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商務(wù)英語300句Unit 11 Acceptance






Brief Introduction







四、接受應(yīng)由受盤人作出聲明或其他行為方式表示,并且這種表示 傳達(dá)給發(fā)盤人后才開始有效。

Basic Expressions

1. Our price is quite reasonable and other buyers in your market have accepted it.


2. Please accept our offer and confirm the above-mentioned terms immediately.


3. Owing to heavy commitments, we can not accept fresh business at present.


4. Taking the quality into consideration, we accept your offer.


5. We are pleased to have transacted our first act of business with your firm.


6. We have succeeded in putting through the deal of five hundred bicycles.


7. We have faxed our confirmation of your order and you are requested to open the L/C as soon as possible.


8. We strongly recommend acceptance as our stocks are running low.


9. With an eye to future business we’ll accept payment by D/P this time.


10. We are sorry that we cannot accept your counteroffer, as the price quoted by us is quite realistic.


11. The price you quoted being found workable, we have faxed you our acceptance.


12. We accept your offer provided that shipment is made in November.


13. Although the prevailing quotations are somewhat higher, we will accept the order on the same terms as be fore with the view of encouraging business.

盡管目前報(bào)價(jià)偏高,但為了促進(jìn)今后業(yè)務(wù)的開展,我們?nèi)詫催^去 條件接受你方訂單。


Dialogue 1

B: Mrs. Wang, would you give us an idea of the price you regard as workable?

W: As I said before, your price is so high that we find it difficult to make a bid. We hope you will take the initiative and bridge the gap.

B: Just to comply, we’re ready to reduce the price by 5 percent. I hope this concession of ours will get the ball rolling.

W: So do we. Certainly it’s a step forward on your side. But the gap is still too wide.

B: The ball is in your court, Mrs.Wang. What price would you suggest?

W: To make your offer workable, I think you should take another step down as big as the one you’ve just taken.

B: That won’t do. You see, our profit margin is very narrow. It simply can’t stand such a big cut.

W: I hate to disappoint you, Mr. Brown, but if that’s the case, we have no alternative but to cover our requirements elsewhere. Do think it over, please. We sincerely hope our discussion will come to a suc cess ful conclusion.

B: Well, I’m not authorized to agree to such a big reduction. Would you mind waiting a day or two, until I get a reply from the home office?

W: Not at all. Shall we meet again, say, on Friday morning?

B: Good. Friday morning at 9.

-- 王小姐,你認(rèn)為什么價(jià)格可行呢?

-- 我講過, 你方價(jià)格太高使我們很難還價(jià),希望你方能主動(dòng)彌合差距。

-- 好吧,依從你們的意見,我們準(zhǔn)備削價(jià)5%,希望我們這次讓步能 打開局面。

-- 我們也希望如此。 當(dāng)然你們方面是前進(jìn)了一步,但是差距還是很大。

-- 王小姐,看你的了。你出個(gè)價(jià)吧?

-- 要使你方報(bào)盤可行的話,我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)象剛才一樣再跨出一步。

-- 這不行。你知道,我方利潤額很小了,實(shí)在經(jīng)不起這樣大幅度的削 價(jià)了。

-- 布朗先生,我不想使你感到失望,但是如果你方堅(jiān)持這樣的話,我 們沒有別的辦法,只好從別處購買了。請(qǐng)仔細(xì)考慮一下,我們衷心 希望這次談判能圓滿達(dá)成。

-- 是這樣,我無權(quán)同意這樣大幅度的削價(jià),請(qǐng)你等我一兩天,好嗎? 我要等國內(nèi)總公司的答復(fù)。

-- 當(dāng)然可以。那我們星期五上午再見面,好不好?

-- 好,星期五上午九點(diǎn)。

Dialogue 2

B: Good morning, Mrs.Wang. Any news?

W: Yes. I’ve succeeded in persuading our export manager to agree to a reduction of ten percent. He made this an exception with an eye to future business.

B: Good. We certainly appreciate your making these concessions for us.

W: May I repeat 15 Tunnel Drillers, specifications as shown in the technical data, at 57,000 Swiss Francs each, F.O.B. European Main Ports? Business is closed at this price.

B: Yes, that’s right. Shall we go over the other terms and conditions of the transaction to see if we agree on all the particulars?

W: All right. We have no objection to the stipulations about the packing and shipping marks. As a matter of fact, we always pack

our machines in new strong wooden cases suit able for long distance ocean transportation.

B: The machines must be well protect ed against dampness, moisture, rust, and be able to stand shock and rough handling.

W: We’ll see to that.

-- 王小姐,早上好。有什么消息嗎?

-- 有,我已經(jīng)說服我方出口部經(jīng)理同意降價(jià)10%。他考慮到以后的生 意,所以破例降價(jià)。

-- 太好了,我們非常感激你方做出這些讓步。

-- 我再重復(fù)一下報(bào)盤:15臺(tái)隧道鉆機(jī),規(guī)格詳見技術(shù)資料,歐洲主要 港口離岸價(jià)每臺(tái)五萬七千瑞士法郎。交易就按此價(jià)敲定。

-- 沒錯(cuò)。我們?cè)贆z查一下這項(xiàng)交易的其他條款,好嗎?看看有沒有意 見不一致的地方?

-- 好,我們同意關(guān)于包裝和嘜頭的條款。其實(shí),我們的機(jī)器包裝都 采用適合于長途海洋運(yùn)輸?shù)膷湫吕喂痰哪鞠洹?/p>

-- 機(jī)器的包裝必須防濕、防潮、防銹、防震,并且經(jīng)得起粗魯?shù)陌徇\(yùn)。

-- 我們會(huì)注意的。

B: They are to be shipped not later than Sep tem ber 2001.

W: There’s no question about that.

B: And what about the terms of payment?

W: Payment by L/C, to be opened by the buyer 15 to 20 days prior to the date of delivery. That’s what we’ve agreed upon, isn’t it?

B: Yes, quite so.

W: We’d like to add the condition that the letter of credit shall be valid until the 15th day after shipment. You know, it sometimes takes us a week or so to get all the shipping documents ready for the presentation and negotiation. This will give us more leeway.

B: That can be done. Any questions about the in spec tion and claims?

W: None whatsoever. The quality and per for mance of our machines can stand every possible test. We agree to your conditions.

B: Do you also agree to the condition that all disputes, if unsettled, shall be referred to the For eign Trade Arbitration Commission for the Pro mo tion of In ter na tion al Trade?

W: Certainly, but I’m sure there will be no oc ca sion for arbitration.

-- 裝船期不能遲于2001年9月。

-- 沒問題。

-- 關(guān)于付款方式呢?

-- 付款采用信用證,在交貨前15到20天期間由買方開出。這些我們 都已同意了,是不是?

-- 對(duì),是這樣。

-- 我們希望加上一條,信用證有效期應(yīng)至貨物裝船后第十五日截止。 要把所有裝船單據(jù)都準(zhǔn)備好以便提交銀行議付,有時(shí)需要一個(gè)星期 左右。定上這樣一條可以讓我們的時(shí)間充裕一點(diǎn)。

-- 行。關(guān)于商檢和索賠,有什么問題嗎?

-- 完全沒有問題。我們的機(jī)器經(jīng)得起任何質(zhì)量和性能方面的測試。我 們同意你方條款。

-- 你是否也同意這樣一條,解決不了的糾紛,就提交國際貿(mào)易促進(jìn)會(huì) 的對(duì)外貿(mào)易仲裁委員會(huì)去仲裁?

-- 可以,不過我相信根本不需要仲裁。

B: Well, then, we’ve agreed on all the major points.

W: Yes, Mr. Brown. We’re glad the deal has come off nicely and hope there will be more to come.

B: So long as we keep to the principle of equality and mutual benefit, trade between our two countries will develop further.

W: When can the contract be ready for signature?

B: I’ll have it ready in a couple of days.

W: The earlier the better. I’m leaving next week.

B: How about next Monday afternoon at 5? I’ll have a copy of the contract sent to your hotel in the morning for you to look over.

W: That suits us fine.

-- 那好,主要要點(diǎn)我們都一致同意了。

-- 是的,布朗先生,我們很高興圓滿達(dá)成這項(xiàng)交易,希望以后能達(dá)成 更多的交易。

-- 只要我們堅(jiān)持平等互利的原則,我們兩國間的貿(mào)易一定會(huì)有所發(fā)展。

-- 合同什么時(shí)候能準(zhǔn)備好簽字?

-- 我會(huì)在幾天內(nèi)準(zhǔn)備好的。

-- 越早越好,我下星期離開這里。

-- 下星期一下午五點(diǎn)怎么樣?我上午會(huì)把合同送到你賓館請(qǐng)你過目。

-- 太好了。

Dialogue 3

A: Mrs. Miller, you are an old friend of ours. In order to encourage fu ture business and as a gesture of friendship, we are pre pared to cut our price by 5%. Will that satisfy you?

B: That’s great. Thank you for making this concession. I accept.

A: Now I repeat: 5,000 transistor sets, spec i fi ca tions as shown in our catalogue at $ 20 each C.I.F. Los Angeles.

B: Good. Now that the price is decided on, we can discuss the packaging.

A: As to packaging, we’ll pack them two dozens to one carton, gross weight about 25 kilos a carton.

B: Carton?

A: Yes, corrugated cardboard boxes.

B: Could you use wooden cases instead?

A: Why use wooden cases?

B: I’m afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation.

-- 米勒女士,你都是我們的老朋友了。為了將來業(yè)務(wù)進(jìn)一步發(fā)展,也 作為友好的表示,我們準(zhǔn)備削價(jià)5%,這樣做你滿意嗎?

-- 太好了。謝謝你作出這一讓步。我接受了。

-- 現(xiàn)在我重復(fù)一下,五千臺(tái)半導(dǎo)體收音機(jī),規(guī)格根據(jù)我方目錄所示, 每臺(tái)20美元洛杉磯到岸價(jià)。

-- 好,既然價(jià)格已定,我們可以討論一下包裝問題。

-- 關(guān)于包裝問題,我們一只紙板箱內(nèi)裝兩打,每箱毛重25公斤。

-- 是紙板箱嗎?

-- 是瓦楞形硬紙箱。

-- 你們能否改用木箱?

-- 為什么用木箱?

-- 恐怕紙板箱用于遠(yuǎn)洋運(yùn)輸不夠結(jié)實(shí)。

A: Cartons are comparatively light, and there fore easy to handle. They’ll not be stowed away with the heavy cargo. Besides, we’ll reinforce the cartons with metal straps.

B: All right. Carton or no carton, the packaging must be waterproof as well as strong enough to stand shock and rough handling.

A: You needn’t worry about that. Cartons are extensively used in our shipments to foreign countries and there have never been complaints from our clients. Now, as regards payment, we have agreed to use dollars, am I right?

B: That’s right. As soon as I get home, I’ll see about the opening of the letter of credit.

A: Please open the letter of credit 15 to 30 days before the date of delivery so that we’ll have enough time to make all the nec es sary arrangements. Another thing, the L/C should be val id until the 15th day after shipment.

B: No problem. That can be done. I understand you’ll ship the goods before the end of May?

-- 紙板箱比較輕,便于搬運(yùn)。紙箱不會(huì)和別的笨重貨物堆放在一起 的。此外,我們會(huì)用鐵條加固紙箱的。

-- 好,不管是不是紙箱,包裝必須防水,而且必須堅(jiān)固,經(jīng)得起震動(dòng) 和粗魯?shù)匕徇\(yùn)。

-- 這個(gè)你不必?fù)?dān)心。我們發(fā)往國外的貨中廣泛使用紙箱,從未聽到 過國外客戶有什么抱怨。至于付款,我們已同意使用美元,對(duì)嗎?

-- 對(duì),我一回去就著手辦理開立信用證。

-- 請(qǐng)?jiān)诮回浨?5天到30天內(nèi)開立信用證,以便我方有足夠的時(shí)間作 好必要的安排。另外,信用證應(yīng)在裝船后15天內(nèi)保持有效。

-- 沒問題,可以辦到,你們將在5月底前交貨嗎?

A: Right. We’ll ship the goods according to the agreed time schedule. Last, but not least, the inspection is to be carried out by Hous ton Commodities Inspection Bureau, which is final and binding on both parties.

B: Yes, we agreed to that. We have great confidence in your inspection institution. Through years of dealing with you, we’ve convinced of your commercial integrity.

A: Thank you. You can rest assured that we’ll do ev ery thing

possible to prevent de fec tive commodities from going abroad. However, if there should be any disputes, we wish to have them settled through friendly discussions.

B: Exactly. That’s what we have done in the past.

A: Well, it seems we have covered everything. We’ll have the

con tract ready in a couple of days.

B: Can you speed it up and let me have it today? I’m leaving tomo- rrow. I’ve been here for almost a month now, you see. My corpo- ration is urging me to return. I’ve booked the tick et for to mor row afternoon’s flight at 3: 00.

A: Let me see. If we can’t get the contract ready by then, we’ll send it to you by airmail for your signature.

B: That’s fine too.

-- 對(duì),我們將根據(jù)規(guī)定時(shí)間交貨。最后一點(diǎn),但并不是最不重要 的一點(diǎn)是,商檢由休斯頓商品檢疫局執(zhí)行。其檢疫結(jié)果是最后依 據(jù),對(duì)雙方都有約束力。

-- 是的,我們同意了這條。我們對(duì)你方商檢機(jī)構(gòu)很信任。通過多年的 和你們打交道,我們確信你們的商業(yè)信譽(yù)可靠。

-- 謝謝。你們盡可放心,我們將盡一切可能去防止次品出口;但是萬 一有爭議的話,我們希望通過友好協(xié)商來解決。

-- 正是這樣,我們過去就是這么做的。

-- 好吧,看來我們各方面都談過了。我們將在幾天內(nèi)把合同準(zhǔn)備好。

-- 能否加快點(diǎn),讓我今天拿到,行不行?我明天回國,你知道我在這 兒呆了近一個(gè)月了。我的公司催我回去,我已經(jīng)買了明天下午三點(diǎn) 鐘的飛機(jī)票。

-- 讓我想想。如果到時(shí)合同還沒有準(zhǔn)備好,我們將航空寄給你簽字。

-- 也好。

Words and Expressions

bid [bid] 出價(jià)

tunnel driller 地道鉆孔機(jī)

technical data 技術(shù)資料

shipping marks 嘜頭

dampness 潮濕,濕氣

moisture [5mCistFE] 水分,濕氣

rust [rQst] 銹

leeway [5li:wei] 余地

corrugate [5kCru^eit] 成波狀,使起皺

unsettled [5Qn5setld] 未解決的

cardboard [5kB:dbC:d] 硬紙板

stow away 理艙,把貨物堆放好

bind [baind ] 束縛,約束


1. take the initiative 采取主動(dòng),帶頭

2. bridge the gap 彌合差距,實(shí)際是reach an agreement on price

3. get the ball rolling 推動(dòng)(把這筆交易往前推動(dòng)),即開始

4. The ball is in your court. 輪到你了。

5. take another step down 再減一次價(jià)

6. can’t stand 經(jīng)不住(受不了)

7. We have no alternative but to…… 我們沒有別的辦法,只好……

8. come to a successful conclusion 圓滿結(jié)束

9. make this an exception 就這次破例

10. with an eye to 考慮到

11. presentation and negotiation the seller presents the shipping documents to the negotiating bank to negotiate his draft for the goods shipped.


12. Council for Promotion of International Trade


13. There will be no occasion for arbitration at all.


14. The deal has come off nicely. 這筆交易圓滿成功了。

15. That suits me fine. 我沒有問題。

16. carton or no carton 不管用不用紙箱

A Specimen Letter

Dear Sirs:

We are glad to know from your letter of May 15th that you have ac-cepted our offer dated May 4th.

In reply, we confirm having sold to you 10,000 metric tons of small red beans on the following terms and conditions:

Price: at U.S. $400 per metric ton C.F.R. Vancouver.

Packaging: in gunny bags of about 50 kilograms net each

Quality: FAQ 2001

Shipment: to be effected from New York to Vancouver during Jan u ary 2001.

Payment: by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of cred it in our favor, pay able by draft at sight.

We are pleased to have transacted this first business with you and look forward to the further expansion of trade to our mutual benefit.











Substitution Drills

1 The gap between your price and mine is still great.

the quantities

the prices

你我之間的 價(jià)格差異 仍然很大。



2 will lead to the change of our trade policy in the future.

The execution of the contract

The falling of the price

The absence of the tariffs

The coming of the financial reforms

合同的執(zhí)行 將會(huì)導(dǎo)致我們未來貿(mào)易政策的變化。




3 We can assure that everything is in order. Thank you for your sincere cooperation.

you they’ll be safe

that your goods will be safe and sound

我們可以保證 事情都會(huì)有條不紊的。 謝謝您的真誠合作。



4 You mean we should meet each other half way?

choose the minimum?

accept the adjustable price?

你的意思是說我們應(yīng)該 各讓一半嗎?



5 Mr. Green, do you think it’s time to sign the contract?

discuss the terms of payment?

start working?

格林先生,你認(rèn)為是該 簽協(xié)議了嗎?




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