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傲慢與偏見9 A Young Lady Cries





A Young Lady Cries

Sir William and Maria stayed for only a week atHunsford. After they left, Elizabeth was able to spendher time quite comfortably. She dined at Rosings abouttwice a week. but other meetings and dinners for herwere few. Still, the weather was fine and Elizabethgreatly enjoyed being out of doors. Her favorite walkwas along an open road that was beside the park.

Soon it was to be Easter. Elizabeth heard that twoof Lady Catherine's nephews - Mr. Darcy and ColonelFitzwilliam - were expected to be at Rosings. Mr.Darcy was highly spoken of by Lady Catherine, andshe seemed almost angry when she found out thatElizabeth had already met him before.

When these two gentlemen arrived, Mr. Collinswent to Rosings to greet them. On his return, the twogentlemen decided to accompany him. This surprisedCharlotte. She saw them from the window and ran totell Elizabeth .

"I must thank you, Elizabeth, for being here,"she said. "Mr. Darcy would probably never have cometo visit me. "

Colonel Fitzwilliam was a most true gentleman incharacter. He was about thirty years of age and was notparticularly handsome. Mr. Darcy looked the same.and greeted Elizabeth calmly. She bowed to himwithout saying a word.

Colonel Fitzwilliam talked easily like a well-mannered and educated man, but Mr. Darcy sat forsome time without speaking. After a while, he askedElizabeth about how her family was doing. Sheanswered him that they were quite well, and afterwaiting a moment, she added : "My eldest sister, Jane,has been in town these past three months. Have youneither heard from nor seen her there?"

Mr. Darcy looked a little confused by what shehad said. Then he answered that he had not the luck ofmeeting Miss Bennet in town. They did not speakfurther about the subject.

Colonel Fitzwilliam's manners were both respectedand enjoyed, and the ladies felt it would be verypleasurable to have him there at their visits at Rosings.However, they did not receive an invitation untilEaster Day. Colonel Fitzwilliam had called at theCollins' house more than once during the time, but Mr.Darcy they had only seen at church.

Her ladyship received the family very coolly. Itwas easy to know that their company was mostwelcomed only when she could not receive anybodyelse .

Colonel Fitzwilliam seemed really glad to seethem. His attention was very caught by Elizabeth. Heentertained her so well by talking about many subjects :Kent and Hertfordshire, traveling, new books andmusic. Elizabeth was grateful for his company.

The Colonel then asked Elizabeth to play the pianofor him. He led her to the piano, and he placed a chairnear to her. Lady Catherine only listened to half asong, and then started talking to Darcy. Finally, Darcywalked away and stood by the piano to have a full viewof Elizabeth's performance. When she had finished asong, Elizabeth said, "Do you mean to frighten me,Mr. Darcy, by standing in such a serious manner tohear me? But I will not be scared. "

"I'm sure you don't really believe that I want toscare you,", replied Darcy, and he gave one of hisunusual smiles. "I have known you long enough torealize that you often greatly enjoy stating opinions thatare in fact not your own. "

Elizabeth did not get upset but laughed instead.She decided to challenge Darcy's manner and said,"Perhaps it is not wise of you to speak of all that youknow about me. Are you trying to put me at adisadvantage? It may make me speak of things aboutyou that may shock your relations. "

"Don't worry; I am not afraid of you," he said,smilingly.

"What do you have to say against him? Let's hearit. " said Colonel Fitzwilliam.

"I remember the first time I ever saw him. Hewas at a dance in our town - and what do you think hedid? He only danced four dances the whole night! -And there was more than one young lady without apartner. Mr. Darcy, you must say this is true."

"At that time I only knew my own party and didnot have the honor of knowing any lady. Perhaps itwould have been better if I had looked for anintroduction. I am not good at speaking with those Ihave never met before."

"That's because he will not give himself thetrouble, " said his cousin.

Elizabeth decided to change the subject and said,"I'm afraid my fingers cannot move as cleverly as otherwomen's do over this instrument. But then I do notpractice as I should; I'm afraid it has been too longsince I last played. "

Darcy smiled and said, "You are quite right, but Ialso feel that neither of us likes to perform in front ofstrangers. "

Elizabeth began to play again. Lady Catherinecame near and said to Darcy: "Miss Bennet's playingwould not have so many mistakes if she practicedmore .

Elizabeth looked at Darcy and could see that hewas as amused as she was. Lady Catherine continued tospeak to Darcy about her thoughts on Elizabeth'splaying. However, the gentlemen requested thatElizabeth continues to play all night. She did not stopuntil the carriage was ready to take them all home.

The next morning, Elizabeth decided to write aletter to Jane while Mr. and Mrs. Collins had left forthe village. She was surprised by a ring at the door.She was even more surprised when she answered thedoor and saw that it was Mr. Darcy. He entered theroom.

He seemed equally surprised to find her alone. Hewas completely silent until Elizabeth asked, "Were Mr.Bingley and his sisters well when you left London?"

"In perfect health. I thank you. "

"I understand that Mr. Bingley does not want toreturn to Netherfield again?"

"He may not spend very much of his time there inthe future. "

"If he means not be there very often, then itwould be better if he gave up the property completely.Then we might have a settled family there. It would bebetter for the neighborhood . "

"I should not be very surprised," said Darcy, "ifhe gave it up as soon as he finds any other property ofequal value that has become available. "

Elizabeth did not answer. She decided to leave thetrouble of finding something to talk about to him. Heasked her, "Are you pleased with Kent?"

They spoke for a short while on the subject of thecountry. But this was soon put to an end by theentrance of Charlotte. Mr. Darcy sat for a few minuteslonger without saying very much. Then he excusedhimself and left .

"What is the meaning of this!" said Charlotte."My dear Elizabeth, I think he must be in love withyou ! "

Elizabeth told Charlotte this was probably nottrue. She replied that his visit was because it was toodifficult to find anything else to do at that time of year.All field sports were finished for the year. At his housethere was Lady Catherine, books and a billiard table,but it was impossible for a gentleman to always beindoors .

In the days that followed. It was indeed quitedifficult to understand why Mr. Darcy came so often tothe Collins' house. He often sat without saying much toanyone. Charlotte wanted to believe that he camebecause he was in love with Elizabeth. She tried towatch him closely, but she had no success withguessing his reason.

Elizabeth started to unexpectedly meet Mr. Darcyon her walks through the park. The first time theymet, so that it would not happen again, she told himthat the park was her favorite place. But she met himagain a second time, and she thought it was verystrange! She even met him a third time. Every timethey met, he never said a great deal. Still, Elizabethbegan to feel an unexpected pleasure in his company.

One day, as she was walking about the park andre-reading Jane's last letter, she saw that ColonelFitzwilliam was approaching.

“I have been making a walk about the park," hesaid. "Are you going much farther?"

"Not I was planning on turning back home in amoment. "

They walked towards the house together.Elizabeth said, "I believe you know two ladies whom Ialso know – Mrs. Hurst and Miss Bingley. "

"I have met them before - their brother is a greatfriend of Darcy's. "

"Oh, yes!" said Elizabeth coolly. "Mr. Darcytakes great care of him. "

. "Great care of him?"

"Yes, replied the Colonel, "I believe Bingleyowes him very much. "

"What do you mean - owes him? "

"Mr. Darcy told me that he had recently saved aclose friend from unwisely getting married. I guessedthat he was speaking about Bingley. "

"Did Mr. Darcy tell you what his reasons were forhis belief that it was an unwise marriage?"

"I understood that the lady was not of highcharacter. "

Elizabeth did not reply. She walked on, her heartquickly filling with anger.

" Your cousin's way of handling problemssometimes troubles me," she said at last "Why shouldhe be the judge?"

"You think his involvement was not correct?"

"I do not see what right Mr. Darcy has that hecan decide about his friend's happiness, " she said.

Later that night, in her own room, Elizabeth wasable to think without being disturbed. She had neverdoubted that Darcy had been responsible for separatingBingley and Jane. But she had also always thought thatMiss Bingley was the main person responsible. Now,after speaking to the Colonel, it became clear that Mr.Darcy was the cause. He had ruined all hope ofhappiness for Jane.

About Jane, Elizabeth knew that he could not findfault with her. She also knew that nothing could be saidagainst her father, as Mr. Darcy himself had praisedher father's abilities. Then, however, she thought ofher mother and sisters. Suddenly, her belief changed.She remembered how ashamed she had felt over theirconduct at the Netherfield dance.

This made her suddenly begin to cry. Soon, thetears gave her a headache. She did not want to see Mr.Darcy that night, so she decided not to go to Rosingsthat evening. Mrs. Collins did not try to change hermind, but Mr. Collins was very afraid that LadyCatherine would be unhappy and angry.


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