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Previously, on Prison Break:
I want him under 24-hour surveillance.
I have to be there when they kill this man. The least you could do is review his case.
The thing I can't quite figure is with the crap storm this thing's become why they haven't killed you.
Have at him.
Now, out of respect for what you once were, I'm going to let you walk away.
Why don't you hand me that shank you're holding?
I'm not even sure why you need it.
Thank you.
Your keys are right over there by your in-box.
You got a maintenance guy waiting outside here, says you want him to change the locks.
Want me to…Call him off?
No, send him in.
It's your last chance, Tweener.
Scofield and his whole PI crew...they'll escape.
You know I can't let you leave here, boss.
The numerous times I've been apprehended 1 while trying to elude the authorities it's always because of the damn dogs.
Turns out you can run from just about everything in your life 'cept your own particular stink.
Yeah, Well, some of us stink more than others.
Kinte, you can smell like a bouquet of bonbons, but unless you get rid of 2 your smile you might as well send a note to the police with directions and some cab fare.
Theodore's right, man.
We got to scrub down our cells.
What about our bunks?
Pillows, sheets, everything.
Either get rid of your smell or change it.
Well, how much time we got?
Three days. That's the soonest I could get us into the Guards' Room for PI.
You think you'll have the extra suits by then?
Probably. They should be here tomorrow.
Good, so we're good to go.
All we got left is figuring out how to get through that door in the infirmary. And how to get Linc out of that box.
And you can do that in three days?
Three days should be plenty of time.
We got to get out of here. Now.

I don't know how he found it. He just did.
The hole's just sitting there?
I covered it the best I could, but it's just a matter of time before someone discovers Bellick's missing.
What do you mean Bellick's missing?
Okay, okay, okay. Fox River is a biglace. Maybe they won't notice for a while.
Nothing happens around here without Bellick's say-so. 3 Somebody is gonna notice that he's missing.
And when they do, they’re gonna close this place down until they find him.
What are we going to do?
As soon as it gets dark...we go.
Pretty, we ain't ready to escape tonight.
Escape already srted.
It started the minute Bellick found that hole.
It's gonna end the minute they figure out that he's missing.
Then stay!
I'll be sure to read the papers in the morning. See how many years you got when they realized which crew was working in that room and dug that hole.
So what's the play, man?
You think you can have the plane ready by tonight?
You had kitchen duty, right? Yeah.
What'd you use to scrub down the floors?
I think it was some peroxide or something like that.
That'll work. Get as much as you can. I'll work on getting us that key to the infirmary.
The rest of you find whatever you can to get rid of the scent in your cells.
None of this matters, if we can't get in the guards' room.
We're gonna leave after dinner, during tier time when the gates are open. 7:00,one by one, through my cell.
Now, we were supposed to go through the guards' room. That was going to give us a head start hours before they even found out we were missing.
We leave through your cell, we ain't got no lead time.
7:00. Count's at 8:00, that's... 60 minutes.
60 minutes to get over that wall and as far away from here as possible.
They'll be right on our asses. 4
Quit your talkin' and start your walkin'. Ladies, yard time is over!
They already are.
Let's go, let's go.
You know, there's one thing we didn't talk about out there your brother. I mean, he's under 24-hour surveillance. 5 I'm just saying, if you can't get to him by tonight, we still have to go, you know that, right?
Hey, boss.
What do you want?
My brother's in Gen Pop. He's got no clue I was in an accident.
Well, is there any way I can get a message to him?
Put it in your will.
And you're sure all those dots connect? Okay. Thank you.
Who was that?
A friend of mine at the title company handled a lot of my firm's business. She dug up an address for that phone number in Blackfoot.
Where is it?
It's not the where that's interesting, it's the how. It turns out our little place in Montana was purchased for $2 million by an offshore holding corporation. 6
That's pretty standard for a transaction that size, though, right?
Sure. Only this holding corporation was bankrolled by a trust- a trust financed by the estate of Terrence Steadman. Looks like you and I are going to Blackfoot, Montana.
Have you seen Bellick today?
No, Why?
Mack was asking. I guess he ain't showed up yet.
He's probably just late.
Bellick? I haven't beat that guy to work in eight years.
Scofield, this ain't Gibson's. Move it.
They're already starting to ask questions, man. We're not going to make it out of here in seven hours without them finding answers. How we coming with that peroxide? I'm going to need it before we meet up for yard duty.
Probably not till later. You want to tell me what you need it for?
Makkos, you going to be eating them there Brussels sprouts? 7
You mind if I, uh...Take 'em.
They smell like crap.
Do they, now?
What's up?
Yo, if you...
Change of plans.
Why, did something happen?
Just find Sucre. He’ll tell you what you need to do to be ready.
What about...?
What the hell's going on?
The president changed his mind.
We were given assurances he would veto the energy bill.
Assurances can tell you everything that a man is going to do, until he wakes up in the morning and changes his mind.
Then change it back.
I don't think you understand. The president...
Have you enjoyed our support?
Good. We certainly wouldn't want you to take it for granted. 8
Are you threatening me?
Why? Do you feel threatened?
Caroline, we've all been through this before. The ebbs and flows of political conscience, but we've found at the end of the day, we get what we want. It's simply a matter of who helps us get it.
If you can't convince a doddering old fool finishing up his second term what the best thing is for this country's economy, perhaps you're not the kind of helper we're looking for.
Sara...I was thinking about something...
Enough, Michael. Enough with the-the lies and the coincidences and the stories, all of it.
It's not what you think.
I know what you did. The question is, are you man enough to admit it?
The keys.
Congratulations. 9 Is that the first time you've been honest with me?
It's not...
The second? What are you after, Michael? Is it drugs? Is it needles?
Then what?
Please understand that I never meant...I never wanted to involve you in this.
Well, you've done a pretty poor job of that.
I came here to tell you something. I'm getting my brother out of here. Tonight. And I need you help
Michael, uh, honestly, for your own good, don't say anything more.
You know he's innocent.
Do what you're talking about and he won't be.
But he'll still be alive.
You understand that I'm required to report everything you're telling me.
Then why would you?
Because you're the only one that can help. And because I know you want to be part of the solution.
Yeah, aiding and abetting is not part of the solution.
Neither is doing nothing knowing what you know about his case.
How dare you put this on me. I did what I could. I gave my father the information from...
No offense to your father, but the people who are framing Lincoln, let's just say they have a higher security clearance.
So now it's a conspiracy? I didn't come here to have a debate.
You're asking me to break the law.
I'm asking you to make a mistake. Not hurt anyone, not steal anything. Just...forget to lock up. Leave the door unlocked when you leave tonight. 10 That's it. Please.
This is where you're breaking out of? This room?
There are alarm contacts on the glass surrounding the door. Otherwise I wouldn't need you to...
I was part of your plan. Was it all an act?
At first, yes. I needed to be here. But then I wanted to be here with you.
And it's killing me to know that you'll never believe that. Whatever you may think of me, this is about Lincoln. Don't make him pay for my mistakes.
Hi, it's me. There's been an acceleration.
How fast we talking about?
Fast. Tonight.
Son of a bitch.
I think what you're trying to say is no problem?
Yeah, of course. It'll be taken care of.
Good. The van?
Waiting up Fitz Street, 200 yards...
Behind the old mill?
Behind the old mill, I got it. One question, John. Don't you want a bigger plane? You've only got three seats. I thought you said there were seven or eight guys.
Well, not everybody gonna have a ticket.
You gonna tell me who is?
The three of us still breathing.
Whatever airport's closer to Blackfoot. Aisle, window, it doesn't matter, just get us on the next flight. Yeah, I'll hold.
Change of plans. We're going to need you to have the girl at the airstrip tonight.
Was I not enunciating?
No, it's just that, uh... things could get messy.
So where is Mark?
Patterson and Pope's secretary?
Come on, man, like you wouldn't hit that.
I don't know, Vegas, 2:00 a. m. maybe, but... if she didn't have such a big booty.
Man, the booty is the man's biggest weakness. I know I would've hit it.
Find a way to the infirmary yet?
I'm working on it
Yo, you seen Bellick today?
Not yet.
I need to talk to him. Do you know if he went somewhere?
Do I look like his mother? The guy hasn't shown up yet.
You sure he ain't showed yet? 'Cause I thought I saw him here this morning, man.
Tweener. Need a hand over here.
Yeah, I'm on it.
All right?
Fine. Just, uh...just sore, that's all. You live to my age, you'll know all about it.
You know you got a couple foxes in your hen house, right?
Who are we talking about?
The bastard and the born again. They both want out of here. They'll behave until then. Think so?
I just picked this off of T-Bag yesterday. If I would've been there ten seconds later, they'd have been serving Abruzzi with red sauce over at the morgue. Now I know you want to be shot caller and everything, and that's cool, but you got to handle things, man.
Are you picking up what I'm putting down? 11
Look, this is it, man. Ain't no do-overs this time.
Can't be no complications. We break out tonight or we ain't never getting out.
We got that paperwork in from the county. Sara?
Yeah. Sorry.
The paperwork from the county.
Right. I got it. Um... do me a favor, could you take care of that for me? I got to get out of here.
Thanks. Wait, where are you going?
Put your blues on over your PI gear.
Just do it.
You want to tell us why?
If we don't have time to get the suits we need, we're gonna have to make them.
What the hell are you doing, man?
We got company.
It's okay. He's coming with us.
Hey, whatever happened to we got too many people?
When the plan changed, so did the timing. We'll make sure we all get through.
Well, for health reasons, information like that should be disseminated a little more pronto. 12
Uh-uh, Fish. One more person means there's one more thing that can go wrong. He is not coming.
It's not up for discussion.
The hell it ain't.
I owe him.
I don't owe you a damn thing.
You're gonna...if we get nailed 'cause you didn't want to cut down on your damn guest list.
Don't worry, it'll be fine.
Hey. Hold up, cons. I saw some drops of blood on the floor of the PI locker room. Now who's going to tell me what's going on?
That'd be me, boss. I, uh, did it while I was loading some equipment back into the shed.
You make sure and get that patched up.
Will do.
Okay. Move it.
Are you okay?
Okay enough to make it out of here tonight. I swear.
Hey, Shelly, this is, uh, it's me. I, listen, I know I'm supposed to call you as my sponsor in case I have a, um...
Right. I think we should break a bottle of champagne across its bow.
Well, if you're intending to get this thing home for your anniversary tonight, I wouldn't recommend it.
No! Listen, I want you to know that I... well, I feel very fortunate to have met you.
Yeah. I'm guessing not many structural engineers make their way into Fox River.
No, no, I don't mean because of your vocation. I mean because you're a decent young man and there are not many of those who make their way into Fox River.
Well, for what it's worth, there are a few down there.
Well, that's good to hear. Listen, I know this goes without saying, but, uh... if there's anything you need... well, let's just say that I owe you one.
Actually... there is one thing you can do for me.
So this whole thing this whole time, was never about me. It was about Dad.
I can't believe...Michael? Michael!
You got something you want to tell me?
Just told you everything we knew about Dad was a lie and you barely blinked. 13
We have to go. Tonight.
What are you talking about?
Bellick found the hole, so either we go now or it's over.
Look, I know it's going to be tight, but I can do this.
Michael, stop it.
The chains on your locks, they're, uh...
Michael! Michael!
I can do this!
Listen to me! Go. You gotta go.
Don't say that.
Look at me! You can't do this. There's not enough time.
If you stay here, they'll nail you and you'll rot in here. I'm not asking you, man, I'm telling you. Leave me behind. Go.
What the hell you think you doing?
Nothing, man.
You trying to run something for those Wonder Breads you been running around with?
No, it ain't even like that.
Tell me something, boy. Is you steppin', or is you fetchin'? I thought I made myself clear when I said your punk ass was no longer in business.
This ain't business, all right? This is personal.
What you got there anyway? Some kind of cleaner? What you trying to clean up...
Sergeant Franklin?
…Nancy Lou has the details.
Rumors coming out of Vice President Reynolds' camp detail a preliminary short list of running mates should she, as expected, win her party's nomination. Perhaps the biggest surprise is the inclusion of Illinois governor Frank Tancredi. His consideration is attributed to his reputation for being tough on crime. 14 And some point to his recent refusal to grant clemency to Lincoln Burrows, the murderer of the vice president's brother, which was welcomed with deep appreciation from within the Oval Office.
Thanks, Nancy.
Locally, a jackknifed big rig…
What the hell are you doing, John?
The Lord's work.
The Lord wants you to spread horse crap all over your mattress?
It's not our place to question His will. Are we clear?
Let's cut the chatter, convict.
Open on 88!
Yo, what's that?
Avocado's gear.
He's getting out of the infirmary tonight.
So you got plenty of time to bake him a cake.
Hey...I heard you were asking Patterson about Bellick. Said you thought you saw him this morning?
Yeah. I was. No, it was yesterday. That's when I saw him.
You sure?
Yeah. You know, time just sort of blends together up in here.
All right.
Close on 88!
What am I supposed to do with this?
Pour it in the toilet.
You got C-Note to steal some peroxide from the kitchen so we can clean the toilet?
We got to get all of us into psych ward tonight to access the pipes.
A bunch of cons wearing their prison blues would stick out like a sore thumb.
But the inmates in the psych ward all wear...
Peroxide acts as a bleach.
Just a few more hours now.
Looks like we got everything we need...
Everything except your brother.
You worry about the suits.
I'll worry about Linc.
Could you, uh, give us a couple of minutes?
Of course, Mr. President. You probably know why I'm here.
If I were a betting man, I have a pretty good idea where I'd lay my chips.
The energy bill, Richard. Why did you change your mind? You've been saying for months it's so full of pork the damn thing's ready to squeal, and now all of a sudden...
Yes, the bill is flawed, but it's better than doing nothing. Frankly, I find it a little curious that you're here, telling me to veto a bill you voted in favor of.
You're on the way out. Some of us need to think ahead.
Actually, I've been doing some thinking ahead as well, Caroline- specifically, about my endorsement. 15
I'm considering making a switch, throwing my weight behind Senator Challis.
You can't do that.
Can't I? Caroline, you are everything that's wrong with politics. You vote not to legislate change, but to profit. You run not to make a difference, but to make demands.
You put me on your ticket not because I share your views, but because I didn't share your gender. So don't take the moral high ground. We all know how this game is played. Richard, please, I...
Good day, Caroline.
Richard! R…Richard!
You know what I got my wife for our anniversary?
A scarf.
Well, this is a big one for me. I had to do something special.
Okay, let's get this thing down to the car. We'll do it all together on three. Ready? One...two... three.
Oh, no! Oh, no! Put it down, put it down, put it down. All right, get Scofield up here right away!
It's working.
All right, get 'em out and get 'em dry.
We got to get 'em on under our clothes before tier time, which is in... 45 minutes.
You think everyone else will be ready?
We don't have a choice. As soon as the gate's open, we go. We're going to need every second.
Open on 40.
Scofield, Pope needs to see you, ASAP.
What for?
A Bar Mitzvah. Let's go.
It's 6:18,bro. You can't...
Excuse me a minute.
Sara, to what do I owe the pleasure?
I guess to congratulations. Can't believe I had to hear about it on the news.
Oh, the VP thing-well, that's just talk.
Is it?
Yeah. What was it your mother used to say? …
Yeah. She also used to say, "You're father's a lying bastard," but I figured that was just the booze talking. 16
You know, it's always nice to see you, Sara. Is there something that you needed, or did you just come by to...
Just tell me something. Did you... did you look at the information I gave you from Lincoln Burrows' attorneys?
Sweetheart, move on. The man's attorneys had a window to present new evidence- they didn't. Now that window is closed.
I just need to know, did you look at the information?
Come on, Sara.
Answer me.
I swear, working at Fox River has changed you. You're always saying you want to make a difference? At that place? It's too late. You should be a teacher, so that you can get to these people before they become...
Did you look at the information?
I didn't need to. I supported the findings of the court. If you have a problem with the verdict, go after them. But before you do, I suggest you look at the guy's rap sheet and ask yourself if the world will be a better place with Lincoln Burrows walking the streets.
Just tell me one thing- did they promise you the vice presidency before or after you signed his death warrant?
I will not discuss morality with an addict and a thief. You want to talk reality, Sara? How many times did I use my influence to keep you and one of your junky boyfriends out of jail? How many? Was it three, four times? I swear, Sara, it’s funny, you know? You have no trouble whatsoever with me bending the law... especially when it's bent in your direction. Grow up.
You talk to that Tweener kid?
Yeah, he says he got his days mixed up, but I don't know.
Something about the way he said it.
Oh, come on, man, Bellick's just taking a personal. I don't want to get the guy busted.
And if he's not? I'm just saying, it's 6:30 and no one's heard from the guy. We got to tell Pope.
Okay. I'll tell him.
Did you call the cab for the airport?
No, not yet.
Why not? Come on, the flight leaves in an hour.
Yeah. Yeah. I'm starting to think that us going to Montana might not be a good move.
What are you talking about?
What if you are right and the smoking gun is in that house? You think they're just gonna let us walk in there and make a citizen's arrest?
Look, Nick, I don't know what your deal is lately, but I'm getting on that plane with or without you.
I can't let you do that.
All this time you were one of them? Who's pulling your leash, Nick? Steadman? Kellerman? Look at me. I want you to remember my face when you do whatever the hell it is you're gonna do. Look at me! You're a coward.
Ah, Scofield's outside, sir.
Okay. I want you to try every number we have for Brad Bellick- try his home first. His mother usually answers.
Mrs. Bellick?
Hi. Uh, one moment, please. I have Warden Pope here for you.
Mrs. Bellick? No cause for alarm, no, no. We just... we haven't seen him, and we were wondering if he might be home under the weather.
So Brad called you when he pulled in this morning? And he said he was here?
Okay, well, uh, thank you, Mrs. Bellick. We'll keep you posted. I'm sure he's fine.
Radio Mack. Have him check the parking lot for Bellick's truck. If he finds it, have him call me immediately.
This is base. What's your 20?
I'm pregnant, Fernando. I'm gonna have your son. But all I know is that I'm really scared. I'm really scared to do this alone.
John, it's never too late. If you'll agree to accept Christ into your heart and turn from your sin, He will forgive you and save you in eternity. 17
Where's Fibonacci?
I'll give you Fibonacci when the time is right.
The time is right now.
No, the time is right when you and I are both standing outside those walls.
I'm gonna get out of here someday, and when I do......don't think I won't remember what your front steps look like, I'm... being shipped back off.
…You only got one thing I need.
I've got some bad news, Charles. Your daughter's got esophageal cancer, 18 and she wants to see you while there's still time.
How long does she have?
Hospital says a week.
I read somewhere where the actual Taj Mahal appears pink in the morning, milky white in the evening, and golden when the moon shines. The changes, they say, depict the different emotions of woman. I can tell you something, if we don't get this thing fixed tonight, I don't want to know what kind of emotion my wife is gonna have if I walk through that door empty-handed. It's strange I mean, it just gave way. We lifted it up, and the support beam snapped.
What's this?
The support. The one that holds up that beam.
You took it?
I'm sorry...but I needed to get back in here.
II-I don't understand, why would you...
I'm breaking out. And you're gonna make sure my brother goes with me.

1. apprehend [??????????] v. 領會理解Apprehend 能夠意指來源于情感或感覺的認識或自我意識,也意指心靈的接受。comprehend和understand都強調(diào)完全的認識和知識。grasp 是指緊緊地抓住和保持一種想法。
2. get rid of:v. 擺脫, 除去
3. say-so n. 主張, 發(fā)言, 發(fā)言權。非正式用語
4. ass [??] n. 驢, 笨人, 臀部 They'll be right on our asses. 4 可翻譯為:他們會截住我們。
5. surveillance [???????????] n. 監(jiān)視, 監(jiān)督。be under surveillance在監(jiān)視之下
6. purchase [????????] vt. 買, 購買 n. 買, 購買。purchase sth. for+錢數(shù)。表示買什么東西花費多少錢
7. sprout [??????] v. 萌芽 n. 苗芽
8. take it for granted:認為…是理所當然。一般用在sb takes it for granted that...的句型中通常用于否定句中。 Please don't take it for granted. 請不要想當然。
9. Congratulations! n. 祝賀 這個單詞作為一個句子出現(xiàn)時,表示一個完整的句意。即“祝賀你!”“恭喜你!”。此句的呼應,幾乎永遠是"Thank you"。千萬不要漏掉詞尾的"s"。與Congratulations意思相近的用語:1. You are so lucky! 你太幸運了。(這一句遠不如Congratulations正規(guī),一般僅限于關系較近的朋友之間使用。)2. Good for you! 你太棒了!
10. leave: leave作使役動詞,表示"使/ 讓……保持某種狀態(tài)"。① 用形容詞作賓語補足語 Leave the door open when you go out. ② 用不定式作賓語補足語 Leave him to do it himself. ③ 用現(xiàn)在分詞作賓語補足語 They walked off and left me sitting there alone. ④ 用過去分詞作賓語補足語 Did you leave the doors and windows properly fastened? ⑤ 還可用名詞、介詞短語等作賓語補足語
11. put down:寫下來;記入名單;結(jié)束;抑制;制止,取締
12. disseminate [???????????] v. 散布 pronto [????????] adv. <美俚>很快地, 急速地
13. barely adv. 僅僅, 剛剛, 幾乎不能
14. attribute to由…引起,把…歸因于。如:He attributed his good health to exercise. 他認為自己之所以身體好是因為運動。
15. endorsement [???????????] n. 背書, 簽注(文件), 認可
16. bastard [???????] n. 私生子
17. eternity [????????????] n. 永遠, 來世, 不朽, 來世, 來生。in eternity:永遠


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