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English 300 for Olympics 2008 ;
Lesson Twenty-five The Fast Food 快餐 ;
A:I'm surprised 我真奇怪 ;
there're so many McDonald's restaurants in the city.北京城市有 這么多麥當(dāng)勞快餐店. ;
B:I believe there're several dozens of them if not a hundred我確信 沒有一百家也有好幾十家 ;
And there's Kentucky Fried Chicken,Pizza Hut,and ...還有肯德 基比薩餅屋,等等的... ;
A:And they are always so crowded. 而且總是這么擠. ;
B:Yes,it's amazing! 是啊,真是不可思議! ;
A:Do you like western fast food? 你喜歡西式快餐嗎? ;
B:Well,it's good to try it once in a while.嗯,偶爾來嘗 一下還不錯. ;
But I certainly don't want to have it three meals a day!但我絕不 會一日三餐都吃它! ;
A:Same with me,though I'm an American. 我也一樣,雖說我是 美國人. ;
B:Have you ever tried Chinese fast food? 你吃過中式快餐嗎? ;
A:No,never.What do you usually have for fast food?從來沒吃過.你們的 快餐一般有什么? ;
B:We have fried dough, dumpling soup,meat buns,porridge 我們把油條,餛飩,包子 ;
and soy milk for breakfast, 以及豆?jié){作為早餐 ;
and different kinds of noodles,dumplings 和吃各種面條,餃子, ;
spring rolls and so on for lunch and supper 春卷等等,作為午餐和 晚餐 ;
And there're all kinds of local delicacies.而且還 有各種各樣的地方小吃. ;
They are delicious! 味道好極了! ;
A:I must try some one day. 哪天我肯定會去 嘗一嘗 ;
Lesson Twenty-six The Chinese Cuisine 中國菜肴 ;
A:I'd like to try some real Chinese cuisine 我想吃點兒真正的中 國菜 ;
What would you recommend? 你給我推薦什么呢? ;
B:Well,it depends. You see, 那得看情況了. 你知道, ;
there are mainly eight famous Chinese cuisines, 中國主要有八大菜系, ;
for instance, 比方說, ;
the Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine. 川菜和湘菜. ;
A:They are both spicy hot,I've heard. 我聽說這兩種都很辣. ;
B:That's right. 對. ;
If you like hot dishes,you can try some.如果你喜 歡辣食,可以試試. ;
A:They might be too hot for me. 對我來說可能太辣 了點. ;
B:Then there's the Guangdong cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. 那就吃粵菜和淮揚菜. ;
Most southerners like them. 許多南方人喜歡吃. ;
A:What about any special Beijing dishes? 有特別的北京風(fēng)味菜嗎? ;
B:There's the Beijing roast duck. 有北京烤鴨啊. ;
A:Oh,yes.I've heard a lot about it. 哦,對了.我聽說過 很多次了. ;
I'd like very much to try it.Where can I find it?我很想嘗嘗 在哪里能吃到呢? ;
B:You can find it in most restaurants. 許多飯店都有烤鴨. ;
But the best place 但最好的去處, ;
is certainly Quanjude Restaurant. 當(dāng)然還是全聚德. ;
A:Is it near here? 離這兒近嗎? ;
B:Not too near but not too far either. 不太近也不太遠(yuǎn). ;
A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes, 乘出租車15分鐘能到, ;
if the traffic is not too bad,I mean. 我是說,如果堵車不 厲害的話. ;
A:Well,thank you for your information. 好,多謝你的指點. ;
But what is the name of that restaurant again?請再說一遍那 個飯店的名字好嗎? ;
B:Let me write it down on this slip of paper for you 我來給您寫在 這張紙片上吧. ;
You can show it to the taxi-driver. 你好拿給給出租司 機看. ;
A:That's very kind of you.Thanks a lot. 你真是太好了! 多謝多謝. ;
B:You're welcome. 不客氣. ;
A:I'd like to try some real Chinese cuisine 我想吃點兒真正的中國 菜 ;
What would you recommend? 你給我推薦什么呢? ;
B:Well,it depends. You see, 那得看情況了.你知道, ;
there are mainly eight famous Chinese cuisines, 中國主要有八大菜系, ;
for instance, 比方說, ;
the Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine. 川菜和湘菜. ;
A:They are both spicy hot,I've heard. 我聽說這兩種都很辣. ;
B:That's right. 對. ;
If you like hot dishes,you can try some.如果你 喜歡辣食,可以試試. ;
A:They might be too hot for me. 對我來說可能太辣 了點. ;
B:Then there's the Guangdong cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. 那就吃粵菜和淮揚菜. ;
Most southerners like them. 許多南方人喜歡吃. ;
A:What about any special Beijing dishes? 有特別的北京風(fēng)味 菜嗎? ;
B:There's the Beijing roast duck. 有北京烤鴨啊. ;
A:Oh,yes.I've heard a lot about it. 哦,對了.我聽說過 很多次了. ;
I'd like very much to try it.Where can I find it?我很想嘗嘗 在哪里能吃到呢? ;
B:You can find it in most restaurants. 許多飯店都有烤鴨. ;
But the best place 但最好的去處, ;
is certainly Quanjude Restaurant. 當(dāng)然還是全聚德. ;
A:Is it near here? 離這兒近嗎? ;
B:Not too near but not too far either. 不太近也不太遠(yuǎn). ;
A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes, 乘出租車15分鐘能到, ;
if the traffic is not too bad,I mean. 我是說,如果堵車不 厲害的話. ;
A:Well,thank you for your information. 好,多謝你的指點. ;
But what is the name of that restaurant again?請再說一遍那 個飯店的名字好嗎? ;
B:Let me write it down on this slip of paper for you我來給您寫在這 張紙片上吧. ;
You can show it to the taxi-driver. 你好拿給給出租司 機看. ;
A:That's very kind of you.Thanks a lot. 你真是太好了! 多謝多謝. ;
B:You're welcome. 不客氣. ;
Lesson Twenty-seven In a Taxi 在出租車上 ;
A:Good morning,Sir. 早上好,先生. B:Good morning! 早上好! ;
A:Where to? 您上哪里? ;
B:I just want to look around the city a bit.我只想在城里繞 繞看看. ;
A:Any particular places you want to see?有什么特 別想看的地方嗎? ;
B:Where would you suggest we go? 你建議咱們?nèi)ナ? 么地方呢? ;
A:Well,I would suggest we drive along Changan Boulevard first. 我建議咱們先沿長安街開 ;
It's the longest and straightest boulevard in the world,它是世界 上最長最直的一條大街, ;
you know. 您知道. ;
B:So I've heard.OK, let's do that. 我聽說過.好,咱們 就這么辦吧. ;
A:Now look to your right,Sir. 先生,您往右邊看. ;
That lane is the famou -s Xiushui Dongjie,the East Xiushui Street.那 條胡同是著名的秀水東街 ;
You can find all kinds of clothes there. 您可以在那兒買到 各種各樣的衣服, ;
They are cheap and nice. 而且物美價廉. ;
Lots of tourists go and shop there. 許多游客都去那兒 買東西 ;
B:Could you stop there for a moment then? 那你能在那兒停一下嗎? ;
A:Let me find a place to park. 我找個地方停車. ;
B:I'll just have a look.Please wait. 我就看一下. 請等著我. ;
A:Sure.But mind your pockets. 行,可小心您的兜兒. B:Thank you.謝謝. ;
A:Well,what do you think of it? 你覺得這地方怎么樣? ;
B:Very crowded. 特別擠. ;
But lots of good, cheap clothes there. 但是確實有好多物美價 廉的衣服. ;
A:You can come back some other time. 你可以改天再來. ;
B:Right.I'll certainly do that. 對.我肯定會再來. ;
A:This is the Friendship Store. 這是友誼商店. ;
A special shopping center for foreign tourists. 專供外國游客買東西的. ;
B:What's sold there? 都賣什么東西? ;
A:All kinds of China-made quality products, 各種各樣的國產(chǎn)名牌, ;
such as Xinjiang carpets,fine china, 像新疆地毯,細(xì)瓷器, ;
and little souveniors for you to take back home.還有小紀(jì)念品等, 可以買了帶回家. ;
B:Mm,I must come back and have a look. 我下次得來這里看看. ;
Are we nearing Tiananmen Square? 是快到天安門廣場 了嗎? ;
A:Yes,we are, 是的, ;
in five minutes,if the traffic is not too heavy.如果車不 太堵,五分鐘就到. ;
B:I hear there is a big book store near it?我聽說它附近有家 大書店,是嗎? ;
A:You mean the Xidan Book Center? 您是說西單圖書大廈 吧? ;
Yes,it's a bit further west. 對,再往西一些 就是. ;
B:Do they sell books in English? 那兒賣英文書嗎? ;
A:I'm sure they do. 肯定賣. ;
B:I want to buy a China guide book in English.我想買 本英文的中國導(dǎo)游手冊. ;
A:You want me to drop you off there? 你想到那兒下車嗎? ;
B:Yes,please. 是的,謝謝. ;
A:Here we are,Sir. 到了,先生. ;
B:I think I'll get off here.How much do I owe you?我就在這兒 下車吧.一共多少錢? ;
A:Twenty-five yuan, please. 二十五元,謝謝. ;
B:Here's thirty yuan. You can keep the change.這是三十元. 不用找了. ;
A:You are very generous. 您太客氣了. ;
B:And you are very helpful 你也很幫忙呀! ;
A:Here's your receipt. 這是您的車費收據(jù). ;
B:I don't need it. Thank you. 我不需要.謝謝. ;
A:OK.Have a nice day! 好.祝您一天過得愉快! B:Thank you.Bye-bye. 謝謝.再見. ;
A:Bye-bye! 再見! ;
A:Good morning,Sir. 早上好,先生. B:Good morning! 早上好! ;
A:Where to? 您上哪里? ;
B:I just want to look around the city a bit. 我只想在城里繞繞看看. ;
A:Any particular places you want to see?有什么特 別想看的地方嗎? ;
B:Where would you suggest we go? 你建議咱們?nèi)ナ? 么地方呢? ;
A:Well,I would suggest we drive along Chang -an Boulevard first. 我建議咱們先沿長安街開 ;
It's the longest and straightest boulevard in the world,它是世界 上最長最直的一條大街, ;
you know. 您知道. ;
B:So I've heard.OK, let's do that. 我聽說過.好,咱們 就這么辦吧. ;
A:Now look to your right,Sir. 先生,您往右邊看. ;
That lane is the famou -s Xiushui Dongjie,the East Xiushui Street.那 條胡同是著名的秀水東街 ;
You can find all kinds of clothes there. 您可以在那兒買到 各種各樣的衣服, ;
They are cheap and nice. 而且物美價廉. ;
Lots of tourists go and shop there. 許多游客都去那兒 買東西 ;
B:Could you stop there for a moment then? 那你能在那兒停一下嗎? ;
A:Let me find a place to park. 我找個地方停車. ;
B:I'll just have a look.Please wait. 我就看一下. 請等著我. ;
A:Sure.But mind your pockets. 行,可小心您的兜兒. B:Thank you.謝謝. ;
A:Well,what do you think of it? 你覺得這地方怎么 樣? ;
B:Very crowded. 特別擠. ;
But lots of good, cheap clothes there. 但是確實有好多物美價 廉的衣服. ;
A:You can come back some other time. 你可以改天再來. ;
B:Right.I'll certainly do that. 對.我肯定會再來. ;
A:This is the Friendship Store. 這是友誼商店. ;
A special shopping center for foreign tourists. 專供外國游客買東西的. ;
B:What's sold there? 都賣什么東西? ;
A:All kinds of China-made quality products, 各種各樣的國產(chǎn)名牌, ;
such as Xinjiang carpets,fine china, 像新疆地毯,細(xì)瓷器, ;
and little souveniors for you to take back home.還有小紀(jì)念品等, 可以買了帶回家. ;
B:Mm,I must come back and have a look. 我下次得來這里看看. ;
Are we nearing Tiananmen Square? 是快到天安門廣場 了嗎? ;
A:Yes,we are, 是的, ;
in five minutes,if the traffic is not too heavy.如果車不 太堵,五分鐘就到. ;
B:I hear there is a big book store near it?我聽說它附近有家 大書店,是嗎? ;
A:You mean the Xidan Book Center? 您是說西單圖書大廈 吧? ;
Yes,it's a bit further west. 對,再往西一些 就是. ;
B:Do they sell books in English? 那兒賣英文書嗎? ;
A:I'm sure they do. 肯定賣. ;
B:I want to buy a China guide book in English.我想買本英 文的中國導(dǎo)游手冊. ;
A:You want me to drop you off there? 你想到那兒下車嗎? ;
B:Yes,please. 是的,謝謝. ;
A:Here we are,Sir. 到了,先生. ;
B:I think I'll get off here.How much do I owe you?我就在這兒下 車吧.一共多少錢? ;
A:Twenty-five yuan, please. 二十五元,謝謝. ;
B:Here's thirty yuan. You can keep the change. 這是三十元.不用找了. ;
A:You are very generous. 您太客氣了. ;
B:And you are very helpful 你也很幫忙呀! ;
A:Here's your receipt. 這是您的車費收據(jù). ;
B:I don't need it. Thank you. 我不需要.謝謝. ;
A:OK.Have a nice day! 好.祝您一天過得愉快! B:Thank you.Bye-bye. 謝謝.再見. ;
A:Bye-bye! 再見! ;
Lesson Twenty-eight Rent-a-Car(1) 租汽車(1) ;
A:Excuse me,officer. 對不起打擾一下, 警官, ;
B:What can I do for you,Sir? 先生您有什么事? ;
A:Is there anywhere I can rent a car in Beijing?北京有什么 地方能租汽車嗎? ;
B:Yes,Sir.The service is rather new in Beijing,有,先生.這項 服務(wù)在北京時間還不長, ;
but you can rent a car easily. 但您很容易就可以 租到車 ;
A:Where do I go for that? 我到哪兒去租呢? ;
B:Let me tell you what you can do. 我跟您說怎么辦. ;
Get a taxi,and tell the driver 叫輛出租車,讓司機 ;
to take you to the nearest rent-a-car service station 把您送到最近的租車站. ;
He'll take you right there. 他會把您立馬兒送到. ;
A:Thank you very much,officer. 多謝你,警官. ;
B:You are welcome,Sir. 別客氣,先生. ;
A:You know, 你知道, ;
my brother is a police officer in New York. 我兄弟在紐約也當(dāng)警察. ;
B:Is he?I'm glad to hear that.Does he like his job?是嗎?我真高 興.他喜歡他的工作嗎? ;
A:Very much!He's a good cop...Oh,here's a taxi!非常喜歡!他是個好 警察...哦,來了輛出租! ;
Thanks a lot, officer! 多謝啦,警官! ;
B:Have a nice day, good-bye 祝您一天愉快!再見! ;
A:Bye! 再見! ;
A:Excuse me,officer. 對不起打擾一下, 警官, ;
B:What can I do for you,Sir? 先生您有什么事? ;
A:Is there anywhere I can rent a car in Beijing?北京有什么 地方能租汽車嗎? ;
B:Yes,Sir.The service is rather new in Beijing,有,先生.這項 服務(wù)在北京時間還不長, ;
but you can rent a car easily. 但您很容易就可以 租到車. ;
A:Where do I go for that? 我到哪兒去租呢? ;
B:Let me tell you what you can do. 我跟您說怎么辦. ;
Get a taxi,and tell the driver 叫輛出租車,讓司機 ;
to take you to the nearest rent-a-car service station 把您送到最近的租車站. ;
He'll take you right there. 他會把您立馬兒送到. ;
A:Thank you very much,officer. 多謝你,警官. ;
B:You are welcome,Sir. 別客氣,先生. ;
A:You know, 你知道, ;
my brother is a police officer in New York. 我兄弟在紐約也當(dāng)警察. ;
B:Is he?I'm glad to hear that.Does he like his job?是嗎?我真高 興.他喜歡他的工作嗎? ;
A:Very much!He's a good cop...Oh,here's a taxi!非常喜歡!他是個好 警察...哦,來了輛出租! ;
Thanks a lot,officer! 多謝啦,警官! ;
B:Have a nice day, good-bye 祝您一天愉快! 再見! ;
A:Bye! 再見! ;
Lesson Twenty-nine Rent-a-Car(2) 租汽車(2) ;
A:May I help you,Sir? 有什么事嗎,先生? ;
B:I'd like to rent a car,please. 我想租輛車. ;
A:No problem.What type of car do you want, Sir?沒問題.您想租什 么型號的車,先生? ;
B:Any type will do. 什么型號的都行. ;
But I'd prefer a medium-sized one. 不過,我想最好是中型的. ;
A:How about a BMW or Toyota? 來輛寶馬或豐田怎么樣? ;
B:Well,I'd like to try a Chinese car. 嗯,我想試輛中國車. ;
A:Is that so?Will a Santana 2000 do? 是嗎?那桑塔納2000 行嗎? ;
B:Yes,that'll do. 好的,它就行. ;
I've heard a lot about it.It's a good car.我聽好多 人說過它,是個好車. ;
A:How long would you want to use it? 您想用多久? ;
B:Two or three days.I want to go to Tianjin in it.兩三天吧.我想 開車到天津去. ;
A:That's OK.Are you going to pay in cash? 可以.您是付現(xiàn)金嗎? ;
B:Yes,I could.But is a credit card alright? 我可以付現(xiàn)金. 不過用信用卡行嗎? ;
A:Certainly.We welcome credit cards. 當(dāng)然可以.我們歡迎您 使用信用卡. ;
B:What's your rate? 你們的租費是多少? ;
A:Let me see... Santana 2000... 我來查一下... 桑塔納2000... ;
It's 400 yuan RMB a day. 400塊人民幣一天. ;
B:Could you give me a discount? 你能打個折嗎? ;
A:Well,if you use it for more than three days, 如果你租用三天以上, ;
we could give you a 10% discount. 可以9折. ;
B:I see.OK,I'll take a Santana 2000. 明白了.那好吧,我就 來輛桑塔納2000. ;
But I must have a fairly new one. 但我一定要輛比較新的. ;
A:No problem.Could I see your driver's license?沒問題.我看 看您的駕照可以嗎? ;
B:Sure. 好的. ;
A:But this is an American one. 可這是美國駕照. ;
B:Oh,I'm sorry... 哦,對不起... ;
I have an international one... Here you are. 我有國際駕照...給你. ;
A:Thank you.But I must also see your passport please.謝謝.不過 我還得看看您的護照. ;
B:Sure...And here's my Credit Card. 好的...還有我的信用卡 ;
A:Everything is OK... Please fill out this form 好,一切齊備... 請?zhí)詈眠@張表... ;
Thank you...Here's your receipt. 謝謝...這是您的收據(jù). ;
B:Where do I pick up the car? 我到哪里取車? ;
A:This man will take you to the garage. 這位會帶您去車庫. ;
B:Thank you very much. 多謝了. ;
A:You're welcome. Have a nice trip to Tianjin.不客氣. 祝您到天津一路順風(fēng). ;
B:Thank you. 謝謝. C:This way,please. 請這邊走. ;
A:May I help you,Sir? 有什么事嗎,先生? ;
B:I'd like to rent a car,please. 我想租輛車. ;
A:No problem.What type of car do you want, Sir?沒問題.您想租什 么型號的車,先生? ;
B:Any type will do. 什么型號的都行. ;
But I'd prefer a medium-sized one. 不過,我想最好是中 型的. ;
A:How about a BMW or Toyota? 來輛寶馬或豐田怎么 樣? ;
B:Well,I'd like to try a Chinese car. 嗯,我想試輛中國車. ;
A:Is that so?Will a Santana 2000 do? 是嗎?那桑塔納2000 行嗎? ;
B:Yes,that'll do. 好的,它就行. ;
I've heard a lot about it.It's a good car.我聽好多 人說過它,是個好車. ;
A:How long would you want to use it? 您想用多久? ;
B:Two or three days.I want to go to Tianjin in it.兩三天吧.我想 開車到天津去. ;
A:That's OK.Are you going to pay in cash? 可以.您是付現(xiàn)金嗎? ;
B:Yes,I could.But is a credit card alright? 我可以付現(xiàn)金. 不過用信用卡行嗎? ;
A:Certainly.We welcome credit cards. 當(dāng)然可以.我們歡迎您 使用信用卡. ;
B:What's your rate? 你們的租費是多少? ;
A:Let me see... Santana 2000... 我來查一下... 桑塔納2000... ;
It's 400 yuan RMB a day. 400塊人民幣一天. ;
B:Could you give me a discount? 你能打個折嗎? ;
A:Well,if you use it for more than three days, 如果你租用三天以上, ;
we could give you a 10% discount. 可以9折. ;
B:I see.OK,I'll take a Santana 2000. 明白了.那好吧,我就 來輛桑塔納2000. ;
But I must have a fairly new one. 但我一定要輛比較新的. ;
A:No problem.Could I see your driver's license?沒問題.我看 看您的駕照可以嗎? ;
B:Sure. 好的. ;
A:But this is an American one. 可這是美國駕照. ;
B:Oh,I'm sorry... 哦,對不起... ;
I have an international one...Here you are. 我有國際駕照...給你. ;
A:Thank you.But I must also see your passport please.謝謝.不過我 還得看看您的護照. ;
B:Sure...And here's my Credit Card. 好的...還有我的 信用卡. ;
A:Everything is OK... Please fill out this form 好,一切齊備... 請?zhí)詈眠@張表... ;
Thank you...Here's your receipt. 謝謝...這是您的收據(jù). ;
B:Where do I pick up the car? 我到哪里取車? ;
A:This man will take you to the garage. 這位會帶您去車庫. ;
B:Thank you very much. 多謝了. ;
A:You're welcome.Have a nice trip to Tianjin 不客氣.祝您到天津一路 順風(fēng) ;
B:Thank you. 謝謝. C:This way,please. 請這邊走. ;
Lesson Thirty Airport Bus 機場班車 ;
A:Could you tell me th -e best way to get to the airport?您能告訴我 到機場去的最好辦法嗎? ;
B:You mean the cheaper way? 您是說比較便 宜的辦法嗎? ;
A:That's right. 對. ;
B:There are airport buses,you know. 有機場班車,你知道吧. ;
A:Oh,I didn't know that.Where can I catch them?哦,我還不知道呢. 我到哪里去乘呀? ;
B:Well,there're several routes. 有好幾條線. ;
You can take the one from Gongzhufen to the airport.你可以乘從公 主墳到機場那一條線. ;
A:So I get to Gongzhufen first? 那我先到公主墳去? ;
B:No,you don't have to.There're several stops. 用不著,有好幾個站. ;
The nearest one is at Shuangyushu. 最近的一個在雙榆樹. ;
A:I know Shuangyushu, the Double Elm Trees. Is that right?我知道, 兩棵榆樹,對嗎? ;
B:You are right. 對. A:Are they still there?它們還在那兒嗎? ;
B:I don't know. 我不知道. ;
Maybe they were there a long time ago.Who knows.也許老 早以前有過吧,誰知道! ;
A:So I go there to catch the airport bus?那么我到那兒去 趕機場班車嗎? ;
B:That's right. There's a bus every half hour. 對.半小時一趟. ;
A:Thank you for the information. 謝謝你的指點. ;
B:You are welcome. 不客氣. ;
But you see,you have luggage to carry. 不過您看,你還得拿 行李. ;
I think you'd better take a taxi. 我看您最好乘出租. ;
It'll take you straight to the airport.它可以 把您一直送到機場. ;
A:Well,they are too small for my long legs you see.它們太小擱不下 我的大長腿,你知道吧. ;
B:I see! 我明白啦! ;
A:Could you tell me the best way to get to the airport?您能告訴我 到機場去的最好辦法嗎? ;
B:You mean the cheaper way? 您是說比較便 宜的辦法嗎? ;
A:That's right. 對. ;
B:There are airport buses,you know. 有機場班車,你知道 吧. ;
A:Oh,I didn't know that.Where can I catch them?哦,我還不知道呢. 我到哪里去乘呀? ;
B:Well,there're several routes. 有好幾條路線. ;
You can take the one from Gongzhufen to the airport.你可以乘從公 主墳到機場那一條線. ;
A:So I get to Gongzhufen first? 那我先到公主墳去? ;
B:No,you don't have to.There're several stops. 用不著,有好幾個站. ;
The nearest one is at Shuangyushu. 最近的一個在雙榆樹. ;
A:I know Shuangyushu, the Double Elm Trees. Is that right? 我知道,兩棵榆樹,對嗎? ;
B:You are right. 對. A:Are they still there?它們還在那兒嗎? ;
B:I don't know. 我不知道. ;
Maybe they were there a long time ago.Who knows.也許老早以前 有過吧,誰知道! ;
A:So I go there to catch the airport bus?那么我到那兒去 趕機場班車嗎? ;
B:That's right. There's a bus every half hour. 對.半小時一趟. ;
A:Thank you for the information. 謝謝你的指點. ;
B:You are welcome. 不客氣. ;
But you see, you have luggage to carry.不過您 看,你還得拿行李. ;
I think you'd better take a taxi. 我看您最好乘出租. ;
It'll take you straight to the airport.它可以 把您一直送到機場. ;
A:Well,they are too small for my long legs you see.它們太小,擱不 下我的大長腿,你知道吧. ;
B:I see! 我明白啦! ;

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