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NO BOOK英語口語極短句上p8 #2

所屬教程:NO BOOK英語口語極短句



Lesson 172 What a bright sunny day!
1.What a bright sunny day!真是個陽光燦爛的日子!
2.You have bright eyes.你有一雙明亮的眼睛。
3.It's bright idea.這是個聰明的見解。
4.You're a bright child.你真是個聰明的孩子。
5.You have a bright future.佻的前途很光明。
Lesson 173 Together with you!
1.Together with you!我和你一起!
2.Let's go for a walk together.咱們一起去散散步吧。
3.I'll go together with you.我和你一起去。
4.Together with me?你和我一起去?
5.Don't speak together!不要都同時講話!
Lesson 174 It's cheap.
1.It's cheap.這個挺便宜的。
2.It's very cheap.這可真便宜。
3.It's a cheap store.這是一家要價低廉的商店。
4.This kind of car is cheap.這種汽車便宜。
5.It's much cheaper.這個便宜的多。
Lesson 175 It's  expensive.
1.It's expensive.這很貴呀。
2.It's very expensive.這個非常貴。
3.It's too expensive for me.這對我來說太貴了。
4.It was an expensive mistake.這是個代價高昴的錯誤。
5.What an expensive ring!這是多么昂貴的戒指??!
Lesson 176 It's the single one.
1.It's the single one.這是唯一的一張。
2.It's bar for singles.這是一間單身酒吧。
3.I'll go to the party single.我將獨自去參加晚會。
4.I want to buy a single bed.我想買一張單人床。
5.I enjoy the single life.我喜歡單身生活。
Lesson 177 I'm puzzled.
1.I'm puzzled.我有點迷惑。
2.I'm quite puzzled.我感到非常迷惑。
3.I am puzzled how to do it.我不知道怎么做這件事。
4.It's puzzle.苦惱地說:這是個難解的問題。
5.This letter puzzles me.這封信使我迷惑不解。
Lesson 178 It's a waste of time.
1.It's waste of time.這是在浪費時間。
2.Don't let it waste.別讓它的白白浪費掉。
3.Don't waste your money!別破費了!
4.Don't waste your time!別浪費你的時間了!
5.All my efforts were wasted.我的努力全都白費了。
Lesson 179 It's worth reading.
1.It's worth reading.值得一讀。
2.It's worth seeing.值得一看。
3.It's worth listening.值得一聽。
4.It's worth  £100。這個值一百鎊。
5.How much is it worth?它值多少錢?
Lesson 180 Welcome!
2.Welcome back!歡迎回來!
3.Welcome to China!歡迎到中國來!
5.You are welcome to join us.非常樂意邀請你加入我們。
Lesson 181 I'm starving.
1.I'm starving.我好餓啊。
2.I'm starving to death.我快餓死了。
3.Are you starving?你餓了嗎?
4.We're starving for news.我們正急切地盼著消息。
5.She's starving for companionship.她很渴望友情
Lesson 182 I'm hungry.
1.I'm hungry.我餓了。
2.Are you hungry?你餓了嗎?
3.I'm so hungry.我真是太餓了。
4.Haymaking is hungry work.割草晾曬的活兒很累,干一會兒就餓了。
5.I'd rather go hungry.我寧可挨餓。
Lesson 183 It's my fault.
1.It's my fault.這是我的過錯。
2.Whose fault is this?這是誰犯的錯?
3.The fault is mine.這是我的錯。
4.Your fault is carelessness.你的缺點是粗心大意。
5.That's no fault of his.這不是他的過錯。
Lesson 184 I feel feverish.
1.I feel feverish.我有點發(fā)燒。
2.I feel run down.這覺得身狀況很差。
3.I feel sick as a dog.我病得很厲害。
4.Arey you feeling better?你覺得好些了嗎?
5.Don't you feel well?你感覺不舒服嗎?
Lesson 185 I'm in wonderful condition.
1.I'm in wonderful condition.我身體狀況良好。
2.I'm in great condition.我身體棒極了。
3.The car is in good condition.這輛汽車情況良好。
4.The house is in bad condition.這房子條件不好。
5.Your hel\alth is in bad condition.您的健康很成問題。
Lesson 186 Will you marry me?
1.Will you marry me?嫁給我好嗎?
2.Marry me,please.請你嫁給我。
3.He is a married man.他是個已婚男人。
4.Are you married or single?你結(jié)婚了還是單身?
5.I am going to marry Lyle.我要和萊爾結(jié)婚了。
Lesson 187 The job is no picnic.
1.The job is no picnic.這份工作很累人。
2.The job is hard work.這活太累了。
3.The job is killing me.這活都快把我給累死了。
4.She's a job jumper.她老是跳槽。
5.What's your job?你做什么工作?
Lesson 188 Nice weather today!
1.Nice weather today!今天天氣不錯呀。
2.Rotten weather,isn't it?天氣糟透了,不是嗎?
3.The weather is very changeable.這天氣真是變化無常。
4.The weather really sucks today.今天天氣真糟糕。
5.I don't like cold weather.我不喜歡冷天。
Lesson 189 If my memory serves me well.
1.If my memory serves me well.如果我沒記錯的話。
2.Lots of wonderful memories!有很多美好的回憶呀!
3.It's fresh in my memory!我記憶猶新呀!
4.Oh,my poor memory!噢,我記性可真差1
5.He has a good memory.他記憶力很好。
Lesson 190 I quit.
1.I quit.我辭職了。
2.She quit.他辭職了。
3.I'll quit.我將會辭職。
4.I'll quit next week.我將在下星期辭職。
5.I've quit my job.我已經(jīng)辭職了。
Lesson 191 Have a safe trip!
1.Have a safe trip!一路平安!
2.It's safe place.這里安全。
3.Is the rope quite safe?這條繩子牢嗎?
4.Is it safe to eat?這個吃了沒問題吧?
5.He is safe now.他現(xiàn)在安全了。
Lesson 192 This is a beautiful wedding.
1.This a beautiful wedding.這婚禮辦得真漂亮。
2.Congratulations on your wedding!祝賀你們結(jié)合在一起!
3.The wedding gown is fabulous!這件婚紗真漂亮!
4.The wedding cake looks delicious.婚禮蛋糕看起來很好吃。
5.It will be a church wedding.婚禮將在教學(xué)舉行
Lesson 193 Give me a discount,please.
1.Any discount?有折扣嗎
2.Is thee any discount?有折扣嗎?
3.Give me a discount,please.給我打個折吧。
4.I discount what he said.我不全信他說的話。
5.It's at a 15% discount.這個打八五折。
Lesson 194 Is this in fashion?
1.Is this in fashion?這個現(xiàn)在流行嗎?
2.This kind of dress is in fashion.這種衣服現(xiàn)在很時髦。
3.It's the latest fashion.這是最新款式。
4.It's out of fashion.這個已經(jīng)不流行了。
5.Short skirts are in fashion now.瑞在短裙子很流行。
Lesson 195 I'm a movie junkie.
1.I'm movie junkie.我是個電影迷。
2.I'm big movie fan.我是個電影迷。
3.Let's go to the movies.咱們?nèi)タ措娪鞍伞?br /> 4.The movie was a smash.這部電影讓人看了很過癮。
5.The movie was a blockbuster.這部電影很成功。


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