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新視野大學英語讀寫教程第一冊unit3-c Love of Life




Section C

Love of Life

Two men walked slowly, one after the other, through the low water of a river. It ran cold over their feet. They had blanket packs on their backs; guns, but no bullets; matches, but no food.
Suddenly the man behind fell over a stone, hurt his foot badly and called: "Hey, Bill, I've hurt my foot." Bill continued without looking back.
The man was alone but not lost in the empty land. He knew the way to camp, and its food and bullets. He struggled to his feet and limped on. He had not eaten for two days. He picked some small round, tasteless fruits. They did not satisfy, but he knew he must eat them.
In the evening he built a fire and slept like a dead man. When he woke up, he took out a small bag weighing fifteen pounds. He wasn't sure he could carry it any longer. But he couldn't leave it behind. He had to take it with him. He put it back into his pack, rose to his feet and continued.
His foot hurt, but it was nothing compared with his hunger, which made him go on until darkness fell. His blanket was wet, but he knew only he was hungry. In his troubled sleep, he dreamed of rich meals. He woke up cold, sick and lost; the small bag was still with him. As he pulled himself along, the bag became heavier and heavier. He opened the bag, full of small pieces of gold. He left half the gold on a rock. 1. ______
Eleven cold, rainy days passed. Once he found some animal bones with no meat on them. He broke them and ate them like an animal. Would he, too, be bones tomorrow? Why not? This was life. Only life hurt. There was no hurt in death. To die was to sleep. Then why was he not ready to die? He, as a man, no longer desired. Life in him, unwilling to die, drove him on.
One morning he woke up beside a river. Slowly he followed it with his eyes and saw it emptying into a shining sea. When he saw a ship, he closed his eyes. He knew there could be no ship, no sea, here. An imagined picture, he thought. Hearing a noise, he turned around. A wolf(狼), old and sick, was coming slowly toward him. This was real, he thought. He turned back; the sea and the ship were still there. He didn't understand. Had he been walking north, away from the camp, toward the sea? He started slowly toward the ship, knowing full well the sick wolf was following him. In the afternoon, he found the bones of a man. Beside the bones was a small bag of gold, like his own. Bill had carried his gold to the end; he would carry Bill's gold to the ship. Ha-ha! He would have the last laugh on Bill. His laughing sounded like the low cry of an animal. The wolf cried back. The man stopped suddenly and turned away. How could he laugh about Bill's bones and take his gold? 2. ______ 3. ______
He was very sick, now. He inched about on hands and knees, having lost everything— his blanket, his gun, and his gold. Only the wolf stayed with him hour after hour. At last he could go no further. He fell. The wolf came close to him, but the man was ready. He got on top of the wolf and held its mouth closed and bit it with his last strength. The wolf's blood flowed into his mouth. He held the wolf with his teeth and killed it; then he fell on his back and slept. 4. ______ 5. ______
The men on the ship saw a strange object lying on the beach. It was moving toward them — perhaps twenty feet an hour. They went to look and could hardly believe it was a man.
Three weeks later, when he felt better, he told them his story. But there was one strange thing: he feared there wasn't enough food on the ship. They also noticed he was getting fat. They gave him less food, but still he grew fatter with each day. Then one day they saw him put some bread under his shirt. They searched his bed and found food under his blanket. They understood.

Words: 722

    兩個人,一前一后,慢慢地趟過淺淺的小河。 河水凍得他們的腳腕生疼。他們背上背著毯子背包。他們有槍,膛中卻沒有子彈; 有火柴,卻沒有干糧。
    曠野中現在只剩下他一個人了, 但他卻沒有迷路。 他知道回營地的路,那兒有食物和子彈。 他掙扎著站起來,一瘸一拐地朝前走著。他已經兩天沒吃飯了。 他摘了一些小圓果子,放入口中。 果子淡而無味, 也不耐饑,可他知道他必須把它們吞下去。
    到了晚上,他生了堆火,睡得很死。 醒來后,他拿出個小包, 有15磅重。 他不知道還能帶著它走多久,但他不能就這么把它扔了,一定得帶著它。 他把小包放回背包里,站起來,繼續(xù)趕路。
    跟肚中的饑餓比起來,腳上的傷根本算不了什么。饑餓感驅使他不停地走,直到天黑。毯子已經濕了,他沒覺察到。他惟一清楚的就是饑餓。這一晚上,他睡得極不踏實,他夢到了豐盛的飯菜。醒來時,他覺得冷, 覺得沒有力氣,辨不清方向。那個小包還在。 他不停地走著,小包變得越來越重。 他打開小包,里面全是小金塊。他丟了一半在巖石上。
    冰冷的雨已經下了整整11天。有一次他發(fā)現了一些動物骨頭,上面一點肉也沒有。 他折斷骨頭,像個野獸一樣將它們吃下去。明天,他會不會也成為一堆白骨呢?憑什么不呢?這就是生活。人只有活著才會有痛苦,死了就不會感覺到痛苦了。 死了就是睡著了。那為什么他不愿死呢? 作為一個人,他已無欲無求。是他身體內的生命不愿死,支撐著他堅持往前走。
    一天早上, 他在河邊醒來。他的目光慢慢追隨著那條河流,直到它匯入了波光閃爍的大海中。 他看到海面上有一條船,他閉上了眼睛。他知道在這兒是不可能有船和海的。他想這一定是幻覺。 他聽到背后有聲音,他轉過身。是一條狼,又老又病,正慢慢向他走過來。 這可不是幻覺,他想。他轉過身看,大海和船還在那兒。他不明白了。 難道他一直朝北走,離營地越來越遠,走到海邊來了?他站起身慢慢地向船走去,心里完全明白那條病狼準跟在后面。 到了下午,他看到了一個男人的尸骨。旁邊也有一小袋金子,和他的一樣。 比爾至死也沒丟下金子。他倒可以帶著比爾的金子上船。哈,哈,他可以最后對著比爾嘲笑一番。 他的笑聲聽起來像是一只野獸的低嗥。那條狼也叫了起來,作為應答。 這個人驀地停住了腳步,轉過身去。他怎么能對著比爾的尸骨大笑,并帶走他的金子?
    現在他已經病得不輕了。他是用手和膝蓋一寸一寸地在挪。什么東西都沒了--毯子、槍,還有他的金子。 只有那條狼連續(xù)幾個小時一直跟著他。最后他實在挪不動了, 他倒下了。狼緩緩靠近他,但他卻準備好了。他跳到狼身上,緊緊卡住狼的嘴,然后用僅剩下的一點力氣咬住它。 狼的血流進了他的嘴。他死死地咬住狼,直到把它咬死。然后他倒下,睡著了。
    船上的人看見海灘上躺著一個奇怪的東西。這個東西正向他們爬過來--速度大概是每小時20英尺。 他們過去一看,幾乎不敢相信這竟是個人。
    過了三個星期,當他覺得好點的時候,他向他們講述了自己的故事。但有一件怪事 :他總擔心船上沒有足夠的食物。 他們也注意到他長胖了。于是他們減少了給他的食物。但他仍舊一天天胖起來。 然后,有一天他們看見他把一些面包藏在襯衫里面,他們還搜過他的床,發(fā)現毯子下面都是吃的。于是,他們明白了。



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