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賴世雄高級美國英語教程Unit 27 The Global Proliferation of English




Hello, everybody. Welcome again to Radio English on Sunday.
This is Bruce,
/ and this is Peter,
/ Oh, look at this, Peter, two two two,
/ Two two two? What is over there? Oh, yeah, that's the number of this page, two two two, a triple two.
/ Triple two, not triple "w", but triple "2". Two two two. Triple means three of anything. And these days we often hear "triple w" because of the Internet. But in our textbook, triple two introduces unit twenty seven to you, and today's title is, "the global proliferation of English."
/ That's a good word over here, but it needs some sort of explanation.

/ Yes, it does. To proliferate means to (modify?) and spread out. So, one things becomes many things and then these many things spead out over to other places, over a very large area.
/ but in a rather ..in a lot of novels..then we can say he is uhh..what kind of uhh..writer?
/ prolific writer, something which is prolific produces a lot of things. We often say that some kinds of animals are very prolific, because they, for mammals, for example, they will have ten or twelve or fifteen small ones each time they have (proliferate), instead of one two, or three, like many other mammals.
/ Well, back to my home, I..keep producing a lot of garbage, so...
/ ,
/ then I'll be called a prolific (drawer) or something..
/ Prolific garbage producer? Doesn't sound very good...but it's true.
/ Yeah.
/ Now in fact today we're not talking about the proliferation of garbage but of a language, the global language of English. Let's find out how English proliferated around the world.
Please join us on page two two two if you just joined our program.

________proliferate, v,
To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring.
To increase or spread at a rapid rate:
fears that nuclear weapons might proliferate.
To cause to grow or increase rapidly.
使大量產(chǎn)生; 使擴散
proliferate nuclear weapons

Everyone knows that there're more speakers of Mandarin than any other language in the world. Just over one billion people speak Mandarin as their native tongue. Compared to the nearly four hundred million native speakers of English there would appear to be no contest. Yet, it is just as well known that English, not Mandarin, is the international langauge. Given these statistics, how can this be? Looking more closely at these and other facts reveals how English has become the world's most wide-spead language. The history of writen Chinese goes back at least four thousand years, that of English little more than one thousand years. The language called English is actually a hybrid of Saninavisn and german tongues created by immigrants to England in the fifth century A.D. Over the next five hundred years, English developped into several major dialects spoken principally on most of the island of England. With continuous invasions by more Scandinavians and the French over the next few centuries, the English language received a fresh stimulus of foreign words, including Latin and Greek, the preferred classical languages in educational and political circles at that time in Europe. English as a principal language of literature did not evolve until the fourteen century. (Chaucer?,) By the sixteen century, English was in full bloom both in literature as well as in science.

As you can see, this long paragraph is about the history or the English langage. It's not a very long history. After all, Chinese has at leave four thousand years of writen history, English only a little more than one thousand. In fact, English did not start on England as many people think, but on the continent of Europe, in Germany and Sandinavia; but it developed in England, after some northern European peoples immigrated into England. There, it developed slowly, after French and Sandinavians' invasions it developed more quickly, so that by the fourteen century, it was already beginning a literature, and in the next two hundred years a very great literature indeed.
/ ..compared to nearly four hundred million native speakers of English, 也可以說成 ..compared with...
doesn't make any difference at all.
to compare A to B,
to compare A with B,
It's very hard to compare John with Peter, they are equally good as singing.
It's very hard to compare A to B. Either way.
/ Right.
/ But, in one situation, you've got to use only this structure to compare A to B instead of to compare A with B. For example,
He is so nice to us, that we compare him to our father. 這種情況下只能用to. He's more like our father.
放在句首的時候,compared to ..compared with...都可以,
Compared to Peter, I am nothing when it comes to singing.
Compared with Peter, I am nothing when it comes to singing.
這樣的情況也可以說 in comparison with, 這就習慣上只能說 in comparison + with, 而不說 to,

statistics, 這個字很有意思。后面可以跟單數(shù)動詞和復數(shù)動詞,都對。但有一種情況只能用單數(shù), is,
/ ..well well, good idea. If we are talking about the 統(tǒng)計學,then we use the singular.
Statistics is difficult but important. 這時就不能說are,
But here we are using "statistics" to mean "facts", and then we would use plural verb.
Those statistics are doubtful.
/ Mm, they probably are inaccurate.
/ .."ate" 在后面的字,如果當adj, n, 來用的時候, 念[ i ], 只有當動詞的時候,才念成 [ ei ].
For example,
I'll graduate [ei] next year, then I'll be a graduate, [i], and then I'll go to graduate [i] school.
/ Mmm, 研究所。
Another example, "appropriate", 動詞表示“撥款”,念[ei],
The government has decided to appropriate a certain amount of money to save Bruce. from being...from being what,
/ uhh...kidnapped,
/ Ohh, something like that..
當作形容詞用的時候, 念[i], 適當?shù)模?br /> / ..hehe, yeah. That was not a very appropriate example for our kids.
/ Ok, is there anything you want to go over in the second paragraph?
Alright. Let's go over to the next page.


________appropriate, 這個字的動詞用法好象經(jīng)常不被注意,但它非常實用。
To set apart for a specific use:
appropriating funds for education.
To take possession of or make use of exclusively for oneself, often without permission:
Lee appropriated my unread newspaper and never returned it.
占用, 據(jù)為己有; 盜用, 挪用
充當, 充用
Five thousand dollars has been appropriated for the new school buildings.
He appropriated public funds for his own private use.
All this money was appropriated for the support of his widow.
The government appropriated a large sum of money for building schools.
to appropriate public funds
The minister was found to have appropriated government money.

England, referred to as Great Britain by this time, was amassing political economic and military power at breathtaking speed. The industrial revolution of the next century required foreign resources, imperialism, gave the go-ahead for Britain, and other European powers to not only take what they wanted from foreign lands, but to lay conquest to those lands as well. Additionally, the rapid social changes engendered by the change from agriculture to manufacturing meant a surplus or farm workers, resulting in a waiting army of the dispossessed to emigrate to Britain's newfound colonies. In the seventeenth and eighteen centuries, millions of Englishmen left their mother country for North America. In the eighteenth century, hundreds of thousands more set sail for Australia and New Zealand, as well as South Asia, the British Raj, and Africa, primarily South Africa. At the height of the British Empire, one-fourth of world's people and lands were living under the Union Jack. Thus, by the close of the nineteenth century, English rule had extended to the six principal continents, including British the Ana in South America.

_______engender, v,
To bring into existence; give rise to:
使發(fā)生, 使產(chǎn)生; 引起, 造成
Sympathy often engenders love.
Dirty engenders disease.

Now in this paragraph, we are not looking so much at the history of how English developed into a language, but rather the political, and military and economic development of England country or Great Britain, today we refer to it as the UK. Because of historical forces, especially the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century, England was the first society to change from a completely agricultural society into an industrial society. This is what is happening now in mainland China, although there are still more farmers than city dwellers in China, more and more poeple are moving into cities and taking up industrial or service sector jobs. This usually results in a surplus of labour. In the eighteenth century, England was able to export all of this surplus labour to different lands around the world. And this helps to explain the great spread or as we told you, proliferation, of English throughout the world.
/ Because that country became increasingly (epriential) with expansion of its national (string.)
/ Yes, throughout the world.
/ Of coruse. 上面的labour這個字是勞動力的意思。但laborer, 指的是勞動者,人。
/ Good point. Some of my students would say, my father is a labor, 可是這里要加er, my father is a laborer.
/ labor force,
it can be also used as a verb,
I am laboring for Bruce all day, ---> toil,
/ Well, the same as "to work very very hard, " We think of people who work on construction sites, or out on the farms as "toiling from dawn to dusk".
/ Ok, a couple of things I'd like to point out here myself: British Raj, this word is not an Englsih word; this is a South Asian word, probably India, which means "rule", and in India where Britain was ruling for about a hundred fifty years, it's considered, it's called the British Raj, taking the Indian word rather than the English word "rule". Just for your information.
Union Jack, this is a 口語 for the flag of the United Kingdom, this is an old term but we still find it. So when you see the "Union Jack", it means the flag of England or the UK.
/ 就好象是說美國的星條旗叫 stars and stripes 一樣。
/ Good example. "the stars and stripes" refers to the flag of the USA.

Ok, let's continue now.


This first-ever domination of the globe by one language is the primary reason for the international use of English today. A second reason lies in the rise of the USA as a leading world power, just as Britain's power began to fade. At the close of the nineteen century, the US fought with Spain in eighteen ninety eight, after the US victory, Spain ceded the Philippines, Guan, and Presitaeako (地名)resulting in the further introduction of English into Asia and Caribbean. After US' involvement in both world wars, despite Britain's continued decline, English became more commonly used around the world, especially in continent Europe and Japan. Since nineteen fifty, the rapidly growing US economy, as well as its academic and scientific excellence, has insured that English remains the language of commerce and intellectual intercourse, the world of entertainment, most notably Hollywood, has also contributed it to the popularization of English.

/ You can say that again.
/ Yeah, everywhere you go...let..before I go over this paragraph, you remind me of something. When I travel from country to country and I have lived overseas for more than twenty years, people sometimes say, well, don't you miss your home, country? And I think to myself, how can you miss the United States? Everywhere you go, in the newspapers, the radio, the movies..it's everywhere, so, what do I miss? I miss my family and friends, but I can't miss my country; it's everywhere.
/ Mmm.
/ Ok, so basically I said that in this century, it's still the twentieth century ..to me, the US has overtaken England as the primary power through the world, they are both English-speaking countries, and beause of the US is great economic and intellectual influence, more and more of the world is receptive to English; they want to learn English, to develop their own arts and sciences and political power.
/ ..a second reason lies in the rise of the United States of America, as a leading world power. ..
leading, adj,領(lǐng)導的,he plays a leading role in something, 但有時候我們看到不用leading, 而用lead,
He was the lead singer in the band, 為什么不用leading singer呢? 
/ Ok. I think that we say the "lead singer", it is the most important one, but when we say "play a leading role", it is one of several.
/ 他是。。的主唱,一定要說the lead singer, 而不是a lead singer,
lead, 作名詞用還是“鉛”的意思,念 [led].
/ Right.

To surrender possession of, especially by treaty.
See: relinquish
To yield; grant:
The debater refused to cede the point to her opponent.
讓與, 讓步; 割讓, 放棄(權(quán)利、領(lǐng)土等)
過戶, 轉(zhuǎn)讓
The Qing government ceded China's Hong Kong to Britain.
He ceded his stock holdings to his children.
______treaty, 條約

Ok, let's finish up. 1824

It is estimated that at least three hundred million people around the world are now studying or using English as a second language, for purposes of education, employment, or personal interest. Some seventy-five percent of all international communications are in English, and with the rise of the Internet, it is doubtful that this figure will decrease any time soon. At the dawn of the new millennium, the world has one international language---English.

This paragraph tells us that even if we add the four hundred million native users of English, with the three hundred million second language users of English, we still don't have as many speakers as Mandarin has, and it may never catch up in numbers, but in influence, because of the reasons of history, from England in the eighteen century, through the USA in twentieth and possibly also the twenty first century, English has become a stablished as the language of choice around the world, in education, in sports, in employment, science, the arts and so on. So it seems that English is going to continue to be a very influential language, simply becuase it was their first, and it's easier, it's an easier language to learn to read and therefore write, than is the language of Chinese.
/ Also there's a tendency that Chinese is beginning to influence English to some extent, at least such expressions as "long time no see."
/ :P that's my favorite.
/ It's firstly the pidgin English, now it has become some sort of..
/ Standard English.
/ Yeah. Standard English.
過獎,哪里哪里,不要說 where where, 應該說 well, thank you very much, it's very nice of you to say so, 也不要說 I am over praised, 沒有這樣的說法,應該說 I am flattered,
/ Neither shoud you say, no thinks.
/ It is estimated that...
It is estimated that five hundred students have passed the test.
(An estimated) that five hundred students have passed the test,
Some seventy-five percent..這個some是副詞,相當于about, approximately, you still owe me some two hundred dollars. 這個some就是大約,的意思。

______________Pan. 2003. 8.

Unit 27 The Global Proliferation of English 英語的疆域擴張

Everyone knows that there are more speakers of Mandarin than any other language in teh world. Just over one billion people speak Mandarin as their native tongue. Compared to the naerly four hundred million native speakers of English, there would appear to be "no contest". Yet, it is just as well-known that English, not Mandarin, is the international language. Given these statistics, how can this be? Looking more closely at these and other facts reveals how English has become the world's most widespread language.
The history of written Chinese goes back at least 4000 years, that of English little more than 1000 years. The language called English is actually a hybrid of Scaninavian and German tongues created by immigrants to England in the 5th century. A.D. Over the next 500 years, English developed into several major dialects spoken principally on most of the island of England. With continuous invasions by more Scandinavians and the French over the next few centuries, the English language received a fresh stimulus of foreign words, including Latin and Greek, the preferred classical alanguages in educational and political circles at that time in Europe. English as a principal language of literature did not evolve until the 14th century (Chaucer). By the 16th century, English was in full bloom, both in literature as well as in science.
England, referred to as Great Britain by this time, was amassing political, economic, and military power at breath-taking speed. The Industrial Revolution of the next century required foreign resources; imperialism gave the go-ahead for Britain and other European powers to not only take what they wanted from foreign lands but to lay conquest to those lands as well. Additionally, the rapid social changes engengered by the change from agriculture to manufacturing meant a surplus of farm workers, resulting in a waiting army of the dispossessed to emigrate to Britain's newfound colonies. In the 17th and 18th centuries, millions of Englishmen left their mother country for North America. In the 18th century, hundreds of thousands more set sail for Australia and New Zealand, as well as South Aisa (the British Raj) and Africa (primarily South Africa). At the height of the British Empire, one-fourth of the world's people and lands were living under the Union Jack. Thus, by the close of the 19th century Englsih rule had extended to the six principal continents (including British Guyana in South America).
This first-ever domination of the blobe by one language is the primary reason for the international use of English today. A second reason lies in the rise of the United States of America as a leading world power just as Britain's power began to fade. At the close of the 19th century, the US fought with Spain (in 1898). After the US victory, Spain ceded the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico, resulting in the further introduction of English into Asia and the Caribbean. After US involvement in both World Wars, despite Britain's continued decline, English became more commonly used around the world, especially in continental Europe and Japan. Since 1950, the rapidly growing US economy as well as its academic and scientific excellence has insured that English remains the language of commerce and intellectual intercouse. The world of entertainment, most notably Hollywood, has also contributed to the popularization of English.
It is estimated that at least 300 million people around the world are now studying or using English as a second language, for purposes of education, employment, or personal interest. Some 75% of all international communications are in English, and with the rise of the Internet, it is doubtful that this figure will decrease any time soon. At the dawn of the new millennium, the world has one international language, English.

be in full bloom,
Tulips are in full bloom in April in the Netherlands.

evolve,v, 發(fā)展,進化
Darwin stated that man evolved from ape-like ancestors.

go-ahead, n, 允許,同意,必須與the 連用。
As soon as we get the go-ahead from the manager, we'll start the new project.

conquest, n, 征服
The act or process of conquering.
See: victory
Something, such as territory, acquired by conquering.
One that has been captivated or overcome:
The pianist made a conquest of every audience for which she played.
The conquest of Mt. Everest finally occured in 1953 by Sir Edmund Hillary.
征服; 獲得(物), 贏得(物); 征服地; 戰(zhàn)利品
__感情的俘虜; 恩寵的贏得
for the conquest of
make a conquest of
征服; 贏得...感情
the C-
【英史】1066 年威廉對英國的征服
Her beauty won her many conquests.
This land is ours by right of conquest.
David is one of Joan's conquests; he's fallen in love with her already.(喻)


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