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意大利童話 King Crin 克林王





  King Crin

  Once there was a king who, for a son, had a pig named King Crin King Crin would saunter through the royal chambers and usually behave beautifully, as befits anybody of royal birth Sometimes, though, he was cross On one such occasion, his father asked, while stroking his back, "What is the matter? Why are you so cross?"

  "Oink, oink," grunted King Crin "I want a wife Oink, oink, I want the baker's daughter!"

  The king sent for the baker, who had three daughters, and asked if his oldest daughter was willing to marry his pig-son Torn between the thrill of wedding the king's son and the horror of marrying a pig, the daughter made up her mind to accept the proposal

  Tickled pink, King Crin went wallowing in the town thoroughfares on his wedding night and got all muddy He returned to the bridal chamber, where his bride was waiting for him Intending to caress her, he rubbed against her skirt The bride was disgusted and, instead of caressing him, gave him a kick "Get away from here, you nasty pig!"

  King Crin moved away, grunting "Oink! You'll pay for that!"

  That night the bride was discovered dead in her bed

  The old king was quite distressed, but a few months later when his son was again as cross as could be and clamoring for a wife, he sent for the baker's second daughter, who accepted

  The evening of the wedding King Crin went back out and wallowed in the muddy roads, only to return and rub against his bride, who drove him out of the room "Scram, you nasty pig!" In the morning she was found dead This incident gave the court a bad name, being the second of its kind

  More time went by, and King Crin began acting up again "Would you have the nerve," said his father, "to ask for the baker's third daughter?"

  "Oink, oink, I certainly would Oink, oink, I must have her!"

  So they sent for the third girl to see if she would marry King Crin She was obviously quite happy to do so On his wedding night, as usual, King Crin went out to wallow, then ran back inside all muddy to caress his wife She responded with caresses of her own and dried him off with fine linen handkerchiefs, murmuring, "My handsome Crin, my darling Crin, I love you so" King Crin was overjoyed

  Next morning at the court everybody expected to hear that the third bride had been found dead, but out she came in higher spirits than ever That was a grand occasion for celebration in the royal house, and the king gave a reception

  The next night the bride became curious to see King Crin as he slept, because she had her suspicions She lit a taper and beheld a youth handsome beyond all stretches of the imagination But as she stood there rapt with admiration, she accidentally dropped the taper on his arm He woke up and jumped out of bed, furious "You broke the spell and will never see me again, or only when you have wept seven bottles of tears and worn out seven pairs of iron shoes, seven iron mantles, and seven iron hats looking for me" At that, he vanished

  So deep was her distress that the bride had no choice but to go in search of her husband She had a blacksmith forge seven pairs of iron shoes, seven iron mantles, and seven iron hats for her, then departed

  She walked all day long until night overtook her on a mountain, where she saw a cottage and knocked on the door "My poor girl," said an old woman, "I can't give you shelter, since my son is the Wind who comes home and turns everything upside down, and woe to anyone in his way!"

  But she begged and pleaded until the old woman brought her in and hid her The Wind soon arrived and sniffed all around, saying:

  "Human, human, I smell a human"

  But his mother quieted him down with food In the morning she rose at daybreak and softly awakened the young lady, advising, "Flee before my son gets up and take along this chestnut as a souvenir of me, but crack it open only in a serious emergency"

  She walked all day long and was overtaken by night on top of another mountain She spied a cottage, and an old lady on the doorstep said, "I would gladly lodge you, but I'm Lightning's mother, and poor you if my son came home and caught you here!" But then she took pity on her and hid her.


  ? 從前,有一個國王認(rèn)了一頭豬做自己的兒子,人們稱它為“克林王”??肆滞踉谕鯇m里進(jìn)進(jìn)出出,平常顯得很有教養(yǎng),還真像一個王室人物,但它也時常故意搗搗亂,發(fā)發(fā)脾氣。父親拍著它的屁股對他說:“怎么了,你這么搗亂,有什么事嗎?” 克林王嘰里咕嚕地說:“呃,呃,我想娶老婆,呃,呃,娶那個面包師的女兒!” 于是,國王派人把面包師叫了來。面包師有三個女兒,國王問面包師他的大女兒是否愿意嫁給他的豬兒子。面包師的大女兒很想嫁給國王的兒子,但又不愿意嫁給一頭豬,左右為難,最后還是答應(yīng)了。 婚禮的當(dāng)天晚上,克林王滿心歡喜地跑到街上轉(zhuǎn)了一圈,渾身弄得臟兮兮的回來了。新娘正在房間里等著它,它示意新娘愛撫它,自己也直往新娘裙子上拱。新娘覺得很厭煩,不但沒有愛撫它,還踹了它一腳,“滾開,臟豬!” 克林王嘟囔著:“呃!早晚和你算這筆帳!”就離開了。 當(dāng)天晚上,新娘就被發(fā)現(xiàn)死在床上了。 老國王對這件事非常頭疼。過了幾個月,克林王又開始發(fā)脾氣,又提出娶老婆的事,嘟嘟囔囔地說:“呃!呃!呃!我想要面包師的女兒為妻!”于是國王讓人去喊面包師的二女兒,她也同意了。 婚禮的晚上,克林王又在街上弄得渾身臟兮兮的回來了,一回來就在新娘的身上蹭來蹭去,新娘說:“滾開,臟豬!”把它趕走了。第二天早上,她也被人發(fā)現(xiàn)死在床上。一連在新婚之夜死了兩個新娘,這件事給宮廷帶來了很壞的影響。 過了一段時間,克林王又在王宮里搗亂生事。國王說:“怎么,你還想娶面包師的三女兒嗎?” 克林王說:“呃!呃!我是想娶她!呃!呃!我是想娶她!” 國王試著派人把那第三個女兒叫來了,問她是否愿意嫁給克林王。沒想到她聽了非常高興?;槎Y的當(dāng)晚,克林王像以前一樣,到街上轉(zhuǎn)得渾身臟兮兮的跑回房間,讓它的新娘撫摸它。新娘就一邊撫摸著它,一邊用柔細(xì)的亞麻布手帕擦著克林王身上的泥水,說:“我的好克林王,我心愛的克林王,我早就喜歡上你了。”克林王感到很高興。 早上,宮廷中所有的人都在等著這第三個新娘死去的消息,沒想到她看上去比來的時候更大方,更快樂。那一天成了王室大慶的日子,國王舉行了盛大的宴會。 到了晚上,因為好奇,新娘很想看看克林王睡覺的樣子。她點著一根長蠟燭,看到了一個英俊的小伙子,他長得太英俊了,簡直令人無法想象。當(dāng)她正盯著小伙子看的時候,蠟燭從她手中落下,落在了小伙子的手臂上。小伙子驚醒過來,滿腔怒火地跳下床,大聲喊道:“你破了魔咒,你不會再看到我了!噢,如果你想再見到我,就必須在七個瓶里灌滿你的眼淚,踏破七雙鐵鞋,穿破七件鐵衣,戴破七頂鐵帽。”說完就消失了。 新娘悲痛萬分,她不能只待在家里等著,決定出去尋找他。她找到一個鐵匠,讓他打好了七雙鐵鞋、七件鐵衣和七頂鐵帽,出發(fā)了。 走啊,走啊,當(dāng)她走到一座山上,天黑下來了。她看到有一座茅屋,就去敲門。一位老婆婆說:“可憐的姑娘,我不能留你過夜,因為我的兒子是風(fēng),每次一來到家里就會把所有的東西扔得亂七八糟,要是讓他找到你,你就麻煩了!” 可是姑娘再三請求,老婆婆只好把她藏在屋內(nèi),風(fēng)回來了,他到處嗅了嗅,說: “哼,哼 我聞到人的氣味。” 老婆婆給了他一些東西吃,他才平靜下來。到了早上,風(fēng)的母親早早地起來輕輕叫醒年輕的姑娘,說:“快逃吧,趁我兒子還沒起床你趕快上路,拿著這個栗子作紀(jì)念,如果不是急需就別打開它。” 姑娘走呀,走呀,來到另一座山上,天又黑了。她看到一座茅屋,一位老婆婆站在門口對她說:“咳,我真想留你過夜,但我的兒子是閃電,如果他回來發(fā)現(xiàn)你,你就麻煩了。”但老婆婆覺得姑娘實在可憐,就把她藏在屋里。閃電回來了: “哼,哼, 我聞到人的氣味。” 但他沒發(fā)現(xiàn)她,吃了些東西就睡覺去了。 到了早晨,閃電的母親對姑娘說:“趁我兒子還沒醒過來,你快逃走吧,拿著這個核桃,它對你會很有用。” 姑娘走呀,走呀,走到另一座山上時天又黑了。這里是雷的媽媽家,她終于也留姑娘過夜并把她藏了起來,雷一回到家就說: “哼,哼, 我聞到人的氣味” 但他沒發(fā)現(xiàn)她。到了早上,姑娘從雷的媽媽那里得到了一顆榛子做禮物,就又出發(fā)了。 經(jīng)過長途跋涉之后,她來到一座城邦。聽人說這里的公主將要跟一個英俊無比的小伙子結(jié)婚,他們現(xiàn)在正一起待在城堡中。姑娘猜想這個小伙子一定就是她自己的新郎。但怎么才能阻止他們的婚事呢?怎么才能進(jìn)到城堡里去呢? 她打開那個栗子,從里面出來一大堆珠寶、鉆石。于是她帶著這些東西來到公主住的宮殿下叫賣。公主從窗口看見后就讓她上來了。姑娘對公主說:“我可以把這些東西都白送給你,只要求你讓我在那個小伙子的房間里睡上一夜就行,聽說他就在這座宮殿里。” 公主不放心讓姑娘跟小伙子單獨談話,甚至擔(dān)心姑娘會帶著小伙子逃走,但她的女仆對她說:“這事交給我了,我們給他吃催眠藥,他就不會醒過來了。”她們就這么做了,當(dāng)女仆陪著姑娘來到房間的時候,小伙子已經(jīng)睡著了,女仆留下姑娘就出去了。姑娘仔細(xì)一看,這果然就是她的新郎,就對他說:“快醒醒,我的夫君,快醒醒。我長途跋涉到了這里,已經(jīng)踏破了七雙鐵鞋,穿破了七件鐵衣,戴破了七頂鐵帽,我還裝滿了七瓶眼淚?,F(xiàn)在我總算找到你了,你卻睡著聽不到我說的話!” 姑娘就這樣哭訴著一直到天亮。早晨,她絕望地砸著核桃。從里面掉出一大堆漂亮的衣服和各式各樣的綾羅綢緞,一件比一件漂亮。女仆看到這些奇麗的東西,就跑去告訴公主,而公主自然又留下了所有這些東西,就答應(yīng)她再跟小伙子待一晚,但她讓姑娘進(jìn)去的晚,出來的早,這樣就縮短了時間。 這一晚同樣一無所獲,小伙子一直沒醒過來。可憐的姑娘又砸開那顆榛子,從里面跳出來一些馬車和數(shù)匹駿馬。為了得到這些東西,公主又一次答應(yīng)她跟小伙子過夜。 但這一次,小伙子不想再喝她們每天晚上帶來的那杯東西,只是假裝喝下去,實際上把它們倒在了地上。姑娘說話的時候,他先假裝睡了一會,當(dāng)他確定她就是自己的妻子時,他馬上跳起來,抱住了姑娘。他們坐著變出來的那些馬車出發(fā)了,回到家后,舉行了盛大的宴會。 他們的生活奢侈又冷酷 卻將我留在門背后。 (波河地區(qū))


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