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商務(wù)英語300句Unit 09 Business Representation




Business Representation


Brief Introduction



獨家代理指委托人在一定時期,特定地區(qū)給予代理人推銷指定商品的專營權(quán),委托人向代理人支付傭金,負(fù)擔(dān)經(jīng)營風(fēng)險,一般不再向該地區(qū)其他商人銷售該種商品。即使直接銷售,也要按協(xié)議規(guī)定給獨家代理應(yīng)得的傭金,這種傭金叫做隱傭(Sleeping Commission)。獨家代理則代表委托人與買主洽談交易,并以委托人的名義或由委托人自己同買主簽訂合同。



Basic Expressions

1. I would like to discuss with you the problem of agency for your electric fans.


2. I wonder whether your firm is represented in our country.


3. We should be glad if you would consider our application to act as agents for the sales of your products in our country.

如果貴方能考慮我們的申請使我們成為貴公司產(chǎn)品在我國市場的銷 售代理的話,我們會很高興的。

4. We are pleased to offer you a sole agency for the sale of our products in your country.


5. We are pleased that you are prepared to appoint us as your sole agent for your products.


6. We’re favorably impressed by your proposal for a sole distributor.


7. Thank you for offering us the agency for your products and appreciate the confidence you have placed in us.


8. If you give us the agency, we should spare no efforts to further your interests.


9. As your agents, we’ll make greater efforts to push the sale of your products.


10. We appreciate your efforts in pushing the sale of our electric fans.


11. I’m afraid we can’t agree to appoint you as our sole agent because the annual turnover you promised is too low.

恐怕我們不能同意指定你方作為我們的獨家代理,因為你方所承諾 的年銷售量太少了。

12. We will increase our turnover if you appoint us as your sole agent.


13. We’d like to sign a sole agency agreement with you on your electric fans for a period of three years.


14. As our sole distributor, you are not expected to handle the sale of similar products of other origins.


15. I think you know already that I want to discuss the representation for your alarm clocks.


16. We usually get a 10% commission of the amount on every deal.


17. According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill?



Dialogue 1

A: First of all, I would like to thank you for your kind invitation to visit your beautiful country. I hope my visit will help to promote a friendly relationship between us.

B: We’ve been looking forward to your visit. It is a great pleasure for us to have you as our guest. It is always more convenient to discuss things face to face.

A: I would like to tell you that my clients are very satisfied with the last delivery of your slippers. The styles and colors are very much to the taste of our market.

B: We’ve received some similar comments from other Australian firms too.

A: I understand you are selling the same products to some other Australian importers. This tends to complicate my business. As you know, I am experienced in the business of slippers and

enjoy a good business relationship with all the leading whole- salers and retailers in that line. I have a mind to expand this business in the years to come. One of the reasons of my visit here is to sign a sole agency agreement with you on these items for a period of 3 years. As it is to our mutual interests and profit, I am sure you’ll have no objection to it.

B: We appreciate your good intention and your effort in pushing the sale of our slippers. As you know, the demand for this item in your market is quite substantial. However, according to our records, the total amount of your order last year was moderate, which does not warrant an agency appointment. Unless you

increase the turnover we can hardly appoint you our sole agent.

-- 首先,我想感謝你盛情邀請我訪問你們美麗的國家。我希望這次 訪問將有助于促進(jìn)我們之間的友好關(guān)系。

-- 我們一直在盼著你的到來。有你來做客,真是我們的榮幸。面對 面的談判總是比較方便。

-- 我想告訴你,我們的客戶對你方的最后一批拖鞋非常滿意。拖鞋 的式樣和顏色很符合我們市場的需要。

-- 我們從其他澳大利亞公司那里也聽到了類似的反映。

-- 我知道你們也向其他澳大利亞進(jìn)口商出售同樣的產(chǎn)品。這使我們 的生意很難做。你知道,我方在經(jīng)營拖鞋業(yè)務(wù)方面很有經(jīng)驗,而 且和這一行業(yè)中的所有大批發(fā)商和零售商有很好的業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。我 打算將來擴(kuò)大這項業(yè)務(wù)。我來訪的原因之一就是想和你們簽訂一 項為期三年的獨家代理協(xié)議。這符合我們雙方的利益,我確信你 方不會有任何反對意見。

-- 謝謝你方好意以及在推銷我方拖鞋上所做的努力。但是你知道你 方市場對這一商品的需求很大。然而根據(jù)我們的記錄,你方去年 的訂貨總量不大,不夠資格做代理。除非你方增加營業(yè)額,我們 無法指定你方為我們的獨家代理。

A: I’ll come to that. My proposal is: Plastic slippers of all sizes. 50, 000 pairs annually within the area of the whole Australian market. We expect a 5% commission, of course.

B: As far as I remember, we sold about 40,000 pairs last year to you alone. Don’t you think this annual turnover is rather conserva- tive for a sole agent?

A: Well, I admit I always do business on the safe side. Could you let me have your proposal then?

B: Let’s put it this way. I propose a sole agency agreement for

Ladies and gents plastic slippers (excluding children’s) for a duration of 3 years; 60,000 pairs to be sold in the first year, 70,000 pairs in the second year, and 80,000 pairs in the third year, the area is to be within the continent of Australia (excluding any neighboring island), commission 5%.

A: You certainly drive a hard bargain, Mrs. Brown.

B: On the contrary, Mr. London, we value your friendship more than anything else. We both understand our slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competi- tive price. And with the sole agency in your hand, there will be no competition and you can easily control the market, which would naturally result in bigger sales. I’m sure you can fulfill the agreement without much difficulty.

A: Well, if you put it this way, I’ll have to comply. When shall we sign the contract, Mrs. Brown?

B: Tomorrow afternoon.

A: Tomorrow afternoon will be fine.

-- 我就要談這一點。我的建議是:各種尺寸的塑料拖鞋,每年銷售 五萬雙,地區(qū)是整個澳大利亞市場。當(dāng)然,我們希望有5%的傭金。

-- 我記得,光去年我們就向你們出售了大約四萬雙拖鞋。對獨家代理 來講,你不認(rèn)為這個年銷售量數(shù)字太過保守了嗎?

-- 是,我承認(rèn)我做生意從來謹(jǐn)慎從事,那么我聽聽你的建議,好嗎?

-- 這樣說吧,我建議訂一個專銷男、女塑料拖鞋(不包括童鞋)為期 三年的獨家代理協(xié)議,第一年銷六萬雙,第二年銷七萬雙,第三年 銷八萬雙,地區(qū)是整個澳大利亞(不包括任何鄰近島嶼),傭金是 百分之五。

-- 你真會還價,布朗夫人。

-- 恰恰相反,倫敦先生,我們很珍惜你方友誼。我們雙方都知道我們 的拖鞋價廉物美而暢銷于你方市場。你取得了獨家代理權(quán)之后,你 就可以輕而易舉地控制市場,沒有其他競爭,其結(jié)果自然是銷售量 增大。我確信你完成這一協(xié)議不會有任何困難。

-- 好吧,如果你這么說,我只好同意了。布朗夫人,我們什么時候簽 協(xié)議?

-- 明天下午。

-- 行,明天下午。

Dialogue 2

A: I think you know already that I want to discuss the representa- tion for your alarm clocks.

B: Yes, Mr. Bergerson. You mentioned that in your letter. To tell you the truth, your proposal surprised us.

A: Is that so? Anyhow I want to go over the details with you in person, so you can give my suggestion thorough consideration. Our firm specializes in this line of business. We have six sales representatives, who are on the road all the time, covering the whole of the European market.

B: Do you sell direct to shops?

A: Yes, we specialize in handling clocks and watches of all sorts. We have well established channels of distribution and we canvass the retailers direct, without any middlemen.

B: Do you keep a stock of these things?

A: In some cases, such as the wristwatches, which always have a steady market, we keep a stock in London and act as distributors as well as agents. Generally, however, we pass on the orders of our clients to the manufacturers for supply. We are paid for our service, of course.

B: That is, your commission.

-- 想必你已知道,我想和你商談你方鬧鐘的代理問題。

-- 是的,博格森先生,你在信中有提到。說實話,你方的建議使我們 有些意外。

-- 真的嗎?我想親自同你談?wù)劶?xì)節(jié)問題,這樣你可以好好考慮我的建 議。我們公司專營這項業(yè)務(wù),有六名銷售代表常年在外,負(fù)責(zé)整 個歐洲市場。

-- 你是否直接銷售給商店?

-- 對,我們專營各類鐘表。我們有良好的銷售渠道,不通過任何中間 商直接向零售商推銷。

-- 你們有庫存嗎?

-- 有的商品如手表,市場很穩(wěn)定,我們在倫敦有庫存,經(jīng)銷商品兼作 代理。然而,一般來講,我們把客戶的訂貨單交給制造商去供貨。 當(dāng)然,我們根據(jù)所提供的服務(wù)取得報酬。

-- 那就是你們的傭金。

A: Yes, our commission is very reasonable. We usually get a 10% commission of the amount on every deal.

B: Our agents in other areas usually get a 3-5% commission.

A: The European market is not familiar with your products. You have competitors from Japan and other continental countries. At the beginning of our campaign, there is sales resistance to overcome, we must send out salesmen to do a lot of traveling and spend a considerable amount of money on advertising in news- papers and TV programs. A 10% commission will not leave us much.

B: According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turn- over you can fulfill, in round figures, of course?

A: We will always do our utmost to enlarge the business, as our remuneration increases with the turnover, but we will not guar- antee anything, at least not to begin with.

B: We appreciate very much your intention to push the sale of our products. But our suggestion to you, Mr. Bergerson, as a

preliminary step, is to do a little research into the market……

-- 對,我們的傭金很合理。通常我們?nèi)〉玫膫蚪鹗敲抗P成交額的10%。

-- 我們其他地區(qū)的代理商通常拿到百分之三到五的傭金。

-- 歐洲市場對你方產(chǎn)品不熟悉。你們要對付日本和其他大陸國家的競 爭對手。在推銷活動的開始階段,需要克服銷售方面的阻力,我們 得派出推銷員到處出差,并且耗費大量資金在報紙上和電視節(jié)目里 登廣告。百分之十的傭金對我們來說不算寬裕。

-- 據(jù)你估計,你能完成總的年銷售量是多少?當(dāng)然講個整數(shù)就行了。

-- 我們當(dāng)然將竭力擴(kuò)大業(yè)務(wù),因為隨著銷售量的增加,我們的利潤也 會上升。不過我們不想作出保證,至少在開始階段不行。

-- 謝謝你們有意推銷我們的產(chǎn)品,但是博格森先生,作為第一步,我 們建議你們在市場上做一些調(diào)查研究工作……

A: Do you mean to say you refuse us the agency?

B: Mr. Bergerson, you leave us no alternative. We can not give you an exclusive agency of the whole European market without

having the slightest idea of your possible annual marketing turnover. Besides our price is worked out according to the costing. A 10% commission means an increase in our price. We must have the reaction of the buyers in this respect.

A: Oh, that’s just too bad. I intended to make great efforts in selling your products.

B: Well, we can still carry on our business relationship without the agreement. To start the ball rolling, we will provide you with price lists, catalogues and some samples. Only when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products, can we then discuss further details.

A: Ah, Mrs. Miller, but in this case am I covered?

B: Oh, yes. We will give you a 5% commission on every transaction.

A: All right, but I’ll be back again for the Autumn Fair. And then I hope we can see eye to eye about our commission and the terms of the agency.

B: Very good. We will discuss the matter again at the next Fair.

-- 你的意思是說,你拒絕我們做代理?

-- 博格森先生,你讓我們沒有選擇了。我們不能連你方每年可能銷售 多少都不知道就給予你們整個歐洲市場的獨家代理權(quán)。 而且我方價 格是根據(jù)成本而定的。給予百分之十的傭金就意味著我們的價格要 提高。我們必須知道賣主在這方面有什么反映。

-- 那太糟糕了,我本想努力推銷你們的產(chǎn)品。

-- 不過,即使沒有這個協(xié)議,我們?nèi)匀豢梢岳^續(xù)發(fā)展我們之間的業(yè)務(wù) 關(guān)系。作為開始,我們愿意給你方提供價目單、目錄冊和一些樣 品。等你們?nèi)媪私馕覀儺a(chǎn)品的銷售可能性后,我們才能進(jìn)一步商 談。

-- 好吧,米勒女士,那么我有沒有傭金呢?

-- 當(dāng)然有,每筆交易,我們給你5%的傭金。

-- 行,我到秋季交易會再來談。我希望到那時候我們能在傭金和代 理協(xié)議的條款上取得一致意見。

-- 好,我們下次交易會再談。

Dialogue 3

A: I’m pleased to meet you again, Mrs. King.

B: Pleased to see you, too, Mr. Brown.

A: You’ve had a good trip, I hope.

B: Yes, a very pleasant journey, thank you.

A: It’s been a full two years since we last saw each other.

B: So it is, I’ve come again to renew our sole agency agreement for another 2 years.

A: We shall be pleased to talk the matter over with you. You’ve done very well in fulfilling the agreement.

B: I’m glad you’re satisfied with our work. I can assure you we’ve spared no effort and spent quite a sum of money in pushing the sales of your products.

-- 很高興又見到你,金夫人。

-- 我也很高興見到你,布朗先生。

-- 希望你旅途愉快。

-- 是的,旅途很愉快,謝謝你。

-- 我們整整兩年沒有見面了。

-- 是啊,這次我來是想把我們之間的獨家代理協(xié)議延長兩年。

-- 我們很高興和你們詳細(xì)討論這件事情。你們的協(xié)議完成得很漂亮。

-- 你們對我們的工作表示滿意,我很高興??梢哉f在推銷你們的產(chǎn)品 方面,我們費了不少力氣,還花了大量資金。

A: Yes, we appreciate your efforts in pushing the sales of our pianos. We can see you are experienced in this particular line.

B: Thank you.

A: But I think the annual sale of 300 pianos for a sole distributorship in Canada is rather conservative. After all, you sold around 400 pieces there last year. You can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end.

B: That is the result of our hard work. Well, what annual quantity would you suggest for the new agreement then?

A: 500 pieces.

B: No, no. That’s too big a number to be acceptable. Let’s put it at 450 pieces. And we’ll strive to sell more, of course. We wish to

add another clause. For every 50 pieces sold in excess of the quota, we’ll get 1% more in commission for our efforts.

-- 是的,我們很感激你方在推銷鋼琴上所做的努力,看得出來你們對 經(jīng)營這一行很有經(jīng)驗。

-- 謝謝。

-- 不過我認(rèn)為對加拿大的獨家經(jīng)銷來說,年銷售量300架鋼琴未免太 過保守了。實際上,去年你都賣了400架左右。根據(jù)你們地區(qū)的市 場情況,今年應(yīng)該可以銷售更多。

-- 那是我們努力工作的結(jié)果。那你認(rèn)為新協(xié)議的年銷量應(yīng)是多少呢?

-- 500架。

-- 不行,不行。這個數(shù)字太大了,我不能接受。定為450架吧。當(dāng)然 我們會盡力多銷。我們想增加一個條款,超過定額之后每多銷50 架,我們的傭金就增加百分之一。

A: All right, let’s fix it at 450 pieces then. And for every additional 50 pianos sold, we’ll give you 1% higher commission.

B: I suppose all the other terms remain unchanged.

A: We would like to make a specific mention of one more point. As our sole distributor, you will neither handle the same or similar products of other origins nor re-export our goods to any other

area outside your own.

B: No, certainly not. That’s a reasonable restriction.

A: Another thing is that every six months we would like to receive from you a detailed report on current market conditions and the users?comments on our products.

B: Yes, we’ve already prepared one. I’ve brought it with me. I’ll put it forward when we talk with the manufacturers tomorrow.

A: Good, that’s all then.

B: Good.

-- 那好吧,那我們就定為450架吧。另外每多售50架,我們就再多給 你百分之一的傭金。

-- 我想其他條款都不變吧。

-- 另外一點,我想特別提一提。作為我們的獨家經(jīng)銷商,你們既不能 經(jīng)營其他國家的同類或類似的產(chǎn)品,也不能把我們的產(chǎn)品再出口到 加拿大以外的地區(qū)去。

-- 那當(dāng)然不行,這是合理的限制。

-- 另外一點是我們希望每隔六個月收到你們的一份詳細(xì)的當(dāng)前市場情 況的報告和用戶對我們的反饋。

-- 我們已經(jīng)都準(zhǔn)備了一份。我這次把它帶來了。明天我們和生產(chǎn)商洽 談時,我就將它提交上去。

-- 好,那就這些了。

-- 好。

Words and Expressions

sole [ sEul ] 獨一的,專用的

warrant [ 5wCrEnt ] 使有(正當(dāng))理由,保證

annually [5AnjJElI] 年度,每年

canvass [ 5kAnvEs ] 兜售,銷售

distributor [ dis5tribjutE ] 批發(fā)商

costing [ 5kCstiN ] 成本計算,成本會計

excess [ ik5ses, 5ekses ] 超過

remuneration [ ri7mju:nE5reiFEn ] 報酬,酬勞

exclusive [ iks5klu:siv ] 獨家的

to the taste of 合……的口味


1. complicate my business 使我的生意難做

2. leading wholesaler and retailer 主要批發(fā)商和零售商

3. to have a mind 打算

4. warrant an agency agreement 有資格簽訂代理合約

5. to canvass the retailers direct 向零售商直接兜售生意

6. a sole agency agreement 獨家代理合約

7. in round figures 大致的整數(shù)

8. as a preliminary step 作為第一步

9. leave us no alternative 使我方無考慮余地

10. annual marketing turnover 年銷售額

11. to be covered 包括在內(nèi)

12. to see eye to eye 看法一致

13. in excess of the quota 超過定額

A specimen Letter

Dear Sirs:

We thank you for your letter of July 10th.

After paying due consideration to your proposal and investigating your business standing, we have decided to appoint you as our sole agent for the sale of Gold Brand Bicycles in the district you defined.

We are enclosing a draft agreement. Please go over it and let us have your comments. We assure you of our full cooperation.





Substitution Drills

1 A: You could be doing better if you developed some kind of sales network there.

B: We’re thinking of finding a way to

reach all our potential customers.

penetrate that new market

break into the European market





2 A: How long have you been in this business?

B: For nearly ten years. We have very good connections with wholesalers, chain stores and distributors.

For almost twenty years. We’re well connected with firms in this field.

We’re going to celebrate the firm’s thirtieth anniversary this November.





3 A: We bought a lot from you last year, amounting to as much as $500,000.

B:We’re quite satisfied with the way things are going now.

We’re quite pleased with what you’ve done to expand the market.

We appreciate the efforts you’ve made in helping our products.





4 A: If you appoint us as your agent,

the turnover will be three times what it is today.

we can work up a big demand for your products at our end.

we can sort out the license and the regulations for you.

B:We’d like to know more about your proposal before giving an opinion.

We won’t consider the question of agency for the time being.

I’m sorry I don’t think it’s the right time for this matter.


如果你指定我們作為你們的代理,我們可以在我們這里為你們的產(chǎn) 品創(chuàng)造很大的需求。

如果你指定我們作為你們的代理,我們可以為你們挑選出許可證 和規(guī)章。




5 A: We wish to have an agent to push our products in Australia. Would you like to accept this appointment?

We’d like to appoint a general agent to handle our products in Britain. Are you interested in it?

We need an experienced representative for our products in France. Would you be interested?

B: We should be very pleased to represent you if the terms and conditions are right.

We would be interested in acting as your general agent there.

I’m willing to handle your exports as an agent.

我們希望在澳大利亞能有一個代理來推動我們的產(chǎn)品銷售。您愿 意接受這個委派嗎?








6 A: What’s the annual order you can guarantee?

What are the annual sales you can make for this product?

What’s the annual turnover you can do?

B: To be on the safe side, not less than $200,000 for a start.

Around $500,000 to begin with. It’s not a small figure, I should say.

I’d rather start on a moderate scale, say, 10,000 tons.







7 A: I needn’t mention that the price you give us must be competitive.

your terms for us must be favorable

the delivery date must be kept

B: Certainly. Terms for our agents are usually very favorable.





8 A: And the commission you expect?

What commission would you expect?

What about the rate of commission you want to charge? B: 10% on total sales.

A minimum of 3% commission on the sale price.

A commission of 5% on sales and a monthly sum of $5,000 for expenses.





9 A: May we have a subsidy for sales promotion?

an allowance for advertising?

a reasonable amount from you for publicity?

B: I’m afraid we can’t pay for your sales promotion.

That should be part of your overheads and be taken from your commission.

Yes, but merely at the initial stage to help you push the sale. 可以給我們促銷活動一些補助金嗎?






10 A: In the long run your market will never grow, not until you

have an agent.

B: I see your point. Thank you for your advice. We’ll consider your proposal.

We may take up the matter again when we come to know each other better.

We think it would be better to consider the matter after you have done more business with us.






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