角色。
3.That singer is a real showstopper. 4.He's a young and upcoming star. ;那位聲樂家真是個杰出 的演員。 他是聲望日浮的年輕明星
5.Ted has been stage- struck since he was a little boy. ;泰德從小風(fēng)靡影藝界。
6.What's the main attraction tonight? ;今晚的壓軸好戲是什么?
7.The singer made his debut when he was only five. ;這位歌唱家五歲時首次 登臺獻藝。
8.Tracy's professor thinks she's a budding artist. ;翠茜的教授認為她是 含苞待放的藝術(shù)家。
9.The show is about to begin. 10.Joyce has a solo spot. ;好戲就快開鑼。 裘伊絲有一場獨奏。
11.It's a one-man show ;這是一出獨角戲。
Chapter 32. Outstanding Performances ;第32章 演藝出眾
1.It's our final act. Let's go out with a bang. ;這是最后的一幕,咱們要 傾力演出。
2.The best is yet to come. ;好戲還在后頭呢。
3.Stay tuned,there's much more to come. ;不要轉(zhuǎn)到另一臺,好多 精彩的部分在后面。
4.Her performance was flawless. 5.She's remarkable. 6.You amaze me. ;她的演出無懈可擊。 她太驚人了。 你使我感到驚訝。
7.That guy can create wonders. 8.It's awesome. ;那個人會制造奇跡。 這令人肅然起敬。
9.It leaves you breathless. 10.He never ceases to amaze me. ;這令人大氣都不敢吭一聲 他老是教我吃驚。
11.I'm very surprised. 12.How amazing! 13.I could hardly believe it! ;我太感到意外了。 多么令人驚訝! 我簡直不敢相信!
14.Well,what do you know! 15.I'll be damned. 16.How about that! ;真意想不到??! 我看傻了眼! 我這一手演得不賴吧?!
17.His performance is beyond reproach. 18.Who knew he was this good?Go figure! ;他的演出無懈可擊。 誰曉得他啊竟是如此的 好?真想不到!
19.You saved the best for last. ;你把好酒留在后頭。
20.The performer received a standing ovation. ;這位演員獲得全場觀眾 起立鼓掌。
21.They brought the house down with their wonderful performance. ;他們的優(yōu)異演出博得了 滿堂彩。
Chapter 33. Lousy Performances ;第33章 低劣演出
1.This show really stinks. 2.What a rip-off! ;這場表演真差勁。 簡直是坑人嘛!
3.Don't be offended if you're booed. ;如果觀眾對你起哄不必 見怪。
Chapter 34. Reservations ;第34章 訂位
1.First come,first served. 2.The concert hall is packed. ;誰先來就先招待誰。 音樂廳里人擠得水泄不通
3.Are the seats assigned? 4.Is this seat taken? ;對號入座嗎? 這位子有人嗎?
5.Do you sell season tickets? 6.What seats are left? ;你們賣季票嗎? 還剩下哪些位子?
Chapter 35. Competition ;第35章 競爭
1.It's man versus machine. ;這是一場人力和機器的 較勁。
2.There's nothing wrong with a little healthy competition. ;來一點兒公平競爭并 沒什么不對。
3.We didn't take them seriously enough before.Now we do. ;我們以前沒把他們放在 眼里,但現(xiàn)在不敢再 掉以輕心了。
4.The competition is heating up. 5.This game could be a real cliffhanger. ;這場競賽愈來愈激烈。 這場比賽扣人心弦。
6.Eat my dust! 7.I still have an ace up my sleeve. 8.He's unbeatable. ;你輸定了! 我還有一張王牌可使用。 沒人能打贏他。
9.He's too strong and too smart to be defeated. 10.He is invincible. ;他太堅強也太聰明,沒 那么容易就敗下陣來。 他難以被征服。
11.You're a good match for me. 12.He's gaining on you ;你我旗鼓相當(dāng)。 他快趕上你了。
13.A:How's the game? B:It's a tie. ;比賽進行的如何? 打成平手。

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