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新視野大學英語讀寫教程第一冊unit1-a Learning a Foreign Language




Unit 1

Section A

Pre-reading Activities

First Listening

Please listen to a short passage carefully and prepare to answer some questions.

Second Listening

Listen to the tape again. Then answer the following questions with your own experiences.

1. What problems do you have in trying to learn English in your middle school?

2. Why do you think the computer can help you in learning English?

3. What other things do you think we can gain through English language learning?

Learning a Foreign Language

Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life. Although at times, learning a language was frustrating, it was well worth the effort.

My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class. I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class for two years.

When I went to senior middle school, I was eager to continue studying English; however, my experience in senior school was very different from before. While my former teacher had been patient with all the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. Whenever we answered incorrectly, she pointed a long stick at us and, shaking it up and down, shouted, "No! No! No!" It didn't take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions. Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions, but also I totally lost my desire to say anything at all in English.

However, that state didn't last long. When I went to college, I learned that all students were required to take an English course. Unlike my senior middle school teacher, my college English teachers were patient and kind, and none of them carried long, pointed sticks! However, the situation was far from perfect. As our classes were very large, I was only able to answer a couple of questions in each class period. Also, after a few weeks of classes, I noticed there were many students who spoke much better than I did. I began to feel intimidated. So, once again, although for different reasons, I was afraid to speak. It seemed my English was going to stay at the same level forever.

That was the situation until a couple of years later, when I was offered an opportunity to study English through an online course. The communication medium was a computer, phone line, and modem. I soon got access to the necessary equipment, learned the technology from a friend and participated in the virtual classroom 5 to 7 days a week.

Online learning is not easier than regular classroom study; it requires much time, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course. I worked hard to meet the minimum standards set by the course and to complete assignments on time.

I practiced all the time. I carried a little dictionary with me everywhere I went, as well as a notebook in which I listed any new words I heard. I made many, sometimes embarrassing, mistakes. Once in a while I cried with frustration, and sometimes I felt like giving up. But I didn't feel intimidated by students who spoke faster than I did because I took all the time I needed to think out my ideas and wrote a reply before posting it on the screen. Then, one day I realized I could understand just about everything I came across, and most importantly, I could "say" anything I wanted to in English. Although I still made many mistakes and was continually learning, I had finally reaped the benefits of all that hard work.

Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldn't trade for anything. Not only did learning another language teach me the value of hard work, but it also gave me insights into another culture, and my mind was opened to new ways of seeing things. The most wonderful result of having learned a foreign language was that I could communicate with many more people than before. Talking with people is one of my favorite activities, so being able to speak a new language lets me meet new people, participate in conversations, and form new, unforgettable friendships. Now that I speak a foreign language, instead of staring into space when English is being spoken, I can participate and make friends. I am able to reach out to others and bridge the gap between my language and culture and theirs.

Words: 700



vt. give sth. in return for good and valuable doings 報答,酬謝,獎勵

n. 1. something as a return for good and valuable doings 報答,獎賞

2. some money given to someone for his good doings 報酬,酬金


vt. 1. cause sb. to have feelings of disappointment 使沮喪,使灰心

2. cause the failure of sth. 使挫敗,使受挫折


n. 1. someone who is younger 年少者

2. someone of low or lower position 地位較低者,晚輩


a. 1. leading to a practical action 積極的,肯定的

2. sure, having no doubt 確實的,明確的


n. 較年長者


a. of an early period 在前的,以前的,舊時的

n. (the ~) the first of the two people or things just mentioned 前者


Prep.not like; being different from 不像;和……不同


vt. frighten by making threats 恐嚇,威脅


n. a good moment or chance for doing sth. 機會,時機


a. & ad. 連線的,聯(lián)網(wǎng)的;連線地,聯(lián)網(wǎng)地


vi. send and exchange feelings, opinions or information 交流,交際

vt. make (opinions, feelings or information) known or understood by others 傳達,傳播


n. the action of sending and exchanging information 交流,交際;通信


n. a method for giving information 媒質(zhì),媒介物,傳導體

a. of middle size, amount, quality 中等的,適中的


n. 電話,電話機


n. 調(diào)制解調(diào)器


n. 1. [U] means or right of using, reaching 接近,進入

2. means of entering, or a way in 通道,入口


n. 工藝,技術


vi. (in) take part in 參與,參加


a. 1.[計]being produced by the computer but almost true to the reality 虛構的,虛擬的

2. almost what is stated 實質(zhì)上的,事實上的,實際上的


n. 1. devotion to 信奉,獻身

2. a promise to follow certain beliefs or actions 承諾,許諾,保證


n. 1. a state of order and control; self-control 紀律;控制

2. punishment 懲罰,處分

3. a branch of learning 學科


a. the smallest 最低的,最小的

n. the smallest amount 最低限度,最少量


n. 1. [C] a piece of work given to a particular person(分派的)任務,(指定的)作業(yè)

2. [U] act of dividing assignments 分配,指派


n. 筆記簿


vt. make someone feel upset esp. doing sth. not rightly 使窘迫,使尷尬,使不好意思


n. 1. 屏幕,銀幕

2. 屏風,簾,紗窗


a. 1. continuing without breaks 不間斷的,不停的

2. repeated often and over a long period 多次重復的,頻頻的


ad. 1. 不間斷地,不停地

2. 多次重復地,頻頻地


ad. at last 最后,終于


vt. 1. have and enjoy the food or things that happen as a result of work 獲得,得到

2. cut and gather a crop of grain 收割,收獲


n. anything that brings help or profit 益處,好處

vt. be useful or helpful to 有益于


n. the power of using one's mind to see or understand the true nature of sth. 洞察力,洞悉,深刻的見解


n. 文化,文明

favorite (英favourite)

a. most loved 特別受寵的

n. something or someone that is loved above all others 特別喜愛的人(或物)


n. something that is done or is being done 活動,行動


n. an empty space between two objects 缺口,裂口


be well worth sth./ doing sth.

be rewarding enough (to do) for the time or effort 值得……的

not only...but also...


far from

not ... at all; rather than 一點都不

a couple of

two or three 兩三個

get access to

get the right of using or reaching sth. 可以使用,獲得

keep up with

not to fall behind in; keep the same speed as 跟上,不落后

feel like sth./doing sth.

want to do sth. 想做,想要

give up

stop having or doing 停止,放棄

come across

meet with 偶然遇上

reap the benefits of

get sth. as a reward 獲得益處,得到好處


exchange...for 用……換

participate in

take part in 參加

now that

because (sth. has happened) 既然,由于

reach out to

communicate with; contact 接觸,聯(lián)系




    學習外語是我一生中最艱苦也是最有意義的經(jīng)歷。 雖然時常遭遇挫折,但卻非常有價值。
    我學外語的經(jīng)歷始于初中的第一堂英語課。 老師很慈祥耐心,時常表揚學生。 由于這種積極的教學方法,我踴躍回答各種問題,從不怕答錯。 兩年中,我的成績一直名列前茅。
    到了高中后,我渴望繼續(xù)學習英語,然而高中時的經(jīng)歷與以前大不相同。 以前老師對所有的學生都很耐心,而新老師則總是懲罰答錯的學生。 每當有誰回答錯了,她會用長教鞭指著我們,上下?lián)]舞著,大喊道:“錯!錯!錯!” 沒有多久,我便不再渴望回答問題了。 我不僅失去了回答問題的樂趣,而且根本就不想再用英語說半個字。
    然而這種情況沒持續(xù)多久。 到了大學,我了解到所有學生必須上英語課。 與高中老師不同,大學英語老師非常耐心和藹,他們沒有哪個帶教鞭! 不過情況卻遠不盡人意。 由于班大,每堂課能輪到我回答的問題寥寥無幾。 上了幾周課后,我還發(fā)現(xiàn),許多同學的英語說得比我要好得多。 我開始產(chǎn)生一種畏懼感。 雖然情況與高中時不同,但我卻又一次不敢開口了。 看來我的英語水平要永遠停步不前了。
    幾年后我有機會參加了遠程英語教學課程,情況才有所改善。 它需要一臺電腦、電話線和調(diào)制解調(diào)器。 我很快配齊了必要的設備并跟一個朋友學會了電腦操作技術,于是我每周用5到7天在網(wǎng)上的虛擬課堂里學習英語。
    網(wǎng)上學習并不比普通的課堂學習容易。 它需要花更多的時間,需要學習者專一、自制,以跟上課程進度。 我盡力達到課程的最低限度的要求,并按時完成作業(yè)。
    我隨時隨地都在學習。 不管去哪里,我都隨身攜帶一本袖珍字典和筆記本,筆記本上記著我聽到的生詞。 我學習中出過許多錯,有時是令人尷尬的錯誤。 有時我會因挫折而哭泣,有時我想放棄。 但我從未因別的同學英語說得比我快而感到畏懼,因為在屏幕上作出回答之前,我可以根據(jù)自己的需要花時間去琢磨自己的想法。 后來有一天我意識到我能夠理解碰到的各種問題,更重要的是,我能用英語表達我想說的東西。 盡管我還是常常出錯,仍處于繼續(xù)學習階段,但我已嘗到刻苦學習的甜頭。
    學習外語對我來說是非常艱辛的經(jīng)歷,但卻是一種無比珍貴的經(jīng)歷。 它不僅使我懂得了艱苦努力的意義,而且使我認識了不同的文化,讓我以一種全新的思維去看待事物。 學習一門外語最令人興奮的收獲是我能與比以前更多的人交流。 我樂于與人交談,新的語言使我能與以前不認識的人交往,參與他們的談話,并建立新的難以忘懷的友誼。 現(xiàn)在我已能夠說外語,別人講英語時我不再茫然不解了。 我能夠參與并結交朋友。 我能理解別人的話,并能夠彌合我所說的語言和所處的文化與他們的語言和文化之間的鴻溝。




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