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賴世雄高級美國英語教程Unit 30 New Orleans: Birthplace of Jazz




Hello, everybody, welcome again to Radio English on Sunday.
This is Bruce.
/ and this is ..the same old Peter.
/ :P the saint Peter,
/ Oh, thank you.
/ When the Saint ..it's the name of song and saint Peter is one of the most important saints, that's quite a ...from the old days, and if you like that kind of music, you can join us on page two hundred fifty today, unit thirty. We're going to New Orleans to find out about that beautiful city's history and all the great music there. As you might know, New Orleans is the birth place of jazz.
/ ..Sean? Well, we'll be talking about him, too.

So let's get busy here, on page two hundred fifty.

Welcome to Crescent City, birthplace of jazz. "Crescent City?" Yes, the nickname for Nor Orleans is Crescent City, due to its downtown location along a particularly deep bend of the Mississippi River. No matter what this unique American city is called, New Orleans has something for everyone.

Well, this may surprise you. Most American cities have nicknames, especially the big cities like the Big Apple, --New York--, or Bean Town or the Hurb for Boston, Moder City or Moe Town for Detroit, the city by the bay, San Francisco and so on. Well, Crescent City refers to New Orleans. If you look at a map up the city, the Mississippi River flows South but at New Orleans, it then starts to flow East, and it's just like an elbow, like a ninety-degree bend in the river, and it looks something like the crescent moon. And from this comes the name Crescent City.
/ 這個crescent 讓我想起一個法語字,可塑面包什么什么的,
/ Right, different spellings, different pronunciation, too, but basically the same idea.

Well, let's find out about the history of New Orleans, which of course in foods and music, but now we're going to take an early look at New Orleans.

To understand why this Southern city is so different from many other cities of US, and perhaps also how it evolved the musical form of Dixieland jazz, it is necessary to give a brief description of its history. Founded in seventeen eighteen by French developers, Now Orleans grew rather slowly. Although ideal for shipping, New Orleans is only one hundred eighty kilometers from the mouth of the Mississippi, the world's fourth longest river, the land around New Orleans is extremely low-lying, the city is actually below sea level, and was at that time nothing more than a swamp. Despite this, the city attracted a wide range of peoples, including Canadian and European French, slaves, American Indians, and a few white British settlers. The area's continued slow growth, however, convinced France that it should sell all of its extensive land-holdings in North America to Spain in seventeen sixty three. Spain ruled this large area including New Orleans until eighteen hundred, when the whole area was again returned to France, only to be sold to the US in eighteen o three. The early French and Spanish cultures have remained with the city, even with the approach of two hundred years of American rule.

Ahh, it's a long paragraph because it has a lot of history ..New Orleans. But basically it was founded by the French near the beginning of the eighteen century, and it developed rather slowly, even though it is near the mouth of the Mississippi River that is the place where a river meets the sea, we call that the mouth of the river, but slowly it attracted more and more and more different kinds of people, American Indians, African slaves, either running away from their slaves or freed, Canadian and European French and British, Spanish and so on. By the middle of the century, French sold its land in North America to Spain, but then it was returned to France and then bought by the US by Thomoes Jepson. So, with all these different culture background, New Orleans is found to be a very interesting American city.
/ Well, let's explain something. Even today there're still some of French descendents over there.
/ Really?
/ Speak very beautiful standard French there.
/ Well, that's right. In fact, in the state of Luisy Anna, something like fifteen percent of the people there in that state, their mother tongue is French, not English.
/ Mmm,
/ They speak French at home, not English.
/ Those people from Canada, they prefer to go over there because you know they can communicate with those people in that area, in ..
/ Montrial, 地名
/ That's right.
/But in terms of usage, I do have some ahh...structures, very good structures here, that are worthy of a discussion. Right in the middle, you know, we have this expression, "and was at that time, nothing more than a swamp. " or something.
to be nothing more than... ---> to be nothing but...他只不過是個學生,well, he's not a great man, he's not a big shot or something, he's nothing more than a student.
/ He's nothing but a student, or He's only, or just, a student.
/ ..be anything but 的用法,
So, what do you think of Bruce? Well, he's anything but perfect.
/ to be anything but ...----這個用法在中級講座中也多次講過。
/ not even close to.... not at all.
/ What do you think of that girl? ..well, she's anything but beautiful.. -->she's not beautiful at all.
/ 還有一個用法,only to...得到一個想不到的結果, he studied very very hard, only to fail the test. 這個only 前面通常有一個comma,
/ Mmm, very interesting structures. Thanks, Peter.

The figure of the moon as it appears in its first or last quarter, with concave and convex edges terminating in points.
Something having concave and convex edges terminating in points.
Waxing, as the moon; increasing.
a crescent moon.

A seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.
A lowland region saturated with water.
A situation or place fraught with difficulties and imponderables:
a corporate swamp; a financial swamp.

Let's go ahead to the next page and the next paragraph, we're still talking about the history of the country, but now in the nineteen century. The history of the country, the US, and the city of New Orleans.


The fortunes of New Orleans have always depended on its riparian location. The city gained importance in the War of eighteen twelve, and later as the terminus for shipping along the Mississippi through the Civil War. As shipping declined in importance due to the building at the railroads near the end of nineteen century, however, the golden age of New Orleans wound down. At this time, however, an artistic creation particular to New Orleans would resuscitate the city's fortunes.

To restore consciousness, vigor, or life to.
See: revive
To regain consciousness.
使復蘇; 使復活; 使恢復精力
resuscitate a person who has been nearly drowned
The doctor resuscitated the man who was overcome by gas.

So from the nineteen century, the city became important in the first half, right through the Civil War, eighteen sixty one to eighteen sixty five, until that time, New Orleans gained size wealth and importance, but after the Civil War, railroads were built from the East coast to the West coast, from the North to the South and from the South to the North, so shipping, on which New Orleans depended, became less and less important, therefore, the business in New Orleans wounded down. I like those two words together. However, we find that by the end of the century, music came to the rescue.
/ "come to rescue", it's usually used as "go to someone's rescue" or "come to someone's rescue".
..knowing that he was in danger or he was in trouble, everyone went to Bruce's rescue except Peter.
Everyone went to his rescue or everyone came to his rescuse are both right.
/ Ok, also, wound down here, remember, "wound" is the past tense and past participle of "wind",
Wind your watch, I wound my watch yesterday but it broke. 上發(fā)條,
/ ..particule + to...if something is particular to someplace, 某個地方所獨有的, it's native to, it is peculiar to, it is unique to,
Such a kind of animal is peculiar to this island.

Let's continue now with the next paragraph about the music.

Music has always played an important part in the daily lives of most Americans, and New Orleans happened to be home to some of the best musicians in the country. From eighteen eighty to World War One, New Orleans with its cafe and night club society became host to a new form of music base mostly on the blues, but also on marches and ragtime music. In this style of music, the trumpet, clarinet, and trombone form the basis of instrumentation. As the trumpet is the loudest, it normally carries the melody, with clarinet and trombone improvising above and below the trumpet respectively. Sidney Bechet, Buddy Bolden, King Oliver, and most famously Louis Armstrong became symbols of the new music, playing to pack houses, at first in the New Orleans red light district, and later to fans in music halls all around the world.

__________red light district, 紅燈區(qū)。

______trumpet, 喇叭, 即小號, clarinet, 豎笛,單簧管,黑管,注意重音在net前。trombone, 長號,

When we think of New Orleans, one of the things we think of is, of course, its very special kind of music, and here we have the history of it. From the late nighty century through World War One, as New Orleans was meeting some hard times economically, people often will, just in evenings, go to their bars or cafes, or music halls and try to enjoy lives as they can, and when times are tough, somehow people often turn to music. And there was a lot of good music being played in New Orleans at that time. It "(court) on" as we say became popular, and spread around the world.
/ "it call on" 就是開始未成風氣,開始游行起來了,be soon get a (court) on, became popular very quickly.
improvise, 即興表演,...I am sorry we are not musicians, sorry for that.
/ Well, Peter is; he plays the saxophone, the drums, ahh you play guitar,
/ a little bit,
/ Well, improvise is great. This means the music is not writen down, note for note, as they ..classical music, and you must play each note exactly the way as it is writen down. Improvising means you can play anything you like, hopefully it would sound good. but it's not writen down for you.
/ be home to...注意介詞用to.
Antarctic is home to many penguins.

Let's continue and go over to our next page.

Though Dixieland jazz is today a preserved form of music, like classical music, it later spawned big band music popular until the end of Wrold War Two. And, urban jazz, still popular in the US, as well as in other countries. To hear the original Dixieland jazz, one has only to book a hotel room in Vusix Carre 地名 district of New Orleans any time of the year. The French and Spanish architecture, and laid back lifestyle there is the perfect place to enjoy the upbeat but relaxing sound of Dixieland jazz. Devotees of jazz pack Preservation Hall, Dixieland Hall, and the night clubs along Bourbon Street to hear their favorite songs. The New Orleans jazz clubs stages many jazz events, as does the city government, such as the International Jazz and Heritage Festival. If you can visit New Orleans only once in your life, though, save it for the world-famous Mardigrars. You can then enjoy the best of New Orleans night life with as many as one million other party revelers.

Let's go.
/ I can't wait, I've never seen the Mardigars in New Orleans, but it is on must-list.
/ It is, it was on my must list, it is something that I should do, definitely I'll do.
/ I am very much looking forward to that.
Ok, New Orleans, Dixieland jazz, Dixieland jazz is settled ..influenced by the blues, and later influenced or created, you could say, other kinds of music. Big Band music was the music that my parents danced to before and during World War Two. It also created jazz that we think of today which we often call urban jazz, that is a very high energy, a very intense kind of music. And if you liked Dixieland music, the way used to be is a preserved form of music, the way something used to be, you can still hear it down in New Orleans. You can go to Preservation Hall, Dixieland Hall, and of course the night clubs throughout the city to listen to this original form of music even today. But if you can go to New Orleans only once, then go February or March, it's a different date every year because it is a lunar festival. Find out when Mardigrab will be, then you can party and listen to Dixieland jazz.
/ uhh, what's the weather like down there?
/ Uhh, it is so tropical, it does snow but very very seldom. I would say "cool nights and warm days." It's quite pleasant.
/ Wow, beautiful.

Right, let's finish up. 2021

The city of New Orleans has so much to offer. It's history, unique culture blend, including world (claimed) cuisines and of course, its musical gift to the world, Dixieland jazz are reasons enough to place New Orleans high on everyone's must list of places to visit. Whether you want to travel to relax or join in spirited partying, New Orleans offers the tourist the best of both worlds.

So again, we're (selling) New Orleans here for you, because it has so much to offer. Many different cultures to enjoy, different music forms, and if you go during the Mardigrab, one of the world's biggest parties, so you can go there to relax or have a lot of active fun. Whatever, New Orleans is, or should be, on your must list.

Let's now go back for our final reading, so please listen carefully.

___________Pan. 2003.7.

Unit 30 New Orleans: Birthplace of Jazz


Welcome to Crescent City, birthplace of jazz! "Cresent City?" Yes, the nickname for New Orleans is Crescent City, due to its downtown location along a particularly deep bend of the Mississippi River. No matter what this unique American city is called, New Orleans has something for everyone.
To understand why this southern city is so different from any other city of the US, and perhaps also how it evolved the musical form of Dixieland jazz, it is necessary to give a brief description of its history. Founded in 1718 by French developers, New Orleans grew rather slowly. Although ideal for shipping (New Orleans is only 180 kilometers from the mouth of the Mississipi, the world's fourth-longest river), the land around New Orleans is extremely low-lying (the city is actually below sea level!) and was at that time nothing more than a swamp. Despite this, the city attracted a wide range of peoples, including Canadian and European French, slaves, american Indians, and a few white British settlers. The area's continued slow growth, however, convinced France that it should sell all of its extensive land holdings in North America to Spain in 1763. Spain ruled this large area including New Orleans until 1800, when the whole area was again returned to France, only to be sold to the US in 1803. The early French and Spanish cultures have remained with the city, even with the approach of 200 years of American rule.
The fortunes of New Orleans have always depended on its riparian location. The city gained importance in the War of 1812 and later as the terminus for shipping along the Mississippi through the Civil War. As shipping declined in importance due to the building of the railroads near the end of the 19th century, however, the Golden Age of New Orleans wound down. At this time, however an artistic creation particular to New Orleans would resuscitate the city's fortunes.
Music has always played an important part in the daily lives of most Americans, and New Orleans happened to be home to some of the best musicians int eh country. From 1880 to World War I, New Orleans with its cafe and night club society became host to a new form of music based mostly on the blues, but also on marches and ragtime music. In this style of music, the trumpet, clarinet, and trombone form the basis of instrumentation. As the trumpet is the loudest, it normally carries the melody, with the clarinet and trombone improvising above and below the trumpet, respectively. Sidney Bechet, Buddy Bolden, King Oliver, and most famously Louis Armstrong became symbols of the New Orleans red light district, and later to fans in music halls all around the world.
Though Dixieland jazz is today a preserved form of music like classical music, it later spawned Big Band music popular until the end of World War II, and urban jazz, still popular in the US as well as in other countries. To hear the original Dixieland jazz one has only to book a hotel room in the Vieux Carre district of New Orleans anytime of the year. The French and Spanish architecture and laidback lifestyle there is the perfect place to enjoy the upbeat but relaxing sounds of Dixieland jazz. Devotees of jazz pack Preservation Hall, Dixieland Hall, and the night clubs along Bourbon Street to hear their favorite songs. The New Orleans Jazz Club stages many jazz events, as does the city government, such as the International Jazz and Heritage Festival. If you can visit New Orleans only once in your life, though, save it for the world-famous MardiGras. You can then enjoy the best of New Orleans's night life with as many as one million other party revelers!
The city of New Orleans has so much to offer. Its history, unique cultural blend including world-acalaimed cuisines, and, of course, its musical gift to the world, Dixieland jazz, are reasons enough to place New Orleans high on everyone's "must list" of places to visit. Whether you want to travel to relax or join in spirited partying, New Orleans offers the tourist the best of both worlds.


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