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瘋狂英語句子速成 sentences1-99





[00:00.00]Li Yang Crazy English Sentences Crash course;李陽瘋狂英語 口語速成系列之 句子速成
[00:07.92]365 key sentences for international Chinese.;國際化中國人必備 英語365句.
[00:29.24]Li Yang's words. 李陽的話.;
[02:14.75]This is Kim.And I'm telling you teacher Li is right.;我是Kim.李老師說得對.
[02:19.36]365 key sentences for international Chinese;國際化中國人必備365句
[02:24.25]can make huge difference in your English.;能使你的英語發(fā)生巨變.
[02:27.07]One sentence a day can give you the power to be an international Chinese.;一天一句給你成為國際化 中國人的力量.
[02:40.20]Li Yang's words. 李陽的話.;
[03:01.15]1.Absolutely;1.(用于答話)是這樣;  當(dāng)然是;正是如此;絕對  如此;沒錯;太對了!
[03:07.59]2.Absolutely   impossible!;2.絕對不可能!
[03:17.06]3.All I have to do   is learn English.;3.我所要做的是就是學(xué)    英語.
[03:26.66]4.Are you free   tomorrow?;4.你明天有空嗎?
[03:33.86]5.Are you married?;5.你結(jié)婚了嗎?
[03:40.35]6.Are you used to   the food here?;6.你吃得慣這兒的飯菜   嗎?
[03:48.54]7.Be careful.;7.小心/注意.
[03:55.15]8.Be my guest.;8.請便.
[04:01.25]9.Better late than   never.;9.遲到總比不到好.
[04:09.43]10.Better luck next    time.;10.祝你下一次好運(yùn).
[04:18.02]11.Better safe than    sorry.;11.小心不出大錯.
[04:27.26]12.Can I have a day    off?;12.我能請一天假嗎?
[04:39.76]13.Can I help?;13.要我?guī)兔幔?br /> [04:47.00]14.Can I take a    message?;14.要我傳話嗎?
[04:56.40]15.Can I take a    rain check?;15.你能改天在請我嗎?
[05:06.49]16.Can I take your    order?;16.你要點菜嗎?
[05:16.71]17.Can you give me    a wake-up call?;17.你能打電話    叫醒我嗎?
[05:28.41]18.Can you give me    some feedback?;18.你能給我一些建議    嗎?
[05:38.98]19.Can you make it?;19.你能來嗎?
[05:46.49]20.Can I have a word    with you?;20.我能跟你談一談嗎?
[05:56.23]21.Catch me later.;21.過會兒再來找我.
[06:05.00]22.Cheer up!;22.高興起來!    振作起來!
[06:11.82]23.Come in and make    yourself at home.;23.請進(jìn),別客氣.
[06:24.15]24.Could I have the    bill,please?;24.請把帳單給我好嗎?
[06:34.09]25.Could you drop me  off at the airport?;25.你能載我到飛機(jī)場    嗎?
[06:46.71]26.Could you speak    slower?;26.你能說得慢一點兒    嗎?
[06:57.68]27.Could you take a    picture for me?;27.你能幫我照張相嗎?
[07:09.57]28.Did you enjoy    your flight?;28.你的飛機(jī)旅途愉快    嗎?
[07:19.43]29.Did you have a    good day today?;29.你今天過得好嗎?
[07:31.23]30.Did you have a    nice holiday?;30.你假期過得愉快嗎?
[07:41.57]31.Did you have fun?;31.你玩得開心嗎?
[07:49.95]32.Dinner is on me.;32.晚飯我請客.
[07:58.60]33.Do you have a    room available?;33.你們有空房間嗎?
[08:08.72]34.Do you have any    hobbies?;34.你有什么愛好嗎?
[08:17.99]35.Do you have some    change?;35.你有零錢嗎?
[08:28.04]36.Do you mind my    smoking?    (I sure do.);36.你介意我抽煙嗎?   (當(dāng)然介意)
[08:50.61]37. (Here's a good one for me.) Do you often work out?;37. (這句話對我很好) 你經(jīng)常鍛煉身體嗎?
[09:01.22](About four times a week. Yep,four times a week.;(大約一周四次。 對,一周四次。)
[09:04.63]38.Do you speak    English?;38.你會說英語嗎?
[09:14.85](Do you speak Chinese, Jim? Yes,a little.);(吉姆,你會說中文嗎? 會說一點點。)
[09:27.61]39.Don't be so    modest.;39.別這么謙虛.
[09:37.65](Jim,I think I need to improve my English.My English is very,very poor.;吉姆,我認(rèn)為我的英語還 需要提高.我的英語太糟
[09:49.96]Oh,Li Yang,don't be so modest.Your English is very good. Thank you.;哦,李陽,別這么謙虛. 你的英語很好. 謝謝.)
[09:57.73]I have to say this a lot to Chinese people.;我經(jīng)常要跟中國人說這 句話.
[10:10.79]Well,I don't have to say it very often to Americans.;而跟美國人就不必常說 這句話了.
[10:19.64]40.Don't bother.;40.不用麻煩了.
[10:26.12]41.Don't get me    wrong.;41.別誤會我.
[10:37.13]42.Don't give up.;42.別放棄.
[10:47.21]43.Don't jump to    conclusions.;43.不要急于下結(jié)論.
[10:59.27]Jim,I think I simply can't learn English well.;吉姆,我想我就是學(xué)不 好英語.
[11:06.21]Oh,don't jump to conclusions.If you are patient,you work hard, you will.;哦,不要急于下結(jié)論. 如果你耐心,你努力, 你會學(xué)好的.
[11:34.36]44.Don't let me    down.;44.別讓我失望.
[11:46.34]Sounds great. Yep,this is a song from the Beetles.;唱得不錯! 這是甲克蟲樂隊的一首歌
[11:50.71]45.Don't make any    mistakes.;45.別出差錯.
[11:59.86]46.Don't mention it.;46.不必客氣.
[12:08.14]47.Don't miss the    boat.;47.不要坐失良機(jī).
[12:15.98]48.Don't take any    chances.;48.不要存僥幸心理.
[12:25.43]49.Don't take it for    granted.;49.不要想當(dāng)然.
[12:35.26]50.Don't worry about    it.;50.別擔(dān)心.
[12:43.77]51.Easy come,easy    go.;51.來得容易,去得快.
[12:54.45]52.Enjoy your meal.;52.請慢慢享用吧.
[13:02.51]53.Easier said than    done.;53.說時容易做時難.
[13:12.49]54.First come,    first served.;54.捷足先登.
[13:22.29]55.For here or to    go?;55.在這兒吃還是帶走?
[13:32.70]56.Forget it.;56.算了吧.
[13:40.11]57.Forgive me.;57.請原諒我.
[13:47.44]58.Give me a call.;58.給我打電話.
[13:56.41]59.Give my best to    your family.;59.代我向你們?nèi)覇?nbsp;   好.
[14:08.01]60.Have him return    my call.;60.讓他給我回電話.
[14:18.89]61.Have you ever    been to Japan?;61.你去過日本嗎?
[14:33.00]62.Have you finished    yet?;62.你做完了嗎?
[14:43.07]63.Have you got    anything larger?;63.有大一點兒的嗎?
[14:52.24]I ask this question all the time here. Yeah.;在這里我經(jīng)常問這個問題
[14:54.64]Have you got anything larger?;有大一點兒的嗎?
[14:59.57]64.Have you got that?;64.你明白我的意思嗎?
[15:08.54]Jim,could you please teach me this sentence? Have you got that?;吉姆,你能教我這個句 子嗎? 你明白我的意思嗎?
[15:19.55]Correct.Sure. It means 'Do you understand?';對.當(dāng)然可以. 它的意思是: 你明白我的意思嗎?
[15:26.86]65.Have you heard    from Mary?;65.你收到瑪麗的來信    了嗎?
[15:38.46]66.He is in    conference.;66.他正在開會.
[15:46.36]This is a good sentence for you.;這對你來說是個好句子.
[15:48.28]If somebody calls you and you don't want to talk,you just say 'He is in conference.';如果有人給你打電話而你 不想接,就讓人說他正在 開會.
[15:54.13]May I speak to Jim? Sorry,he is in conference.;我可以跟吉姆講話嗎? 對不起,他正在開會.
[16:00.86]So,slowly again.;再來一遍慢速的.
[16:02.82]He is in conference.;66.他正在開會.
[16:10.45]67.Help yourself,    please.;67.請自己用.
[16:19.92]68.Hold your horses.    (Be patient.);68.耐心點兒.
[16:35.40]69.How can I get in    touch with you?;69.我怎樣能跟你聯(lián)系    上?
[16:49.81]70.How do I look?;70.我看上去怎么樣?
[16:57.06]That's a very vain question,isn't it? Yeah.;這是個很無聊的問題, 是吧? 是.
[17:00.66]Yeah.How do I look? Who cares?How do I look?;是.我看上去怎樣? 誰在意?我看上去怎樣?
[17:11.39]71.How is it going?;71.情況怎么樣?
[17:20.60]72.How late are you    open?;72.你們營業(yè)到幾點?
[17:31.35]73.How long did it    last?;73.持續(xù)了多久?
[17:42.99]74.How long will it    take me to get    there?;74.到哪兒要多長時間?
[18:00.13]75.How much is it?;75.多少錢?
[18:09.35]76.How often do you    eat out?;76.你隔多久在外面    吃一次飯?
[18:22.44]77.I apologize.;77.我很抱歉.
[18:31.86]78.I appreciate your    invitation.;78.感謝你的邀請.
[18:45.49]OK,Jim,I'm a very slow learner.I am very forgetful.;好,吉姆,我學(xué)東西很慢. 我很健忘.
[18:54.27]So could you please teach me this sentence 'I appreciate your invitation.';所能請你教我這個句子 '感謝你的邀請.'嗎?
[19:10.56]Right! Could you please teach me word by word?;對! 你能一個詞一個詞地教 我嗎?
[19:14.97]Because I can't imitate your whole sentence. OK.;因為我無法全句模仿. 好的.
[19:23.40]I appreciate your invitation.;感謝你的邀請.
[19:35.49]Right. Thank you. You're welcome.;對. 謝謝. 不客氣.
[19:37.96]79.I assure you.;79.我向你保證.
[19:47.22]80.I bet you can.;80.我確信你能做到.
[19:56.98]81.I can manage.;81.我自己可以應(yīng)付.
[20:06.58]82.I can't afford    it.;82.我買不起.
[20:16.52]83.I can't believe    it.;83.我簡直不敢相信.
[20:27.95]84.I can't resist    the temptation.;84.我不能抵擋誘惑.
[20:41.00]85.I can't stand it.;85.我受不了了.
[20:52.59]86.I can't tell.;86.我說不準(zhǔn).
[21:01.00]87.I couldn't agree    more.;87.我完全同意.
[21:12.81]88.I couldn't get    through.;88.我打不通電話.
[21:23.13]89.I couldn't help    it.;89.我沒有辦法.
[21:33.79]90.I didn't mean to.;90.我不是故意的.
[21:44.71]91.I don't know for    sure.;91.我不能肯定.
[21:56.74]92.I enjoy your    company.;92.我喜歡你作伴.
[22:08.38]93.I enjoyed it very    much.;93.我非常喜歡.
[22:22.20]94.I envy you.;94.我羨慕你.
[22:31.92]95.(I say this one   a lot.)   I feel like having   some dumplings.;(我經(jīng)常說這句話.)  我很想吃餃子.
[22:49.83]96.I feel terrible    about it.;96.太對不起了.
[23:03.26]97.I feel the same    way.;97.我也有同感.
[23:15.93]98.I have a complaint.;98.我要投訴.
[23:27.70]99.I have nothing to    do with it.;99.那與我無關(guān).
[23:43.50]This is the end of side A.Now let's go on to side B.Good luck!;A面到此結(jié)束.我們來 繼續(xù)聽B面.好運(yùn)!


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