A person who would not harm/ hurt a fly is kind and gentle
如果一個人連蒼蠅都不敢傷害得話,他必然抱有仁慈之心。故此。“Would not harm/hurt a fly”就是比喻人善良溫柔!
47.chicken leg
幾年前,我在英國一家旅館吃飯,女招待問我吃什么,我隨口答道:“Chicken Leg“。
我當時以為我沒有說清楚。所以就又來了一句:” I’d like chicken leg。“此時,我后面的英國人笑的更厲害了。年輕的女招待窘了一會兒,調皮地對我說道:“Yes Sr. This is a very sexual leg。” 說著她把雞腿夾到我的盤子里。
我當時雖然不知就里,也非常的難堪。一查辭典,原來Chicken Leg是專指妓女的腿!
48.give her a coffee
學期就快要結束時,女兒同學的媽媽告訴我說,Mrs Grystal就要退休了,我問她是不是辦個惜別會之類的表示感謝,她回答說:Well,we'll give her a coffee after church service!我想只是送人一罐咖啡太簡單太便宜了吧!
她看我不解的樣子,趕快解釋說:Of course,not really a can of coffee,it means a patty,原來一個coffee指的是小聯(lián)誼會,大家喝咖啡吃吃點心,送些小禮物,場面溫馨感人就行了!
49.tooth and nail
When animals are in danger they use their teeth and toenails(claws)to defend themselves。They do so tooth and nail。That has given us this expression,which is somewhat removed from the original meaning for it now means to do something with great determination while using all one‘s strength。“I am working tooth and nail to pass my examinations。” ”Our team fought tooth and nail,and we eventually won the football game。“
“Tooth and nail”,形容下最大決心和全力以赴的去做某種事情。這出自動物遇到危險時,張牙舞爪的來保衛(wèi)自己!
50.Get out
有一回在學校,朋友向我抱怨她修的會計課有多難.我回答她說:"跟你比起來我實在幸運很多,因為我的期中考是帶回家寫的."話才一說完,她就用很強烈的口氣對我說:"Get out!"。
我被她的反應嚇到了,心想就算你忌妒我,也不應該叫我"滾"才對.后來我才知道"Get out!"是一句俚語,表示很訝異,中文可譯為“怎么可能”。