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Lesson 9 ;
A study revealed that the average person ;一項(xiàng)研究顯示,一般人
had a 20 percent higher chance of having a heart attack ;心臟病發(fā)作的可能性高 20%,
on a Monday than on any other day. ;在星期一比在一周中的 其他時(shí)候.
Before the WTO entry China was willing to revise trade-related laws. ;中國在加入世貿(mào)前愿意 修訂有關(guān)貿(mào)易的法律條 例.
Students who don't take notes in class ;平時(shí)在課堂上不做筆記 的學(xué)生
often revise the notes photocopied from others' for the exam. ;通常會(huì)復(fù)習(xí)從別人那里 復(fù)印來的筆記以應(yīng)付考 試.
Children's clothes aren't cheap -- just the reverse. ;小孩的衣服并不便宜 ——恰恰相反(更貴).
We suffered some serious financial reverses last year. ;去年我們?cè)谪?cái)務(wù)上受 到一些嚴(yán)重的挫折.
Writing is reversed in a mirror. ;寫出來的字在鏡子里 是倒著的.
Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps. ;科學(xué)家們猜想大型 恐龍棲居于沼澤地中.
Suppose we go for a walk? ;想去散步嗎?
If you are studying when you're supposed to sleep ;如果你在該睡覺的時(shí)候 學(xué)習(xí),
and sleeping when you're supposed to work, ;該學(xué)習(xí)的時(shí)候睡覺的話,
it will be difficult for you to get along well with other roommates. ;你很難和別的室友相處 得好.
The Saudi interior minister said ;沙特阿拉伯內(nèi)政大臣說
his government was not considerring allowing women to drive. ;該國不會(huì)考慮允許 婦女開車的可能性.
In Britain,they emphasize being independent so much ;在英國,人們非??粗?獨(dú)立
that they consider it a shame to ask for help ;以至他們會(huì)認(rèn)為叫 別人幫忙是一種羞辱,
if they could manage it by themselves. ;假如他們自己能 把事情辦妥的話.
We must consider the feelings of other people. ;我們必須顧及 他人的感情.
What brings you here today? ;今天是什么風(fēng) 把你吹來了?
What brought about the war between Iran and Iraq? ;是什么引起了兩伊戰(zhàn)爭?
Some foreigners are now adopting orphan Chinese babies. ;一些外國人在收養(yǎng)中國 的孤兒.
New York was the first United States city to adopt zoning laws. ;紐約是美國第一個(gè) 制定分區(qū)法律的都市.
Educational reforms should focus on raising the quality of education. ;教育改革的重點(diǎn)應(yīng)放 在提高教育質(zhì)量方面.
Children raised in the countryside can stand up to hard work. ;農(nóng)村長大的孩子 能吃苦.
A sound forest economy ;健全的林業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì)
promotes the prosperity of agriculture and rural life. ;能促進(jìn)農(nóng)業(yè)和 農(nóng)村生活的繁榮.
We look down upon those ;我們看不起那些
who are promoted by virtue of flattering their superiors. ;靠奉承上級(jí)而 被提升的人.
Valentine's Day now ;情人節(jié)現(xiàn)在
has become a good chance for stores to promote the sales of their goods. ;成了商店推銷 商品的好時(shí)機(jī).
The population of china ;中國人口
has increased from 1 billion a few years ago to 1.2 billion now. ;從幾年前的10億 增加到現(xiàn)在的12億.
An increase in the population makes birth control necessary. ;人口的增長使節(jié)制 生育成為必要.
Mount Everest,the highest peak in the world, ;珠穆朗瑪峰是 世界第一高峰,
is 8,848 meters above sea level. ;海拔8848米.
The goal of education ;教育的目標(biāo)
is to raise the cultural and scientific level of the whole nation. ;是要提高全民的 文化科學(xué)水平.
We should learn to keep a level head in an emergency. ;在緊急情況, 我們應(yīng)學(xué)會(huì)保持 頭腦冷靜.
Quantity is more important than quantity. ;質(zhì)量比數(shù)量重要.
Don't scold so much. ;別老是罵人.
Students are often scolded for being lazy. ;學(xué)生經(jīng)常因懶惰而 受斥責(zé).
Zhang Jun,the man know as "Public Enemy No.1" was sentenced to death. ;有“公眾頭號(hào)敵人”之 稱的張君被判處死刑,
His gang had been accused of killing 28 people. ;其犯罪團(tuán)伙因殺害28 人而受到指控.
Perpetrators will eventually be severely punished by law. ;犯罪分子終歸會(huì)受 到法律的嚴(yán)懲.
The first fossil dinosaur to be found by scientists ;科學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn)第一具
with an intact body covering has feathers from head to tail, ;外部完好無缺的恐龍化 石的軀體從頭到尾都有 羽毛,
strengthening the view that modern birds evolved from dinosaurs. ;這鞏固了現(xiàn)代鳥類是由 恐龍進(jìn)化驗(yàn)室而來的觀 點(diǎn).
In view of the high cost of his appearance ;鑒于湯姆.克魯斯 高昂的出場費(fèi),
the organizers struck ;組織者
Tom Cruise off the guest list for a film awarding ceremony in Hong Kong. ;把他的名字從香港一個(gè) 電影頒獎(jiǎng)禮嘉賓的名單 上刪掉了.
What are your views on globalization? (How do you view globalization?) ;你對(duì)全球化有何高見?
How did the Horticulture Expo in Kunming strike you? ;你覺得昆明的世博會(huì) 搞得怎樣(你的印象 如何)?
Men of letters like to strike at each other. ;文人喜歡互相攻擊.
Tall poplar trees stand on both sides of many roads in Beijing. ;在北京,很多馬路的兩旁 都種著高大的楊樹.
Even our merciful God can't stand him striking in all the time. ;他不斷地插嘴,簡直令 我們?nèi)蚀鹊纳系垡搽y以 容忍.
By generation gap we mean that young people and old people ;我們所說的代溝是指 年輕人和老人
have misunderstandings of each other and that both generations have diffrent ;相互之間的誤解及兩代 人各自所持的不同的
or even clashing values. ;甚至是互相沖突的 價(jià)值觀.
The rise in divorce rate and the fall in birth rate ;離婚率的上升和人口 出生率的下降
reflect changing social values in Europe. ;反映了歐洲社會(huì) 價(jià)值觀的變化.
Madonna is highly rated as a performing artist but not as a person. ;作為一位藝人,人們對(duì) 麥當(dāng)娜的評(píng)價(jià)很高, 但對(duì)其為人則不然.
In between parts of a play,there is often an interval. ;在一出劇的兩部分中間, 常有幕間休息.
Trains leave the station at short intervals. ;一列列火車不時(shí)地 駛出車站.
What is one French franc equivalent to in RMB? ;1 法郎相當(dāng)于多少 人民幣?
Is there an English word that is the exact equivalent of the Chinese word "刮痧"? ;在英語中有和漢語 “刮痧”完全對(duì)等 的詞嗎?
I have seen few fashionable uniforms. ;我?guī)缀鯖]有看見過 時(shí)髦的制服.
The onstage ballerinas are seemingly of the uniform height. ;臺(tái)上演出的芭蕾舞演員 似乎都一樣高.
Lesson 10 ;
Cleaning the house can be quite a tedious task. ;打掃房子會(huì)是挺 單調(diào)乏味的事情.
A flat roof has poor drainage. ;平的屋頂排水差.
It's more expensive to buy or rent a downtown flat. ;市中心的公寓不管是買 還是租都是最貴的
"All hard rock music is harsh to the ear and all rock singers are harsh to the eye!" ;“所有硬搖滾音樂都是 刺耳的噪音!所有搖滾 歌手都是些刺眼的家伙!
said grandpa in a harsh voice. ;爺爺用刺耳的聲音說:
Hang on to your present job until you can get a better one. ;在你沒有找到更好的 工作之前不要放棄目 前的工作.
We used to see many unemployed migrant workers ;過去,我們經(jīng)??匆?很多無業(yè)民工
hanging about at the railway stations in some southern cities. ;在南方一些城市的 火車站附近徘徊.
Actually,in a bullfight, ;事實(shí)上,在斗牛中,
it is the movement,not the color,of object that arouses the bull. ;刺激公牛的是物體的 運(yùn)動(dòng),而不是顏色.
A new conflict has arisen before the old one is resolved. ;舊的沖突還沒解決, 新的沖突又出現(xiàn)了.
Accidents usually arise from carelessness. ;事故的發(fā)生往往由 疏忽大意而引起.
The unemployment rate in the US rose to 4.5% in April from 4.3% in March ;四月份,美國 的失業(yè)率 由3月份的4.3%上升至 4.5%
due to its economic slowdown. ;由于經(jīng)濟(jì)減速.
The fake and shoddy goods gave rise to the consumers' complaints. ;假冒偽劣商品引起了 消費(fèi)者的投訴.
The large ocean liner, Titanic,was wrecked by its collision with an iceberg ;泰坦尼克號(hào)巨輪因撞 上冰山而失事
on its virgin journey from Southampton to New York. ;在它從南安普頓到紐約 的首次航行中.
Those who survived the ship wreck of the Titanic were certainly lucky. ;那些經(jīng)歷泰坦尼克號(hào)海 難仍生還的人無疑是幸 運(yùn)的.
A quarrel during the dinner will spoil everyone's appetite. ;吃飯時(shí)爭吵會(huì)破壞 每個(gè)人的胃口.
Ice can be used to keep food from spoiling. ;冰可用來保持食物 不致變壞.
Some parents spoil their children by giving them too much money. ;一些父母給孩子太多的 錢,就這樣把孩子給寵 壞了.
Yugoslavia is torn apart by civil war. ;南斯拉夫被內(nèi)戰(zhàn)弄得 四分五裂.
Nylon stockings tear easily when they are caught on a nail. ;尼龍襪被釘子鉤住時(shí)很 容易被撕破.
Two simultaneous ;同時(shí)發(fā)生的兩起
explosions have injure -d at least 37 people in a Manila mall in the Philippines. ;爆炸事件在菲律賓首都馬 尼拉的一家商場已造成至 少37人受傷.
Losing your temper often will add lines to your face. ;經(jīng)常發(fā)脾氣會(huì)給你的 臉增添皺紋的.
Do you have a clear mind about what you are doing right now? ;你心里很清楚自己正 在干什么嗎?
Wide-ranging reading broadens our mind. ;博覽群書擴(kuò)大我們的 知識(shí)面.
He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick. ;
Mind your head! ;當(dāng)心(別碰著)你的頭!
Do you mind my/me smoking here?(Do you mind if I smoke here? /Mind if I smoke here? ;我在這吸煙你介意嗎?
Would you mind not smoking? ;請(qǐng)不要吸煙好嗎?
Celine Dion's singing is always filled with passion, ;席琳.迪翁的演唱總是 充滿激情
and her song "My Heart Will Go On" is a good example. ;她那首《我心永恒》 就是典型的例子.
It's very unlikely that an asteroid will crash into Earth but the danger exists. ;小行星撞地球的可能性 很小,但依然存在這樣的 危險(xiǎn).
I'm amazed that the fish can still live in such polluted water, ;我很驚訝,在污染到這 和程度的水里魚竟然還 能活,
but I wonder if the fish is edible. ;但不知道,這樣的魚 能給人吃嗎?
The ink staid my shirt black.How can I get the ink stain out of my white shirt? ;墨水把我的襯衫染上了 黑色污跡,如何能弄掉 白襯衣上的墨水污跡呢?
Ready,set,go! ;各就位,預(yù)備,跑!
Don't be so ready to lose your temper.You are prettier when you smile. ;不要?jiǎng)虞m發(fā)脾氣. 你笑起來來會(huì)更漂亮.
Few writers can approach Shakespeare in talent. ;很少作家在才華方面可 與莎士比亞媲美.
As the CET Band-4 approaches, I become nervous. ;隨著大學(xué)英語四級(jí) 考試的來臨, 我變得緊張起來.
(The approach of the CET Band-4 makes me nervous.) ;(大學(xué)英語四級(jí)考試的 來臨使我緊張起來.)
The weather is changeable in London and rain is probable at any moment. ;倫敦的天氣多變, 隨時(shí)都有可能下雨.
It is not wise to resist the introduction of advanced technology. ;抵制先進(jìn)技術(shù)的 引進(jìn)是不明智的.
I couldn't resist chatting online for over 8 hours a day once my vacation began ;假期一開始,我就忍不 住每天上網(wǎng)聊天八小時(shí) 以上,
but then,I got tired of it 3 days later. ;但是三天之后就厭倦了.
It is said that Pavarotti,the famous Italian tenor, ;據(jù)說意大利著名的 男高音歌唱家帕瓦羅蒂
has to charter a plane whenever he is on a performing tour, ;每次巡回演出都得包機(jī),
because no common seat can sustain his weight ;因?yàn)闆]有一張普通的 座椅能承受他的體重.
A friend of mine refuses to go to a vapor bath, ;我有個(gè)朋友始終不肯 去洗蒸汽浴,
for she believes there's not enough oxygen to sustain life there. ;因?yàn)樗J(rèn)為蒸汽浴室里 的氧氣不足以維持生命.
The school cannot tolerate students cheating on their exams. ;學(xué)校不容許考試作弊.
We should tolerate opinions different from our own. ;我們應(yīng)當(dāng)能容忍與 自己不同的觀點(diǎn).
Mother's weather- beaten face shows ;母親飽經(jīng)風(fēng)霜的臉上 寫著
the great hardship that she had undergone in both her childhood and youth. ;她在童年和青年時(shí)代 所遭受的巨大艱難和 困苦.
Candidates for the position ;申請(qǐng)?jiān)撀毼徽?br />have to go in person to the company for their job interview. ;必須到公司面試.
Both leaders attached importance to the bilateral ties between the two countries. ;兩國的雙邊關(guān)系得到 兩國領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的重視.
European countries are tied together by common interests. ;歐洲各國因共同利益結(jié) 合在一起.
Taking care of a child does tie a wonman down ;照顧孩子確實(shí)會(huì)使 婦女受到約束.
The home team and the visitors tied in the game. ;主隊(duì)與客隊(duì)在比賽中 打成平局.
It is quite usual that a soccer game ends in a scoreless tie. ;足球賽以零比零終局 是常事.
Marriage based on money is bound to break up. ;建立在金錢基礎(chǔ)上的 婚姻是肯定要破裂的.
My heart bounded with nervousness during my first job interview. ;第一次求職面試時(shí)我 緊張得心頭砰砰直跳.
The U.S. is bounded on the north by Canada and on the south by Mexico. ;美國北面與加拿大相鄰, 南面與墨西哥毗連.
People often associate the underground with the dead,ghosts or evils. ;人們經(jīng)常把地下跟死人、 鬼或邪惡的東西聯(lián)系在 一起.
One is not alays able to choose one's associates. ;一個(gè)人并非總能夠選擇 自己的同事.
We have to associate with different kinds of people. ;我們不得不和各種各 樣的人交往.
According to the American Automobile Association, ;根據(jù)美國汽車協(xié)會(huì) 的資料
since 1964 ;自從1964年以來
all cars sold in the United States have been equipped with seat belts. ;在美國出售的所有汽車 都裝有安全帶.
Having an association with English native speakers ;與說英語為本族的人交往
is one way to improve oral English. ;是提高英語口語的一種途 徑.
Lesson 11 ;
If a city is not well planned, ;如果一個(gè)城市規(guī)劃得不好
the entire city will just look like a construction site ;整個(gè)城市就會(huì)像 工地一樣,
where the old buildings are being demolished and the new ones are being built. ;舊房子在拆, 新房子在建.
The professor suggests building up our vocabulary by reading. ;教授建議我們通過 閱讀來增加詞匯量.
At what rate does the dollar convert into pounds? ;美元以什么匯率 兌換成英鎊?
Coal can be converted into gas by burning. ;煤炭燃燒可變成煤氣.
New Zealand's Green Party ;新西蘭的綠色環(huán)保團(tuán)體
has called for the slaughter of 60 cows pregnant with calves carrying human genes ;要求屠殺60頭懷有攜帶 人類基因的小牛的母牛
after a court withdrew approval for an experi -ment to develop milk with a human protein. ;在法庭撤回對(duì)開發(fā)攜帶 人類蛋白的牛奶進(jìn)行試 驗(yàn)的批準(zhǔn)后.
The Confederation of Trade Unions called for the government ;由于失業(yè)人數(shù)猛增, 工會(huì)呼吁政府
to restrict foreign labor imports in light of soaring unemployment. ;限制對(duì)外國勞工的輸入.
Every year many university students who major in foreign languages ;每年都有許多外語專業(yè) 的大學(xué)生
are employed to be part-time interpreters in the Export Commodities Trade Fair ;被雇用在出口商品交易 會(huì)上做兼職譯員.
Milosevic was arrested on April 1st in Yugoslavia ;米洛舍維奇于四月一日 在南斯拉夫被捕
on charges of corruption and abuse of power. ;因被指揮犯有貪污罪 和濫用職權(quán)罪.
Abused wives and children need social help. ;受虐婦女和兒童都需要 得到社會(huì)的幫助.
Students sometimes overlook ;學(xué)生時(shí)會(huì)漏了
the key word "not" in multiple-choice questi -ons of listening or reading comprehension ;聽力或閱讀理解多項(xiàng)選 擇題中的關(guān)鍵詞“not”,
and get the answers wrong. ;因而選錯(cuò)了答案.
The Eiffel Tower (La Tour Eiffel) in Paris overlooks the Seine River. ;巴黎的埃菲爾鐵塔俯瞰 塞納河.
I have no intention of marrying yet. ;我還沒有要結(jié)婚的打算.
One typical question in reading tests is: ;閱讀測試一個(gè)典型的 問題是:
what is the author's intention in this passage? ;這篇文章所體現(xiàn)的作者 的意圖是什么?
IBM researchers are attempting to warm up human-computer relationships ;IBM 的科研人員在嘗試 要使人機(jī)關(guān)系變得友好 些,
by working on getting computers to recognize human gestures and emotions. ;他們一直在研發(fā)如何讓 電腦明白人的手勢和識(shí) 別人的表情.
The Americans in Vertical Limit failed in all their attempts to climb the Himalayas ;(電影)《垂直極限》中的 美國人攀登喜馬拉雅山的 一切努力都付諸東流.
Some girls from Shanghai like to date foreigners, ;一些上海女孩喜歡與 老外談戀愛,
but it is said that their real purpose is to go abroad. ;可據(jù)說她們真正的目 的是出國.
I came here on purpose to see you. ;我特地來這里看你.
We all desire happiness and health. ;我們都渴望得到幸福 和健康.
(We all have a desire for happiness and health.) ;我們都渴望得到幸福 和健康.
(We all have a desire to be happy and healthy.) ;我們都渴望得到幸福 和健康.
There's a considerable distance ;距離相當(dāng)遠(yuǎn)
between the East and the West Coast of the United States. ;從美國東岸到西岸.
The Taiwanese are not used to the pain of being laid off ;臺(tái)灣人不習(xí)慣被解雇和
and not being able to find new jobs following years of robust economic growth ;找不到新工作帶來的 痛苦,經(jīng)歷過多年的強(qiáng) 勢經(jīng)濟(jì)增長之后.
Most Chinese people will lay aside money for a rainy day. ;大多數(shù)中國人都會(huì)存錢 以備不時(shí)之需.
Dalian is a well laid out seaside city. ;大連是一個(gè)規(guī)劃良好的 海濱城市.
When the first all-purpose computer was completed in 1946, ;當(dāng)?shù)谝慌_(tái)多功能電子計(jì) 算機(jī)在1946年安裝完備 的時(shí)候,
no one could have foreseen the enormous impact it would have in the years ahead. ;沒有人能預(yù)見它在未來 歲月里的巨大影響力.
New York City's numerous skyscrapers give the city its special character. ;紐約市眾多的摩天大樓 賦予了這個(gè)城市獨(dú)有的 特征.
You'll regret if you rush into marriage. ;如果草率結(jié)婚, 日后你會(huì)后悔的.
Don't rush me! ;別催我了!
Do you like the rush of city life? ;你喜歡快節(jié)奏的城市 生活嗎?
My four-year-old niece insisted that ;我四歲的外甥女堅(jiān)持說
rainbow in the sky should be the bridge for the fairies. ;天上的彩虹是給仙女 過的橋.
Girls sometimes use ribbons to tie their hair in a ponytail. ;女孩子有時(shí)候喜歡用 絲帶扎馬尾辮.
At the age of 77,Grace Hopper,mother of the computer, ;計(jì)算機(jī)之母格雷絲. 霍普在77歲時(shí)
was awarded the military rank of commodore by President Ronald Reagan. ;被里根總統(tǒng)授予海軍 準(zhǔn)將的軍銜.
Brazil was still ranked top in the FIFA's world ranking in 2000. ;2000年,巴西在國際足 聯(lián)排名表上仍被列為首 位.
German troops once occupied Paris during World War II. ;二戰(zhàn)期間德國軍隊(duì)曾經(jīng) 占領(lǐng)了巴黎.
Chanel occupied herself with fashion design and remained single all her life. ;夏奈爾一生忙于時(shí)裝 設(shè)計(jì),終生獨(dú)身.
Killer whales aren't classified as true whales ;逆戟鯨不被歸為鯨類,
but as the largest of the forty kinds of dolphins. ;而被歸入四十種海豚中 最大的那一類.
I always have a glimpse at the headlines ;我總是先迅速瀏覽一 下標(biāo)題
before I decide what to read in the newspaper. ;在決定看報(bào)紙上哪些 內(nèi)容之前.
A pilot must have very good vision. ;飛行員必須有非常好 的視力.
My long term vision is to get my Ph.D. ;拿博士學(xué)位是我長期的 夢想.
The setting sun above the horizon and the rosy clouds make a beautiful scene. ;地平線上的落日和彩霞 構(gòu)成美麗的景色.
The scenes are changed during the interval. ;劇間休息時(shí)更換布景.
The trial scene in The Merchant of Venice is the most exciting one. ;《威尼斯商人》中審判的 那場戲最精彩.
Lesson 12 ;
The sun gives us light and heat. ;太陽給我們提供光和熱.
Animals can give sickness to human beings. ;動(dòng)物能把疾病傳染給 人類.
It is more blessed to give than to receive. ;(能夠)施舍比收受更 為幸福.
This ticket entitles you to get a free French fries in the McDonald's. ;憑此券你可在麥當(dāng)勞 免費(fèi)得到一份炸薯?xiàng)l.
Do you still remember the book entitled The Learning Revolution? ;你還記得名為 《學(xué)習(xí)的革命》一書嗎?
Do not place too much credit in hearsay. ;不可過于相信道聽途說.
Put some orange peels in the refrigerator and they can absorb odd smell. ;把桔子皮放進(jìn)冰箱里 可以把怪味吸掉.
Newton was so absorbed in his work that ;牛頓如此專心于他的 工作,
he boiled his watch when he wanted to boil an egg to eat. ;以至想煮個(gè)雞蛋吃的 時(shí)候把手表給煮了.
The days are drawing in as winter approaches. ;冬天要來臨, 白天越來越短了.
Can you still concentrate on your reading with the TV on? ;開著電視你還能集中 精神看書嗎?
The National Negro Business League started by Booker Washington ;由布克.華盛頓創(chuàng)辦的 “全國(美國)黑人商 業(yè)會(huì)社”
was committed to the goal of Black economic independence. ;致力于黑人經(jīng)濟(jì)獨(dú)立 的目標(biāo).
Let's switch the conversation to a lighter subject. ;我們把談話轉(zhuǎn)移到一個(gè) 更輕松的話題吧.
We are in favor of fighting against piracy. ;我們支持打擊盜版.
Chinese people feel the need to take care of their parents, ;中國人認(rèn)為有必要 照顧父母;
while American people think parents need to self-sufficient ;美國人則覺得其父母 要自己靠自己,
instead of counting on their children. ;而不應(yīng)該依賴他們 的孩子.
Illness is a valid excuse for being absent from school. ;生病是不去上學(xué)的正當(dāng) 理由.
The reform and open-up policy in China has been fruitful. ;改革開放政策在中國是 富有成效的.
We hope the government will take effective measures to reduce pollution. ;希望政府采取有效 措施減少污染.
People pour into big department stores when they have sales. ;大百貨商店大減價(jià)的 時(shí)候人們蜂擁而至.
It is pouring.(The rain is pouring down.) ;正下著傾盆大雨.
It is theorized that ;據(jù)推理
the universe is expan- ding at a rate of 50 miles per second per million light years. ;宇宙每1百萬光年就以每 秒50英里的速度在擴(kuò)大
Don't let out your secret to those who easily become expansi- ve after a few drinks. ;不要向那些幾杯酒話就 滔滔不絕的人泄露你的 秘密.
We are recruiting talents for the following positions ;我公司現(xiàn)在招納以下 職位的人才
due to the expansion of business. ;由于業(yè)務(wù)擴(kuò)展.
An Audi is more expensive than a Citroen. ;奧迪車比雪鐵龍車要貴.
You have to be very exact in design, ;在設(shè)計(jì)工作中必須 十分嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),
because a small mistake can make a big difference. ;因?yàn)橐稽c(diǎn)小失誤就能 造成很大的差異.
How do you define happiness? ;你怎樣定義“幸福"?
When boundaries between countries are not clearly defined, ;國與國之間的邊界尚 未明確劃定時(shí),
there's usually trouble. ;通常會(huì)發(fā)生糾紛.
I want a definite answer,"yes" or "no". ;我要一個(gè)明確的答案: “是”還是“否”.
Can you put the case clearly in English? ;你能把情況用英語清楚 地表述出來嗎?
I can't put up with noise when I am working. ;我在工作的時(shí)候不 能忍受喧鬧聲.
The band didn't arrive at a decision to give a concert until they arrived in London. ;樂隊(duì)來到倫敦才做出 開演唱會(huì)的決定.
When you apply for an E-mailbox, ;在申請(qǐng)電子郵箱時(shí),
you are expected to fill out your necessary personal information ;要填妥必要的個(gè)人資料
before you submit the form. ;在提交申請(qǐng)表前.
We had better work out the cost for the holiday before we start. ;我們最好在出發(fā)前算 出度假的費(fèi)用.
Lesson 13 ;
Children are restless, so we had better put the glasses out of their reach. ;小孩子好動(dòng),所以我們 最好把玻璃杯放在他夠 不著的地方.
Big Ben once failed to give the correct time ;(英國的)大本鐘曾經(jīng) 有一次未能準(zhǔn)確報(bào)時(shí),
because a painter who had been working on the clock tower ;因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)鐘樓上工作 的油漆工
hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down! ;把一罐漆掛在其中一根 指針上,使它慢了下來.
No one can hold back the hands of time. ;誰也無法阻止時(shí)間的 前進(jìn).
Some girls don't look pretty at first sight, ;有些女孩子乍一看 不漂亮,
but the more you get along with them,the more beautiful you find them. ;但你與她們交往越多, 就越會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)她們的美 麗所在.
Out of sight, out of mind. ;
The normal temperature of the human body is 37 degrees Celsius. ;人體的正常體溫是37 攝氏度.
Are you regular in your habits? ;你的作息時(shí)間有規(guī)律嗎?
China has 16.9 million Internet users ;中國有1690萬因特網(wǎng)使 用者
who spend an average of 16.5 hours per week online,and more than 27,000 websites. ;平均每周上網(wǎng)16.5小時(shí), 網(wǎng)站超過2.7萬個(gè).
A student of average intelligence can become a top student through hard work. ;智力平常的學(xué)生如果肯 下苦功,也可以成為尖 子生.
An ordinary snail moves at the rate of about two inches every minute. ;普通的蝸牛以每分鐘 兩英寸左右的速度移動(dòng).
You should claim your luggage at carousel #2 ;你應(yīng)該到2號(hào)行李傳送 帶領(lǐng)取你的行李.
Do you believe the charlatans' claim that the panaceas they sell can cure all diseases? ;那些江湖郎中聲稱他們 賣的萬靈藥能治百病, 你相信他們嗎?
South Korea formally demanded that Japan revise their history textbooks ;韓國正式要求日本修正 歷史教科書
which critics say whitewash Japan's colonial and wartime atrocities. ;據(jù)評(píng)論家說是粉飾 日本戰(zhàn)時(shí)殖民暴行的.
The Pentium IV processor is priced at about 800 pounds in Britain. ;奔騰IV處理器在英國 現(xiàn)標(biāo)價(jià)約為800英鎊.
Compiling a dictionary involves a large amount of work. ;編撰詞典需要做大量 的工作.
Claims settled in 1999-2000 amounted to 386 million pounds. ;1999年到2000年已償付 的索賠款項(xiàng)總共是3.86 億英鎊.
In the spring,a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love. ;春天,年輕人的想像力 很容易轉(zhuǎn)移到關(guān)于愛情 的遐想上去了.
Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night. ;焰為使節(jié)日夜晚更生色.
The political and business leaders ;自政界和商界的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人
attending the 2001 Fortune Global Forum added up to 700. ;共有700位來出席了2001 年的全球《財(cái)富》論壇.
Rural life produces a strong and tough breed of people. ;農(nóng)村生活造就了一種身 體強(qiáng)壯且性格堅(jiān)韌的人.
Breeding laboratory animals is a multimillion-dollar industry. ;飼養(yǎng)實(shí)驗(yàn)用的動(dòng)物是 一個(gè)耗資數(shù)百萬美元 的行業(yè).
Pigeons are easy to tame. ;鴿子很容易馴養(yǎng).
By and large,people have a large appetite when they stop going on a diet. ;一般來說,節(jié)食過后的 人胃口很大.
The old tea clippers were largely replaced by steamships during the 19th century. ;舊式的快速運(yùn)茶帆船大 體上都在19世紀(jì)時(shí)被汽 船代替了.
I don't like durians especially their strong odd smell. ;我不喜歡榴蓮,特別是 那股濃烈的怪味.
Have you ever lived the hard life of a peasant? ;你嘗試過農(nóng)民的艱苦 生活嗎?
They work hard in the fields even when it rains. ;下大雨的時(shí)候他們還要 在地里拼命地干活呢?
Old conventions die hard. ;舊的習(xí)慣勢力是不會(huì) 輕易消亡的.
Women don't all like high-heeled shoes. ;并不是所有的女人都 喜歡穿高跟鞋.
If a person aids a criminal,he is also considered guilty. ;如果一個(gè)人協(xié)助罪犯, 那么他也被認(rèn)為是罪的.
A vegetarian lives on fruit and vegetables. ;素食者以吃水果和 蔬菜為生.
Stay tuned to us for the live coverage of the World Cup. ;請(qǐng)繼續(xù)收據(jù)看(或收聽) 世界杯賽的現(xiàn)場報(bào)道.
The law obliges parents to send their children to school. ;法律要求父母送 子女入學(xué).
I'm obliged to you for your help. ;非常感激你的幫助.
There is no question about it. ;這是毫無疑問的.
Have you ever questioned your teacher's words? ;你有否懷疑過老師所 講的話?
Real life is the stuff of all good novels. ;真實(shí)生活是所有優(yōu)秀 小說的創(chuàng)作題材.
Don't stuff him with those silly ideas. ;別向他灌輸那些餿主意.
"This is a matter of life and death." ;"這是件生死攸關(guān)的事."
"What's the matter?" ;“(出)什么事(了)?”
Many cities have begun setting up special units to police Internet use, ;許多城市已經(jīng)開始設(shè)立 專門機(jī)構(gòu)對(duì)互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的使 用進(jìn)行管轄,
and courts have already handled internet-related issues ;法庭也處理過
including copyright violations and pornography. ;如侵犯版權(quán)及網(wǎng)上色情 等與因特網(wǎng)有關(guān)的問題.
Lesson 14 ;
The mad cow disease ;瘋牛病
has become a serious problem threatening the world as well as Europe. ;已成為一個(gè)不僅威脅 歐洲且威脅全世界的 嚴(yán)重問題.
My head was heavy after a whole day's exams. ;考試考了一整天, 我的頭腦都變遲鈍了.
Don't be too severe with your children nor should you spoil them. ;不要對(duì)孩子要求過于嚴(yán)厲 也不要寵壞他們.
Don't expose your skin to the sun for too long at high noon, ;正午的時(shí)候不要讓皮膚 在陽光下暴曬過久,
or it will easily get burnt. ;否則很容易曬傷.
A teacher should expose his students to real life situations. ;教師應(yīng)當(dāng)使學(xué)生接觸到 真實(shí)的生活環(huán)境.
To hold art exhibitions is something every painter dreams of. ;舉辦畫展是每個(gè)畫家 的夢想.
To acquire great success,you must work hard. ;要獲得成功,必須努力.
It's the secretary's job to inquire about the flights for the manager. ;為經(jīng)理查詢有關(guān)航班的 情況是秘書的職責(zé).
You are requested not to smoke. ;請(qǐng)不要吸煙.
We shall give your request our careful consideration. ;我們將仔細(xì)考慮你的 要求.
The room requires cleaning (=to be cleaned). ;房間該打掃了.
The new house is not furnished yet. ;新房子還沒有配置家具.
Many university career offices furnish students with resource materials ;許多大學(xué)職業(yè)介紹機(jī)構(gòu) 向?qū)W生提代資料,
to help them in their searches. ;幫助他們找工作.
Has anyone proposed Hilary as a candidate for the presidency? ;有人提名希拉里作為 總統(tǒng)候選人嗎?
Must a man give a girl roses and a diamond ring when he proposes marriage to her? ;一個(gè)男人向一個(gè)姑娘求 婚時(shí)一定要給她玫瑰花 和鉆戒嗎?
Most dentists suggest that wisdom teeth should be pulled out ;大多數(shù)牙醫(yī)都會(huì)建議把 牙拔掉
because they often cause inflammation. ;因?yàn)樗鼈兘?jīng)常引起發(fā)炎.
Don't pick those colorful mushrooms; they are poisonous. ;不要采那些色彩鮮艷的 蘑菇,它們有毒.
An area with a dense population (A densely populated area) ;人口密集的地區(qū)
is a breeding place for infectious disease. ;是傳染病發(fā)生的地方.
Echo found her inspiration from the vast Sahara desert. ;三毛從茫茫的撒哈拉 沙漠中獲得了靈感.
Do you have any plans for you summer vacation? ;暑假有什么安排?
I plan to get a part-time job at the McDonald's. ;我打算到麥當(dāng)勞做兼職.
The sundial is the oldest known device for the measurement of time. ;日晷是已知的最古老的 一種測算時(shí)間的裝置.
Silence is a device to avoid disputes. ;沉默是避免爭吵的 一個(gè)策略.
We can trap the mice by putting candies in the rat-bane. ;我們可以把糖果放進(jìn) 滅鼠藥里,以此誘捕 老鼠.
"Liberty,too,must be limited in order to be possessed." (Edmund Burke) ;“為了維護(hù)自由,自由 同樣要受到限制." (埃德蒙.伯克)
There is a limit to everything. ;凡事皆有限度.
In the field of cultural study, ;在文化研究領(lǐng)域,
some say that Hollywood movies reflect American culture. ;有人說好萊塢電影 反映美國文化.
The developer wanted to ;發(fā)展商想為
create a special place called Urban Shangri-la for city-dwellers. ;城里人創(chuàng)造一個(gè)名叫 “城中香格里拉”的 特別地方.
In South China,the constant rain in spring is disgusting. ;春天細(xì)雨連綿是華南地區(qū) 一件令人討厭的事.
Good friends keep constantly encouraging each other. ;好朋友總是經(jīng)?;ハ喙膭?lì)
The misleading advertisement is a trick to draw customers. ;誤導(dǎo)的廣告就是誘騙 消費(fèi)者的花招.
When stores have an oversupply of goods, ;當(dāng)商店供給過多時(shí),
they will reduce prices to encourage sales. ;他們會(huì)減價(jià)以鼓勵(lì)銷售.
The great Depression from 1929 to the early 1930's ;1929年到20世紀(jì)30年代 初的(世界性經(jīng)濟(jì)) 大蕭條
reduced many to begging on street corners. ;使許多人淪落到街頭 乞討.
Lesson 15 ;
Efficient service can be achieved through modern technology. ;高效率的服務(wù)可以通過 現(xiàn)代技術(shù)得到.
Does the weather affect your mood? ;天氣會(huì)影響你的情緒嗎?
We were deeply affected by the news of Sang Lan's serious injury. ;桑蘭嚴(yán)重受傷的消息 使我們深感難過.
People are inclined to sleep more in spring. ;春天里人們?nèi)菀追咐?
See to it that all the windows and doors are closed before you leave the office. ;離開辦公室前請(qǐng)注意 關(guān)好門窗.
Inflation reduces the purchasing power of people living on fixed incomes. ;通貨膨脹降低了靠固定 收入的人們的購買力.
It's a common case in a family ;家庭中常有
that the mother-in-law and the daughter-in- law don't get along with each other. ;婆媳不能融洽相處的事情
General Patton once said,"Never tell people how to do things. ;巴頓將軍說過,“永遠(yuǎn) 不要告訴人們?cè)鯓尤プ?事.
Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity." ;告訴他們?nèi)ジ墒裁? 他們的足智多謀將 會(huì)令您驚訝.
The cost of traveling to Japan is surprisingly high. ;到日本的旅游費(fèi)用高得 驚人.
"Everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him."(John Knowles) ;“每個(gè)人在歷史上都有 只屬于他自己的一刻." (約翰.諾里斯)
As women age,many like to wear make up in order to retain their youthful appearance. ;為了保有年輕的外貌, 許多女人一上年紀(jì)就 喜歡化妝.
Is it true that women's ability to endure pain is better than men's? ;女人忍受痛苦的能力比 男人強(qiáng),這是真的嗎?
Some centenarians survived their grandchildren. ;有些百歲老人比他們的 孫子還活得長.
Few survived the plane crash. ;幸免于空難的人極少. (飛機(jī)失事后生還者 極少)
The distant flash from the lighthouse gives hope to boats floating on the sea. ;遠(yuǎn)處來自燈塔的閃光給 飄蕩在海上的船帶來了 希望.
Few young people would plan for their old age because it seems so distant to them. ;極少年輕人會(huì)為自己的 晚年作計(jì)劃,這在他們 看來是很遙遠(yuǎn)的事情.
In most Asian countries distance is measured in kilometers not miles. ;在大多數(shù)亞洲國家測量 距離以公里為單位, 而不是英里.
Boys soon make it up after fistfights, ;男孩子之間打完架很快 就會(huì)和好
but there will be a great distance between girls after a quarrel. ;但女孩子爭吵以后就 會(huì)疏遠(yuǎn)了.
He dose not cook and stock up on canned foods. ;他不做飯,貯存了很多 罐頭食品.
The New York stock exchange crashed in 1929. ;紐約股票交易所于1929 年大崩潰.
Practice makes perfect. ;
Practicing law is challenging. ;從事律師業(yè)是充滿挑 戰(zhàn)性的.
Lesson 16 ;
Experts think an asteroid big enough to destroy lots of life ;有專家認(rèn)為足以破壞大 量生命的小行星
might strike Earth once every 500,000 years. ;可能每50萬年才與地球 相撞一次.
The more attractive a man is,the more chance he gets to destroy his first marriage, ;一個(gè)男人的魅力越大, 他毀掉第一次婚姻的 機(jī)會(huì)就越大--
according to an American researcher. ;據(jù)美國的一位研究員說.
Some people assume that there is life on other planets when they see UFOs. ;看見不明飛行物時(shí), 有些人就設(shè)想在其 他行星上有生命.
The telephone service and the bus service in the city leave much to be improved. ;市里的電話設(shè)施和公共 汽車交通服務(wù)都有很多 需要改進(jìn)的地方.
Mc veigh,who bombed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, ;炸毀(美國)俄克拉荷馬 市聯(lián)邦政府大樓的邁克維
was sentenced to death and died by lethal injection. ;被判死刑,接受毒針注射 而死.
Police prevent and detect crime while the courts punish the crime. ;防止及偵察犯罪是警察的 事而懲罰犯罪是法庭的事
Refrain from committing any crime serious or minor, ;不管是重罪還是輕罪, 千萬不要犯罪
because crime does not pay. ;因?yàn)榉缸餂]有好下場.
The Indian Prime Minister said ;印度總理說
the 1997 Southeast Asian financial crisis ;1997年的南亞金融危機(jī)
showed that volatile capital flows could threaten even vibrant economies. ;表明資金流動(dòng)不穩(wěn)甚至對(duì) 經(jīng)濟(jì)活躍的國家都會(huì)造成 威脅
Marriage is an important personal decision. ;婚姻是由個(gè)人作決定的 大事.
Most drivers have good sense of direction. ;大多數(shù)司機(jī)有很強(qiáng)的 方向感.
See that you follow the directions when taking a test. ;考試時(shí)一定要按指令 答題.
There has been distinct improvement of people's life in the last twenty years. ;20年來,人們的生活有 了明顯的改善.
Beer has a very distinctive smell;it is quite distinct from the smell of wine. ;啤酒有種特殊的味道, 與葡萄酒的味道截然 不同.
Lying on the left side when you sleep does harm to your heart. ;睡覺時(shí)左側(cè)臥對(duì)心臟有 害.
The chairman is not allowed to side with neither side in a debating contest. ;主席不許支持辯論賽中 的任一方.
Many people working and living in the city don't have sufficient sleep. ;很多在城市工作和居住 的人沒有充足的睡眠.
According to an approximate estimate, ;根據(jù)大約估計(jì),
about 40 percent of Chinese Internet surfers ;有近百分之四十的中國 網(wǎng)民
have experienced Internet love. ;遭遇過網(wǎng)上戀情.
Do it properly or don't do it at all. ;要干就好好地干, 否則就別干.
A dog has a good sense of smell. ;狗的嗅覺很靈敏.
Don't waste time with nonsense.Please make sense. ;別浪費(fèi)時(shí)間盡說廢話, 講點(diǎn)有意義的東西.
I can sense the tension before the exam. ;我可以感覺到考試前 緊張的氣氛.
Just ten years ago, ;僅在10年前,
the idea of having computer and getting on the Internet at home seemed ;在家里有一臺(tái)電腦并上 因特網(wǎng)的想法
far-fetched for most Chinese. ;對(duì)大多數(shù)中國人來說, 似乎還是不在現(xiàn)實(shí)的.
The world-famous Debeers diamonds ;世界聞名的戴比爾斯鉆石
displayed in the jeweler's shop window attract many ladies. ;陳列在珠寶店櫥窗里, 吸引了不少女士.
The peacock will display its beautiful tail feathers ;孔雀會(huì)開屏(展示漂亮的 尾部羽毛)
when it notices any gay colours. ;看到鮮艷的顏色.
Cloning technology produced a great reaction ;克隆技術(shù)在全世界引起了 強(qiáng)烈的反應(yīng)
from the whole world in the late 1990s. ;20世紀(jì)90年代末.
What's your reaction to the rumors about you? ;你對(duì)有關(guān)你的謠言有何 反應(yīng)?
When the love scandal between Clinton and Luwinsky was revealed, ;當(dāng)克林頓和萊溫斯基的 性丑聞曝光時(shí),
not many Americans liked to comment on it. ;并不是很多美國人喜歡 評(píng)論此事.
In Elizabeth Drew's view,"the world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, ;在伊麗莎白.德魯 (美國 作家)看來,“世界不是 依思想和想像而轉(zhuǎn)移,
but by opinion." ;而是因信念而生生不 息”.
Jack insisted that Jill accept his bunch of artificial flowers ;杰克堅(jiān)持要吉兒收下他那 束人造花,
by saying they meant their love would last long, ;說代表他們愛情的長久,
while Jill rejected them by saying they stood for nothing but untrue love. ;而吉兒卻說假花只能代表 假的愛,所以堅(jiān)持不接受.
Fish live in water because cats can't swim.True or false? ;魚在水里生活是因?yàn)樨?不會(huì)游泳.對(duì)還是錯(cuò)?
Can you distinguish between false diamonds and genuine ones? ;你能辨別假鉆石和 真鉆石嗎?
The contrast of light and shade is important in photography. ;明暗對(duì)比在攝影術(shù)上很 重要.
Writers like to contrast good with evil. ;作家喜歡把美好與 邪惡形成對(duì)比.
Good stuff is not cheap,and cheap stuff is not good. ;好貨不便宜, 便宜沒好貨.
In a word,when you go after small gains you may suffer big loss. ;總之,當(dāng)你貪小便宜的 時(shí)候,可能會(huì)吃大虧的.
Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health. ;多呼吸新鮮空氣對(duì)健康 有益.
Einstein's Relativity Theory contributed a lot to scientific research. ;愛因斯坦的相對(duì)論對(duì)科學(xué) 研究貢獻(xiàn)良多.
I never like to follow any tourist guide when I travel, ;我旅游從來就不喜歡跟 著導(dǎo)游走,
because the sole concern of a tourist guide ;因?yàn)閷?dǎo)游惟一考慮的
is to cover all spots according to a strict schedule. ;就是按照一成不變的時(shí)間 表走過所有風(fēng)景點(diǎn).
The soles of my boots needed repairing. ;我那雙靴子的底該補(bǔ)了.
I hate to be alone in the house,but I dare not go out alone after dark. ;我討厭獨(dú)個(gè)兒呆在家, 但天黑后我又不敢一個(gè) 人出去.
So I want you to come over to watch TV together. ;所以我想你過來一起看 電視.
The Food and Drug Administration classifies any product ;食品及藥物管理局
whose single purpose is to improve a person's appearance as a cosmetic. ;把任何其單一目的為改 善人的外表的產(chǎn)品歸為 化妝品.
Being a writer can be very lonely. ;當(dāng)作家會(huì)是一種很寂寞的 生涯.
We have to make sustaining efforts to attain our goal. ;為了達(dá)到目標(biāo),我們必須 做出不懈的努力.
The village was cut off from the outside world by heavy snow for a month. ;村莊因大雪與外界已經(jīng) 隔絕一個(gè)月了.
Many fashion models have to cut out sweets in order to lose weight ;不少時(shí)裝模特為了減肥, 她們不得不戒糖
although they have a sweet tooth. ;雖然很愛吃甜的東西.
Lesson 17 ;
The cuttlefish has three hearts. ;烏賊有三個(gè)心臟.
Some people seem to have quite a lot of friends, ;有些人看來有不少朋友,
but at heart,they may be very lonely. ;可是他們內(nèi)心也許是很 孤獨(dú)的.
Do you think that women are crybabies by nature? ;你認(rèn)為愛哭是女人的 天性嗎?
All animals have to observe the jungle law. ;所有動(dòng)物都必須遵守弱 肉強(qiáng)食的原則.
Recent observations on bird's behavior show that some birds,like magpies, ;最近對(duì)鳥類行為的觀察 報(bào)告顯示,有些鳥類 (比如鵲)
are extremely clever- they can locate hidden objects, ;非常聰明.他們能找到 藏起來的東西,
recognize themselves in the mirror and have a good memory. ;在鏡子里認(rèn)出自己, 還有很強(qiáng)的記憶力.
The speed of light travels faster than the speed of sound. ;光的速度比聲音的速度 快.
Some experts have predicted ;有專家預(yù)測到
a recovery of the U.S. economy by 2002 ;美國經(jīng)濟(jì)將會(huì)在2002年 年底復(fù)蘇
with about a one percent growth expected in the first half of 2001. ;比2001年上半年大約 增長百分之一.
It's quite common that career women neglect their families and their children. ;職業(yè)女性忽略家庭和孩子 的現(xiàn)象很常見.
Don't neglect calling me back. ;別忘了回我電話.
Florida's Republican Governor Jeb Bush- ;佛羅里達(dá)州州長, 共和黨人爵.布什
younger brother of US President George W.Bush- ;即現(xiàn)任美國總統(tǒng)小布什 的弟弟
has resolutely denied rumors of an extramarital affair with a state employee. ;堅(jiān)決否認(rèn)他與某州政府 職員有婚外戀的傳聞.
Many girls in the poor areas are denied the right to be educated. ;貧困地區(qū)的很多女孩子 都得不到接受教育的權(quán) 利.
I am sorry for giving you so much trouble.(I am sorry to have given you so much trouble.) ;很抱歉,我給您添了這么 多麻煩.
I was ashamed of myse- lf for my bad temper after quarreling with my parents. ;和父母吵架后,我為自己 的壞脾氣感到慚愧.
It's raining nonstop- what miserable weather! ;雨下個(gè)不停, 多煩人的天氣!
The novel entitled The Miserable was written by an eminent French writer,Victor Hugo. ;小說《悲慘世界》是法國 文豪維克多.雨果的作品.
Xiong Ni was paired with Tian Liang ;熊倪和田亮配合
and won the gold medal in the Men's 10-meter springboard diving ;贏得了男子十米跳板跳水 比賽金牌
in the 2000 Sydney Olympic games. ;2000年在悉尼舉行的奧 運(yùn)會(huì)上.
Hong Kong Chief Secretary Donald Tsang ;香港政務(wù)司司長曾蔭權(quán) 說,
denied that China's entry to the WTO would be a challenge to Hong Kong's economy, ;中國加入世界貿(mào)易組織給 香港特區(qū)的經(jīng)濟(jì)帶來的 不是挑戰(zhàn)
rather it would be an opportunity. ;而是機(jī)會(huì).
Real life is sometimes more fantastic than fiction. ;現(xiàn)實(shí)生活有時(shí)比小說更 離奇.
It takes time for a dream to become a reality. ;夢想變成現(xiàn)實(shí)需要時(shí)間.
So the story goes:at the first two false alarms the boy gave, ;故事是這樣的:那男孩 開始發(fā)了兩次假警報(bào),
people in the village got fooled, ;村里的人都上當(dāng)受騙了,
and consequently no one came when the real wolf was approaching him ;所以當(dāng)真的有狼來的時(shí) 候,誰也不來救他了
however hard he cried for help. ;不管他喊得有多起勁.
In China,no criminals can be released on bail. ;在中國,沒有罪犯可以 交保釋金而獲釋.
The latest developments have just been released to the media. ;最新的進(jìn)展情況已向 大眾傳媒發(fā)表.
The painkillers can only relieve your pain. ;止痛藥只能減輕疼痛.
You need other medicine to cure your disease. ;要治好病,還需要其他 藥物.
The use of anaesthesia in operations is to give patients relief from pain. ;手術(shù)中麻醉的作用是 減輕病人的痛苦.
I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination ;聽說通過了考試, 我感到輕松多了.
Many things in our lives are often contrary to our expectations. ;我們生活中經(jīng)常事與 愿違.
American movie star Juliet Roberts' neighbours said that ;美國影星朱莉亞.羅勃茨 的鄰居們說
everybody considers her the "American Sweetheart", ;大家都認(rèn)為她是 “美國甜心”,
but on the contrary, she is really a selfish skunk. ;可恰恰相反,她其實(shí)是 個(gè)自私的討厭鬼.
How many lovers can part as friends? ;又有多少情侶能 和和氣氣地分手呢?
Do you take part in any activity in your spare time? ;你在業(yè)余時(shí)間里參加 什么活動(dòng)嗎?
As the pitcher in a baseball game,it is important to pitch the ball well. ;棒球賽中投手把球投好 至關(guān)重要.
Please insert coins into the slot. ;請(qǐng)將硬幣插入投幣孔.
You can express your opinion,but don't try to impose your ideas on others. ;你可以發(fā)表意見,但不要 試圖把自己的想法強(qiáng)加給 別人.
The country was plunged into civil war after the death of the President. ;總統(tǒng)逝世后那個(gè)國家陷入 了內(nèi)戰(zhàn).
Share prices plunged as a result of the gloomy economic forecast. ;由于暗淡的經(jīng)濟(jì)前景, 股票價(jià)格急劇下降.
I like reading in a comfortable bed. ;我喜歡躺在舒適的床上 看書.
A bicycle's often far more convenient than a car in busy cities. ;在繁華的城市里自行車 往往比汽車方便得多.
Lesson 18 ;
We often hear teenagers say,"Don't treat me as a child!" ;我們經(jīng)常聽到10多歲的 青少年說:“別把我當(dāng) 小孩!”
Chinese scientists ;中國科學(xué)家
have extracted a substance from cockroaches to treat AIDS. ;已經(jīng)從蟑螂身上提取出 一種能有效治療艾滋病 的物質(zhì).
This time it's my treat,and next time it's yours. ;這次我請(qǐng)客,下次你請(qǐng).
A day in the countryside is a real treat for a city person. ;對(duì)一個(gè)生活在城市中的 人來說,在鄉(xiāng)村呆上一 天真是一件樂事.
Classrooms of some schools are now eqipped with seats ;現(xiàn)在有些學(xué)校的教室裝的 座位
that can be adjusted to the height of a person. ;可根據(jù)人體身高調(diào)節(jié).
Astronauts in flight must adjust themselves to weightlessness. ;宇航員在飛行中必須 適應(yīng)失重.
Eating too many sweets hurts your teeth. ;吃糖太多會(huì)傷牙齒.
Nothing hurts more than a bad tooth. ;沒有比牙痛更痛的了.
Storms can do a lot of damage to crops. ;暴風(fēng)雨會(huì)使莊稼受到 很大損失.
Some people say that cars are doing more harm than good. ;有人說汽車帶來的危害 比好處還多.
Are wages keeping up with inflation? ;工資跟得上通貨膨脹嗎?
Keep off the grass. ;請(qǐng)勿踐踏草地.
Whether a white cat or a black cat,a good cat catches mice. ;不管白貓還是黑貓, 能抓到老鼠的就是 好貓.
Sorry?I didn't catch your name. ;什么?你的名字我聽不 太清楚.
In spite of all his efforts Mr.Never Beaten failed, ;盡管盡了最大的努力,但 “永不敗”先生還是失敗 了,
but he said with a smile,"I've got another mother," ;然而他卻微笑著說: “我又多了一個(gè)母親”.
which means failure is the mother of success. ;意思是失敗乃成功之母.
Dark Ages is the period in European history ;黑暗時(shí)期是指歐洲歷史上
from about AD 476,the fall of Rome to about 1000, ;約從公元476年羅馬帝國 滅亡起至公元1000年止
believed to be lacking in knowledge and art. ;知識(shí)和藝術(shù)匱乏的時(shí)期.
Reading in dim light does harm to the eyes. ;在昏暗的光線下看書對(duì) 眼睛有害.
We have no right to interfere in any other country's internal affairs. ;我們無權(quán)干涉他國的 內(nèi)部事務(wù).
Many stores now deliver goods to your door free of charge. ;現(xiàn)在很多商店免費(fèi)送貨 上門.
More and more young people object to spoon -feeding and learning by rote. ;越來越多年輕人反對(duì) 填鴨式教學(xué)和死記硬背.
Keep me informed ofwhat happens. ;有事隨時(shí)通知我.
Please fill out the application form and send it to the personnel department. ;請(qǐng)?zhí)詈蒙暾?qǐng)表格并送往 (寄往)人事部門.
but that... ;conj. 若非,要不是; (=but)而是,只是
Not that I don't want to travel to Europe, but that I can't afford it. ;我不是不想去游歐洲, 只是我花費(fèi)不起.
I would have traveled to Europe but that I have no money. ;(要不是沒錢我早去游 歐洲了.)
Will the computer replace the human brain one day? ;電腦終會(huì)有一天取代 人腦嗎?
Are you content to be a person who will never accomplish anything? ;你甘心做一個(gè)將永遠(yuǎn)一 事無成的人嗎?
Lesson 19 ;
I don't like those friends who never come to my house other than to ask for help. ;我不喜歡那些無事不登 三寶殿(除非有事相求, 從來不來找我)的朋友.
"Nothing is Gonna Change My Love for You is one of the classic English pop songs. ;《沒有什么可以改變我對(duì) 你的愛》是英語流行歌曲 的經(jīng)典之一.
Nothing but a miracle can save h

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