King Hui of Liang watched the cook dissecting an ox. Up went his hand, down went the knife, cutting it just right with dexterous movements. The King praised:
“Your skill is excellent!”
The cook answered:
"1 can do it so dexterously because I am familiar with the physiological structure of the ox. I see perfectly well each and every part of the ox which is no longer a whole ox to me. I have a clear mental picture of where its joints and main and collateral channels are, and know exactly where to start cutting and how much force is needed."
The cook continued:
"The knives of others become blunt after being used for a short time, whereas I have used my knife for 19 years and slaughtered nearly 1,000 oxen, and it is still as sharp as a new one. However, when I come across a complicated structure, I would be cautious and conscientious and dare not be the least negligent. I cut swiftly but lightly with great concentration and care.
After hearing this, King Hui of Liang said:
"What you said is wonderful!From you I have learned the way of cultivating my mind and developing my character."