在每個主體段落中都使用"firstly, secondly, finally"結構可以嗎?
It would be nicer to vary the way you organise or link your ideas in each main paragraph. However, the ideas and vocabulary are more important than the linking words, so using "firstly, secondly, finally" twice isn't a big problem.
答:在每個主體段中使用不同的連結詞會讓你的作文看起來更多樣化。但是,ideas和詞匯遠比連結詞重要,所以,使用兩次"firstly, secondly, finally"結構并不是一個太大的問題。
2. I explained both sides for an "agree or disagree" question. Is that ok?
"agree or disagree"類型的大作文中,我解釋了雙方的觀點,這樣可以嗎?
Yes, but I hope you made it clear in your introduction that you 'partly agree'. Have a look through my writing lessons until you find something about 'strong opinions' and 'balanced opinions'.
答:可以,但是我希望你能在你的開頭段中說明你’partly agree’,部分同意。看過我寫作課的同學都知道,在表達“強烈的意見”和“兩邊兒都行”時要在開頭段中使用不同的表達,如果“兩邊兒都行”,就在開頭段中寫“部分同意”。
3. Can I write everything in capital letters in the writing test?
When I trained as an examiner, we were told that students should not write in capitals in the writing test. Somebody told me that this rule has changed, but personally I still think it's better not to write essays in capital letters.