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Reach out (3) ;
Unit 26 What subject do you like best? ;
1.Follow us! ;
What subject do you like best? I like English best. ;
Geography History English Maths Science Art P.E. Chinese Music ;
What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is Science. ;
2.Listen and say! ;
1.What subject do you learn at school? I learn English. ;
Chinese./Maths/ History/Geography/ Science./Art/Music/P.E. ;
2.Why do you like to learn English? Because it's important. ;
new/easy/interesting /good/not difficult. ;
3.How many English classes do you have each week? We have four English classes each week. ;
six Chinese classes two Art classes five Maths classes threeHistory classes ;
3.Read for fun! ;
An art teacher asked his students to draw some pictures about their friends. ;
A student whose name was Richard went to his friend's house. ;
He wanted to draw a picture of his friend's brother Peter. It took him two hours to finish the picture. ;
The next morning,when Richard gave his picture to the art teacher, ;
the teacher didn't say anything,but gave him a zero for the score. ;
Richard was very unhappy. He went to the teacher and asked why his score was so poor. ;
The teacher said, "This boy's head is too big,the nose is too big and the feet are too big,too. ;
This is the worst picture I've ever seen."Richard didn't say anything. ;
The next day Richard brought Peter to see his teacher. ;
The art teacher took one look at Peter and then he said,"OK,Richard,you got an A." ;
Hello!My name is Zhang Ping.I study in Dong Fang School.I have a brother and a sister.They are students,too. ;
My brother studies in a university and his favorite subject is geography. ;
My sister studies in a college and she likes history. ;
They study very hard and they are very good students. I like to study art, English and Science. ;
I don't like to study geography,history and maths.What's your favorite subject? ;
4.Enjoy it! ;
On Monday English On Tuesday art. School,school,hmm!hmm! ;
On Wednesday science On Thursday maths. School,school,hmm,yeah! ;
On Friday music, On Friday sports. Weekend!Weekend! Yeah!Yeah! ;
5.Think about it! ;
What subject do you like best? What's your favorite subject? ;
What subjects do you learn at school? Why do you like to learn English? ;
How many English classes do you have each week? ;
An art teacher asked his students to draw some pictures about their friends. ;
A student whose name was Richard went to his friend's house. ;
It took him two hours to finish the picture. ...but gave him a zero for the score. ;
This is the worst picture that I've ever seen. ;
Unit 27 What's his job? ;
1.Follow us! ;
What's he? He's an engineer. What's she? She's a nurse. ;
singer artist doctor engineer pilot secretary farmer tennis player ;
2.Listen and say! ;
We have all kinds of people doing different jobs down below. ;
What do they do? Do you know? He's an actor,isn't he? Yes,he is. ;
She's a nurse,isn't she? Yes,she is. He's a dentist,isn't he? No,he isn't. ;
She's an actress, isn't she? No,she isn't. ;
He's a student,isn't he? No,he isn't. He's a cook,isn't he? No,he isn't. ;
She's a businesswoman, isn't she? Yes,she is. ;
She's a nurse,isn't she? No,she isn't. He's a photographer, isn't he? Yes,he is. ;
3.Read for fun! ;
Bob is a strange person. He can take watches and money from women's handbags. ;
These people don't know anything until Bob shows them the watches and the money and gives them back. ;
Then he will tell these people how to take care of their watches and their money. ;
These people are very happy and thank him for his kind help. ;
But why does Bob want to do this? Bob lives in London. He is a photographer. ;
He often takes pictures on the street. ;
One day he happened to take a picture of a man who was stealing money from a woman's handbag. ;
He studied the picture carefully and later told a policeman about this. ;
The policeman thought it was a good idea to teach people about this.So Bob agreed to take this job. ;
He started to visit different places round the world. ;
He often helps people who are not careful with their handbags. ;
So far,Bob says he likes the job very much and he doesn't mind what others think of him. ;
4.Enjoy it! ;
I have a friend whose name is Bob. He likes to help people, but drinks a lot. ;
I called him yesterday, he said he would come. I waited and waited, but he already forgot. ;
5.Think about it! ;
We have all kinds of people doing different jobs down below. He's an actor,isn't he? He's a dentist,isn't he? ;
He can take watches and money from women's handbags. ;
These people don't know anything until Bob shows them the watches and the money and gives them back. ;
Then he will tell these people how to take care of their watches and their money. ;
One day he happened to take a picture of a man who was stealing money from a woman's handbag. ;
Unit 28 Our Living ;
1.Follow us! ;
People who live in big cities often do not know how beautiful and interesting our world is. ;
They may not have a chance to walk through lovely forests or to see strange and sometimes dangerous animals. ;
Such animals as the red fox and brown bear can be very clever,and they may bite or hurt humans who come too close. ;
It is important to remember that friendly animals will protect their own weak children. ;
A mother deer is never too tired to protect her baby. An outing in the woods could end sadly. ;
It can be very expensive to find enjoyable pastimes in big cities. ;
One cheap but interesting pastime would be to visit a lovely park on a beautiful day. ;
There one could see our beautiful world in new and interesting ways. ;
A mix of strange and different flowers,birds, and small animals can be found there, ;
and they bring joy to the world we live in. ;
2.Listen and say! ;
This is our world. It's beautiful and interesting. ;
We can eat all kinds of fruits such as: apple,bananas,orange, coconut,pineapple, watermelon,mango,lemon. ;
We've got many interesting places to go,such as: museums,pyramids, caves,castles. ;
We can play all kinds of sports,such as: basketball,football, badminton,tennis,baseball, table tennis. ;
We have all kinds of animals to be our friends. They are camels,tigers, lions,swans,octopus,hippos butterflies,insects. ;
But still we want to see the sky,go to the space and visit other planets. ;
Those places are strange, but they will be our new environment. ;
3.Read for fun! ;
One day Fred and Jim went to see a new movie. ;
They were very happy because they were going to see the largest animal on earth--dinosaur. ;
They didn't know what dinosaurs were like. The movie started soon after they got to the cinema. ;
At first they saw a beautiful park,and then they saw a very,very big animal walking on the grass. ;
"Is that the dinosaur?" "I guess so." "It's really big. It's the biggest animal on earth." ;
"But my parents told me that they're extinct now." ;
"What happened to them?" "I don't know.When we go back to school,we can ask our Geography teacher." ;
"Look,there're two people in a car.The dinosaur is trying to catch them." ;
Fred said."Run!Run! The dinosaur is behind you!"Jim shouted. ;
Just then,a man walked up to Jim and told him to be quiet.Jim remembered that he was in the cinema. ;
4.Enjoy it! ;
My name's Jack. Hip,hip,hooray! I'm going away for a holiday. ;
I haven't got a coat and I haven't got a hat, I haven't got a dog and I haven't got a car. ;
I haven't got a house and I haven't got a car, But I have got a song and a lovely guitar. ;
5.Think about it! ;
They may not have a chance to walk through lovely forests or to see strange and sometimes dangerous animals. ;
Such animals as the red fox and brown bear can be very clever,and they may bite or hurt humans who come too close. ;
A mother deer is never too tired to protect her baby. An outing in the woods could end sadly. ;
It can be very expensive to find enjoyable pastimes in big cities. ;
A mix of strange and different flowers,birds, and small animals can be found there, ;
and they bring joy to the world we live in. ;
We've got many interesting places to go,such as: museums,pyramids, caves,castles. ;
We have all kinds of animals to be our friends. ;
They were very happy because they were going to see the largest animal on earth--dinosaur. ;
Unit 29 A Guessing Game ;
1.Follow us! ;
You can't smell it. You can't feel it. You can't look at it. ;
You can't taste it. But it's there. What is it? Answer:air ;
It feels like a wall.Its skin looks like a hippo or dinosaur.I think it must taste like an eraser. ;
What is it? (Answer:elephant) ;
You can smell it,because it smells good.You can feel it,look at it,but you can't eat it.What is it? (Answer:flower) ;
Chicken and Rabbit ;
Try this!Not an easy question: ;
There are many chickens and rabbits in one coop. After counting we know there are 100 feet and 40 heads totally. ;
Now the question is:how many chickens and rabbits are in the coop? ;
Key:10 rabbits and 30 chickens ;
2.Listen and say! ;
1.We usually see them at night in the sky. ;
2.We put a letter in this,then put a stamp on it and then post it. ;
3.It's green,we can walk on it and cows eat it. ;
4.This is a place for a lot of flowers,trees or vegetables. ;
5.It's white,cold and falls from the sky. 6.We go to this place to watch films. ;
7.We use this to eat soup or ice cream. 8.It's very hot,it gives us light,and we see it in the sky. ;
9.We can use this to draw straight lines. 10.You can eat a meal here,but you don't cook. ;
11.You can shop here for many different things. ;
3.Read for fun! ;
About 500 people got on a new train.They were going to test the new train which would be very fast. ;
When these people sat down,the train started to run. ;
At the same time,people heard something from the loud speaker, ;
"Ladies and gentlemen,good morning. ;
I just want to tell you that there is nobody working on this train and it's all done by the computer. ;
But don't worry.Everything will be fine.We tested this new train for over 100 times.It has traveled 1000 kilometers. ;
We just want to let you know that there is nothing that can go wrong... nothing can go wrong..., go wrong...,"go wrong... ;
Father:Do you know why fishes only live in water and can't live on the ground? ;
Son:Yes,I do.Because there are lots of cats on the ground. ;
4.Enjoy it! ;
In a dark,dark wood, there is a dark,dark house In the dark,dark house, there's a dark,dark room. ;
In the dark,dark room, there's a dark,dark cupboard. In the dark,dark cupboard, there's a dark,dark shelf. ;
On the dark,dark shelf, there's a dark,dark box. In the dark,dark box, there's an ugly monster. ;
5.Think about it! ;
You can't smell it. You can smell it, because it smells good. ;
There are many chickens and rabbits in one coop. After counting we know there are 100 feet and 40 heads totally. ;
About 500 people got on a new train. They were going to test the new train which would be very fast. ;
At the same time,people heard something from the loud speaker,"Ladies and gentlemen,..." ;
I just want to tell you know that there nobody working on this train and it's all done by the computer. ;
We just want to let you know that there is nothing that can go wrong... nothing can go wrong... go wrong...go wrong... ;
Unit 30 In The Restaurant ;
1.Follow us! ;
This is one of the finest restaurants in the world. We've got everything. Please come inside and taste our nice food. ;
Look at that side,we've got:cheese burger,pizza, sandwiches,pasta, bread,cakes,French fries, sausages and ice cream. ;
Look at this side we've got all kinds of drinks: soup,coffee,tea,water, juice and lemonade. ;
After your meal,you can have fruits,such as: apple,coconut,lemon,mango, orange,pineapple and watermelon. ;
2.Listen and say! ;
Can I help you,Sir? Yes,I want two sandwiches. Sally wants a piece of pizza.Richard wants a bottle of milk. ;
Have you got cheese burger? Yes,we've got everything. You can go over there and get what you want. ;
When does it close? It opens until midnight. ;
Oh,you can try this. It tastes good. Can you get me some more water? Sure.I'll be right back. ;
3.Read for fun! ;
Some visitors went to a duck restaurant in London. ;
The waiter brought them plates of duck and said, ;
"This is the leg of the duck.This is the arm of the duck. ;
This is the head of the duck.This is the back of the duck.This is the hand of the duck." ;
In the end the waiter brought a plate of chicken The visitors were very happy because they knew it well. ;
So they asked the waiter, "What's this?"The waiter answered,"This is the friend of the duck." ;
A man told his friend an interesting thing.Once he went to a restaurant. ;
The waiters there never say they don't have something. ;
You can ask for anything. "I want a piece of sun." "OK,I'll be back soon." ;
Then they'll come back and say,"Sorry,we don't have it now." ;
This man wanted to test this restaurant and he asked,"I want dinosaur." ;
"Yes,sir,how would you like it cooked?" "Well done!" ;
The waiter left and came back quickly. "I'm sorry,sir,we don't have dinosaur now." ;
"What?No dinosaur?" The waiter said softly, ;
"Well,we do have some dinosaur,but it's not very fresh and I can't give it to you." ;
4.Enjoy it! ;
How much wood could a woodpecker peck if a woodpecker could peck wood? ;
A woodpecker could peck as much wood as a woodpecker would peck if a woodpecker could peck wood. ;
5.Think about it! ;
This is one of the finest restaurants in the world. We've got everything. Please come inside and taste our nice food. ;
You can go over there and get what you want. When does it close? It opens until midnight. ;
Some visitors went to a duck restaurant in London. The waiter brought them plates of duck.How would you like it cooked? ;
How much wood could a woodpecker peck if a woodpecker could peck wood? ;
A woodpecker could peck as much wood as a woodpecker would peck if a woodpecker could peck wood. ;
Unit 31 How many or how much? ;
1.Follow us! ;
How many pens are there? sweets biscuits chocolates forks knives chopsticks plates bridges caves hills ;
How much water is there? butter sugar jam milk flour pepper air space ;
twenty thirty forty fifty, sixty,seventy eighty ninety,hundred, a hundred and thirty, thousand,forty thousand ;
2.Listen and say! ;
Good morning,can I help you? I want to buy some sweets and biscuits. ;
We're going to have a birthday party. ;
How much are the sweets? They're 20 Yuan each kilo. How many kilos do you want? I want 2 kilos. ;
How much are the biscuits? They're 10 yuan each kilo. I want to have 5 kilos. Do you have chocolates? ;
Yes,this one is 30 yuan per kilo and that one is 15 yuan per kilo. ;
Why is different? Oh,this one is from London and that one is made in China. ;
I see.I'll have 1 kilo of 30 yuan and 2 kilos of 15 yuan. ;
How much altogether? 150 yuan. Here's the money. Thanks for coming.Bye! ;
3.Read for fun! ;
Math is everywhere. All jobs need math in one way or another. ;
You may be asking yourself "How is math everywhere in my life?I'm not an engineer or a school teacher!" ;
Math is in your life from the time you wake until the time you go to sleep. ;
You're using math each time you set your clocks, buy things and decide what kind of tennis shoes to buy. ;
If you look round carefully,you'll find that everyone uses math: ;
the fast food worker, the doctor, the businessman, ;
the dentist,the cook, the nurse,the secretary, the fire man, the tennis player, the footballer and so on. ;
Math is very important,but do you like math in school?Do you think anyone can learn math? ;
Do you think math as useful in everyday life? Do you believe that most jobs today need math? ;
If you answer"yes"to most of these questions,then you think correctly. ;
If not,you need to have a correct way of thinking. Start to learn math now. ;
5.Think about it! ;
How much are the sweets? They're 20 yuan each kilo. How many kilos do you want? ;
This on is 30 yuan per kilo and that one is 15 yuan per kilo. ;
Why is different? ...this one is from London and that one is made in China. ;
I see.I'll have 1 kilo of 30 yuan and 2 kilos of 15 yuan.How much altogether? ;
Unit 32 Revision ;
1.Follow us! ;
This is a lovely place, the blue sky,the green mountain,the clean air and the nice people. I like it a lot. ;
You're standing here very low,very near,very high, very far,very few trees, very little water. ;
2.Listen and say! ;
Yesterday Jane had birthday party. ;
First we gave her presents and she opened them.Then we sang the Happy Birthday song.Next we cut the birthday cake. ;
Later on we ate the birthday cake.In the end we played games. ;
What happened to you yesterday? It snowed heavily so I stayed at home. ;
What would you do? When I was crossing the street,a young man came up to me and he wanted to give me his dog. ;
I didn't take the dog because I don't know who he was,What he was and whose dog it was. ;
What happened to him yesterday? On his way back home,his bike was broken so he went home by bus. ;
What did you do yesterday? I went to a park,visited some friends did my homework,read some newspaper and watched TV. ;
3.Read for fun! ;
Friends Friends are very important to me.We often play together happily. ;
They help me when I'm in need,that's why my friends mean so much to me. ;
I'm big,strong and tall, I'm not a baby any more. I'm at school every day. ;
I love to sing,dance and draw.I like you to be my friends,I'm happy to see you all. ;
Leaves Leaves,leaves,leaves Red leaves,orange leaves, Purple,green,brown leaves, Thick leaves,thin leaves, ;
Big leaves,small leaves, Beautiful,ugly, horrible leaves, Hard leaves,soft leaves, Round leaves,square leaves ;
But last of all and best of all, I like the falling leaves! ;
Tongue Twister ;
A.Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday. ;
B.A big black bear sat on a big black rock. ;
C.Knife and a fork,bottle and a cork,that is the way you spell New York. ;
Chicken in the car and the car can go,that is the way you spell Chicago. ;
4.Humor ;
Whose Mistakes? Teacher:(Looking at Ted's homework.)I don't know how one person could make so many mistakes? ;
Ted:It wasn't one person, teacher,father helped me. ;
Practice First ;
Father:I said I would buy you a car if you had a good score.But you didn't What were you doing last year? ;
Son:I was learning to drive a car. ;

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