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Previously on Prison Break
It's the only building sitting on top of those tunnels. All we gotta do is get in there--on PI-- and dig ourselves an onramp.
I'm gonna find out, you know, what it is you're doing up there.
If we talked about who had motive to kill Terrence, we'd be here all day.
Have anything to do with Ecofield?
Do the math. 1 CEO of a corporation gets indicted for fraud, 2 investors start losing money. Lots of money.
You call Nick Savrinn, works for project justice.
They're here.
Who's here?
LJ? LJ?!
You gotta come get me.
We can't, okay. We’re not in Chicago. You have to come to us.
First of the month is coming up, John.
Yeah, so?
Checked my balance online, it's looking seriously deficient. 3
Apparently, Fibonacci's coming up for air again. And if he testifies at that hearing, a lot of people are going down, including me.
Listen, there, uh, there's been a restructuring.
This comes from Philly himself. So I'm the man in here now.
What the hell are you doing?
Uh-oh. We got a problem.
Bellick. What's going on?
That's PI. I run it.
Not anymore you don’t.

Hey, boss.
Check that volume, inmate.
We been doing business too long.
We can fix this thing, right?
Let's get something clear. You and I haven't done crap. Falzone's the one been paying me.
Falzone is just an envelope. You've been doing business with me face-to-face.
You think I like getting piss thrown at me? Spit on? These other chumps might do it for the 40 grand a year and the little blue uniform, but I'm not that dumb. Falzone's envelope is the only reason I come through that fence every day. And it's the only reason I'm gonna keep coming through that fence until I have enough money to buy that house on lake gray. I'm thinking early retirement, John, and you're interfering with that. 4
Hey, boss, just give me some time, boss, and I can match whatever Falzone's paying you.
You're out of business. Get used to it.
Hey, boss. Boss!
They're gonna find it. The longer they're in there, the sooner they're gonna find it.
Then we got to get back in there.
I'm gonna say something crazy to you right now.
Surprise, surprise.
I don't give a damn about Fibonacci anymore. 5
You're right. That is crazy.
Because I got bigger things to think about, like survival. You see, I'm kinda short on friends in here, in case you haven't noticed.
I need to get out. Right now. While I still got my life.
Then why are we talking about Fibonacci?
Well, the only way I can get that room back is if I can prove to Falzone that I'm still worthy, that I still got what it takes. Yeah?
You see, this is not a "me versus you" thing anymore. This is us, an "us" thing, all right? It's us for the escape.
Is it? Or is this about you getting back in good with the mob again?
That life is over for me, fish. I mean, they clipped my wings. They want me to rot in here. So I got no allegiance to them anymore. 6
Yet you still want to do them a favor.
Falzone is desperate. You see, if Fibonacci testifies in front of the congress next month, Falzone's going to go down in flames. But if we give him Fibonacci, he will give us anything--anything-including that very special room. What do you say, fish?
Give him up.
If I do, they'll kill him.
Maybe he deserves it.
That's just it, he doesn’t.
Who is this guy?
You told me he was Mafia.
He was working for the Mafia, he just didn't know it. Otto Fibonacci is...is just like you. An innocent man. Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.
What are you doing...? You know... I didn't steal from you, John.
He was middle management at one of Abruzzi's warehouses. Just a normal guy. Working class, religious.
I didn't steal from you, John!
Hey, Nicky. Nicky, Nicky, Nicky. Shh, shh, shh. what did I tell you about talking?
John, please. John, please! No!
And somebody that couldn't turn his back on murder. 7 He realized that Abruzzi and Falzone--the men he worked for--were killers. And he had the key to all their dealings. Things that could put them away for life. And now he's in witness protection for life. The judge asked him why he was coming forward with all this information. He said it was because he thought it was the right thing to do.
What's the right thing to do now, Michael?
I don't know. But if I don't give him up, this whole thing's over.
What you're telling me is, if...if I'm to live...
A good man has to die.
You're in the place we discussed?
Yes. I'm still not exactly sure why we're here, but...
A friend of mine should be along there shortly.
A friend?
Just to see where you are with things.
I think we're clear on where we are with things. Everything's under control. Nothing is going to affect tomorrow, if that's what you're worried about.
I'm not worried about tomorrow. My friend is a problem solver, that's all. He's there at your disposal if you need him.8 Do me a favor. Make him feel like part of the team, hmm? Talk soon.
She's bring someone in.
What does that mean?
Something in her tone changed.
You think she knows about the kid?
We don't know that.
We shouldn't have lied. Shouldn't have told her we had the kid.
What is it you don't understand? We tell her that kid got away, you and I, we are not here right now.
I swear to god, it just get deeper and deeper. 9
What is that supposed to mean?
It means if I'd have known that this is how this whole thing was gonna turn out; I would've gotten some crap job with the feds.
Push pencils, drink coffee all day long behind a desk. God, that sounds good.
Keep talking like that, I'm gonna be forced to put a bullet in your head.
As for her friend, whoever that is, we find out what he wants, we play nice, we deal with it accordingly.
Michael, you better see this.
Hey, Jersey. Putting that carpet in the guard's room?
Yeah. Think so.
Got to tear up the old stuff first. Soon as we're done with that. Tonight. Tomorrow maybe.
They're gonna find it, bro. They're gonna find the hole. We got to do something.
Linc. Chow.
What's this?
It's for, uh, you know, your last meal. Write down what you want. Linc, you gotta write something down.
I don't gotta do nothing.
You don't fill it out, all they're gonna give you is what's on chow for that day.
You don't want that for your last meal, do you, man? Hmm? In case you think of something.
Hey, eye-tie.
Something you need there, rug head?
Yeah, a job, man. why don't you hit the DG down the street. We aren't hiring.
I'll put a hundred in your kick, every month.
You want to pay me to work?
Man, I've been in the kitchen for eight months. I scrub one more tray, I'm gonna go j-cat, you know what I'm saying?
Hey! Fiorello, how about it?
One fifty.
Sign me up then, baby.
I was thinking about what you said. That it's not a "me versus you" thing. It's an "us" thing.
That's right.
How far are you willing to go with that?
As far as I have to.
Then set up a meeting with Falzone. I want to talk to him directly.
Falzone doesn't talk to guys like you directly.
If he wants Fibonacci, he's gonna have to.
No, no! No, you heard me right.
You're telling me this kid is gonna give up Fibonacci? You're sure?
Definitely-only one thing. He wants to meet with you directly.
Son of a bitch, you actually did something right, John. That's good. Guess I'm gonna have to call off those guys I hired to shank you. 10 That was a joke, John.
Good. I'll come out there this afternoon. And John...if I come all the way out there, and this turns out to be a waste of my time, I'm gonna castrate you. I hope you understand that. Be well, my friend.
I love you, too. He's coming. Don't mess this up.
It's me.
I know. I saw "inmate" on the caller id.
Remember when I said I might be calling you on Fibonacci?
Well... it's time.
You seem distracted.
Got a lot on my mind, I guess.
Yeah? Got anything to do with the people who took these toes?
Nice flowers.
Do we have an admirer?
They're from my father.
Ah... what's the occasion?
It's my birthday.
Today? Happy birthday.
Thank you.
Okay. Nothing. Birthdays aren't usually a sore subject, that's all. Unless the celebrant is feeling her age, which I don't see how you could be.
I'm 29 years old, Michael. I'm not feeling my age. It's just that out of those 29 birthdays, my father has actually managed to see me on precisely... six of them. So... I get flowers instead. Flowers that end up dead and in the trash a week later. That sounded bitter, huh?
Kind of.
It's not that big a deal. You are all set. I will see you tomorrow.
Okay. I'm sorry you feel that way. About the flowers, I mean.
Somebody get on this. I want these in the other room.
I got it, boss.
Chill, lily white, I got it.
Come on, I know you're around here somewhere.
He's not doing well, is he?
Just lost his mother. Ten days from now, he loses his father.
How are you holding up? You know, I, uh... I sort of get what you're going through here, LJ.
No disrespect, but I don't know that you do.
No, with my dad. I was in the same spot when I was your age. He was in prison. And like your dad, he was innocent.
What happened? I mean, you know, at the end.
What I hope happens here. He got exonerated. 11
What'd they say he did?
A lot of bad things. They weren't true. And we proved that. Every day, every day was a lost cause...but we kept fighting. I mean, what else are you gonna do? When you love somebody, you gonna let them go out like that? So you fight. You keep fighting. You never give up. We're gonna beat this thing. Okay?
Hello. You were expecting me. A mutual friend arranged the...
You mind if I...
Hey, how are...
I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.
Mr. Quinn, mind telling us what you're doing here?
You can probably tell just by looking at me, I'm not a wave-making sort. Just think of me as a supervisor, here to make sure things are under control, as we approach, you know, the big event.
I wasn't aware that things are out of control.
You'd be the one that would know, wouldn't you?
Well, the reason I'm here is because there's a discrepancy between what you know, and what you've said to the vice president. The lawyers you tried to blow up, they're still running around, healthy as thoroughbreds. You know it, I know it. Same thing goes with the kid, Who you were silly enough to tell the old lady that you were actually in possession of. 12 Everything that I'm saying is boiling down to this. You got to hand the reins over to me now, so that I can save your ass.
First of all...
See? Now you made me make a wave. You and your partner are off the job until further notice. That doesn't come from me, doesn't come from the white house, it comes from the company, understand?
Your proximal and middle phalanx are broken. Ice it for 45 minutes, then splint it-- that's what a doctor would tell you to do, so you don't need to go see one.
Ecofield's sec filings?
Terrence Steadman was murdered so the information from his indictment wouldn't be made public, right?
Sure, but since it never saw the light of day, we have no way of knowing what they were trying to cover up.
Steadman's wife said there were hundreds of millions of dollars at stake if her husband went down, so I figure we follow the money, and see where it takes us. 13
$109 million. $212 million...
Over half a billion dollars that I've found so far in federal grants to Ecofield for alternative fuel research.
That is a hell of a lot of money.
But for what? Not only did the company never make a profit. As far as I could tell, they never made anything. No fuel cells, no patents, no findings-nothing.
So Ecofield was a sham, it was a cover?
Question is, for what?
Sit down, kid.
So... Fibonacci. How'd you find him?
Did my homework.
You get elliptical 14 with me for one more second, and I will cancel you. You understand me?
Give it up, fish.
Before someone's transferred to the U.S. Marshall service to be placed in witness protection, they're guarded by a local sheriff from the county where the trial will take place.
Sheriff Solomon, please.
Please hold.
Andrew Solomon here.
If the sheriff was available, then he wasn't the one guarding Fibonacci.
Putnam county sheriff's office.
Yeah, is, uh, sheriff Pronzo there?
I'm sorry, sheriff Pronzo is on vacation.
Yes, sir
There were only four sheriffs in the county. And since Pronzo was the only one who wasn't in his office, and his wife and kids were waiting for him at home, I knew the only vacation he was taking was with Fibonacci.
Watching him until they could put him in protection.
Thing is, sometimes it takes weeks for the Marshall service to set up a new identity. So some local sheriff is stuck in the middle of nowhere with Fibonacci. He gets lonely and calls home... a lot. I called the phone company, said I was Pronzo and I'd lost my bill. I asked for another copy. Seems mrs. Pronzo was receiving dozens of calls from an area code a long way from Chicago. I went online, reverse-traced the number, and voil, there was Fibonacci's exact location.
How do you know he's still there?
I have someone looking after him...watching from afar, in case he moves.
This is about money, isn't it?
You're an astute man, Mr. Falzone.
Your friend here, John, is trying to extort me.
Not extortion, insurance. I plan on being out of here one day. And I don't think my new resume's gonna cut it in most places.
How much?
I'm gonna kill you.
Quid pro quo. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.
Well, I'll give you some quid pro quo.
Where did you get this? Who took this picture?
Well, since you took it upon yourself to have some people watching over our interests on the outside, we took it upon ourselves to have some people watching over yours. So who's it gonna be? Fibonacci or your pretty little girlfriend there?
Yeah, you should be careful with who visits you in here, fish. These walls have eyes.
If you touch her, I'll kill you myself.
One, that is an empty threat. You are less than a gnat to me. And two, all you got to do is give me the address and we avoid all this melodrama all together. The address, you gnat. Now.
Promise me. Promise me it'll be quick and painless.
Do you believe this guy?
Promise me.
The next thing that comes out of your mouth that's not that address, there's gonna be a lot of pain... in a lot of places.
Canada. 345 Hamilton Avenue. Thunder bay, Ontario.
Get out of here. Nice work, John.
I guess the demise of John Abruzzi was greatly exaggerated.
Thank you, I appreciate it. Could you do me a favor and fix this Bellick thing for me?
Consider it done.
Thank you. And Philly, before you pull the trigger, look that son of a bitch in his eyes and tell him John Abruzzi said good-bye.
Montgomery, Illinois.
In the race toward worldwide peace and prosperity, America will set the pace. Race? Rat race. Arms race. Can you think of a word with a worse connotation? Fix it.
Did you send me a baby-sitter?
This is not the time or the place.
This is the time and the place.
Don't take that tone with me. Remember who you are talking to. I am the vice president of this country.
No, actually, you're Caroline Reynolds from Montgomery, Illinois. I know exactly who you are.
Come with me. There is something you need to understand. If you had done your job, I never would've had to ask for Quinn.
And there's something you need to understand. You woke a sleeping beast when you called these guys in. They have a bigger agenda than any of us. And they get real nasty real quick if things don't go their way. So now, no one is safe. Not you. Not me.
Let's not overreact. I mean, I know everyone is nervous about tomorrow. I understand that. But the one thing both of us have to remember is that we are in this together, okay?
All I'm saying is these guys are into this thing now. And there's no going back. That's bad news for everyone.
Sebastian Balfour?
Yeah, I'm Nestor Pollack. Midwestern life and casualty.
I'm already covered. Thanks.
Oh, no, I'm here to discuss veronica Donovan.
What about her?
Well, we've been trying to track her down with respect to the property damage from the apartment explosion. 15
You didn't know. Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that her records list you as her fiancé? So I assumed...
Hold on. Is Veronica okay?
Well, there has been a fatality. No, but the medical examiners haven't been able to identify the... remains with any certainty. So Veronica could be okay, we just can't find her. We were hoping you could help.
Rozz. Reese. Burrows. Blueberry pancakes, huh?
This is it.
All right, that's it, kids. Time for bed. Give me a kiss.
You okay, down there?
All right, sweetheart, give me a kiss.
Kids are down.
Tonight, we send a message, gentlemen. We are gonna hurt him and his family the way he hurt ours.
Oh, honey?
Um, can you change the timer on the sprinkler while you're out there?
Oh, okay.
Love ya.
Love you, too.
Freeze! Drop it! Police! Drop your weapon! I said drop it! Down!
Evision of quality service approved.
Hi. It's John. You wanted to talk to me?
Yeah. You hear the news? Falzone got popped last night up in Canada. International gun charges. Parole violation. He's in deep.
You threw away your flowers.
Yeah, like I said, they don't last.
I don't think they're dead yet.
I don't like getting attached to things if I know they won't last. There you go.
Why are you so cynical?
Michael, I think there's cynicism, and then there's realism.
And there's optimism, hope. Faith.
This coming from a eight-toed guy locked away in a penitentiary. 16
Mm, toes are overrated.
Thank you for trying to make me smile. Not today.
You never know.
We're all set.
You and I have a lot to talk about, don't we, fish? Seems Philly Falzone ran into some problem up in Canada. Just because of the information you gave him.
What kind of trouble?
International gun charges, parole violation. He's gonna go away for a long time.
How'd you feel about that?
Pretty darn good.
And what about PI?
Got that back, too.
Falzone paid Bellick yesterday, so we're good for now.
It all worked out.
Sure did.
Nicely done. You're a hell of an actor.
Thank you.
Well, this helped. It's nice. Nice shot. Where did you take it?
It's Lincoln’s, from back in the day. Camping trip or something. So, when do we get back in that room?
Right away.
Well, let's get to it.
Oh, there's one more thing. You are going to give me Fibonacci once we're outside of these walls, right?
Of course.
Thank you. But I think I'll keep this. As insurance.
More juice?
Why can't we have breakfast every day?
You should have breakfast every day, LJ. It's an important meal.
No. Why can't I have breakfast with you every day?
Nothing would make me happier, but, uh, your mommy and me--we don't live together anymore.
Well, um, sometimes that happens with mommies and daddies. But you know what? You're the luckiest boy in the world, 'cause your mommy loves you very much, and I love you very much. New deal--how about every Sunday, we have our own special breakfast, just you and me? Yeah?
Little bit or a hand full?
Hand full.
Hand full. Here we go.
Take a walk. Anyone else want to walk with him?
This is my game.
Looks like our friend got his throne back.
Looks like it.
Something tells me we may have you to thank for that.
You don't want to know.
You got that right. Stretch your legs, old head.
Now, we got to have us a lot to talk about, don't we? I got nothing to say. You think you can play me, snowflake?
'Cause you got college?
Big school learnin', huh? Well, let me school you. Darwin wins inside these walls. Not Einstein, Darwin.
Yard time's over, ladies. Let's line it up.
I'm not done with you, fish.
You never even got started.
All right. we're through the hard part. Another 18 inches, we'll hit that pipe.
We'll be there by Friday.
Better start making travel arrangements.
Maricruz, here I come, baby.
Sardinia, here I come.
Where are we going?
Panama. Darien gap, south of the canal. No roads, no electricity, no cops. Nothing but white sand beaches and ice cold beer.
Well, that's nice, but what about our lives?
I don't know. We'll open a scuba shop.
Hey, I don't dive.
Neither do I, but we'll have plenty of time to learn. 17
This con says he's on the job in here.
No, I don't think so.
You heard the paisan.
Move your ass.
C.O., Hold on one minute.
Now, you sure about that? Now, you sure you can't use an extra hand?
You know anything about construction?
Concrete is my specialty.
Can you dig it?
Okay, boss.
Sign him up.
You got it.
All right, looks like Darwin wins after all, hey, fish?
I have a lot of dots, but no way to connect them.
Nobody's getting rich here.
What about shareholders?
Oh, profits were minimal, and they were all converted back to shares. 18
Looks like they subcontracted out some research and development, but it's pennies in the grand scheme of things. Nobody was pulling early retirement.
You can't hide $500 million just by moving a few decimal points.
In a move anticipated by many pundits, Vice President Reynolds announced she is running for the Presidency. She made the announcement from her hometown of Montgomery, Illinois.
The move toward worldwide peace and prosperity is a marathon, not a sprint. But I assure you, America will be setting the pace.
Money like that just doesn't disappear, Nick. You could run a small country with that.
The Vice President is reported to have the largest campaign war chest in history. It is so large, in fact, that prognosticators are already casting her as the favorite in the presidential race.
Maybe not a small country. Maybe this one.

1. Do the math. 算算看。習(xí)慣用語(yǔ),這里不可理解為做數(shù)學(xué)作業(yè)。
2. indict vt. 起訴, 控告, 指控, 告發(fā)。fraud n. 欺騙, 欺詐行為, 詭計(jì), 騙子, 假貨
3. deficient adj. 缺 乏的;不足的。(be) deficient in 缺乏, 在...方面有所不足
4. interfere in 干涉, 干預(yù) interfere with 妨礙; 亂動(dòng); 干涉, 干擾 侮辱(女性)
5. damn vt. 下地獄 譴責(zé),指責(zé);詛咒。damn it (all)! [口]見(jiàn)鬼! 真糟糕! 真氣死人! Damn you! (=God damn you !) [口]該死! 混蛋!
6. allegiance n. 效忠;忠心;忠誠(chéng) give allegiance to 忠誠(chéng)于
7. turn one's back on 不理睬 there andback 來(lái)回back and forth 來(lái)回; 往復(fù)put one's back into 非常努力地做go back on 食言
8. at one's disposal 隨某人自由處理, 由某人隨意支配put(leave, place)sth. at sb.'s disposal 把某物交某人自由處理
9. 用and連接同一個(gè)形容詞的比較級(jí),表示“發(fā)展”和程度的變化,說(shuō)明“越來(lái)越怎樣”。
10. call off 取消; 叫走; 使轉(zhuǎn)移call on 拜訪; 要求, 請(qǐng)求, 招致; 指名call round 拜訪call up 提醒; 使憶起; 傳人到法庭; 召集; 應(yīng)征入伍; 打電話call for 需要;要求;值得call by [口]順便到...去一下; 順路訪問(wèn)
11. exonerate vt.(常與from連用)免除(罪責(zé))
12. in possession of sth. 占有某物get possession of 拿到, 占有, 占領(lǐng)take possession of 獲得, 占有; 購(gòu)得 占據(jù), 占領(lǐng)give possession 移交所有權(quán), 使完全占有
13. at stake 瀕臨危險(xiǎn);得失攸關(guān)stake out 用木樁標(biāo)出; 布設(shè)監(jiān)視哨, 置于監(jiān)視之下stake up [in] 設(shè)樁圈起來(lái) [the stake]火刑
14. elliptical adj.橢圓的, 省略的
15. with respect to 關(guān)于without respect to [of] 不考慮..., 不管... in respect of 關(guān)于;就…來(lái)說(shuō)in all respects 無(wú)論從哪方面來(lái)看
16. penitentiary n. 監(jiān)獄, 收容所, 教養(yǎng)所
17. neither adj., pron. 兩者都不,不…也不…neither ...nor... 既不...也不...
18. convert vt. (常與into連用)轉(zhuǎn)變;變換 (常與to連用)改變信仰或意見(jiàn)的人;改換黨派的人
19. set the pace 為別人定速度[步調(diào)]; 樹(shù)榜樣keep pace with sb.(sth.) 與某人[某物]齊步前進(jìn), 跟上某人[某物] (常與out連用)步測(cè) to pace out a distance of 100 yards 步測(cè)出100碼的距離


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