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新視野大學(xué)英語讀寫教程第三冊unit3-b Cultural Differences in Western and Japanese Decisi





Cultural Differences in Western and Japanese Decision-making

To talk about problem-solving or decision-making within a national environment means examining many complex cultural forces. It means trying to measure the impact of these forces on contemporary life, and also coming to grips with changes now taking place. In Japan, the most important thing is what organization you work for. This is of extreme importance when trying to analyze the direction-taking or decision-making process. At the least, it explains the greater job stability in Japan, in contrast to the great job mobility in America.

While we differ in many ways, such differences are neither superior nor inferior to each other. A particular pattern of management behavior develops from a complex mixture of unique cultural factors — and will only work within a given culture. Let me try to describe three or four characteristics of the Japanese environment that in some way affect decision-making or direction-taking and problem-solving. These characteristics are related to each other.

First, in any approach to a problem and in any negotiations in Japan, there is the "you to you" approach, as distinguished from the Western "I to you" approach. The difference is this: in "I to you", both sides present their arguments openly from their own point of view — they state what they want and what they expect to get. A confrontation ituation is thereby set up, and Westerners are very skillful in dealing with this. The "you to you" approach practiced in Japan is based on each side — automatically and often unconsciously — trying to understand the other person's point of view. Thus, the direction of the meeting is a mutual attempt to reduce confrontation and achieve harmony.

A second characteristic is based on "consensus opinion" and "bottom-up direction". In Japan great consideration is given to the thoughts and opinions of everyone at all levels. This is true of both private enterprises and government ministries. In Japan there is a drive for unity within the group — whether it is family, company, or Parliament. The difference is that Western style decision-making proceeds mostly from top management and often does not consult middle management or the worker while in Japan, ideas can be created at the lowest levels, travel upward through an organization and have an impact on the eventual decision. This is "bottom up". There is also a characteristic style of communication in Japan that is different from the Western way.

The Japanese business person works to achieve harmony, even if the deal falls through, and will spend whatever time is necessary to determine a "you to you" approach, communicating personal views only indirectly and delicately. This places time in a different perspective. In Japan the Western deadline approach is secondary to a thorough job. Owing to this difference in emphasis, the Japanese are thorough in their meetings as well as in their production. Thus Americans are often frustrated by the many successive meetings in many Japanese businesses. But where the American is pressing for a specific decision, the Japanese is trying to devise a rather broad direction. On the other hand, once a given agreement is made, it is the Japanese who sometimes wonder at the slow pace in which Westerners implement the decision. The Japanese are eager to move forward and
Westerners, perhaps, lag behind as they take the time for in-depth planning.

Now, while Japan's industry and technology are highly developed, they have not replaced the fundamental force of human energy and motivation. By that I mean that the Japanese take great pride in doing a job well and getting it done no matter how much time is required. There is a commitment and sense of responsibility which have not yet been discarded in this age of machines. In my field — finance and securities — I am often asked by Westerners how Nomura Securities has managed to escape the paper traffic jam that American firms have faced. We, too, have had that problem. The Tokyo Stock Exchange often has between 200 and 300 million transactions a day. This volume is many times more than that of the New York Stock Exchange. How can it be feasible to handle this load?

First, we have very sophisticated computers. Second, and most important, the operational personnel responsible for processing all these transactions stay and stay until the job is done. Perhaps in 20 years — or sooner — they will be more Westernized and insist on going home at five o'clock. But today, still, most insist on staying until the job is done. There is a sincere concern for quality. This willingness to help in a pinch is an important aspect of Japanese problem-solving, and you find it at every level. Some years ago, the Matsushita company was having a very bad time. Among the many measures taken, Mr. Matsushita, the founder and then chairman, became the manager of the sales department.

Also, when we at Nomura converted to computers about five years ago, the new system eliminated the jobs of 700 people. We did not dismiss these people; rather, we converted them to securities sales people and some of these are now our leading sales people. Provided there is intelligence and a willingness to exert yourself, there is a place within the company to try and to succeed. In Japan, a person's capabilities are not forced into an inflexible area. And we feel the company owes a worker something for loyalty and commitment.

Words: 900

New Words

 complex a. 1.復(fù)合的,復(fù)雜的 2.難以理解的,復(fù)雜的
 grip n. 1.控制,支配 2.緊握,抓牢 vt 1.握緊,抓牢 2.吸引……的注意力或想像力等
 extreme a. 1.最高限度的,極度的 2.盡可能遠的;遙遠的 n. 極端,過分
 analyze vt. 分析,細查
▲stability n. 穩(wěn)定,穩(wěn)固
 mobile a. 活動的,易于移動的,流動的
 mobility n. 流動性,移動性,易變性
 differ vi. 1.不同,有異 2.(在意見方面)發(fā)生分歧
 superior a. 1.優(yōu)于,強于 2.優(yōu)良的,卓越的 3.(在職位、地位方面)較高的 n. 上級,上司
 inferior a. 級別低的,社會地位低的;次要的,次等的 n. 下級,下屬
 negotiate v. 談判,磋商
 negotiation n. 商議,談判,洽談
 thereby ad. 因此,從而
 harmony n. 和諧,融洽,和睦,一致
▲consensus n. 共同看法,(意見等的)一致
 consideration n. 1.考慮,思考 2.體諒,照顧
 enterprise n. 1.企業(yè)單位,商業(yè)公司 2.(艱巨的)事業(yè),計劃
 ministry n. (政府的)部
 unity n. 和睦,協(xié)調(diào),團結(jié),統(tǒng)一
 parliament n. 議會,國會
 consult vt. 1.請教,咨詢,找……商量 2.查閱,查看 vi. 交換意見,商議
 delicate a. 1.巧妙的,需技巧的,敏感的 2.易損的,嬌嫩的
 delicately ad. 巧妙地,細致地
 owing a. 應(yīng)付的,未付的
 successive a. 繼續(xù)的,連續(xù)的
 lag vi. 走得慢,落后 n. 時間間隔;滯后
 fundamental a. 基本的,基礎(chǔ)的,主要的 n. 基本原則,基本法則
 discard vt. 丟棄,拋棄
▲transaction n. 交易,業(yè)務(wù)
 volume n. 1.量,份量,額 2.(書的)卷,冊 3.音量,響度 4.體積,容積,容量
 feasible a. 可行的,可能的,行得通的
 sophisticated a. 1.復(fù)雜的,尖端的 2.世故的,老練的,精通的
 operational a. 1.操作(上)的;經(jīng)營的 2.即可使用的,即可行動的
 sincere a. 真誠的,誠實的
 pinch n. 1.捏,掐,擰 2.一撮,微量 v. 捏,掐,擰
 aspect n. 部分,方面
 dismiss vt. 1.解雇,開除 2.放棄(想法、感情等),不再考慮 3.解散,遣散
 provided conj. 如果,假若
 exert vt. 1.努力,用力,盡力 2.運用(能力或技巧),發(fā)揮
 flexible a. 1.靈活的,可變通的,可適應(yīng)的 2.易彎曲的,柔韌的
 inflexible a. 不可改變的,不受影響的,不屈服的
 loyalty n. 忠誠,忠心

Phrases and Expressions

 come to grips with 著手解決(問題)或?qū)Ω?挑戰(zhàn))
 work for 為... ...工作,受雇于... ...
 in contrast to 對比,比照
 in some way 在某種意義上;有一點,有些
 be related to 與... ...相關(guān),與... ...有聯(lián)系
 distinguish from 與... ...相區(qū)別
 set up 造成,產(chǎn)生
 fall through 失敗,成為泡影
 owing to 因為,由于
 press for 反復(fù)請求,緊急要求
 wonder at 對... ...感到驚訝,驚嘆
 lag behind 走得慢,落后
 in a pinch 必要時
 exert oneself 努力

Proper Names

 Nomura Securities 野村證券
 Tokyo Stock Exchange 東京證券交易所
 New York Stock Exchange 紐約證券交易所
 Matsushita (company) 松下(公司)
 Matsushita 松下幸之助(松下公司創(chuàng)始人)

    以國家為背景探討解決問題或做出決策的方式就意味著研究許多復(fù)雜的文化因素。 它意味著試圖評估這些因素對現(xiàn)代生活的影響,也意味著把握目前正在發(fā)生的變化。
    在日本,最重要的是你為什么單位工作。 在對其取向或決策過程進行分析時,這一點尤為重要。 至少,它說明了美國的工作流動性大和相比而言日本的工作穩(wěn)定性極高的原因。
    盡管我們在許多方面存在差異,但這些差異并無優(yōu)劣之分。 某一特定的管理行為模式,是由其獨特的文化因素復(fù)合發(fā)展而成的——因而僅在一定的文化中起作用。
    讓我來描述一下日本民族的三四個文化背景特征,它們以某種方式影響著決策或者取向,以及解決問題的方式。 這些特征是相互聯(lián)系的。
    首先,在日本,任何解決問題的方法或任何談判都體現(xiàn)著"你對你"的方式,這與西方"我對你"的方式截然不同。 差別在于:在"我對你"的方式中,雙方都坦率地從自己的觀點出發(fā)提出主張——他們說出自己想要什么,希望得到什么。 如此一來就形成了對峙的局面,而西方人十分善于應(yīng)付對峙局面。
    日本人所采用的"你對你"的方式則建立在各方——自然而然地并常常是下意識地——力圖理解對方觀點的基礎(chǔ)之上。 因此,會晤所向是雙方共同努力減少對峙,謀求和諧。
    第二個特點的基礎(chǔ)是"一致共識"及"由下而上"。 在日本,更多的是對各階層所有人員的想法和意見都予以認真考慮。 無論是私人企業(yè)還是政府部門均是如此。 在日本,人們力求團體的統(tǒng)一,不論這團體是家庭、公司還是國會。
    差別在于,西方式的決策多半源自高層管理人員,通常不征求中層管理人員或員工的意見;而在日本,最底層的人員也能提出想法,然后通過組織上傳,對最后的決策產(chǎn)生影響。 此謂"由下而上"。
    這就產(chǎn)生了對時間的不同見解。 在日本,有始有終的工作比西方人對工作采取最后期限的態(tài)度更受推崇。 由于這種重點的不同,日本人不僅在生產(chǎn)上講求有始有終,而且開會也講求有始有終。 因此,美國人對許多日本公司繁多的會議感到厭煩。 但美國人總是急于做出具體決策,而日本人卻試著制定一個大方向。
    另一方面,一旦簽署了某個協(xié)議,卻常常是日本人驚訝于西方人履行協(xié)議時的拖沓。 日本人熱情十足地往前走,而西方人因需要時間作詳細計劃,則可能落后。
    現(xiàn)在,雖然日本的工業(yè)和技術(shù)得到了高度發(fā)展,但它們并不能取代人類精力和動機的根本力量。 我這么說的意思是,日本人對于能把一項工作做好,對于能完成這項工作,無論耗時多少,都會感到無比自豪。 這里面有承諾和責(zé)任感,在這個機器時代里,它們?nèi)匀粵]有被拋棄。
    在我的工作領(lǐng)域——金融和證券業(yè),常有西方人問我,野村證券公司是如何避免美國公司所面臨的交易單流通堵塞的。 我們也碰到過這個難題。 東京證交所每天通常有2-3億筆交易。 這個交易額是紐約證交所的許多倍。 怎樣才能處理好這么巨大的數(shù)額呢?
    第一,我們擁有極為先進的計算機。 第二,也是最重要的,負責(zé)處理這些交易的操作人員一直待到工作結(jié)束。 也許20年后,或許用不了這么久,他們就會更加西方化,會堅持到五點就下班回家。 但在今天,大多數(shù)人依然堅持待到工作完成。 這是對質(zhì)量的真正關(guān)心。
    "緊要關(guān)頭,鼎力相助"是日本人處理問題時的一個重要方面,存在于日本社會的各個階層。 幾年前,松下公司遇到難關(guān)。 在他們所采取的措施當(dāng)中,有一項就是松下先生——公司的創(chuàng)始人和當(dāng)時的董事長——調(diào)任銷售部經(jīng)理。
    同樣,當(dāng)我們野村證券公司五年前改用電腦時,新系統(tǒng)使700名員工失去了原來的工作。 但我們并沒有解雇他們;相反,我們將他們轉(zhuǎn)為證券銷售人員,其中有些如今成了這方面的骨干。 只要有智慧,只要肯努力,就可以在公司里獲得奮斗和成功之地。 在日本,一個人的才能不會被局限于一個固定的領(lǐng)域。 我們認為,對于員工們的盡信盡責(zé),公司應(yīng)予以回報。


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