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零距離美語會話[家庭]Lesson 2




Two     Here comes the bride.
 1    Introduction
A     Some American men have this thinking - why buy the cow if you can get all your milk free? 
B     Marriage is not like having a room full of roses; you get out of it whatever you put into it.  Another way of expressing this is, you’ve made your bed now you’re going  to have to sleep in it.
C     She got the gold mine, he got the shaft.  That means when the judge decided how the property would be divided in the divorce.  The woman received the biggest part of the marital assets.  Most men say, “It’s not marriage that scares me; it’s the divorce court I am most afraid of.”
D     In most instances, a man who has never been married will prefer to marry a woman who has also never been married.
E     Most men prefer having a wife who is younger than them.  But it’s usual for a man to marry a woman older than himself.  Older women who like younger men are frowned upon in American culture. 

 2    Sample Sentences
1.   Brad really means a lot to me.
2.   As soon as I met her, I knew I would spend the rest of my life with her.
3.  If you love someone, set them free; if they come back to you, they’re yours; if they don't, they weren't yours in the first place.
4.   I think some people get married before the age of 20.
5.   In fact, we are planning a formal engagement for this Christmas, 2001, and an exchange of vows in spring of 2006.
6.   They are looking forward to the union of our love.
7.   I simply knew I wanted to have certain qualities in a mate and that if the right person came along, marriage was great.
8.   When we finally met in person, it was love at first sight!
9.   He is the person I will always love, without end, without bounds, and with all my heart.
10.  We sometimes struggle with being newlyweds and an instant family.  However, we wouldn't trade any of this for anything in the world.
11.  As a matter of fact, we are talking about marriage, although it is not official yet (he hasn't formally proposed).

 3     Conversations
1.  Here Comes the Bride.
At a wedding reception in St. Louis, Missouri.
Tim:  Thanks for inviting me to your friend’s wedding.  I was surprised to hear the bride and groom1 talking to each other that way during the marriage ceremony2.  Is that common?
Sam:  Well, some people use a standard set of words, but many couples today write their own wedding vows3.
Tim:  Your tradition of throwing rice as they got into their car was interesting, but it didn't look like real rice to me.
Sam:  It wasn't.  It was birdseed4.  We don't throw rice anymore because someone discovered that birds come along and eat the rice and have trouble digesting it.
Tim:  Oh, I didn't think of that.  Well, this reception reminds me of weddingparties back in China.  Plenty of food and drink, music and dancing, and interesting traditions.
Sam:  Wait until you see what happens next!  The bride is getting ready to throw her bouquet5.  Let's go over and watch.
Tim:  She’s got quite a crowd around her.  Oh, look!  That little girl caught it!
Sam:  She’s my friend’s ten-year-old niece.  I guess there won’t be another wedding in this family for a long time.

Additional Information:
 Most American weddings are held in churches.  The reception may take place in a rented hall such as a hotel banquet room.  Guests always give gifts at the reception.  Often the wedding reception is catered by the hotel or an outside catering service.  Alcoholic beverages are usually served including Champaign. 

2.    Living together before getting married.
Zoe:  Hey Kevin, what are you doing here?  Don't you usually spend Tuesday nights at home studying?
Kevin:  I needed to get out of the house.  My parents just went ballistic6 over something my older sister told them.
Zoe:  What did she tell them?  Is she dropping out of college?
Kevin:  Nothing that serious.  She finally told them that she moved out of the dormitory a few months ago and has been living with her boyfriend.
Zoe:  And your parents took it badly? 
Kevin:  That's putting it mildly7.  My father started shouting at my sister and my mother just glared at her. 
Zoe:  Ouch, that sounds bad.  What did your sister do?
Kevin:  She started arguing back to my dad that how much she loves her boyfriend, how they're in love and it's not hurting anybody, and so on.  My dad said she's too young to do this, and that she should move out right away.
Zoe:  How long has your sister been with her boyfriend?
Kevin:  Three years.  They've been dating since freshman year.  They're even talking about marriage.
Zoe:  Really?  Then I guess living together would be a good idea.
Kevin: What do you mean?
Zoe:  Well, these days too many people are getting divorced.  If they live together, then at least they're finding out if they're really compatible8 or not.
Kevin:  I guess so.  Better to find out now than after you're married, when it's harder to get out.
Helpful Information: 
Since the 1960’s, America has been much more tolerant of couples living together—like husbands and wives—without being married. The issue of sex before marriage is generally not as upsetting to parents as it was before.

3.   Talking about mother in laws.
Ned:  Hi, Becky, what's up?
Becky:  Not much, except that my mother-in-law is driving me up the wall9.
Ned:  What's the problem?
Becky:  She loves to nit-pick10 and criticizes everything that I do.  I can never do anything right when she 's around

Ned:  For example?
Becky:  Well, last week I invited her over to dinner.  My husband and I had no problem with the food, but if you listened to her, then it would seem like I fed her old meat and rotten11 vegetables.  There's just nothing can please her. 
Ned:  No, I can't see that happening.  I know you're a good cook and nothing like that would ever happen.
Becky:  It's not just that.  She also criticizes how we raise the kids.
Ned:  My mother-in-law used to do the same thing to us.  If it wasn't disciplining12 them enough, then we were disciplining them too much.  She also complained about the food we fed them, the schools we sent them too, and everything else under the sun13.
Becky:  You said she used to?  How did you stop her?
Ned:  We basically sat her down and told her how we felt about her constant14 criticizing, and how we welcomed her advice but hoped she'd let us do our things.  She understood, and now everything is a lot more peaceful.
Becky:  That sounds like a good idea.  I'll have to try that.

Additional Information:
Nowadays wives seldom live with their mother in laws.  So this doesn’t happen often. 

4.    Indiscretion.
Janice:  What's the matter, Lisa?  You don't look too good.
Lisa:  I just found out that my husband is cheating on15 me.
Janice:  You mean Mark?  He seems like such an honest guy.
Lisa:  That's what I thought.  It seems that he's been seeing someone else for about two months. 
Janice:  Two months?  How did you find out?
Lisa:  I asked for leave and was at home when the telephone rang.  I picked it up and a girl asked to talk to Mark.  She then asked if I was his sister, and I said no, I was his wife.  She hung up immediately. 
Janice:  So you asked him about the girl who called?
Lisa:  Yeah, he first said it was someone from work. He gave me a lame16 excuse, and so I pressed him on it. 
Janice:  What'd he do?
Lisa:  He kept trying to make stupid excuses, and then broke down17 and admitted to a small indiscretion18.
Janice:  Indiscretion?  How can an indiscretion last two months?  I mean, you two have been married for two years!  How can he do that to you? 
Lisa:  I told him I would divorce him if he wouldn’t tell me the truth or end the relationship with her.
Janice:  Good.  I totally agree with what you did.
——我剛發(fā)現(xiàn)我丈夫?qū)ξ也恢摇?br /> ——你是說馬克?他看上去像一個很誠實的男人。
——我請了假在家, 電話響了。我拿起電話,一個女孩說找馬克。然后她問我是否是馬克的姊妹,我說不是,我是他妻子。她立即掛了電話。

 4   Words and Expressions
1. groom  新郎
2. ceremony 儀式, 典禮
3. vow   誓,誓言,誓約
4. birdseed  鳥食, 鳥餌
5. bouquet 花束, 一束花
6. ballistic  彈道的
7. mildly   溫和地, 和善地
8. compatible 能共處的; 可并立的
9. drive up the wall 使...大怒 
10. nit-pick 挑剔;吹毛求疵
12. discipline 懲戒,訓(xùn)導(dǎo) 
13. under the sun   世界上
14. constant 不停的,接連不斷的,持續(xù)的
15. cheat on    (夫或妻)表現(xiàn)不忠,不貞
16. lame 站不住腳的,無說服力的
17. break down 失敗;故障
18. indiscretion 不慎重;言行失檢


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