李華打電話給Larry,提醒他說好了晚上一起看電影。 今天我們要學兩個常用語: space cadet和running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
LL: (Pick up phone) Hello?
LH: Hi, Larry.
LL: How are you, Lihua?
LH: 我挺好。你別忘了,說好了一起看電影,還有半個小時開演。
LL: Oh shoot. I'm so sorry Li Hua. It completely slipped my mind. I feel like such a space cadet.
LH: Space cadet? 太空學員?太空學員常忘事兒嗎?
LL: Well not real space cadets, but as a saying "space cadet" means someone who is off in space, or often forgets things that they need to do.
LH: 噢,Space Cadet原來是說心不在焉,愛忘事兒的人。那你絕對合格!不然怎么會忘記約好跟我一起看電影呢。
LL: I guess I just got caught up with this project for work. My space cadet coworker forgot to save it earlier, so we are back to square one.
LH: 啊?你們的項目白做了,要從頭開始?我以前寫論文也出過忘記存盤的事。I've acted like a space cadet before. 那你們要怎么辦呢?
LL: It hopefully won't be too big of a problem, but because he was a space cadet we will have to work a bit late tonight.
LH: 就算是這樣,你也不能忘了陪我看電影的事兒?。縏his is no excuse for you being a space cadet!
LL: I know. I am sorry.
LH: 沒關系,誰都有這種時候,我們教授星期一來上課,居然說把我們的作文落在了地鐵上。Talk about a space cadet!
LL: I'll say! What did he do?
LH: 最后他找到地鐵總站才找到。
LL: Wow, he is lucky that he was able to find them again.
LH: 可他還是很不好意思,所以給我們所有人一律加分。
LL: That sounds like a pretty good trade off to me.
LH: 是不錯??磥碛袀€做"space cadet"的教授,也不一定是壞事。言歸正傳,電影到底還看不看?
LL: Let's shoot for the 8:30 showing. I think I will have the work done by then. Meet you at the theater?
LH: 好,一言為定。
LH: Larry, 你來得正好,電影馬上就要開演了。
LL: Yes, though I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
LH: What? 你為什么要說自己象沒頭公雞一樣跑來呢?
LL: Running around like a chicken with its head cut off means I have been running around frantically all over the place.
LH: 噢,你是說自己忙得跑來跑去,中文里我們說,象沒頭的蒼蠅一樣,英文里說象沒頭的雞,真有意思。你忙什么?
LL: It turned out that there was more to the project than I originally thought, but I really wanted to come see this movie. I had to rush and wound up running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
LH: 那Larry, 你說雞真的會砍掉腦袋還跑來跑去嗎?
LL: I am not sure Li Hua. But the point is that if they do run around, it is chaotic. Similarly I was running all over the place at my office to try and get this project done.
LH: 這倒讓我想起我同學Carrie. 她星期天才知道星期一有項目展示,所以一整天都忙得昏天暗地。She was running around like a chicken with her head cut off!
LL: What do you mean, Lihua?
LH: 她一直在自習室和圖書館之間跑來跑去,手忙腳亂的。
LL: That certainly does sound right. After running around like a chicken with its head cut off, I feel pretty flustered too! How did Carrie's presentation turn out?
LH: 說實話,我還真不知道,整個過程,我都在開小差兒。
LL: It sounds like you were a total space cadet. What about you, have you ever had to run around like a chicken with its head cut off because you left something to the last minute?
LH: 我?怎么可能!我做事從來都是井井有條,絕不會臨時抱佛腳。
LL: Sure. Well let's get our tickets and watch this movie.
今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是space cadet, 指心不在焉,愛忘事的人。另一個是running around like a chicken with its head cut off, 意思是忙得象沒頭的蒼蠅一樣。